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单词 Habitat
(1) This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.
(2) If the heart has no place where the habitat is wandering.
(3) This creature's natural habitat is the jungle.
(4) The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest.
(5) The dolphin's habitat is being rapidly degraded.
(6) This creature's habitat is the jungle.
(7) The marshes provide a rich habitat for water plants.
(8) Development is destroying the animal's native habitat.
(9) In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.
(10) Some animals are in danger because their native habitat is being destroyed.
(11) The moorland is an important habitat for many rare bird species.
(12) The forest provides a habitat for hundreds of species of plants and animals.
(13) To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.
(14) The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers.
(15) The moth's habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out.
(16) The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear.
(17) This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
(18) Hunting and habitat loss are the most likely reasons.
(19) Habitat[http://], especially if different from mainland.
(20) Jefferson Square is an ambitious departure for Habitat.
(21) The sea turtle's natural habitat has been considerably reduced.
(22) The open sea is also an important habitat.
(23) Is it something in the mucky habitat?
(24) Habitat destruction and overfishing have also taken their toll.
(25) Many species are threatened in the wild due to habitat destruction by man.
(26) The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.
(27) With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.
(28) The greatest danger to tigers now is through loss of habitat.
(29) Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless, but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals.
(30) The severest human impact on the dolphins has been the loss of habitat.
(1) This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.
(2) This creature's natural habitat is the jungle.
(31) Winning fuel and materials pollutes, consumes energy, destroys habitat.
(32) Ironbridge fork, £4, and dessertspoon, £3.50; both from Habitat.
(33) In time, these will become a habitat for alligators.
(34) What does it mean to save a species if and when its habitat is being destroyed?
(35) Mechanisation itself has, apart from the habitat changes it has induced, had little direct effect on birds in Sussex.
(36) The city left the natural wash intact, and the area now serves as both flood control and urban wildlife habitat.
(37) After all, Lowndes Square was hardly a natural habitat for me.
(38) Management policy on the reserve includes a regular coppicing-with-standards rotation, providing the songsters with the habitat they seek.
(39) In fact, Galvin sees protecting the pygmy owl and its habitat as a boon to the economy and wildlife alike.
(40) Numerous environmental campaigners have alleged that Fisons's peat-cutting operations are causing irreparable damage to the fragile habitat of lowland peat-bogs.
(41) Unfortunately, much of that habitat has been destroyed, and it would take a Herculean effort to restore it.
(42) The owl's natural habitat is in the forests of the Northwest.
(43) It provided grazing land, timber, fruits and fuel, while remaining an undamaged wildlife habitat.
(44) This move follows the successful use of sheep to help the grassland habitat at Carew Castle.
(45) The annual award is to promote and encourage imaginative projects and management of wild game conservation and its habitat.
(46) On the shelves there were fish swimming in the air as if it was their natural habitat.
(47) It is astonishing how quickly sailors return to their habitat.
(48) It was a place of silence and shadows, an unnatural habitat for a city-dweller.
(48) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(49) The chalk pit itself is potentially a valuable habitat and adds yet one more facet to this lovely stretch of land.
(50) Her group, Keeping Track, is dedicated to identifying, monitoring, and educating on important wildlife habitat and travel corridors.
(51) The long-term implications of these habitat losses for individual species, if the present trends continue, are likely to be disastrous.
(52) We are active in preserving wildlife and habitat for it.
(53) The road widening will uproot 46 oak trees and damage wildlife habitat.
(54) To determine our mating system we need to know our natural habitat and our past.
(55) For that, they can thank modest human efforts to save their habitat, plus months of pouring rain.
(56) In the case of the white-tailed hawk and other forms of wildlife, this destruction of suitable habitat may prove fatal.
(57) Since then the area has become overgrown with reeds and provides an important habitat for bird life.
(58) We need sustenance and a viable habitat, but we also need social cohesion and connection of all sorts.
