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单词 Involve
1) The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.
2) Don't involve other people in your trouble.
3) Inventions typically involve minor improvements in technology.
4) Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.
5) What will the job involve?
6) Don't involve me in your quarrel.
7) Don't involve yourself with those people.
8) The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.
9) Please don't involve me.
10) The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,(http:///involve.html)000 troops from a dozen countries.
11) Clouds involve the mountain top.
12) A late booking may involve you in extra cost.
13) Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics.
14) Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive.
15) 90% of car accidents involve excess speed.
16) I didn't mean to involve you in all this.
17) Don't involve me in solving your problems!
18) Parents should involve themselves in their child's education.
19) What does the work involve?
20) A retrofit may involve putting in new door jambs.
21) Your job may well involve some travelling .
22) These changes will involve everyone on the staff.
23) Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute.
24) Most political questions involve morality in some form or other.
25) We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.
26) The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.
27) There is a sharp distinction between crimes which involve injury to people and those that don't.
28) Discussions should involve local people both inside and outside the school.
29) A traditional Indian custom used to involve widows burning themselves alive on their husbands' funeral pyres.
30) The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.
1) The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.
2) Don't involve other people in your trouble.
3) Inventions typically involve minor improvements in technology.
4) Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.
5) What will the job involve?
6) Don't involve me in your quarrel.
7) Don't involve yourself with those people.
8) The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.
9) The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.
10) Please don't involve me.
11) The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
12) Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute.
13) I knew what the job would involve — I went into it with my eyes open.
14) They expostulate with him about the risk involve in his plan.
31) I knew what the job would involve — I went into it with my eyes open.
32) We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
33) The kidnappers have given us explicit instructions not to involve the police.
34) The £85m programme will involve an extensive rebranding of the airline.
35) The reforms will inevitably involve a lot of new paperwork for teachers.
36) The measures to improve the health service will involve an increase in government spending.
37) This would inevitably involve his departure from the post of Prime Minister.
38) Try to involve as many children as possible in the game.
39) The company is bound by a special agreement to involve the union in important decisions.
40) Most courses involve an average of eight hours attendance at college each week.
41) It is inadvisable to involve more than one contractor on a project.
42) I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning.
43) It would be difficult not to involve the child's father in the arrangements.
44) So many films nowadays involve everyone and everything being blown to smithereens.
45) Building the tunnel would involve cutting a great swathe through the forest.
46) He is trying to involve community leaders in negotiations on reform.
47) They expostulate with him about the risk involve in his plan.
48) Many sales situations involve risk to the buyer.
49) Many mini-theories involve the r - K continuum.
50) Sampling procedures, then,() necessarily involve a series of compromises.
51) But major eruptions involve much larger amounts of energy.
52) Most defaults involve students who attend for-profit trade schools.
53) A capital project can involve an additional 100 men.
54) I am good at quizzes that involve logic 41.
55) Something that didn't involve dangerous musicians and mad acrobats.
56) Organisations involve the juxtaposition of co-operative and competitive processes.
57) They could also involve you in heavy financial commitments.
58) The work does not involve major adaptations or renovation.
59) All the other commandments involve specific actions.
60) This would involve the construction of approximately 20 new reactors.
61) This is due to be announced next month and is widely predicted to involve jobs losses and possible plant closures.
62) In summary, the pattern of change in household composition certainly does not involve a simple shrinkage from large to small units.
63) This can involve materials already in school, some supplementary materials or the careful planning of a visit or trip.
64) The idea that science does not involve causal connection also faces other difficulties, one of which can be given briefly.
65) Most e-mail-related cases involve allegations of invasion of privacy, Lippetz said.
66) Sometimes a project of this kind will involve working alongside an architect and interior designer.
67) Problems may involve complexity, criticality, conflict or indeed a combination of these problem types.
67) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
68) The Future Any Strategic Plan must involve improvement and expansion of channels of communication.
69) The most important point of departure, however, is that rights, whether moral or legal, can involve correlative duties.
70) They were explicitly instructed to involve themselves in local economic affairs, education, medical care, prisons and road maintenance.
71) All wars are brutal, but not all of them involve the mass killing of civilians.
