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单词 Furthermore
1) I don't want to go there, furthermore, I have no time to do so.
2) He is lazy, and furthermore, he has no sense of responsibility.
3) He is old and unpopular. Furthermore, he has at best only two years of political life ahead of him.
4) Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.
5) Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
6) Furthermore, immune responses to tubercle bacilli are extraordinarily complicated.
7) Furthermore, they had not consulted with her.
8) Furthermore, sports collectibles require certificates of authenticity in California.
9) Furthermore, the theory of rhetoric can have practical application.
10) Furthermore any serious defect is seen and rejected.
11) Furthermore,[http:///furthermore.html] quality control of production is considerably enhanced.
12) Furthermore, the electronic media are by their nature democratic.
13) Furthermore, he was precariously balanced and might fall.
14) Furthermore, class relations take distinct forms within societies.
15) Furthermore, the eatery is no longer incorporated, he said.
16) Furthermore, there was no affidavit explaining their absence.
17) Furthermore, intercurrent disease may affect nutrient levels.
18) Furthermore, there were many illegal abortions before the Act.
19) Furthermore, dietary manipulation studies have shown that high fat intake can increase faecal bile acid excretion.
20) Furthermore, in times of economic constraints, the incorporation of aspects of an economics-based strategy may be beneficial.
21) Furthermore, such modes of discussion are expected to conform also to the rules of professional literacy discourse.
22) Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
23) Furthermore, there appears to be a total absence of dentine, which is unexpected if conodonts are vertebrates.
24) Furthermore, bats go to great lengths to avoid confrontations with people.
25) Furthermore, these viewpoints in this problem situation are very emotive as they have moral and political overtones.
26) Furthermore, developmental psychologists found evidence that self-recognition correlates with empathy.
27) Furthermore, the job description is also vitally important so that candidates then know what is required.
28) Furthermore, the practice of good dermatology does not depend solely on adequate eyesight and clinical expertise.
29) I don't like her because she is too tall and furthermore she smokes too much.
30) I suggest we use Barkers as our main suppliers - they're good and furthermore they're cheap.
1) I don't want to go there, furthermore, I have no time to do so.
2) He is lazy, and furthermore, he has no sense of responsibility.
3) I don't like her because she is too tall and furthermore she smokes too much.
4) Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
31) Furthermore, science proceeds as if each successive theory is true, or an approximation to the truth.
32) Furthermore, none of the considerations I have adduced suggest that political violence will rapidly diminish, still less disappear.
33) Furthermore, its integration with other desktop applications allows it to be used as a powerful document transmission system.
34) Furthermore, the particles act as nuclei for droplets of water vapour.
35) Furthermore, they are unlikely to find their complete family history ready to be downloaded at the click of a mouse.
36) Furthermore, psychiatry has been affected by the general reduction in admission beds.
37) Furthermore, it is clear from the accident records that the casualty rate is higher in each age group.
38) Furthermore, most people actually believe that they will feel and behave differently under hypnosis.
39) Only so, furthermore, will he have the ability to compete with his contemporaries in what is a world-wide competition.
40) Furthermore, I often took detours to avoid sand which the Land Rover had gone through using its four wheel drive.
40) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41) Furthermore, the public is told that ail similarities to dolphins are purely coincidental.
42) There is, furthermore, substantial empirical evidence of variations in local policy outputs.
43) Furthermore, Conservation moves are very effective in this sector and solar energy is very suitable for water heating needs.
44) Furthermore, they would be viewed as a single entity from a collections point of view.
45) Furthermore, the total rate of production of deleterious mutations and their pattern of age-specificity are unknown.
46) Furthermore, differentiation was evident among small retailers, with some sellers employing others to work for them.
47) A little religion is thought, furthermore, to be the way to reduce crime and promote a stable society.
48) Furthermore many serious injury and disease states are not accompanied by inevitable pain.
49) Furthermore, it made the emergence of a countrywide nationalist movement possible.
50) Furthermore, Geophysics forms an excellent background for those concerned with the control and development of our environment.
51) Furthermore, all these colours and actions can be understood if they are studied closely enough.
52) Furthermore, one way of saving money has been to allow larger classes, with severe overcrowding in some urban primary classrooms.
53) Furthermore, the detectives are no longer in that basic symbol of police identity - the uniform.
