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单词 Sanction
1. We received sanction to proceed with our plans.
2. They tried to get official sanction for the scheme.
3. The custom will never receive the sanction of tradition.
4. Official sanction has not yet been given.
5. The conference gave its official sanction to the change of policy.
6. He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.
7. Would you sanction flogging as a punishment for crimes of violence?
8. The book was translated without the sanction of the author.
9. I can't sanction your methods.
10. Apparently, the aide had acted without White House sanction.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction.
12. The church refused to sanction the king's second marriage.
13. As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.
14. How can you sanction such rudeness?
15. These changes will require the sanction of the court.
16. Their ideas received official sanction at the meeting.
17. They won't sanction our spending on this scale.
18. No decision can be taken without the sanction of the complete committee.
19. Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this.
20. The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant.
21. The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
22. The government gave its sanction to what the Minister had done.
23. The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.
24. Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?
25. We now have an effective sanction against the killing of whales.
26. The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.
27. And yet those same acts today escape formal sanction.
28. The panel has wide latitude in proposing a sanction.
29. Sefton council will consider whether to sanction the operation.
30. There is then no effective sanction against illegal tapping.
1. They tried to get official sanction for the scheme.
2. The custom will never receive the sanction of tradition.
3. Official sanction has not yet been given.
4. The conference gave its official sanction to the change of policy.
5. He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.
6. Would you sanction flogging as a punishment for crimes of violence?
7. How can you sanction such rudeness?
8. Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this.
31. He acted without religious or government sanction.
32. No sanction can stand against ignited minds. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
33. Though caste often performed this stabilizing economic function, its origin was political and its sanction religious.
34. Accordingly, Manville took out his code manual and began preparing an official sanction for despatch to Brussels.
35. Not even homophobes would today sanction the stoning to death of homosexuals.
36. Allowing them to make such a decision does not sanction it - far from it.
37. Only if its many controls fail will the ultimate sanction, i.e. revocation of the disposal licence, be invoked.
38. As a conceptual analysis of the idea of law, sanction theories of the traditional Austinian type are largely discredited.
39. Both should receive official sanction and both require in-service training opportunities to acquire the necessary skills.
40. Formal regulation finds expression through technically prohibitive statements of law,[http:///sanction.html] backed up by the threat of some sanction consequent upon breach.
41. Late last year, the panel and House leaders agreed the House would vote on the sanction by Jan. 21.
42. Male homosexual relations are still much more heavily restricted by criminal sanction.
43. This was the first sanction imposed by the Commission since the Euratom treaty had been signed in 1957.
44. Examples of the use of this ultimate sanction are few.
45. Moreover, the seriousness of the sanction must be proportionate to the damage sustained by the worker.
46. It happens at the moment anyway, so why not sanction it and make it a skill in itself.
47. The most frequent legal sanction imposed against corporations and their executives are fines.
48. This was enacted in 1944 and uses criminal prosecution as a sanction for an employer who fails to meet the disabled quota.
49. The ultimate sanction is financial: an additional award of compensation.
50. He admits that the final sanction, the warrant sale, provides the only alternative.
51. Expulsion is an extreme sanction which will rarely leave the continuing, innocent partners entirely unscathed.
52. As consumers, but non-producers, retired people possess no strike sanction.
53. As a result the government may find itself forced into refusing to sanction new expenditure.
54. The court will not sanction the scheme if the requisite statutory procedures have not been complied with.
55. Dissatisfied with its incapacity to make councils cut spending, the government adopted a final sanction - rate capping.
56. Initially Mr Bond gave his approval, but it is understood that sanction has subsequently been withdrawn.
57. The court will only sanction the scheme if it is reasonable.
58. He pushed aside the civilian Junta using it only to give decent sanction to new promotions.
59. Lawmakers and independent experts have expressed differing views on whether Gingrich can tap his well-stocked campaign fund to pay the recommended sanction.
60. This confidence was given a democratic sanction in the referendum of 28 September 1958.
61. When used to sanction official disapproval of the Third Reich, this approach is unlikely to be controversial.
62. Sometimes, it is permitted to override the borrowing limits with the sanction of an ordinary resolution.
63. If this is not done, the court may exercise its discretion not to sanction the scheme.
64. Even in San Francisco, perhaps the most AIDS-acclimatised city in the world, needle-exchange programmes lack official sanction.
