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单词 Dependent
1 The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism.
2 The islands' economy is largely dependent upon tourism.
3 He is dependent on his wife.
4 We are completely dependent upon your help.
5 He has a mother completely dependent on him.
6 Norway's economy is heavily dependent on natural resources.
7 They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how.
8 You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.
9 Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
10 The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.
11 They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.
12 The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.
13 Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.
14 Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.
15 With a dependent wife and children, he can't afford to lose his job.
16 Many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support.
17 The country's economy is dependent on tourism.
18 A child's development is dependent on many factors.
19 It is largely dependent on the weather.
20 The country is dependent on foreign aid.
21 Those not gainfully employed are dependent on their savings.
22 The land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation.
23 Jan's mother was dependent on her for physical care.
24 She had grown ever more peevishly dependent on him.
25 It's very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills.
26 Jane had never met anyone so utterly dependent.
27 She is completely dependent on her daughter for money.
28 The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.
29 Like most psychotics, she was very dependent on others.
30 Success is dependent on how hard you work.
1 The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism.
2 The islands' economy is largely dependent upon tourism.
3 He is dependent on his wife.
4 We are completely dependent upon your help.
5 Norway's economy is heavily dependent on natural resources.
6 You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.
7 Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
8 The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.
9 The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.
10 Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.
11 Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.
12 With a dependent wife and children, he can't afford to lose his job.
13 A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non - insulin - dependent ...
14 She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity.
31 Do you have any dependent children ?
32 Your pay is dependent on how much you produce.
33 He has three dependent children.
34 Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing.
35 Small firms are dependent upon the local economy.
36 She is still financially dependent on her parents.
37 The number of single-parent families dependent on the state has risen enormously in recent years.
38 34% of people in the survey were at least partially dependent on public transport.
39 Whether I go to university or not is dependent on what exam grades I get.
40 A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non - insulin - dependent ...
41 The country was given military help by its neighbours and it swallowed the bait without realizing how dependent it would become on its neighbours in the future.
42 Nowadays with the help of modern instruments fishing is no longer entirely dependent on the weather.
43 Women are more likely than men to be carers of elderly dependent relatives.
43 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
44 The country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports.
45 With a caravan, you can stop at your own convenience; you're not dependent on hotels.
46 The paintings were carefully stored in crates dependent on their size.
47 Most children remain dependent on their parents while at university.
48 As his political stature has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.
49 I think that it comes down to the fact that people do feel very dependent on their automobile.
50 Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits.
51 The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.
52 Your access to a good education is largely dependent on where you live.
53 The price is dependent on how many extras you choose.
54 My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.
55 The amount of benefit you receive is entirely dependent on the amount you have paid in.
56 Everything that a computer does is dependent on the man who uses it.
57 Britain is heavily dependent on imports for its raw materials.
58 The fish are dependent for survival on the peculiarities of the environment that they live in.
59 She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity.
60 As his political power has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army.
61 Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
62 The various organs of the body do not function in isolation but are mutually dependent.
63 Many adults are able to drink in moderation, but others become dependent on alcohol.
64 She has one dependent child aged 16.
65 He was dependent, like an addict.
66 What is the ratio of dependent to independent clauses?
67 Success is dependent on effort. Sophocles 
68 The example below uses an independent and dependent clause.
69 Your success is dependent on how hard you work.
70 But in the long run the city of Mondovi could not command the loyalties of its dependent territory.
71 A craft which had once been profitably combined with farming became a miserable cottage industry dependent upon the towns and the bag-hosiers.
72 In pastoral Suffolk fewer than half this class were dependent on wages, presumably younger men who were not yet cottagers.
73 Processing involves floating point calculations, and speed of processing is heavily dependent on hardware.
73 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
74 To a certain extent, just about every business here is dependent on tourism.
75 He is therefore deeply dependent on the structure of the society to define his role.
76 Often a widower has to prove that he was dependent on his wife before he can receive benefit.
77 During preceding periods, actions of the child were always dependent on the immediate actions in the environment.
78 The letter asks him to consider the needs of older people dependent on state benefits.
79 The stability of the rural economy may, inpart be dependent on the effects of climatic change.
80 The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons, but merely that they should do so.
81 These would no longer be parasitic, completely dependent on bourgeois society and playing no productive role.
82 Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy.
83 For instance, some foodstuffs manufacturers are dependent on their supplies of edible oils.
84 It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations.
85 Even though he deals effectively with things, he is necessarily dependent upon those who have taught him to do so.
86 In 1994, about 5 million families received Ald to Families with Dependent Children at a cost of $ 26 billion.
87 Out of ninety-nine people screened for the study, sixteen were diagnosed as caffeine dependent after undergoing a battery of evaluations.
88 A local knight called Walter had usurped land belonging to the dependent monastery of Fleury at Sault.
89 The bourgeois family model with its breadwinning husband and dependent wife and children was thus believed to secure male work incentives.