54) Furthermore, it is perceived to have an educative and symbolic function as well as a practical one.
55) Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.
56) Furthermore, because alcohol and other mood-altering chemicals are cross-addictive, we shall probably always have drug addiction as well.
57) Furthermore, should the unit go in before or after my chorus and delay pedals?
58) Furthermore, a temporary local heroin drought was created in the borough.
59) Furthermore, that overtone was of deep concern to all colonizing nations troubled about the issue of racial contact and race mixture.
60) Furthermore, health authorities could no longer discharge patients without an individual care plan being approved and agreed with the local authority.
61) Furthermore, preparation of students to work as church musicians without regard to their religious convictions can lead to confusion or insincerity.
62) Furthermore it can permit coal use in boilers originally designed to burn oil without substantial derating.
63) Furthermore, a careful history and physical examination permit a confident diagnosis that stands up over time.
64) Furthermore, the lift generated will act in a diametrically opposite direction when the rotation of the cylinder is reversed.
65) Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.
66) Furthermore, the shifting definition of an Elandsklower included and later excluded certain individuals from the register.
67) Furthermore, who told the stories about whom seemed to bear some relation to the conventional pecking order.
68) Furthermore, the fact that the old person is alone, especially at night, is a constant source of anxiety.
69) Furthermore, Mr Shove was entitled to charge the company for private petrol.
70) Furthermore,[] Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection.
71) Furthermore, the causes of fuelwood scarcity must seem remote and diffuse to the average urban dweller.
72) Furthermore, the biological factors which predispose certain individuals towards a depletion of these neurotransmitters have not yet been established.
73) Furthermore, the predicted heterosexual epidemic in Britain has not yet happened.
74) Furthermore, in 1975 an executive who suffered emotional distress after being demoted was awarded £500 compensation.
75) Furthermore, the packets were too costly for the average people to buy, conflicting with the second criterion.
76) Furthermore, both self and not self-and the various divisions of each that I have outlined-may be imbued with affective connotations.
77) Furthermore, the use of subsidies needs to be clarified and directed more towards rural electricity and renewable energy.
78) Furthermore, building enough to replace sufficient coal-fired stations to meet the draft EC Directive meant an impossible construction programme.
79) Furthermore, it was plain that the provision contemplated deduction from each instalment as it was paid.
80) Furthermore, the Report contains a full historic, economic and social critique of consumer credit and proposed a new legal framework.
81) Furthermore, interest on the bonds of state and local governments is exempt from the Federal income tax.
82) Furthermore, a monograph of any large tropical group will show varying degrees of recognition of the ecological requirements of different species.
83) Furthermore, as we have seen in the discussion of Marxist accounts, monocausal explanations do not provide particularly convincing arguments.
84) Furthermore, former Communist bureaucrats, transformed into free market operators, are in many cases already running the new privatized enterprises.
85) Furthermore, family stories, including myths, are well equipped to lull us.
86) Furthermore, one of his main attributes is the capacity to link to other gangs and their leaders.
87) Furthermore, this increase is entirely explained by the aging of the population between the two censuses.
88) Furthermore, other ecosystems have suffered greater damage than the Amazon.
89) Furthermore, the Conservative Party was, it argued, the only party fit to assume this role.
90) Furthermore, our data suggest that we can not be complacent about the risks of tuberculosis in the white population.
91) Furthermore, he may not be fully in command of national policies.
92) Furthermore, the same acoustic information can be perceived differently depending on its higher-level context.
93) Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
94) Furthermore, cultured mononuclear cells isolated from inflammatory bowel disease mucosa spontaneously secrete large amounts of IgG.
95) Furthermore, toxoplasma-specific in-vitro antibody production appears several months before the onset of encephalitis.
96) That room, furthermore, contained the violin, diplomas and medals which belonged to brother Carl.
97) Furthermore, it is also used to denote a belief in the uncontrollable and wildly sensual nature of women.
98) Furthermore, it may be difficult to allocate expenditure and income for the period.
99) Furthermore, women are not tied to the kitchen sink in the way often caricatured by feminist writers.
100) Furthermore,[http:///furthermore.html] they were in debt 5/5 though that was carried forward to their next account.
101) Furthermore, the importance of predation can be seen as yet another element in the disturbance picture.
102) Furthermore, respiratory and bowel motion cause movement artefacts that frequently degrade the image.