72) The last-mentioned might involve share issues or further bank loans.
73) Thus reform could involve a clash with the vested interests of local aristocracies.
74) Imprinting and cell differentiation both involve the closing down of genes but the mechanisms are evidently distinct.
75) Administrative audits involve chefs, cooks, bakers, and other kitchen personnel.
76) Outdoor concerts are fine for country singers, provided they involve cutting and baling hay from the seating areas before hand.
77) The accident, which occurred on August 13, did not involve the release of radiation or damage to the reactor core.
78) At first glance it would seem that sport must involve a victim, which rather explains why boxing is considered sporting.
79) The picture project was part of a district wide experiment to involve children with professional artists.
80) International research tends to involve analyzing international data, rather than acquiring first-hand knowledge about international operations in other countries.
81) Talk might involve ideas of comparison of shape, size, colour or weight.
82) We will have to involve the authorities before long, but we can assuredly go there first and make our own inspection.
83) Organisational politics involve constant struggles for control, and choices of structure, technology and organisational goals are part of this process.
84) The research will involve analysis of legal documentation, synthesis of existing research and interviews with representatives of interest groups.
85) In effect, they involve a comparison of the general equilibrium of the economy with and without the government budget.
86) We shall soon see that some good search algorithms involve remembering many states.
87) Love does not involve giving fancy parcels tied up with big red bows.
88) This will involve examination of the relation of size to the various cost components.
89) A communicative approach, properly conceived, does not involve the rejection of grammar.
90) This will involve the sending of rejection letters or invitations to interview detailing time, place and other arrangements.
91) This should involve making all key decisions and even moving into your office during your absence.
92) Secondly, new fuels for the internal combustion engine which do not involve the depletion of vital and limited energy resources.
93) His conversions involve few external visible alterations or internal subdivision of rooms.
94) The study excluded cases in which defendants pleaded guilty or no contest, and it did not involve new interviews with defendants.
95) As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
96) Very few of these cases involve plaintiffs afflicted with legitimate disabilities as most of us understand the term.
97) The failure to carry out assessments and to inform and involve parents has already been covered here.
98) Coursework may be carried out individually or in groups; the latter may involve peer assessment.
99) It may also involve comparison with other professions and other occupations and not just with rewards within the organisation.
100) Other more recent tests involve direct comparison of the time-keeping of atomic clocks or of masers.
101) They also agreed to involve residents in the consultation process.
102) Serafin was proposing to involve the clerical assistant in the discussion?
103) These are vexed questions that involve the whole community in Western societies: scientists, professionals, and the general public.
104) Labour moderates win over four of the hard left by agreeing that the cuts shall involve as few compulsory redundancies as possible.
105) This did not involve the breach of any subsisting contract between Acrow and Rex Chainbelt.
106) These usually involve pupils wearing historical costume and carrying out tasks of a historical nature appropriate to the site.
107) It may involve compromises, for instance over the frequency with which comprehensive large-scale mapping data is preserved.
108) Such investigations may simply involve iterative selective alterations to the tagset used with monitoring of any improvement or degradation in performance.
109) Some adjust levels of existing taxes; some involve technical or administrative questions; a few may suggest wholly new forms of taxation.
110) For classifications involve considerations of reason and policy over and above mere empirical data.
111) Every course will involve an element of theoretical knowledge to ensure that your next trip away from the controlled environment is safe.
112) The austerity plan was likely to involve the dismissal of thousands of government employees.
113) Time is not considered in classical theories yet no experiment can be made which does not involve time.
114) To question across the boundaries of the myth systems would, of course, involve aggression and getting in touch with the latent anger.
115) But consider this, she says: Six out of 10 marriages that break up involve children.
116) There are numerous harvest customs throughout this country and abroad, and some involve burning the straw effigy of such a figure.
117) Such desires may involve coercing the woman into behaving in the way the man wants her to.
118) We were in danger of creating a system which would involve testing over far too long a period of time.
119) These advanced techniques involve partnering up with a fellow student and following a step-by-step routine of attack, defence and counter-attack.
120) Many construction projects will involve some element of loan finance.
121) The various lessons involve showing large and colourful letters on the screen, sometimes the float and bounce around.
