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单词 Arrival
1 His arrival brought complete silence to the room.
2 He was dead on arrival at the nearby hospital.
3 Her arrival caused a flurry of excitement.
4 The train's approximate time of arrival is 10.30.
5 Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.
6 Her arrival coincided with our departure.
7 His arrival cast a blight on the wedding day.
8 Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen.
9 We apologize for the late arrival of the train.
10 I'll inform the mistress of your arrival, madam.
11 I've just learned of his arrival.
12 What's the specific time of his arrival?
13 She was apprised of our arrival.
14 With best wishes for your safe arrival!
15 His arrival caused quite a commotion.
16 The manager's arrival galvanized the workers into activity.
17 The date of his arrival is uncertain.
18 On his arrival at the airport,[] he called me.
19 The long-playing record was made defunct by the arrival of the CD.
20 The timely arrival of the cheque took away the need to borrow money.
21 The sudden arrival of guests forced her to change her plans.
22 This event long antedates the arrival of Columbus in America.
23 Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc.
24 The late arrival of the train messed up all our plans.
25 We stopped worrying about the ship's safe arrival when she sailed into the harbor with all her flags flying.
26 A ring at the doorbell announced the late arrival of Jack.
27 The usual hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.
28 The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
29 The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.
30 Guests receive dinner on / upon arrival at the hotel.
1 He was dead on arrival at the nearby hospital.
2 Her arrival caused a flurry of excitement.
3 The train's approximate time of arrival is 10.30.
4 His arrival cast a blight on the wedding day.
5 We apologize for the late arrival of the train.
6 I'll inform the mistress of your arrival, madam.
7 She was apprised of our arrival.
8 His arrival caused quite a commotion.
9 The date of his arrival is uncertain.
10 On his arrival at the airport, he called me.
11 The long-playing record was made defunct by the arrival of the CD.
12 The timely arrival of the cheque took away the need to borrow money.
13 Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc.
14 The late arrival of the train messed up all our plans.
15 A ring at the doorbell announced the late arrival of Jack.
16 The usual hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.
17 The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
18 The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.
19 Guests receive dinner on / upon arrival at the hotel.
20 The arrival of the fresh medical supplies was a welcome sight for the beleaguered doctors working in the refugee camps.
21 We shall inform you of the date of the delegation's arrival.
22 We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.
23 Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse.
24 His arrival clearly puts a huge question mark against the future of the present team captain.
25 The fight ended only with the timely arrival of the police.
26 She's impatient for her father's arrival.
27 The arrival of reinforcements sealed our victory.
28 We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
29 Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand.
30 Your arrival was most timely yesterday.
31 The arrival of the fresh medical supplies was a welcome sight for the beleaguered doctors working in the refugee camps.
32 We shall inform you of the date of the delegation's arrival.
33 Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
34 We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.
35 Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse.
36 His arrival clearly puts a huge question mark against the future of the present team captain.
37 Shielding his eyes from the bright light, he looked far out to sea to watch for the ship's arrival.
38 The fight ended only with the timely arrival of the police.
39 Further discussion was truncated by the arrival of tea.
40 I'm very anxious about your arrival.
41 The manager's arrival galvanised the workers into activity.
42 Our estimated arrival time is 2:30 pm.
43 He informed me about your arrival.
44 Her arrival did little to resolve the situation.
45 Flashing blue lights heralded the arrival of the police.
46 Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.
46 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
47 His arrival created a terrible confusion.
48 Staff should clock in on arrival.
49 The couple were cheered and clapped on their arrival.
50 Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans.
51 Guests receive dinner upon arrival at the hotel.
52 She's impatient for her father's arrival.
53 Jon's arrival was a cue for more champagne.
54 My unexpected arrival didn't perturb him in the least.
55 A surprise awaited us on our arrival.
56 He plunged himself into work upon his arrival.
57 His arrival caught me by surprise.
58 We were discommoded by his late arrival.
59 The goods were examined for damage on arrival.
60 The children are thrilled with the new arrival.
31 The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
32 With the arrival of John's friends, the party became really enjoyable.
33 We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armoured cars in foggy weather.
61 His late arrival messed up our plan.
62 He was deeply apologetic about his late arrival.
63 Guests were presented with glasses of bubbly on arrival.
64 Her arrival cast a cloud over the party.
65 They sent word to the King of their arrival.
66 He tables the times of arrival.
67 His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival.
68 The arrival of reinforcements sealed our victory.
69 You may rely upon my early arrival.
70 A refundable deposit is payable on arrival.
71 I told her of my brother's expected arrival.
72 He smiled in anticipation of her imminent arrival.
73 A deposit is payable on arrival .
74 She was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.
75 All delegates should report to reception on arrival.
76 Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.
