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单词 Register
1. The class teacher called the register.
2. Have you signed the hotel register ?
3. Please list your name in the attendance register.
4. Many students are not on the electoral register./register.html
5. Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test.
6. Register a domain name if you want people to find your website.
7. All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address.
8. It is his duty to register the names of the patients every day.
9. The teacher kept a register of the names of the children.
10. His eyes failed to register Meredith's surprise.
11. He was looking over a hotel register.
12. The bride and bridegroom signed the register.
13. Can I register this, please?
14. Is your name on the register of voters?
15. To avoid miscarriage you'd better register your letter.
16. It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment.
17. Thousands lined up to register to vote.
18. It's wise to register letters containing banknotes.
19. Did you register the parcel?
20. You must register the death within three days.
21. Guests write their names in the register.
22. Those who fail to register risk severe penalties.
23. All visitors should register with the British Embassy.
24. Housebound voters should register early for a postal vote.
25. The old cash register opened with a ping.
26. Their names simply didn't register with me.
27. It was the last entry in the register.
28. The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.
29. She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.
30. The oboe tends to lose power in the upper register , but with the clarinet the opposite is the case.
1. Have you signed the hotel register ?
2. Please list your name in the attendance register.
3. Many students are not on the electoral register.
4. Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test.
5. The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.
6. Register a domain name if you want people to find your website.
7. All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address.
8. The teacher kept a register of the names of the children.
9. She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.
10. The oboe tends to lose power in the upper register , but with the clarinet the opposite is the case.
11. Each class has a register of 50 students.
12. A register indicated the number of people who had gone through.
13. He told me he was married but I'm afraid it didn't register.
31. He could be struck off the medical register.
32. The raiders snatched $100 from the cash register.
33. There is still time to register for English classes.
34. What I said sometimes didn't register in her brain.
34. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
35. The teacher called the register .
36. You must register with the police, the embassy, etc.
37. Each class has a register of 50 students.
38. Her name didn't register .
39. He was struck off the lawyer register.
40. Could you sign the hotel register please, sir?
41. There are 36 children on the register.
42. Police want a national register of DNA samples.
43. First examine the entries on the marriage register.
44. He signed the register at the hotel.
45. He slammed the door to register his disapproval.
46. One by one he checked them off on his register.
47. You must register with the police when you come to a foreign country.
48. A register indicated the number of people who had gone through.
49. Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register.
50. If a child is absent, the teacher notes it down in the register.
51. They always register their ships under a flag of convenience.
52. The property register will also say whether the property is freehold or leasehold.
53. The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register.
54. He told me he was married but I'm afraid it didn't register.
55. He was caught red-handed taking money from the cash register.
56. She had told me her name before, but I guess it didn't register.
57. I told her my name, but it obviously didn't register.
58. Students have to register for the new course by the end of April.
59. They were married on 7 April 1927 at Paddington Register Office.
60. The sound was so familiar that she didn't register it.
61. Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.
62. The cash register only opens once the card has been swiped.
63. A lawyer or doctor who is struck off the official register of the profession is debarred from practising.
64. Solo passages in this register are very easily obscured by other instruments.
64. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
65. The teacher takes the register at the beginning of each class.
66. Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police.
67. He has adopted an informal register so as not to alienate his audience.
68. Students living away from home are required to register with a local doctor.
69. She was asked to draw up a register of suitable sites.
70. With a stroke of the pen our names were removed from the register.
71. You must bring your insurance card with you when you register with a dentist or doctor.
72. The earthquake was too small to register on the Richter scale.
73. The class is full, but you can register for next term.
74. You should register with a GP as soon as possible.
75. Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register.
76. Customers stood in line for 20 minutes at the cash register.
77. He checked the register. There was money in the till.
78. How shall I set myself down in the hotel register?
79. He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.
80. The stopping distance includes the time taken for the brain to register the need to stop.
81. People chatting at a party will usually be talking in informal register.
82. He was disqualified from the election because he did not register on time.
83. In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.
84. Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job .
85. He was struck off the medical register for professional misconduct.
86. The instruments will register every change of direction or height.
87. You should register with a doctor as soon as possible.
88. If your name is not on the register of electors, you will not be able to vote.
89. Their names had been entered in the register as owners of the company.
90. They keep a register of all those who have contributed to the fund.
91. This duplicates the work of the Federal Register.
92. But who, specifically, will register votes for capital goods?
93. Register before April 1 and get a price break.
94. Although some students have a good grasp of colloquial language, few have ever got to grips with the concept of register.
95. In serious breaches of these codes, the professional can be struck off the professional register. 5.
96. It would have obliged local authorities to draw up a register of contaminated sites in their area, and supervise their clean-up.