90 There is little doubt that the clownfish is very dependent on the association with its anemone.
91 In the absence of agricultural support, the women and children become dependent on government.
92 Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
93 Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. Denis Waitley 
94 This should be written in short grammatical sentences with the minimum of dependent clauses.
95 To back this up we provide subsidised nurseries and a dependent care allowance to those whose hours change at short notice.
96 About 10% of the population is dependent on some form of drug.
97 This was nevertheless dependent upon his having something concrete to argue about.
98 The actor is dependent on the stimulus of other faces and voices.
99 A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias. Stephen Richards 
100 The distinction between our dependent conditionals and others is thus not a difference between the indicative and the subjunctive mood.
101 New industrial methods based on assembly lines and continuous processes were typically more dependent on electricity than the ones they replaced.
102 The dependent clause functions as a substitution item in a frame, the frame being the rest of the sentence.
103 With wild cats it ensures that the animals do not become totally dependent on one kind of prey.
104 Far more people are dependent on alcohol than we realize.
105 In addition, she allegedly claimed an earned income credit of $ 323 on the basis of his fictional dependent.
106 The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding.
107 It is not dependent on the operating system, the faster the CPU, the faster the data acquisition.
108 Since the value of the resulting output is highly dependent on these components, they should be given early and careful consideration.
109 Evidence depends upon witnesses and, to some extent, their credibility is dependent upon their performance in the witness box.
110 Down the line the rest of the oil and loan dependent economy was contracting.
111 His master explanatory variable is market capitalism and his dependent variable is peasant rebellion.
112 The biological factor is the length of time that the human child is dependent and helpless and in need of attention from parents.
113 Disposal / re-use of these streams is dependent on both the level and type of contaminants present in the starting material.
114 Site visits can awaken motivation, and pupils learn by direct experiences which are not dependent on reading ability.
115 It evoked a huge and apparently permanent armament industry, now wholly dependent... on government contracts.
116 A relative clause counts as dependent whereas an adjective modifying a noun clearly does not.
117 Hygeberht's archdiocese, therefore, embraced Mercia and its dependent border territories in the midlands and East Anglia.
118 Dependent and insecure, they may find it difficult to join in and to assert themselves.
119 It is not only the United States that has become dependent on imports of oil.
120 Pathogenesis of Hypertension Blood pressure is dependent upon two factors: cardiac output and peripheral resistance.
121 Hence it is appropriate that local councils are dependent on central funds. 3.
122 Dependent on state patronage, Soviet official art was a public, epic, partisan art intended for mass consumption.
123 Such an ambitious target was dependent upon adequate financial flows, access to the North's markets and secure oil supplies.
124 All are connections stated by either dependent nomic conditionals or independent nomic conditionals.
125 Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty, it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training.
126 Some had large dependent families, while others had teenage children able to make a substantial contribution.
127 This is especially important for work-inhibited children, who are typically overly dependent upon the support of others to complete school assignments.
128 The National Blood Transfusion Service is entirely dependent on voluntary blood donors.
129 Any comparison between these is dependent upon the further externalization of these values as objective forms.
130 These are included for comparison as they were not tested for precise position-independent and copy-number dependent expression.
131 They can no longer hunt properly and so are utterly dependent on us.
132 The whole thing is about gaining trust, is dependent on trust.
133 One way charters can be arranged between these and other Islands at no extra cost but dependent on availability.
134 The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.
135 Legislators dependent on campaign contributions became the pawns of competing special-interest lobbies,(http:///dependent.html) who held each other in check.
136 Artists and journalists are not so dependent upon their colleagues' approval but can appeal directly to the laity.
137 If you use cigarettes to help you cope with pressure or to stay slim, you are probably particularly dependent on nicotine.
138 And any decision is ultimately dependent on passage of a bond measure, again most likely requiring a two-thirds majority.
139 But they are still highly circumscribed in their authority, and wholly dependent upon their salaried employment.
140 They are in some way dependent on physiological and physical conditions.
141 In other words it enables one to modify the artificially simplistic notion of clear-cut dependent and independent variables having one-way causal links.
142 The success of any conservation measure is directly dependent on the degree of public opinion mustered to its support.
143 Your basic pension may be increased if you are supporting a dependent spouse or children.
144 From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.
145 Widows are given an allowance because they are deemed to have been financially dependent.
146 Partly because of this fact, dependent conditionals have been taken as problematic.
147 Therefore, the regression coefficient is often considered as a measure of the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
148 It's almost impossible to take tranquilizers for long without becoming dependent.
149 The farmers concentrated upon dairy cattle and sheep and were dependent upon weaving as a second source of income.
150 Ancillary staff All educational establishments are dependent for their day-to-day running on the ancillary staff.
151 Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.
152 This is a truth dependent on the situation as it was - there was no adhoc electrical circuit and so on.
153 Percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology is, however, highly operator dependent.
154 So long as we're mainly dependent upon oil, the possibility of high prices and ensuing civil unrest will always exist.
155 The planning of each patient's care is dependent upon a comprehensive and accurate assessment.
156 Maturation studies, based on geochemical analysis, demonstrate that gas-generative maturity is largely dependent on Jurassic burial.