77 His arrival put the girls in a flutter.
78 She showed uncommon pleasure at his arrival.
79 On arrival, I was conducted to the commandant's office.
80 His arrival set the scene for another argument.
81 The famous popular singer's arrival is imminent.
82 I was scared by the hullabaloo over my arrival.
83 Your arrival was most opportune.
84 He announced the imminent arrival of a messianic leader.
85 Their new arrival was keeping them busy.
86 We were listening for the arrival of the delegation.
87 He was certified dead on arrival.
88 Daniel was eagerly anticipating her arrival.
89 They sent us fair warning of their arrival.
90 The motorcyclist was dead on arrival at the hospital.
91 Please excuse my late arrival.
92 The new arrival was none other than the President.
93 Your expected time of arrival is 7.15.
94 The arrival of him sparkled to the party.
95 We apologize for the late arrival of this train.
96 All visitors must sign in on arrival.
97 I was busily preparing for their arrival.
98 Please report to reception on arrival.
99 Shortly after our arrival in London, Lisa was attacked.
100 A computer screen shows arrival and departure times.
101 The victim was pronounced dead on arrival.
102 The arrival of the police heightened the drama further.
103 Their early arrival was just an accident.
104 We regret the late arrival of Flight 237.
105 My arrival wasn't very well timed.
106 You may rely on my early arrival.
107 We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
108 Please inform me of your arrival time beforehand.
109 The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.
110 The arrival of the train was delayed.
111 The arrival of the teacher silenced the class.
112 Our plans were thrown into disarray by her arrival.
113 We need your time of arrival and flight number.
114 Her sudden arrival caused quite a flutter.
115 Mr Jack's arrival was announced over the intercom.
116 Pretty soon after my arrival I found lodgings.
117 We're expecting a new arrival in the family soon.
118 Mellanby's arrival was seriously delayed by a late train.
119 Her bag was stolen within hours of her arrival.
120 She timed her arrival for shortly after 3.
121 They have improved immeasurably since their arrival.
122 A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival.
123 Visitors should inform the receptionist of their arrival.
124 She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.
125 We had timed our arrival to perfection.
126 A returnable deposit is payable on arrival.
127 His unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.
128 Why wasn't I informed of her arrival?
129 Your arrival was most timely yesterday.
130 I learnt of her arrival from a close friend.
131 The arrival of the national football team hit the headlines in the local press.
132 The arrival of letters from the Pope did nothing to diffuse the tension.
133 Please send /leave word of your safe arrival/that you have arrived safely.
134 We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armored cars in foggy weather.
135 The students are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
136 On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda.
137 Don't excuse his late arrival by saying that his car had broken down.
138 Rachel's arrival on the scene had unleashed passions in him that he could scarcely control.
139 A cloud of dust on the horizon announced the arrival of the cavalry.
140 He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a party for his friends.
141 We were arrested and held until the arrival of the night watch .
142 After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to ease.
143 A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police.
144 The arrival of the doctor gave them an excuse to leave.
145 The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants.
146 Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather tardy arrival.
147 She was overjoyed to hear about the arrival of the baby.
148 The morning after your arrival, you meet with the resident physician for a private consultation.
149 All visitors must sign the book on arrival and again on departure.
150 We arrived just as they were announcing the arrival of Flight 207 from Minneapolis.
151 Let's buy some champagne in celebration of her safe arrival.
152 On arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions.
153 Their arrival caused mayhem as crowds of refugees rushed towards them.
154 Sam's arrival broke the ice and people began to talk and laugh.
155 Within an hour of our arrival Caroline was starting to complain.
156 Shortly after my arrival at the school, I was befriended by an older girl.
157 On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.
158 I followed her gaze and spotted a new arrival at the far side of the room.
159 The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
160 You will be offered a welcome drink on arrival at the hotel.
161 The arrival of winter can make many people feel depressed.
162 It is easier to get a taxi at passenger drop-off points than at flight arrival stands.
163 The arrival of the new baby caused a thorough shake-up of their family life.
164 His early arrival was clearly an inconvenience to his host.
165 We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.
166 The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.
167 His arrival infused new life and energy into the team.
168 The demand for phone numbers has increased since the arrival of mobile phones.
169 He waited for her arrival in a fever of impatience.
170 Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police.