103) Furthermore diarrhoea or weight loss were absent in a considerable proportion of infected patients.
104) Furthermore if Grimbergen is closed, where do the present 150 plus light aircraft presently based there go?
105) Furthermore, the higher concentrations used in this study reflect total bile salt concentrations in human colon.
106) Furthermore, Picasso was anxious to present in each image as much essential information about the subject as he could.
107) Furthermore, they found that female clerical workers were much less likely to achieve promotion than their male counterparts.
108) Furthermore, the unfavourable climate may have repercussions on the general attitudes to the black population in the United Kingdom.
109) Furthermore, the City of Detroit is the chief benefactor of much indirect revenue sharing.
110) Furthermore, the pure climatic-geomorphological point of view involves two basic assumptions, which one would hesitate to make.
111) Furthermore, he saw incompatibility in Britain spending large sums on atomic weapons whilst accepting Marshall Aid.
112) Furthermore, min is equivalent to, so the problem becomes P4.
113) Furthermore, there were no psychologists around to devise tests of mental faculties.
114) Furthermore, the value of editorial can not be quantified against equivalent advertising cost because of the greater credibility of editorial.
115) Furthermore, its flexibility and power of movement are considerably greater, so that less power is needed to deliver a blow.
116) Furthermore, a claim of discrimination can be brought by some one who lacks the necessary qualifying service for unfair dismissal rights.
117) Furthermore, the detailed picture is much more complicated than the trajectory might suggest.
118) Furthermore, food productivity has been buoyant throughout the recent decades.
119) Furthermore, Brook has also developed a good working relationship with other voluntary groups and welfare organisations.
120) Furthermore, there were no differences in serum cholesterol values in patients with different tumour grades.
121) Furthermore women are now sought after by the unions which are themselves trying to raise women's consciousness.
122) Furthermore, it is said, a defensive strategy based on such weapons effectively rules out the actual use of nuclear weapons.
123) Furthermore, much of the writing and even foreign staff in conservation institutions are derived directly from colonial administrations.
124) Furthermore, the costs of entering the housing market have risen substantially.
125) Furthermore, he had an acute sense of deviation from the norm in any society.
126) Furthermore, it had no effective way to discipline itself on expenditures.
127) Furthermore, with cursive handwriting, words are difficult to segment into the constituent letters.
128) Furthermore, if firms pursue objectives other than profit maximisation then the picture becomes even less clear-cut.
129) Furthermore, the need to win air superiority over the battlefield was as vital as ever.
130) Furthermore,[http:///furthermore.html] the items selected will usually have rich meanings within specific cultural contexts.
131) Furthermore, long-standing untreated gonorrhoea and syphilis cause joint swelling and inflammation with the gradual erosion of complete joints in severe cases.
132) Furthermore, most of these people are among the most faithful newspaper and magazine readers.
133) Furthermore inside his organization his prescience produced bonds of intense devotion and trust.
134) Furthermore, what the men express echoes the sentiments of soldiers in wars throughout history.
135) Furthermore they are exceptionally ambitious in the language, skill and concepts they expect young children to acquire.
136) Furthermore, there is great danger that people from such backgrounds will be deterred from applying for educational courses in the future.
137) Furthermore, these socio-economic factors combined to make the female nude a complicated carrier of meaning.
138) Furthermore, its fairly large leaves change their aspect during the growth cycle and even fold up at times.
139) Furthermore, there were many differences of opinion regarding the question of just how contagious leprosy was and how it was transmitted.
140) Furthermore, even a mere increase in general intelligence might not necessarily have led to the evolution of language.
141) Furthermore, a valuation merely provides assurance that the transaction was not at an under value but is not a defence.
142) Furthermore, the competitive market system would seem to provide an environment conducive to the rapid diffusion of a technological advance.
143) Furthermore, these forms of behaviour are not simply direct responses to external stimuli.
144) Furthermore, rectal biopsy specimens were obtained from each twin in whom sigmoidoscopy could be carried out.
145) Furthermore, unless all students are required to recite the Pledge, there is no violation of the free exercise clause either.
146) Furthermore, can we be sure of the actions of local commanders?
147) Furthermore, public-key cryptography can be used for sender authentication, known as digital signatures.
