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单词 Civilian
1. Every effort is being made to minimize civilian casualties.
2. The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear.
3. Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable.
4. Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
5. A civilian was killed by a stray bullet.
6. Government aircraft have been bombing civilian areas.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Civilian targets were bombed in reprisal.
8. There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.
9. The handover to civilian government has been delayed.
10. He was a recipient of the Civilian Service Award.
11. The civilian junta appointed a prime minister.
12. The army began to retaliate against the civilian population.
13. The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.
14. He left the army and returned to civilian life.
15. They bombed military and civilian targets.
16. Every effort is being made to minimise civilian casualties.
17. We're not going after civilian targets.
18. He is in charge of the civilian side of the UN mission.
19. Troops were sent in(), ostensibly to protect the civilian population.
20. Civilian trap in the beleaguer city has been airlifted to safety.
21. Opponents of the war say that civilian villages have been struck several times.
22. She was asked whether a civilian government should seek retribution against military officers involved in human rights abuses.
23. The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister.
24. The soldiers were in civilian clothes, to make their presence less obtrusive.
25. Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to civilian life.
26. The Council has set out a timetable for returning to civilian rule.
27. The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.
28. The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.
29. Following the fall of the military dictator in March, the country has had a civilian government.
30. In 1987 the Socialists took the unprecedented step of appointing a civilian to command the force.
1. Every effort is being made to minimize civilian casualties.
2. The overall extent of civilian casualties remained unclear.
3. The Council has set out a timetable for returning to civilian rule.
4. The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.
5. Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable.
6. The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
31. The army has been criticized for attacking the unarmed civilian population.
32. The civilian population were suffering greatly at the hands of the security forces.
33. At the end of my term of enlistment I decided to return to civilian life.
34. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
35. Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.
36. They're on trial for committing atrocities against the civilian population./civilian.html
37. It was difficult to return to civilian life after ten years in the military.
38. Strenuous efforts were made throughout the war to disguise the scale of civilian casualties.
39. Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure.
40. He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.
41. Throughout the war, there were horrific casualties amongst the civilian populations of both countries.
42. They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
43. The army has proved ineffective in protecting the civilian population.
44. The Order of Merit is the highest civilian honour that can be conferred on someone.
45. UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
46. The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year.
47. He denied that giving civilian tasks to the NATO forces was a case of mission creep.
48. The UN continued to call for a return to civilian rule.
49. Most of the civilian casualties were incurred here.
50. Get a graduate degree at a civilian university.
51. In return they got help with civilian nuclear power.
52. He flinched at the civilian word.
53. He was drafted into civilian service by missy Peckha.
54. The constable was on leave and wearing civilian clothes.
55. There were no figures given for civilian casualties.
56. There you have the original civilian population of cyberspace.
57. Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs.
58. Elvis Grbac was in civilian clothes.
59. Other revelations serve as cautionary tales about the importance of subordinating military officials to civilian authority.
60. To the outsider, the civilian, beat work was directed at controlling the street population.
61. He reaffirmed the government's commitment to its programme to return the country to democratic civilian rule on schedule in 1992.
62. The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.
63. Among the civilian victims have been members of peasant communities and rural cooperatives who refused to join or support Sendero Luminoso.
64. In the Republican zone, power remained in civilian hands and democratic forms were maintained until the end.
65. Many Church leaders criticized the military for its attacks on civilian populations.
66. I don't care what you do with the other bods but see that the civilian gets some attention, will you?
66. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
67. Some one with greater political vision might have seen the end of hostilities as the right moment to substitute civilian for military leadership.
68. Civilian activists are positioned around army barracks, tracking army units' movements and reporting to special emergency headquarters.