(59) They provide the habitat of a wide variety of species of wading birds.
(60) The decline of the vulture is due to the success of livestock farming and loss of habitat.
(61) Although not closely related to other river dolphins, the tucuxi is included here because it shares a similar habitat.
(62) Sadly their wild habitat is now suffering destruction for the hotel and tourist industries.
(63) At a recent meeting between the two bodies they agreed that countering habitat loss is a high priority.
(64) It varies in height from a few inches to two feet depending on the habitat.
(65) This was not its habitat, and it was obviously coming through on migration.
(66) The biggest threat is from loss of habitat because the rainforests are being chopped down at such a fast rate.
(67) In my mind I could almost hear the snipe whirling overhead on warm spring days in this, their prime habitat.
(68) The habitat of the ink cap is in grass, rubbish heaps and on disturbed soil.
(69) The Habitat store chain was yesterday fined £8,800 at Basingstoke for overcharging.
(70) The Southwest Center folks want to see the jaguar listed and critical habitat designated for the salamander and owl.
(71) A plant can be an obedient herb in one habitat and a rumbustious weed somewhere else.
(72) Day-to-day survival adds perhaps less to overall future genetic investment than does populating a new habitat.
(73) To me there is an added dimension if that new country is of a similar type to my own habitat - islands.
(74) Adversity is the regime's natural habitat, and in dealing with its own populace its one moral trump.
(75) In the past few years, marine biologists have observed a jump in whale sightings in places not previously considered prime habitat.
(76) This wasn't any alien habitat, where even geometry might be twisted out of shape.
(77) Meanwhile, Strachan views the water vole as an indicator of wetland habitat quality, and he looks forward with little optimism.
(78) Freezing at night, baking during the day, ice storms after spring thaw,[] all create a rugged habitat.
(79) Factory-farming makes pollution, excessive meat-eating upsets the ecological balance, trapping and hunting can injure habitat, and so on.
(80) The stout plant will grow up to 12 inches in slow-flowing rivers in their natural habitat.
(81) It also aims to preserve wildlife habitat and agricultural land.
(82) And we came away with a true understanding of the value of the estuarine habitat.
(83) He began his retailing career in 1964 when he founded Habitat, a chain of stores selling well-designed modern furniture and furnishings.
(84) In indoor aquariums we can prepare much better and more stable conditions than are offered in their natural habitat.
(85) The two species share the same food, habitat, and enemies, yet have entirely different mating systems.
(86) The corncrake and marsh fritillary have been the victims of intensive agriculture as ploughing and pesticides destroy habitat and insects.
(87) At the core of the issue is the determination of critical habitat.
(88) Before critical habitat can be designated, an analysis of the resulting social and economic impacts must be made.
(89) Habitat is an old hand at changing habits of a lifetime.
(90) Caltrans says it intends to plant 460 more coast live oak trees along the highway and replace damaged wildlife habitat.
(91) I know the portents of my new habitat, I have been learning my local lore.
(92) Much of that habitat had been set aside as the 56, 430-acre Pusch Ridge Wilderness Area in 1978.
(93) By spreading woodchips over the ground, gardeners then create the perfect habitat for fungi of all sorts.
(94) Our local guide will give us an unrivalled insight into places of interest and bird habitat.
(95) The habitat I refer to, as you may have guessed, is the garden.
(96) Several workers have devised systems of classifying either habitat or vegetation for one or both regions.
(97) The most important breeding habitat is lakes or ponds with good marginal vegetation.
(98) The Sillas family had been one of 1, 000 households on a waiting list for a Habitat home.
(99) Scientists suggested that the disappearance of the panda's traditional bamboo forest habitat had forced the herbivore to turn meat-eater.
(100) And the state Department of Public Safety has little jurisdiction to keep the diesels ensconced within their border habitat.
(101) Landowners became anxious not just about the birds but about access to their habitat.