65. There can be no art movement of the last 200 years that he has failed to sanction.
66. He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.
67. You've cleared official sanction for Operation Cuckoo to go ahead.
68. But this is not the imposition of a direct legal sanction.
69. The third bill treats unsolicited e-mail like unsolicited faxes and subjects the sender to potential criminal sanction.
70. Once crowned, his position had divine sanction, was regarded by the church as sacrosanct, and so was considerably strengthened.
70. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
71. Rights without the backbone of legal sanction, Bentham contends, is just talk.
72. Any pertinent changes must be notified in good time if the court is to sanction the scheme.
73. These are not empty words and phrases, but principles given powerful institutional sanction.
74. Under a schedule worked out earlier this week, the House would vote on the sanction no later than Jan. 21.
75. The ultimate sanction may be for them to sack the person whom they regard as being mainly to blame.
76. This in effect recognized and gave official sanction to the thriving black market.
77. They propose to take away the courts' most important sanction - the power to take over a union's assets.
78. Perhaps by making cannabis legal our society would imply progressive sanction to the use of any mood-altering drug.
79. The threat of criminal sanction hangs over those who refute the constable's perception of events.
80. This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
81. War as the ultimate sanction was not a credible solution.
82. The strongest sanction that could be imposed against the three is expulsion from the university.
83. In addition to providing presuppositions for science(), religious doctrines have also offered sanction or justification.
84. Nevertheless, legislation still required his sanction, and he continued to preside over cabinet meetings.
85. An outrageous violation of due process required even more severe sanction.
86. They were satisfied with this pragmatic sanction.
87. Society does not sanction child labor.
88. There is no sanction for autocracy.
89. Can Lebanon Weather Possible Economic Sanction?
90. They refused to sanction segregation.
91. Nixon and Rogers implored them to withhold the sanction.
92. It is aggrandizement buyer the sanction to the bargainor.
93. In Chinese society shame operates as the principal sanction.
94. Blames him is not, appears a little unnecessary, lets the legal sanction is most appropriate.
95. The Iraqi authorities try in vain to turn a deaf ear to the UN economic sanction which would eventually produce enormous impact upon the former's politics and economy.
96. The government would sanction courts that carry out proceedings in accordance with Islamic law.
97. In order to sanction western countries, Arab countries used the "oil weapon" to implement an oil embargo against western countries which supported Israel.
98. This kind of behavior should severe boycott, suffer legal sanction.
99. They a virulent poison, giving the numbing illusion of moral sanction to every depravity ever hatched.
100. Strengthen buyer sanction, return the action that can control place of on the market a few everybody to like not quite and phenomenon, encircle Qian Hefa for instance travel price is exorbitant.sentencedict .com
101. If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be given a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances by his unit or competent authorities at higher level.
102. When we adopt the legal sanction, we need adopt the manner of interested compensation.
103. In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.
104. If the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given disciplinary sanction in accordance with law.
105. In a few cases, hospitals already have set up tents on their sites. But under federal law, if the patients are sent off-site, the hospital might be refused reimbursement for the care as a sanction.
106. Although the Mutton would never sanction wearing long johns as outer wear, they are peerless underwear for "weather events" such as the cold snap we have all endured of late.
107. An economic sanction means you withhold something that is your sovereign right.
108. Iranian officials this week warned against attempts to sanction gasoline imports.
109. An economic devastation might result from the massive animal death and the economic sanction from other countries on account of the FMD.
110. This in turn, will increase the stakes of multi-nationals in India's well being and marginalise sanction regimes.
111. The reason that the ban of holding woman for joys partly has sanction connects with robber psychology pattern. Meanwhile it is determined by their violative aim.
112. However, the future of the proposed gas pipeline project is still unclear due to the economic sanction against and isolation of Iran and political pressure on India and Pakistan made by Washington.
113. Competitions are usually hosted by a specific local flyball club but under the sanction of a national governing body.