171 The arrival of the first customer caused a flutter in the shop.
172 He explained away his late arrival by blaming it on the crowded roads.
173 On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail.
174 Hundreds gathered to await the boxer's arrival at the airport.
175 She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their arrival from London.
176 You will be met on arrival at the airport and transferred to your hotel.
177 With the arrival of John's friends, the party became really enjoyable.
178 A cloud of dust on the horizon announced the arrival of the cavalryman.
179 The President's arrival was the signal for an outburst of cheering.
180 At dawn they struck out for the early arrival at Hannover.
181 His arrival in the capital scotched reports that he was dead.
182 The arrival of warm weather raises the spectre of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
183 The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries.
184 The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
185 Until her mother's arrival, Halen was thoroughly beaten down and wretched.
186 We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armoured cars in foggy weather.
187 The staff greeted the arrival of the new head teacher with excitement.
188 Attempts to revive her failed and she was dead on arrival at hospital.
189 On his arrival the president inspected the guard of honour.
190 The singer's arrival was timed to coincide with the opening of the festival.
191 The team has been strengthened by the arrival of two new players.
192 A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King.
193 On my arrival home/On arriving home I discovered the burglary.
194 Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy.
195 Security tightened in the capital in readiness for the president's arrival.
196 The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops.
196 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
197 The years before their arrival in prison are not counted as part of their sentence.
198 They thought the arrival of television would deal a death blow to mass cinema audiences.
199 I saw from the station clock that I had timed my arrival perfectly.
200 I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee.
201 Couples are presented with a bottle of wine on their arrival at the hotel.
202 His postprandial nap was disturbed by the arrival of the boss.
203 The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday infused new life into the weekend.
204 The President, on his arrival, reviewed the guard of honour at the airport.
205 The new arrival was befuddled by the rapid - fire conversation.
206 They were saved by the arrival on the scene of another boat.
207 All visitors must report to the reception desk on arrival.
208 The estimated time of arrival/departure of this flight is 11.15.
209 Porter spoke to reporters shortly after his arrival.
210 She was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital.
211 Our approximate time of arrival will be 10.30.
212 Joe's sudden arrival spoiled all our plans.
213 From his arrival, Greenhill caused dissension at Smith Barney.
214 Storage problems have been alleviated by the arrival of two large containers which have now been waterproofed and painted.
215 Hostilities however were in abeyance during arrival at the racecourse, disrobing, hair-tidying and first drinks.
216 The arrival of Flight 227 was delayed by two hours.
217 Eaton was in full code, struggling for life, five minutes before his arrival via ambulance at Flagstaff Medical Center.
218 Vaughan accompanied Elizabeth Mowbray and her daughter to London and, on arrival, smoothed their path ably and tactfully.
219 You choose the date and airport and leave the choice of accommodation at Ten Bel to be allocated on arrival.
220 The time had come to grab power and greet the Allies on their arrival.
221 But three weeks after a somewhat rocky arrival, Jambia appears to be doing fine.
222 On arrival in Addis Ababa please report to the Ministry of Education.
223 On arrival in the New World, Tawell's wife found that her husband had amassed an immense fortune.
224 The show begins with the arrival of the Europeans in the New World.
225 The state bureaucracies created by eighteenth-century absolutism signified the arrival of a universal class pursuing a universal interest.
226 On the concourse people stood around gazing up at the departure and arrival boards, checking times of trains.
226 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
227 Ateneo Honeymoon and silver anniversary couples staying 5 nights or more receive dinner on arrival and a complimentary gondola ride.
228 Since her arrival, she has been shopping for a new advertising agency.
229 Continue your journey south for a late arrival at your hotel accommodation.
230 In the year before Gould's arrival a thousand albatrosses were killed on Albatross Island alone.
231 TV crews from around the world filmed President Mandela's arrival at the airport.
232 She was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.
233 Alan Watkins, who was awaiting the arrival of the Chancellor himself, gave Amaranth his approving eye.
234 For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
235 The pro-Stuart exiles were greatly strengthened early in the new reign by the arrival of two formerly powerful new allies.
236 Let me know the date and time of your arrival.
237 On arrival the boy was cranky and refused to walk through the airport.




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