69. On his admission to a policeman in civilian life no doubt that person would be convicted of rape.
70. When he opened the canopy the base commander approached with a civilian.
71. More than half of these are purely military, and only 15 percent are entirely civilian.
72. A democratic-minded civilian should be put in charge of security matters involving the two countries.
73. Pilots reported 23 near collisions between military aircraft and civilian airliners in 1990, but 14 in 1995.
74. Approval will also be given to supply bomb disposal equipment and goods for civilian end-users.
75. The outer settlement was for artisans, peasants and other civilian personnel.
76. A fully loaded civilian plane crashes in mid-air with an armed military plane over Catterick Garrison.
77. It happened just 10 months ago under the elected civilian government of President Olusegun Obasanjo.
78. Thus the military conspirators could count on a growing area of civilian support.
79. Incidents between military and civilian flights were also down, from 23 in 1991 to six last year.
80. And a civilian doesn't argue over military matters with a general, even a one-star version like this.
81. More than 12 million of our 15. 1 million full-time civilian public employees work for state or local government.
82. The discredited army came under popular pressure to step aside and allow an elected civilian to negotiate a peace process.
83. It obstructed coherent cabinet consideration of the issues, and full consultation between civilian and military leaders.
84. Both factions were firing anti-aircraft guns and large-calibre machine guns indiscriminately at civilian housing.
85. The clear implication of this is that a fully autonomous civilian economy may not exist.
86. A central decision making process involving Inspectors and civilian decision makers was established and developed ....
87. The simulated disaster in exercise Gryphon's Lift was a midair collision between military and civilian planes over Catterick Garrison.
88. The challenge had come from Justice Department lawyers with top secret security clearances and from civilian Army drug counsellors.
89. Two-thirds of the output from its factories is for civilian use - washing machines, prams and hunting rifles, for instance.
90. Differences rapidly emerged, with Sigua and Iosseliani disagreeing over the time-scale for the transfer of power to a civilian government.
91. It shows that an average of 6,000 personnel from the three services are punished in military or civilian courts each year.
92. All had several days' growth of beard and were dressed in a motley collection of civilian clothing.
93. S.-based civilian aircraft flying missions for the anti-Castro organization, Brothers to the Rescue.
94. Soo-Il learned quickly and within several years was named civilian deputy chief, while he was still in his twenties.
95. The total number of civilian casualties was seventy-seven, most of whom had suffered bruises or lacerations to the head.
96. Or is it possible that the Government are contemplating a repetition of the 1986 strikes on civilian targets in Benghazi and Tripoli?
96. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
97. Some have called for him to restore civilian rule as soon as possible.
98. He is paid $ 148, 400 a year to preside over what is the largest civilian agency in the executive branch.
99. A series of air raids resulted in a number of civilian casualties.
100. Finally, war served to bring all members of a society, soldier and civilian, under the umbrella of national consciousness.
101. In the sophisticated photographic work of the time the themes of martial conflict and civilian anguish are intertwined.
102. Secondly, wars which involved civilian targets were less dangerous and cheaper to organise, but very costly for the defender.
103. Within these suburbs, interesting variations are known in the date of the earliest civilian occupation.
104. J., who joined in a news conference with Kennedy and other lawmakers to denounce the downing of the civilian aircraft.
105. The Volkskammer on Jan. 11-12 gave a first reading to a law allowing an alternative of 18 months' civilian service.
106. Besides, more civilian deaths have occurred in the area from earthquakes than in recent wars.
107. Mahdi, 56, had been imprisoned and then under house arrest since his civilian government was overthrown in June 1989.
108. This was not a small matter when the Army decided to hire large numbers of civilian workers for the base.
109. Alsop, said the memo, is a civilian columnist and is not accepted as a military authority.
110. All the incidents are still under investigation by civilian and military authorities.
111. The Federal Aviation Administration is also notified to ensure that there is no conflict with civilian air traffic, she said.
112. The precise reasoning behind the apparent intent to inflict fatalities and casualties among the civilian population in Britain is far from clear.
113. His operational flying looked as promising as his civilian flying had, until he went on a night bombing raid over Constantinople.
114. No job in civilian life is remotely as dangerous in terms of accidents as the wartime military.
115. These organizations employed about 10 percent of the civilian working population of the United States.
116. These articles will be her wardrobe until Thanksgiving, when she gets to go home and wear civilian clothes.
117. Leaders of the military establishment do not, any more than their civilian colleagues, define their economy by its defects.