97. The deadline to register to vote in the primary is August 18.
98. At the hearing, university officials agreed to register him without further delay.
99. The technology is set up to register carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions, big contributors to poor air quality.
100. Coupons generated electronically at the cash register are popular across the country, because they mirror consumer preferences.
101. Will local authorities be required to compile a register of people entitled to rebates before the council tax is implemented?
102. This is particularly helpful if your school's organisation seeks to register as a charity at a later date.
103. Detectives say they'd have more chance of solving such cases if a national register of DNA samples was set up.
104. It is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre.
105. By agreeing to the staged confrontation, Barnett would save face while permitting Meredith to register.
106. He praised the electoral commission for having had the courage to register him.
107. The commission estimates the population on the basis of the electoral register - but is working with the artificially low 1991 registers.
108. Businesses that clean up blood and guts at accident scenes must register with the state.
109. The oscilloscope graph of both voices was flattened in the lower register: tension was restricting the movement of their vocal chords.
110. However, the new register will include personal details, especially in relation to the benefit and discount systems.
111. The narrative is frequently interrupted by passages of scientific exegesis in a completely different register from the surrounding discourse.
112. Also, subscribers can use any Dialplus node instead of having to register their password on each one separately.
113. History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind. History and Historians. Edward Gibbon 
114. The most efficient way to heat a house is to give each register its own supply duct directly off the trunk lines.
115. As to negligence it was true that Moorgate Mercantile had been careless in failing to register their hire purchase agreement.
116. To register your interest in the Club and to receive further information about the first meeting, please contact the address below.
117. The first recorded execution in the town's register is that of Richard Bentley of Sowerby on 20 March 1541.
118. We apologize to everyone else who has the slightest complaint or modification regarding the first annual Tucson Musicians Register.
119. The other method for collecting facts about potential purchasers is through published lists - like the telephone directory or the electoral register.
120. You can come along and register any time after this, bearing in mind that the walk finishes at dusk.
121. If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.
122. The register of academic writing is influenced by several different factors.
123. Surprise doesn't register, instead, Devito plunges an eight-inch carving knife purposefully and repeatedly into the victim's stomach.
124. Now they are urging people to register lost and found pets to ensure an efficient service.
124. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
125. A fat man in a bow tie tapped the register.
126. She starts each day by calling the register, holding a religious assembly and reading the punishment book.
127. Furthermore, the shifting definition of an Elandsklower included and later excluded certain individuals from the register.
128. On a calm day, it can register a pressure difference across the thickness of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
129. Libraries, welfare offices and other outlets require applicants to fill out paperwork to register.
130. Soon direct action civil rights protesters were busily working with the administration to register voters.
131. I ask only one favour: please bring me a pound's worth of silver from the Swan's cash register.
132. But even when both parents register a birth, they may not stay together long.
133. In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail.
134. The system is so biased that many citizens simply do not register to vote.
135. Miller said stores typically are offered free register tape by private vendors who sell advertising space on the back of the tape.
136. When abuse or potential abuse is confirmed the conference may decide to place a child's name on the child protection register.
137. Compliance unit in London office maintains a central register of all corporate finance engagement letters obtained by the firm.
138. This also explains why there is no record of the burials in the parish register.
139. How to join the register A donor card is just as essential now as it always has been.
140. The Anthony Nolan Research Centre manages the world's largest register of potential bone marrow donors.
141. The will maker can register it in person or send some one to do the deed.
142. The door hangs off its hinges(), the cash register ripped from its electronic umbilical cord.
143. But what if Yahoo! felt the need to register itself under both domains?
144. Yet both were the first in either family to sign the marriage register with more than a cross.
145. But by failing to register in time you will have lost the chance of being given preference in allocation.
146. In the postwar years, we have seen some tendencies bypass Stalinism and register important achievements.
147. The tone of the clarinet in this register must be heard and retained in the mind.
148. An attractive girl with a cheerful smile and laughing eyes was sitting at the cash register by the doorway.
149. Is this one of the reasons why 1 million people are missing off the electoral register?
150. Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the number of openings in the school register by the number of pupils present.
151. And they would be required to register the names and addresses of all members with local governments.
152. The cardinal rule is: only register if your taxable income is less than your tax allowances.
153. Firstly, we need a national register of hip replacements and revisions to provide an accurate measure of revision rate.
154. Check professional journals, local newspaper employment pages and register with good recruitment agencies-check these on the Internet. 10.
155. So you pick out one and follow him back to the cash register.
156. Students may register with the University Medical Officer or with a local doctor of their own choice.
157. There were warning signals in between, and as a result he was placed on an at-risk register three weeks before he died.