157 Their liver damage is usually mild, dose dependent, and reversible when the drug is stopped.
158 Thirty years later he had become dependent on borrowing from friends.
159 However, most of them were affiliated to political parties and highly dependent on their parties' priorities.
160 Being a representative of a corporation is difficult and partly dependent on status within the corporate body.
161 Traditionally, women have been viewed as dependent and passive, and males as aggressive and assertive.
162 Blood may have continued to ooze for some time after death, though less so here than from a dependent part.
163 The basic food of herbivores is plants,(/dependent.html) so even the largest carnivorous animals are indirectly dependent on plants.
164 They are for much of their young lives dependent upon family for their basic needs.
165 Enjoy the bliss of just being...without being dependent on anything! RVM 
166 Among the papers is a short report about self monitoring of triglyceride concentrations in non-insulin dependent diabetes in 12 patients.
167 Others demonstrated that people's post-school careers were also dependent upon their social class background.
168 But developing countries are still dependent for all their foreign currency earnings upon the fluctuations of commodity prices on the world market.
169 By degrees, little children grow less dependent on their parents.
170 By no means all priests were dependent on income from the Church.
171 She is totally dependent on her daughter for help with bathing, washing, dressing and feeding.
172 What you may have to take into consideration is the well-being of companies or individuals you are dependent on for your future.
173 Although the industry is rapidly introducing advanced digital communication technologies, the telephone network continues to be dependent on analog transmission.
174 Unlike most land plants, aquatic plants are not dependent solely on nutrition obtained through the root system.
175 Socially they live in loose communities comprising a set of juxtaposed home ranges utilized by females and their dependent young.
176 Today many Third World countries remain dependent on selling their commodities to the West.
177 Seating load and tightness is dependent on back pressure.
178 They are dependent on public charity.
179 Actual figure dependent on base resin and filler.
180 I resent being dependent on her.
181 At the time, they were dependent on solar power.
182 Now testing of 225 H need not be dependent on these slimy creatures.
183 The motion of shallow waters is strongly dependent on the bottom topography.
184 The unsaturated equations may be written with moisture content and potential as the dependent variables.
185 The wave function satisfies the time - dependent Schrodinger equation at all times.
186 CONCLUSION Early Simvastatin treatment effectively improves the cardiac function in ACS patients in a dose - dependent manner.
187 To explore the structure of heroin dependent personality and develop heroin de pendent personality scale.
188 Using a non - spinning reference frame attached to the wheel axel, the analysis becomes purely space dependent.
189 The development of the soybean seedling is dependent on the food reserves stored in the cotyledons.
190 The polarization characteristics of fiber are mainly polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss ( PDL ) .
191 After implementing this one system, seminal company abandoned institution the dependent mentality.
192 A time - dependent value attached to a physical phenomenon and conveying data.
193 This resolution is dependent on the capabilities of the television monitor used.
193 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
194 Many people were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream.
195 Shrinkage and creep are the inherent time - dependent characters of concrete which belongs to a viscoelastic material.
196 Support the cast and dependent parts with pillows to assure comfort and prevent pressure sore.
197 We will consider dependent power sources in which case the networks are nonreciprocal.
198 The diagnosis is dependent on the collection and analysis of an uncontaminated urine specimen.
199 International capital markets are dependent on ready cash flow from one market to another.
200 It can be excluded with data dependent way based on Riemannian geometry for improved SVM.
201 Howeer, measurements with BCECF - loaded rabbit trabeculae did not reeal any significant pantoprazole - dependent changes of pHi.
202 Gene silencing can be divided into two types: position effect and homology dependent gene silencing ( HdGS ) .
203 And the curing time is dependent on the speed of light pressure.
204 Based on pedagogical scheme of representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
205 Thapsigargin is a highly selective inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticular Ca 2 + - dependent ATPase .
206 High - order harmonic spectra are obtained by numerically solving one - dimensional time - dependent Schrodinger equation with single - activeelectron ( SAE ) approximation.
207 You , though , person in show business, is almost dependent on recognition.
208 Objective : To observe the relation between the lichen sclerosus of vulva and thymus dependent lymphocyte.
209 Protein tyrosine nitration is a biomarker of NO - dependent oxidative stress.
210 The time - dependent group of purely viscous fluids includes the thixotropic and the rheopectic fluids.
211 We present trial wavefunctions in few - electron quantum rings to describe the spin - dependent rotating Wigner molecule states.
212 The amount of apparent sliding, known as'creep ', is dependent upon the tractive effort.
213 Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
214 These well - differentiated cancers may be TSH - dependent and may develop in goiters secondary to Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
215 Objective To study the relationship between microangiopathy and activated platelet in patients with - insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM ) .
216 The impulse is dependent upon the duration of the shock wave as well as its pressure.
217 The term survival of total joint replacements is dependent on the prevention of periprosthetic osteolysis.
218 Computer simulation shows that the proportional gain is dependent on the round - trip time reciprocally.
219 Part of a software package that is processor or platform - dependent.




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