118. Ransome Kuti had accused it of instigating the violence in order to thwart the handover to civilian rule scheduled for January 1993.
119. For example, in the 1920s there were no civilian domestics at the station-house.
120. Instead, as a civilian, he joined the Remounts, training horses to be sent to the front.
121. Civvies is a fictionalised account of ex-paratroopers trying to adjust to civilian life.
122. Explosions and gunfire from the east side of the city suggested an attempt to retake the civilian centres was under way.
123. A separate law allowing for conscientious objection and introducing alternative civilian service was also adopted.
124. Sir Bruce hat a low opinion of civilian intelligence officers.
125. Outside the town, the killing goes on, despite the transition in 1985 from military dictatorship to elected civilian government.
126. It also calls for more funding and civilian staff to aid in monitoring and investigating abuses.
127. That will give Lockheed Martin annual sales of about $ 30 billion and create a global powerhouse in defense and civilian aerospace.
128. In the early 1980s the military began destroying entire villages in an attempt to eradicate civilian support for Leftist guerillas.
129. Civilian imaging of Earth was limited by the desire to avoid Soviet accusations of espionage.
130. But the high toll and the helicopters' plunging on to civilian areas made secrecy impossible.
131. In the former case,[http:///civilian.html] by employing civilian clerical staff a greater proportion of funds can be allocated for direct policing policies.
132. We rushed through quick showers and changed into wrinkled civilian clothes.
133. Military orders, being the most lucrative contracts, took precedence over civilian projects.
134. Reported near collisions involving military and civilian aircraft have dropped dramatically in the 1990s.
135. Besides, war nowadays is waged by virtually invulnerable professionals against extremely vulnerable civilian populations.
136. Instead, the Natick research staff inspected several civilian work boots and asked two manufacturers to modify their boots for Navy use.
137. You will have the chance to qualify for the highest civilian cookery qualifications available in Great Britain.
138. In addition to the Navy and civilian employees, dozens of defense contractors have relocated or beefed up local offices.
139. We had to withdraw into the hills, taking the civilian population with us.
140. At about dusk last Saturday, it was approaching a civilian airstrip in Marana, about 25 miles northwest of Tucson.
141. He pushed aside the civilian Junta using it only to give decent sanction to new promotions.
142. Christians charged with offenses will be able to choose trial in a civilian court.
143. For the first time here in recent years, a car bomb was used against a civilian official.
144. In a number of ways also armies became more conscious of themselves than ever before as entities clearly distinguished from civilian society.
145. For a moment he pictured the man in his civilian life.
146. It used live bombs until two went astray in a 1999 practice and killed a civilian guard on the bombing range.
147. After a glittering military career, Des is ready for what will be a comparatively unexciting civilian life.
148. The rugged and capacious airframe offers plenty of scope for civilian operators.
149. Immediately after the war the government mismanaged the discharge of servicemen back into civilian life, and unemployment rose rapidly.
150. Thee government, but it had then successfully applied steady and persistent pressure to force Park to reestablish civilian government.
151. Treasure Island Naval Station is set to convert to civilian use when the Navy pulls out in 1997.
152. The rock retaining wall built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the mid-1930s is to be restored.
153. Increased military intrusion into civilian life, with many normal police functions usurped by the Pentagon.
154. The military said the distances between the military and civilian aircraft more than met air-traffic-control separation standards.
155. Thus the problems in the division became yet another battleground between the civilian government and the military.
156. Wage, pension,[] and housing were important considerations for working men with a skill irrelevant to civilian occupations.
157. And there was poor communication between civilian and military air controllers and the aircraft.
158. Army commanders in the outer islands proclaimed a state of emergency and replaced civilian governors by military men.