(102) Threats to its survival include habitat change, disturbance, egg collecting and severe winters.
(103) This plant propagates as speedily in deep water as in a marshy habitat, the thin rhizomes taking root quickly.
(104) Many species are threatened in the wild due to habitat destruction by man and probably over-hunting.
(105) But neglected and uncontrolled the same earth very soon destroys cultivated land and human habitat with impenetrable overgrowth.
(106) The grazing marshes adjacent to the river are an important wildlife habitat.
(107) It is alleged, however, that R. rostrata is rare even in its native habitat.
(108) In their bright colors, they looked like an exotic group of forest creatures grazing their natural habitat.
(108) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(109) A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
(110) In their impoverished mountain habitat, they can not afford to waste anything.
(111) The trout settled into their new habitat and became relatively wild, dour and more discriminating, some growing to considerable size.
(112) Hawk and heron, teal and lapwing make a habitat in the tall brush and skimpy trees.
(113) Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
(114) Any birdwatcher would just look in a range book, look at the description of habitat and start hiking.
(115) He explained that Central Valley rivers and hatcheries have habitat and space, respectively, for 180, 000 salmon.
(116) Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
(117) His natural habitat is the graph, his occupation the computer simulation.
(118) Coral reefs contain a greater variety of species than any other habitat except for tropical forests.
(119) If the project were determined not to damage critical habitat, then the Corps could move forward.
(120) Their natural habitat is the Amazonian jungle with a high temperature and humidity.
(121) Loss of beachfront habitat and predation by domestic cats and introduced red foxes pushed the least tern to the brink of extinction.
(122) Its natural habitat offers water that is on the soft side, slightly acidic and heavily vegetated.
(123) No one knows whether river dolphins were once more abundant or whether their numbers have always been low because of their restrictive and specialised habitat.
(124) It was through him that Mr Jackson became hooked on watching the badgers in their natural habitat.
(125) In a population confined to a particular habitat competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs.
(126) It had simply lost its way in terms of product innovation, the area in which Habitat had demonstrated itself to be supreme.
(127) It identified 500,000 hectares of costal habitat which it said were in need of active conservation measures.
(128) The potatoes were then regularly placed on the beach which now became the normal habitat for the macaques.
(129) The bird's habitat was destroyed by the introduction of rice fields along the Louisiana coast.
(130) The habitat of an animal population offers only finite resources for its use.
(131) Another contributing factor to the flourishing trade is the rapid destruction of the animal's habitat by mining and logging companies.
(132) The habitat of many genera is strictly limited either to the New or Old World.
(133) It will remove 46 coast live oak trees, they note, and damage some habitat of endangered animals.
(134) To leave a habitat to degenerate and perhaps be destroyed is to injure all its animals, including of course the species concerned.
(135) Basically, if there are no pygmy owls present, a private landowner can turn his critical habitat into a parking lot.
(136) The astonishing diversity of life, with species adapted for every conceivable habitat.
(137) When critical habitat is designated, it does not mean federal agents in unmarked helicopters start circling private property.
(138) Even the best examples of habitat types can not exist in isolation like islands of richness in a sea of poverty.
(139) The Experience has reinvigorated downtown Las Vegas, for years the habitat of the serious gambler and the serious vagrant.
(140) Obviously no species could withstand such depredations for long, although the present losses of habitat may be considered even more serious.
(141) With few bears and wolves about these days, elk rule their forest habitat.
(142) The only creature on earth whose natural habitat is a zoo is the zookeeper. Robert Brault 
(143) The mountain Gorilla, a uniquely social animal, is threatened by habitat destruction and poaching.
(144) He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.
(145) The designation of critical habitat lays at the heart of this battle.
(146) The school site is located in prime pygmy owl habitat.
(147) After an unsuccessful merger with Ryman, the office equipment chain, Conran bought back the Habitat name and shops.