122) All of the interesting events, like impulses, involve making currents flow, using those batteries.
123) It is his task to try to involve black leaders in negotiations on constitutional reform.
124) There had developed since Khrushchev's time policies to involve the populace more in low-level administrative activities on a voluntary basis.
125) Collection can involve a considerable time delay especially if exchange control regulations have to be satisfied.
126) Typically this will involve detailed catchment area research, and competition analysis.
127) The programme will involve stripping lead paint from housing(http:///involve.html), replacing lead water pipes and removing contaminated soil from Tehranmany areas.
128) They say Mind presumed an inquiry would involve the families and those advising them and we were astonished when it did not.
129) Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision. Erich Fromm 
130) Above all, parking must be immediately accessible to functions and must not involve crossing roads or car parks.
131) They are practical and very work specific and involve on-the-job assessments and a portfolio of work examples.
132) Most partnerships involve tentative negotiations until they find ways of communicating that suit each of their needs.
133) In addition, they can not correctly reason about concrete problems that involve many variables.
134) Hence the ubiquity of testing, and evaluation schemes which involve the assessment of teacher or student performances.
135) This will involve a detailed examination of process controls in addition to approval of the quality assurance systems.
136) These cells must be replaced and involve a process similar to that of blood cells.
137) Another novelty proposed by Alvey is the idea of demonstrator projects which would involve industry and academe in pooling their knowledge.
138) The actual process of revision will be a group or team effort and involve everyone.
139) These did not involve substantial changes, and often introduced useful clarifications and examples.
140) These tutorials involve the class teacher with whom the student worked in the previous two terms, as well as the course tutor.
141) The links may involve microwave or satellite communication in the medium to long term.
142) This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
143) That's because large events involve extra considerations you never dreamed of when doing a small conference.
144) Why do they express contempt for any correspondence theories of epistemology that involve attentive engagement with the real?
145) This will involve some such task as giving an explanation of difficulties, requesting clarification, writing an apology, etc.
146) This may involve developing life plans with the individuals for whom they are responsible in isolation from other agencies.
147) I wonder if it really will involve performing better than I have ever performed in a boat before.
148) Most serious accidents in the home involve electrical equipment or hot liquids.
149) The discussion which follows may involve comparison and the use of various mathematical ideas.
150) The surface of the brain is totally insensitive, and operations on the brain in humans commonly involve only a local anaesthetic.
151) This does involve a lot of money laid out on different colours and a lot of time to build up a collection.
152) For a fiveor six-year-old, adding will usually involve piling up beans, buttons, or nuts.
153) Unlike sleep, rest does not involve an alteration in conscious level.
154) In other words, they can easily be converted into cash but may involve some loss.
155) Frequently the stresses involve a combination of these different levels.
156) Similarly the scientific accounts of children's language development involve consideration of the nature of bilingualism in psycholinguistic terms.
157) Proceedings under the Children Act 1989 are civil but may involve allegations of very serious misconduct.
158) This will involve a brief discussion of the approach known in contemporary philosophy as functionalism.
159) Now, however, it seems that the route to success may once again involve going back to basics.
160) It goes without saying that almost invariably the instances of animal behaviour that we find ourselves discussing involve adult creatures.
161) A politically-controversial alternative would involve importing low-sulphur coal from overseas.
162) Sadly, most soccer sims just involve hoofing it up the pitch and loads of chasing aimlessly after the ball.
163) To write a biography of another can involve one in autobiography.
164) The preverbal identifications of the Imaginary involve identifications based on symbiotic fusion with the primary caretaker.
165) Full appreciation of place will involve exploration of the inter-relationships among the physical environment, the built environment, and the people.
166) Thus conservation programmes must involve integration between upland and lowland agricultural systems.
167) Higher level tasks could involve using extraneous knowledge to reach conclusions.
168) Miller, now a financial consultant, confirmed the deal would involve buying the whole club.
169) The extension of the method to aggregate data on nation states will certainly follow, but will involve more complicated techniques.
170) The first signs of breeding will probably involve some serious digging activity, often round the bases of the rocks.
171) Flexible working may apply to this job and would involve the successful applicant working on average one and half hours per week.