159. Along with the fresh arrivals on the Union side was a Gettysburg civilian named John Burns.
160. Civilian rebuilding of the country started late and is going slowly.
161. People were running around in civilian clothes, cooking steaks over barbecues.
162. Also, a number of army officers were dismissed and retired along with additional civilian employees.
163. The large number of civilian deaths in Sakhiet provoked an international outcry.
164. Frankly, it was a pleasure to watch those funds switch toward rebuilding the civilian infrastructure instead.
165. For reasons not fully explained, the military pilot had decided to close in on the civilian airliner.
166. But the largest part of the permanent government is the bureaucracy, which has about three million federal civilian employees.
167. Four years later, he called elections and turned over power to civilian rule.
168. There was to be no pause for reflection, nor - much less - for a changeover from military to civilian rule.
169. We must be clear, this shooting of civilian aircraft out of the air was a flagrant violation of international law.
170. A new civilian government would be sworn in on Aug. 27, 1993.
171. Yesterday, Mrs Aquino aimed her sharpest barbs at her civilian enemies.
172. Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.
173. It would delay cost of living adjustments three months over each of the next five years for federal civilian retirees.
174. But it was not solely the irregular Hutu extremist forces and the Mayi-Mayi that persecuted the civilian population.
175. He had dressed that morning in his civilian clothes, reckoning that military uniform was unsuitable for the work of the day.
176. Everyone had their place in a civilian command structure that was echoed by the ranks of the Home Guard.
177. But, given that we already have the separated material, civilian reactors provide an efficient way of permanent disposal.
178. Men in civilian clothes moved up and down the steps leading into the narrow three-storey building.
179. It consisted of small units which patrolled in mufti in civilian cars.
180. The government is trying to boost the ailing economy by converting the defence industry to civilian production.
181. So Mr Burgreen, doing all that he could, said he would add a civilian to his internal review board.
182. Delight in the remarkably sophisticated ways of the Roman Centurion and Civilian who lived in Malton's fort and vicus.
183. In its spare time, Teraflops will work on civilian projects and scientific research.
184. Civilian users can not decipher as much information from the satellites' signals and thus get fixes that are less precise.
185. About 14 percent of the civilian population is enrolled in Medicaid, a sharp increase from 10 percent in 1990.
186. At least 264 people died, in one of the worst civilian air disasters of all time.http:///civilian.html
187. A new civilian police force has been created, with equal numbers of ex-soldiers and ex-guerrillas in its ranks.
188. There was little noise from outside the windows and we appeared cut off from the city and from civilian life in general.
189. Even in the days of precision strikes, attacks from the air would risk civilian casualties.
190. The civilian operator will be required to own and operate a fleet of twenty trainers.
191. He addressed a crowd of his civilian supporters at Baabda on Oct. 12, when he only narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.
192. Jakarta's instructions are implemented with great reluctance by provincial civilian and military leaders, who have not changed their old ways.
193. The authorities are said to take the view that the Gulf war will distract attention from civilian casualties in Jaffna.
194. They also thought it likely that two allies could bring that about - an outraged civilian persuading his powerful military friend.
195. Several civilian employees at Cu Chi were later found dead in the barbed wire set out around the perimeter.
196. Hanson has more than 20 years of military and civilian airport operations, maintenance,() program and facilities management experience.
197. After seizing power, the soldiers changed into civilian clothes and became presidents.
198. A decade later 7,000 soldiers were working alongside civilian miners.
199. An early return to civilian rule is endangered, according to politicians and foreign diplomats.
200. In the meantime, the Air Force chief seems to be seething at civilian interference in a military matter.
201. Even more so, the detailed provisions on protection of the civilian population restate, build upon and extend previous formulations.
202. They found two soldiers in civilian clothes in it and a Thompson sub-machine gun.
203. One outstanding feature of that war was how few civilian casualties there were.
204. The civilian government was deposed in a military coup in December 1983, and another military coup took place in August 1985.
205. The highest civilian honour she can confer - the Order of Merit - is particularly featured.
206. Those who could not take the Pioneers at any price had the option of training for essential civilian work.
207. Since leaving the Army, he has built a successful second career solving civilian problems.
208. Panic among the troops spread to the civilian refugees, who soon clogged the roads.
209. The technology of military aircraft is distinct from the civilian variety.
210. In January, it was announced that 1, 000 skilled civilian jobs will stay at McClellan for five more years.
211. They bombed civilian targets in reprisal.
212. Anything to terrorise the civilian population.
213. Intension and essence of civilian art were deeply discussed.
214. To replace military control of with civilian control.
215. Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?