(148) Developments elsewhere, for example on Dorset heathland, require strong opposition if the fragile habitat of rare wildlife is to be saved.
(149) Restoring the old stream beds would create miles and miles of wetlands and streamside habitat in a and endangered.
(150) Despite the limitations of the survey it did suggest some clear habitat preferences and population trends.
(151) Untouched for thirty years, ideal for a nature trail - the undisturbed habitat of birds and animals.
(152) A good habitat for rabbits, and it held a large number.
(153) In an age of central heating and renovation Greystones presumably featured as a rare unspoiled habitat.
(154) He's in Banbury to spread the word of Habitat for Humanity.
(155) The richest centres have the most complicated mosaics of different habitat types reflected in topography, soils and vegetation.
(156) Habitat and ecology: In montane forest. Flowering: June.
(157) LIME Habitat in Island East will redefine luxury living.
(158) The flood in the human habitat was severely damaged!
(159) Habitat - When and where Tyrannosaurus Rex lived.
(160) Development is also encroaching on its native habitat.
(161) Habitat Selection. Nest Site Selection; Territoriality; Dispersal; Migration.
(162) Habitat - When and where Stegosaurus lived?
(163) The mamba is mainly threatened by habitat destruction.
(164) I'll record to our habitat office waive claim immediately.
(165) Their habitat is tropical savanna woodlands.
(166) Gyokuro residual firefly habitat,[] early goose whisk Gold River.
(167) Animals worlds act as an information bank that can be used by students and teachers to learn about animals and their habitat in the world.
(168) Choosing the right partners and tactics help wildland managers protect Wyoming habitat.
(168) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(169) Despite numerous surveys, the amphibian has not been recorded in its rain forest habitat since 1986.
(170) The change trend was influenced by several reasons such as the aquatic habitat, the ecological characteristics of fish, the community structure of digenetic trematodes and import of live fish.
(171) The final goal is practical application in habitat monitoring of this method.
(172) Adam: Yes, there's a particular kind of sea otter whose habitat is threatened.
(173) The birds moved to habitat to the norther mountain due to the air pollution.
(174) Summer and fall when wind Xu, Greenfield bursts, Annals Wind Gap hole that is the habitat.
(175) The germplasm resources of M. coruscus should be protected immediately because of overexploitation, habitat alteration and introduction of exotic species.
(176) Moreover, all stem in part from human activities such as habitat alteration.
(177) Habitat and ecology: In valleys or in thickets. Flowering: Mar. - Apr.
(178) Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold.
(179) If we cannot resurrect, the moral angel will never patronize our sullied spiritual habitat.
(180) Loss of habitat, along with hunting for food and trade, has led to the steep declines in the number of quetzals in the Central American country.
(181) Vegetation characteristics and functional division of Tricholoma matsutake habitat in Mt.
(182) New houses in Racine, he added, are mostly built by Habitat for Humanity and other charities.
(183) The ksar, a group of earthen buildings surrounded by high walls, is a traditional pre - Saharan habitat.
(184) Biologists and planners collaborated there to identify a "habitat backbone" system of permanent wetlands to support habitat for natterjack toads.
(185) Effects of a habitat - altering invader on nesting sparrows: An ecological trap?
(186) And I'd like to give you a less event to get habitat. Let me unroll it.
(187) The area also represents a significant habitat for biodiversity conservation.
(188) Central Africa's lowland gorilla populations suffer from steady habitat loss, capture and killing by poachers, and the cross fire of civil wars within their range.
(189) Habitat condition and interfering extent formed the heterogeneity that was the main external cause to form the life cycle forms of the plant of Catharanthus roseus.
(190) The mosaic of landforms and habitat types creates superlative scenic vistas.
(191) The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
(192) Habitat and ecology: In secondary forests. Flowering: Apr . - May; fruiting: Jun. - Jul.
(193) This paper also discussed the zonal principle of vegctational distribution and the problem of disposition of the measures in the heterogenetic habitat.