148) Furthermore, future international progress towards peace seemed likely to remain contingent on the strength and durability of the Uprising.
149) Furthermore, school supervision of the activities is precisely the kind of entanglement that is impermissible under constitutional precedents.
150) Furthermore, critical theory departs form positivism in understanding the facts of culture in terms of a social totality.
151) Furthermore they may be different ones from other bilateral or multilateral agencies, making a coordinated national conservation programme rather difficult.
152) Furthermore, there is concern about foodstuffs imported from newly endemic areas.
153) Furthermore, I am tired of hearing complaints that Tucson is a low-wage, service-based economy city.
154) Furthermore, there are good grounds for assuming that the distinction between sentence processing and discourse processing is by no means a clear one.
155) In the modern age, furthermore, the role of congress has been undermined by the special needs of this policy arena.
156) Furthermore, parents can inquire about the curriculum within particular disciplines.
157) Furthermore, those rules are based on general principles which apply to all armed conflicts and means of warfare.
158) Furthermore, he admitted to having given the ethics panel untrue information when it investigated those projects.
159) Furthermore, this principle of doing through not forcing informs every discipline of the Far East having to do with effective action.
160) Furthermore,[http:///furthermore.html] there were other reasons why a general dictionary was to be preferred over the domain-specific dictionaries.
161) Furthermore, training provision is being expanded into areas such as International Trade and Management.
162) Furthermore, the Brewery loan repayments were re-negotiated and special discounts arranged on the goods they supplied.
163) Furthermore, even the cherished college diploma no longer guarantees success.
164) Furthermore, there is no management consultant to call if things go awry.
165) Furthermore, such migrated oil is likely to have been displaced by subsequent migrating gas.
166) Furthermore, despite similarities between capitalist and state socialist industrial production, there are significant differences.
167) Furthermore, there is already a perception that the decks are stacked at the disciplinary tribunals.
168) Furthermore, successive governments have appeared to accept this definition of ethnic relations as largely a question of immigration control.
169) By 1812-13 Rundell was furthermore actively engaged in buying a steam engine for a diamond-cutting subsidiary in Spitalfields.
170) Furthermore, we should have a shared understanding of the rules of discourse about such subjects.
171) Furthermore, Safe Streets would hardly be applicable in Tortolita, where there are few streets and fewer gangsters.
172) Furthermore, I don't think the pay differentials in Grades 4 and above properly reflect the job's responsibilities.
173) Furthermore, the current state of the property market encourages landowners and both existing and prospective tenants to strike complex deals.
174) Furthermore, race is not a significant factor in the minimum wage calculation.
175) Furthermore, changes in immunoreactivity of fos can be correlated with the severity of the disease state in an arthritic model.
176) Furthermore, the exhaust gases have trouble exiting the engine bell in a smooth and linear flow.
177) Furthermore, Ishmael is alive because he alone did not assign specific meanings to events.
178) Furthermore each living thing, plant and animal reacts and competes with other members of its species.
179) Furthermore, the differences become even more disparate as the complexity of the vocabulary and sentences increase.
180) Furthermore, the chancery clerks or council clerks who kept the records and serviced parliament were also clerics.
181) Furthermore, the accomplished player must be able to produce golf of an exceptional quality to receive the reward for his skills.
182) Furthermore, these policies must aim at ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy these aspects of health.
183) Furthermore, the results will be relevant to educational psychology, socialization process, child rearing and moral development.
184) The monarch is, furthermore, more than merely a part of Parliament under the constitution of the United Kingdom.
185) Furthermore, the physical environment shapes the experience of the soldiers involved to an exceptional degree.
186) Furthermore the smaller particle size would reduce the collisions with the heater banks and reduce the slagging.
187) Furthermore, there is an emerging tension between professional aspirations and managerial imperatives.
188) Furthermore, it was at that time that Mesopotamian myths began to appear of men created by gods to be their slaves.
189) Furthermore there were minimal chances for urban or industrial employment in the vicinity.
190) Furthermore, science is not supposed to involve the kinds of compromises on political and financial grounds that this controversy has involved.
191) Furthermore, many patients given streptokinase produce neutralising antibodies after the first exposure, which reduces effectiveness on subsequent use.
192) Furthermore, it had been alarmed at local initiatives taken in the immediate aftermath of the June war.