172) Theorists carried out the calculations for the routes which involve emitting one or two gluons in the early 1980s.
173) Most bankruptcies involve couples who jointly file a petition to have their debts wiped out.
174) And most accidents involve children under the age of 5.
175) This would involve the creation of the world's longest and deepest electrical transmission line.
176) The regional attorney general's office is investigating corruption allegations against the university's former rector that involve millions of dollars.
177) His ideas for change would involve some regrouping of staff, and some need for training with new computer software.
178) It should not involve a fundamental alteration of the position's particular requirements.
179) The print itself is featureless and does nothing visually to capture the attention or involve the emotions.
180) Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind has warned any offensive ground action would involve more than 100,000 men and lead to heavy casualties.
181) Second-year units involve both a treatment of general theories and concepts, and discussions of more concrete and practical issues such as Women.
182) Training methods involve repeating these combinations until the juxtaposition of foot, hip and shoulder becomes automatic.
183) The role of carer Caring can involve a variety of roles, not all of which can be comfortably accommodated.
184) Finally, such medical care will generally involve invasive drug therapy.
185) The early experiments involve simple angular measurement of the coordinates of celestial objects for star positions, planetary motions etc.
186) The doctor has to make choices, and choices should involve principles.
187) They involve the same exfoliating, cleansing, toning and moisturising routines as facials.
187) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188) Practical implications Almost all constructive dismissal cases involve an unfair dismissal claim.
189) Permission to sell a commission or permission to purchase one was again something which might involve the intervention of a politician.
190) Intimacy is marked by cycles of encounter and withdrawal which ideally involve trusting in absence, as well as communing in each other's presence.
191) This will involve a large number of managers, some further external help, and considerable debate.
192) What is more, protein from plants can be cheap and need not involve you in too much radical diet change.
193) The job will involve budgeting and decision-making, as well as managing the project.
194) So we agreed on a step-by-step approach that would closely involve the raftbuilders of Sam Son.
195) This problem also arises in reformulations which do not involve apposition markers as such.
196) Both geometric correction and image registration involve lengthy and time-consuming operations, taking several hours on a minicomputer.
197) The Eladeldi were never known to involve themselves in medical matters. In the absence of understanding, superstitions proliferated.
198) Computers are widely used because cost estimating may involve complex mathematical calculations and require advanced mathematical techniques.
199) What happens after you die? Lot's of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you. Louis C.K. 
200) Network programs that involve remote file transfer are especially susceptible to eavesdroppers gaining access to the contents of files.
201) One way to help this process is to involve all staff affected by computer systems in the computing process.
202) Furthermore, science is not supposed to involve the kinds of compromises on political and financial grounds that this controversy has involved.
203) Nor does this case involve any accredited representative of a foreign state in this country.
204) The later stages of arm control involve lifting the hemiplegic arm and controlling it in space while bending and straightening the elbow.
205) These, as we now know, involve everything from environmental considerations to limits on the working hours of employees.
206) However, where the transfer is pursuant to a court order or does not otherwise involve consideration.
207) Many types of nonthermal escape involve ions.
208) First meetings always involve this tentative kind of exploration.
209) If at all possible, testing should involve non-production systems.
210) All Chopin's works involve the piano, solo or accompanied.
211) "We can see these platforms being used for a range of research projects which involve aerial photography, mapping, or the monitoring of our weather systems, " says Mr Bennett.
212) Involve with the control of sales price, cost and expense for reaching the company's goals.
213) Ramos invented the Sympathetic Wands and created a fascinating variety of effects with it: effects that involve levitation, animation and Telekinesis .
214) One, the enterprise is fore-and-aft and attrib border any products or service involve theory activity of quite a few.
215) The process of reflection does not in itself involve any energy loss.
216) But a simple understanding of patterns can be a stepping stone to strategy development as many of the most successful trading strategies involve more complex pattern recognition methodologies.
217) In pursuit of romantic love,(http:///involve.html) men may feel discouraged from pursuits that are stereotypically "female" -- those that involve being nurturing and communal.
218) The safety of medical procedures and other activities that involve contact with blood, such as tattooing and circumcision, can be improved by routinely sterilising equipment.