114. My guess is that we are going to continue to press for some type of economic sanction as a beginner.
115. Canada introduces the Civil Marriage Act, making Canada the fourth country to sanction same-sex marriage .
116. The system is an administrative sanction that punishes perpetrators of minor crimes by enforcing re-education on them in labor camps.
117. We have the sanction of the law to play ball in this park.
118. In order to prevent the wars expansion, the USA began to apply some economic sanction against Japan.
119. The flaws should be relieved by means such as penalty, disciplinary sanction, civil compensation and criminal compensation.
120. This is so even though the armed forces operate in an ethos of institutional change oriented toward occupational equality and under the federal sanction of equal pay for equal work.
121. Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.
122. The Chinese move to suspend southbound passenger and cargo traffic on the Mekong from Yunnan Province is mainly a political symbol, as opposed to an economic sanction.
123. Any member of the Macao Garrison who breaches military discipline shall be subject to disciplinary sanction.
124. Deadline processing is coercive measures of a kind of administration is not disciplinary sanction.
125. In the Qing Dynasty, the officials's penal system includes two parts: disciplinary sanction and penal punishment.
126. The said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association.
127. The daily necessities are becoming a problem in this country because of the current economic sanction.
128. We need the sanction of the law to hunt in this place.
129. He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.
130. East-West Trade Control was trended from direct linkage with economic and military assistance to import sanction.
130. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
131. Now, three deer event's main owner has received the legal sanction.
132. This is to be the work of the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges.
133. Any sanction to bar the defaulting party from adducing the relevant evidence may not help the innocent party, as he may be deprived of the benefit of documents damaging to the defaulting party's case.
134. The appropriate approach to the use of this sanction will be developed time through case law.
135. Whether the internal administrative sanction is indictable remains one of the problems which has been disputed on the case scope of the Administrative Litigation of China among the academic circles.
136. The wisdom of this exclusionary rule is doubtful, as many straightforward applications for relief from sanction should be capable of being disposed of fairly and efficiently without any oral hearing.
137. Ni is betting that governments will sanction the LEV if it proves popular.
138. 'In her name, then, let it be done ; I sanction it .
139. In the face of Iran's nuclear challenge, Israel has three options: economic sanction(), military attack and nuclear coexistence with Iran.
140. For example, only the board has the legal power to declare a dividend or to sanction a public issue of securities.
141. Your father denies his Polish ancestry, since Poland is still a noncompliant nation, and under international sanction because of it.
142. Within the given dateline; involved business party should ensure full compliance to evade sanction and product recall.
143. The UN imposed economic sanction on the country for it violated the international agreement.
144. And instead of banning the sanction and release of individual housing loans, some banks have taken strictly measures in terms of preferential interest rate and approval procedures.
145. The United States has imposed a severe economic sanction against Japan, thus bringing the U. S. -Japan trade frictions to a new high.
146. If my values receive their sanction and strength from relationship to divine law and acceptance of its ethical imperatives, then nothing can really harm me.
147. Note: A licensee may receive more than one type of disciplinary sanction in a case.
148. If Iraq sticks to road map laid out for it by United Nations, sanction could be lifted without more ado.
149. A government, on the contrary, always has a sanction, expressed or implied.
150. At the heart of the faith is the Rastafarians' belief that the smoking of cannabis—ganja—enjoys biblical sanction and aids meditation and spiritual awakening.
151. Article 46 The CPA Discipline Committee shall publish its resolution in the government gazette when the disciplinary sanction against a CPA has become final.
152. The clergy of France met at Bourges in 1432, and with their consent the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges was published by the king in 1438.
153. The domestic violence is one kind of behavior of legal sanction.
154. These dropping enter a country the netizen of trap of outer net espionage, the destiny of sanction of natural ineludible law.
155. Approving sheet is to be content of modificatory insurance contract, insurance company the certify to of the compensatory sex that issues insurant, have with guarantee slip equal contract sanction.
156. Therefore, the USA should shift its economic sanction policies to negotiation and economic communication so as to relax the tense relationship and lobby it to give up the nuclear programs.
157. 1713 - With no living male heirs, Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction to ensure that Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would be inherited by his daughter, Maria Theresa.




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