193) Furthermore, there are particular reasons which impel me to that conclusion.
194) Furthermore, the transference from Worcester to Lincoln of the concept of a ten-bayed concentric chapter house took place about 1225.
195) Furthermore, the nature of political authority in representative democracies means that governments are bound by doctrines of accountability.
196) Furthermore, many clerics in the eighteenth century held modest livings though they too occupied a position of privilege in society.
197) Furthermore, assess the impact of their cash-flow practices on your own relationship with customers and suppliers alike.
198) Furthermore, no significant differences between treatments were found for recurrent ischaemia or non-fatal reinfarction.
199) Furthermore, there was no appreciable research under way that promised better medical treatment in the future.
200) Objective To recognize furthermore the acral lentiginous melanoma.
201) Furthermore, minerals refuse to be misused again.
202) Furthermore, applying organic fertilizer improved the smoking quality.
203) Furthermore, I will augment the sum to one million.
204) Furthermore, the work flow was irregular.
205) Furthermore, the weather condition should be considered.
206) Furthermore, venting ending time may require slight readjustment.
207) Furthermore, glomerular damaged showed a significant correlation with tubular DNA damage in proliferatie GN.
208) Furthermore, unsanitary conditions in homes and hospitals exposed mothers and their babies to serious infections.
209) Furthermore, characters on some popular network sitcoms inhabit all - white worlds.
210) Furthermore , both cmax and AUC increased in proportional to the dosages.
211) Furthermore, the balance of power and free ride behavior both maintain international system.
212) Furthermore , if the starting time of operation mechanism is late, the contact will fall back seriously.
213) Furthermore, the relationship between randomization deceleration probability and the traffic density was taken into account.
214) Furthermore , cultivating and raising students'ability of performance is an important link of percussion instrument teaching.
215) Furthermore we carry on Jhe intensity analysis of the major part of the shock absorber.
216) Furthermore, central bankswill now be more intricately involved in the unwinding of the creditmess.
217) Furthermore we investigate the resource allocation and price dynamics, and presents economic implication of the indeterminacy.
218) Furthermore, most of the limitations of social structure were established before we are born.
219) Furthermore and breed excellent beer yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisia ) with modern high pressure biological technology.
220) Furthermore, the optimal working parameters of MF process can be obtained.
221) Furthermore, TFS, PSD, Kc, PSE and WE shown different responses corresponding different hand act imagination.
222) Furthermore, his administrative relation is still associated with the work unit.
223) Furthermore, the reciprocity of peg and soil is equaled to pole - spring model.
224) Furthermore , the ice - storage technology can reduce the operating cost of air - conditioning systems.
225) Furthermore, the stress - strain curves and stress relaxation behavior of EPDM vulcanizates was also studied.
226) Furthermore, we imitate gecko's movement, and try to design applicable mechanism and control gecko robot's behavior.
227) Furthermore, of course, when it comes to indulging and tolerance, stoic often catch themselves into dilemma.
228) Furthermore, the undrained mechanical behavior of the porous chalk has been studied.
229) Furthermore , scores of other Kuomintang divisions are heading for the Liberated Areas.
230) Furthermore, provision must be made to stop the spool if, for any reason , the winder stops.
231) Difficult to conduct act as good person to be furthermore doubly difficult.
232) Furthermore, these cells had transformed themselves into the insulin - producing islet beta cells.
233) Furthermore, rapid manufacturing technology of silicone rubber mould also gains extensive attentions.
234) Conctusions: the Psychomotor epilepsy and the Psychoses must give distinguish, furthermore it is practicable.
235) Furthermore, the applications and the reference of Lurgi's process were particularized.
236) Furthermore, the market's technical patterns have emerged a clear Straddle conversion.
237) Furthermore, this set claims to cover the Moorish armies, who again would have a characteristic look.
238) Furthermore, the heavy lifting in Iraq and Afghanistan is being done by the Army and Marines.
239) Furthermore, machining method of prime number teeth gear beyond 100 is expatiated.
240) Furthermore, we can customize the pleating production line of different specifications.
241) Furthermore, the frequency of snoring was significantly associated with HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, adiponectin , and leptin.
242) Furthermore, this series is the first one in which patients have been distributed according to quartile.
243) Furthermore, true simultaneous execution of multiple threads is possible on a multiprocessor machine.