158. Many will not register and simply evade or try to evade the tax.
159. Only people whose total income is less than their personal allowances are allowed to register for gross interest payments.
160. As soon as you start writing original work, register the copyrights in one of the ways already outlined.
161. Verio's new self-serve domain name registration services provide customers with an easy-to-use and faster way to register and manage domain names.
162. It was so brief, so out of expectation, that it almost didn't register.
163. Users have to register, but aren't obliged to enter into a lengthy contractual agreement.
164. Now police believe a National register of DNA samples might have helped catch the man, but they admit there are problems.
165. He claimed to be entitled to rectification of the register both as against the Hammonds and as against the building society.
166. No further information needs entering as anybody using the register can obtain details from the lawyer concerned.
167. Our advice is: Always, always register every product you buy!
168. Following from the Companies Acts of 1980 and 1981, it is much more advantageous to register as a private company.
169. VerioStore incorporates on-line product catalogs, a cash register, a shopping cart and shipping and sales tax calculations.
170. By the time I got my chance at the cash register, my white friends had been promoted to management.
171. Go to the reference library and look up the electoral register for the last ten years or so.
172. Voluntary patients can register on the electoral roll and can have postal votes.
173. The same display cases, the same carrot-haired woman behind the cash register.
174. A central register of information blacklisted certain people, particularly those who passed bad cheques and placed fraudulent overseas orders.
175. The copyright disputes were brought to public attention when the Register ran a story detailing Mr Millington's plight.
176. The total is then distributed among local authorities on the basis of the number of people listed on the Poll Tax register.
177. If anything, he said, what they heard was that cash register.
178. In early June, a number of citizens courageously defied religious zealots to register their protest while calling for conciliation and peace.
179. The company charges $ 100 to register new domains and $ 50 a year for subsequent renewals.
180. For the most part, however, the register meticulously maintains details about the inmates.
181. Often it makes it easier for relatives to accept donation when they know their loved one has made the effort to register.
182. The card eliminates the need for coupons, and savings are automatically deducted at the register.
183. There, but too confused for events to register in my memory.
184. Leapor's poems on rural landscape are among the earliest to register the conflicts associated with the enclosure movement.
185. It was the only health board with a well organised congenital malformation register.
186. So methods have been developed to dissuade you from wandering off to somebody else's cash register.
187. They are more likely to be unable to register any emotion.
188. In addition, and for the first time,[Sentence dictionary] a register will be established for all works of art entering the country.
189. This will go to be tissue typed and the results will be kept on the confidential register.
190. The circlet is enriched by enamel plaques of Byzantine manufacture(), alternating on the lower register with jewels en cabochon.
191. Though she doesn't register as a gifted actress, she communicates emotion with a shocking lack of guile.
192. The bright red stool that sat closest to the register and the threateningly sharp check spike was the least used.
193. It is the sort of hotel that has a skeleton in every closet and a register thick with the pseudonyms of adulterers.
194. The Opposition raised the canard that some sort of register is required under the council tax.
195. Why do I have to buy a certificate from the Banco de la Nacion to register my loss?
196. The service provider will register the domain name for the customer and act as the customer mail forwarder.
197. Of course there will have to be a register: otherwise, the system will be thrown into chaos.
198. This register is not identical to the electoral register and includes foreigners resident in this country and others not entitled to vote.
199. Today is the day for those who think the election is a load of old bollocks to register their presence.
200. The government has already introduced tougher laws on food hygiene and now it hopes the register will help council officers enforce them.
201. When must all males register for the Selective Service?
202. When must all men register for the Selective Service?
203. The parallel number is applied to the shift register.
204. The shift register is a device in which information may enter sequentially or in parallel.
205. The establishing corporation is the corporation rudiment before legal building which is after the register.
206. A DET shift counter designed with the DET shift register is demonstrated.
207. Before an instruction is executed, it is first retrieved from main memory and pout a register.
208. The shift register should be set or cleared to produce the desired sequence.
209. Remarry to register under the regulations of the marriage registration.
210. Seoul, too, feels obliged to register its displeasure with Pyongyang.
211. Simple shift register with testbench in vhdl complete source code, has been tested.
212. The Registrar shall keep a register of ships registered or provisionally registered under this Ordinance.
213. Universal Shift Register complete source code can be used directly.
214. Seafarers on such a register or list should have priority of engagement for seafaring.
215. AII participants must register online their interest to join the PSA programme.
216. In an MOS dynamic shift register the above problem is solved by keeping data continuous motion.
217. Fourth , product this non - prescription medicine, in register buy, needing to show several valid certificates.




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