216. Police,[] we are humanness civilian services.
217. Can a civilian catch a ghost vibe like that?
218. Mr. Incredible receives civilian Medal of Honor.
219. Nationalist officers gave orders in many areas to exterminate the civilian population.
220. He said direct and indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, such as homes, hospitals and water-power supplies, are prohibited under international humanitarian law.
221. Enormous engine is plangent blow airline challenges civilian battalion the bugle of state - owned airline.
222. Military and civilian search teams continued to scour the coast off the northern island of Sulawesi.
223. Stone of road of cadre pleasant pawnshop, for civilian become rich make contribution.
224. But with strikes occurring in a mountainous sparely populated region, civilian causalities are rare.
225. The purpose of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale.
226. Counterinsurgency involves military action but also depends on civilian relationships to succeed.
227. Patrol party: Conductor department the direction have armed the car strafe a civilian, please allow attack!
228. the largest displacement of civilian population since World War Two.
229. They planed plan to use the plutonium as fuel fuel for civilian nuclear reactors.
230. You will be eliminated if you gun down by them or shoot the civilian three times.
231. Manufactories are now making more and more civilian GPS receivers.
232. Civilian hardware: cooker, dishware, knives and scissors, stainless steel products, metal crafts, safes and furniture fittings.
233. Civilian targets were bombed in reprisal ( for the raid ).
234. Their distrust of civilian politicians made early elections highly unlikely.
235. According to the route chart that APC headquarters staff offers, we begin start off civilian.
236. It can also be used in civilian products like roller skate aeromodelling and electric toy.
237. At the urgent point of the struggle for the national independence, James Monroe gave up civilian pursuits to join the army.
238. Fund company collection base civilian buy fund, redemptive the poundage when.
239. At first, the shoemaking factory ground makes this area lumberjack mountain civilian the shoe that wear.
240. The bombs were aimed at military targets but there was some collateral damage to civilian areas.
241. Because radiation floor cover has capability of strong store heat and exothermic, the use ofintermittent adjustment is more superiority and very suitable for civilian residential.
242. We can find with carefulness that in most films civilian and aga use Jian and singular.
243. As I know, the concept of civilian is opposition to elite.
244. He said the present civilian government is just a front for the old military regime.
245. President of the Republic of the appointment of the country's civilian and military personnel.
246. The development of alternative crops seems like a civilian - friendly substitute for eradication.
247. The old distinction maintained in civilized warfare between the civilian and combatant population disappeared.
248. Later, the automaker designed the Hummer H 2 civilian vehicle, and AM General continued to build it.
248. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
249. He urged Russian soldiers to disobey orders if asked to fire on civilian targets.
250. The gas has been used for civilian riot control as well as military.
251. Yan Su, China's civilian Major General, the famous playwright, lyricist.
252. Incidentally, that story about the big convoy from Francisco is horse manure to bolster civilian morale.
253. Medical personnel and civilian able to reach injured victims within two hours after the Armenian earthquake.
254. Recently, FN also introduced a civilian version of P 90 , designated as PS 90 carbine.
255. Want firm station position, hold to literary humanness civilian the service, direction that serves for socialism.
256. I found in his 201 file a remarkable civilian and military biography.
257. Everything was slack , grooved , comfortable , and faintly civilian.
258. I extend my condolences to the entire Department of Defense families, military and civilian.
259. Evening, delegacy still attended the party of company of Boeing civilian aircraft.
260. He is quite categorical that the UN should only help the innocent civilian population.
261. The civilian demonolatry and related building is very popular also easy to ignore.
262. the smooth handover of power from a military to a civilian government.
263. The civilian authorities are only there on sufferance of the military.
264. Thousands of suspects, military and civilian, were put to death.




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