244) Furthermore , unsullied whiteness refers to cleanliness and courtesy. Therefore , white gloves give passengers good impression.
245) Furthermore, advances in medical management have increased life expectancy and also patients with orthopaedic injuries.
246) Furthermore, almost all socialising among friends is done in restaurants as apartments are small.
247) Furthermore, the influence of Qin - Han Period thought for later times manifests the thought of Yi - ology.
248) Furthermore, we must save with the paper, does not use the throwaway chopsticks and the cup.
249) The invention furthermore discloses a transmission terminal of the uplink multiple - antenna in the TDD system.
250) Furthermore,[] the character of advanced steel products and the development of manufacturing technology were summarily recommended.
251) Furthermore, the major disadvantage of the field - oriented control is its sensitivity to rotor time constant variation.
252) Furthermore, the rheological characteristics and embossing flow theory of LPMC were studied.
253) His speech seems to have no original ideas, furthermore it's full of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions.
254) Furthermore, investment in firms with low - quality is for payoff, not for reputation.
255) Furthermore, in other pieces of Wen Xin Diao Long, there are also abundant historiography comments.
256) Furthermore, fund age and turnover rate affected also the fund performance negatively.
257) Furthermore zooplankton indication of the Yellow Sea Warm Current ( YSWC ) in winter was discussed.
258) Furthermore a parametric design method based on feather bas been put forward.
259) Furthermore, precipitate of Nb in deformed austenite is more helpful for DEFT.
260) Furthermore, his system had not a single wipeout in 20 years of back testing.
261) Furthermore, by contrary, the breaking effect of Snailase was better than that of Lysozyme.
262) Furthermore, the time of plagioclase time distribution can be found by terrane age detection.
263) Furthermore, it has a small action time and large impedance.
264) Furthermore the harmfulness of wave wash are also discussed and protective measure are brung forward.
265) Furthermore, the factors that might affect the reliability and validity in neuropsychological assessment are discussed.
266) Furthermore, literature and law can give voice to people who have been traditionally silenced.
267) Furthermore, a new detecting edge method based on minimum the measures of fuzziness principle is presented.
268) Furthermore , it's same to the Homo sapiens apolipoprotein J ( CLU ) gene sequence in GenBank ( DQ 012938 ).
269) Furthermore, it is necessary to legalize habitation in civil law and to make it more concrete.
270) Furthermore, they heal with incredible speed, even to the point of regenerating damaged internal organs.
271) Furthermore, the improved algorithm achieves the shift - acceleration of patterns and flexibly controls the step length.
272) Furthermore , it can also stimulate proliferation and differentiation of periodontal ligament cell.
273) Furthermore, the corresponding program has been prepared with FORTRAN language.
274) Furthermore , we research correlative database theory from every idiographic tache of the digitization modeling.
275) Furthermore, we need to generate goodwill between the office staff and the other employees.
276) Furthermore, in condition of many obstacles, a discussion about optimization path is also presented.
277) Furthermore , HS resulted in higher leaf temperature than CK.
278) Furthermore[sentence dictionary], the unknowable God must be conceived to be an indivisible unity.
279) Infection spreads through the foot and furthermore , this infection leads to gangrene.
280) Furthermore, we will propose a 1 - D IIR filter in spatiotemporal domain for object tracking.
281) Furthermore an enable signal is received via another serial control line ( SEN ).
282) Furthermore, the algorithm has local quadratic convergence under suitable assumptions.
283) Furthermore, some researchers began to study the scale up of this technology.
284) Furthermore , if males do mate with transsexual individuals, they deliver relatively few sperm to them.
285) He is inefficient, and furthermore he is innocent of any sense of responsibility.
286) Furthermore, some formulas entered nano ferric oxide can largely improve the effect of infrared extinction.
287) Furthermore, ecomat can increase the photo synthetic rate and transpiration rate of Panicled Goldraintree koelreuteha paniculata.
288) Furthermore, the noise spectrums of the ball valve in cavitation and cavitation cass are measured.
289) Furthermore, household incomes were restricted by land tenure and distribute institutional.
290) Furthermore, the structure, shielding and error of current transducer are discussed.
291) Swordfish steak is not on the menu today; furthermore, it is out of season now.
292) Furthermore, it teaches us to love all sentient beings equally.




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