219) We the job here finished entirely, two systems butt joint, involve certain amount.
220) Their suggestion is that confabulation often doesn't involve memory at all. Rather, they say it reflects a basic inability to select the appropriate mental process for the task at hand.
221) Buss - Twachtmann says that , when sorting out emotions, it helps to involve your partner.
222) Run from opposite directions Niu Zhuang and battalion mouth are northeastern before port the position in cabotage, the article also has involve.
223) One of GM's current cost cutting options involve closing the Shreveport, Louisiana plant and expanding capacity at the Rayong, Thailand plant to allow for export of the Colorado to the United States.
224) Average tactics of implicit decision-making involve self-reflection, incubation, reinforcement and mental imagery.
225) I think that most applications of WordNet in semantic transparency involve working with pointers.
226) These changes do not involve a straightforward switch to vans for those postmen and women who have previously used bicycles.
227) He also hopes to involve the public in decoding the waggle dances online at a later stage of the four-year project.
228) These questions primarily involve labor norm, production management, incentive system.
229) The Siemens agreement is the first to involve a financial settlement(), a World Bank spokesman said.
230) Involve children in shopping and selecting ripe fruits and vegetables at your local green market or grocery store.
231) Obviously, its appearance and development involve two parts: the demander and the supplier.
232) Autophagy, appears to involve an active participation of the vacuolar membranes.
233) Quantitative approaches to forecasting involve the use of statistical or mathematical technique; they are the approaches used by theoreticians and professional planners.
234) Circuitry design and analysis must involve antenna gain in satellite communications.
235) Personal communications, such as a telephone conversation between two people or a facsimile (fax) message, usually involve point-to-point transmission.
236) The action plan can involve materials from the design document, specific code components, the development process, or the test methodology.
237) For others, addiction can involve illegal activities such as exhibitionism , voyeurism, obscene phone calls, child molestation or rape.
238) The interface between the under-floor wheel lathe and the rolling stock should involve machining object and precision and the type of bold-down unit.
239) Unfortunately these techniques often involve breaking up data at the block level and redistributing it, or deleting it based on meta-data tables.
240) The guidance model feeds project- specific architectural decision models in a tailoring step that might involve deleting irrelevant issues, enhancing relevant ones, or adding new issues.
241) While the most extreme cases involve smaller, less developed countries, the same distribution also applies to more developed ones—and with much larger absolute values for GDP loss.
242) A single Test task can involve updating the test plan, creating test cases, creating test scripts, and running the tests.
243) These improvements involve new Filters Generation Module, new Hardware Algorithm Supportive Interface, the refinement on the Statistics Collection and Query(STAT) Module and the console.
244) Studies involve examination of the parent material, the heat-affected zone, the weld metal, and the interfaces between all metals involved.
245) The major difference between aio and posixaio is that the two involve different parameter passing, so you really need to configure both.
246) But queries that involve only nicknames have only very limited opportunities for such asynchrony 2.
247) If our personal road transport is destined to be in a futuristic bubble, then maybe our air travel could involve a similarly cosseted pod-like experience.
248) They might involve multithreading, or they might simply provide an entry point for synchronous updates.
249) Scope, dem and that problem definition the part of and certain system involve the function that complete, complete the function the data that need.
250) Dietary electrolyte balance affect involve to significantly nutrient metabolism, animal health and growth rate.
251) The problems involve the computation of the prior probability distribution for each possible world and the similarity between possible worlds.
252) We propose that any future therapy would involve turning off p21 transiently during the healing process and only locally at the wound site.
253) CPA's auditing business involve two legal relations, one is contract relation between the bailer and CPA, another is a special trustful relation between CPA and the users.
254) Tolerance design for assembly (TDFA) techniques essentially involve in two kinds of issues, assembly tolerance analysis and assembly tolerance synthesis.
255) Events like trap , skeet and double trap involve the clay pigeon.
256) Both the sculpture and architecture belong to plastic art. They involve three-dimensionality, space and object.
257) In various embodiments, the manufacturing may involve molding a hardenable dental material in a mold cavity that may be lined with a mold liner.
258) Although superstitions involve beliefs and practices, they are usually transmitted as sayings.




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