(194) The lawsuit filed in U. S. District Court in Anchorage claims that federal officials violated laws designed to protect the animals and their sensitive habitat in the Arctic waters of the Chukchi Sea.
(195) Habitat and Ecology: In ponds , paddy fields and other marshy or flooded areas.
(196) Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat.
(197) Habitat and Ecology: On sunny grassy hillslopes. Flowering: Jul . - Sept.
(198) Habitat and Ecology: On shade places under forest . Flowering: Apr - Oct.
(199) They are the only seabirds whose nesting habitat is in old growth or mature trees.
(200) His observations of fungi in their natural habitat and his methods of culturing them enabled him to work out their developemt and life cycles,[http:///habitat.html] thus laying down the foundations of modern mycology .
(201) Hetian Prefecture belongs to extreme arid climate, The habitat is quite bitter.
(202) Sanya is the habitat of several nationalities, including Han, Miao , Li, Hui.
(203) Habitat and Ecology: In lowland forests attached to rocks or tree trunks.
(204) Audubon California organizes bird counts in important habitat areas that might be otherwise overlooked.
(205) The biological and ecological characteristics as well as habitat condition of Picea sitchensis have been briefed; meanwhile the study direction of its species introduction has been advanced.
(206) No wonder there is a tension between habitat and inhabitant.
(207) Habitat for Humanity International, founded in 1976, is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry.
(208) I'll record to our habitat office waive our claim immediately.
(209) Lotus Lake used to be a huge basin surrounded by a lotus and water caltrop field, causing it to become the habitat of pheasant-tailed jacanas.
(210) A young lion cub tries to swim in the moat surrounding the lion habitat at the National Zoo.
(211) It is nectarivorous, which means it feeds mostly on nectar and is an important pollinator in its tropical deciduous forest habitat.
(212) House painting is sll the time finished by me at habitat.
(213) In fact, the long period of low-temperature in habitat was the environmental factor for long time seed dormancy of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis.
(214) Habitat and ecology: In forests on hills. Flowering: May; Fruiting: Oct.
(215) Nature Reserve, the habitat of monkeys, golden eagles, musk deer and many other rare animals.
(216) Habitat and ecology : On sandy beaches. Flowering : January; fruiting: Apr.
(217) Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.
(218) S. amabilis is suitable to cool, moist, misty and humid habitat, with humus-riched dark yellow-brown acidic soil well-drained and strict demands for light, temperature and humidity.
(219) In its native habitat Hoya blossoms are pollinated by night - flying insects.
(220) Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana , comments those " a habitat is a HAsn. "
(221) The lithology and structure traps habitat ed in the center of depression was the best trap.
(222) As a result of habitat in Africa, therefore the majority of Africans all drink Robusta coffee.
(223) Of the many threats facing the endangered mountain gorilla, habitat loss is one of the most pressing.
(224) The interrelation of habitat factors of white headed langur has also been stud.
(225) To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, Zhouqu Tibetan sphere of influence is still habitat.
(226) The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales.
(227) The xerophytes appeared to be different from common habitat. Short of internode; litter and thick of twigs.
(228) Rongelap Atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat.
(228) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(229) The survey too searched a shift in among stay - at - habitat motif.
(230) Habitat and ecology: In sea. Flowering & fruiting: Jun. - Sept.
(231) The Green Turtle Museum - dedicated to the sea turtles and their habitat.
(232) Abstraet:Guangxi was once an important habitat of the panthera tigris amoyensis in history.
(233) The hind legs of the gerbil are particularly well adapted to leaping across its desert habitat.
(234) Burnt down the virgin forest to destroy the innumerable lives as well as their habitat.
(235) Habitat and Ecology: In ponds , paddy and other marshy or flooded areas.
(236) Habitat wind township and village roads panacea , Micronesia, as beads Network, to facilitate passenger and freight.
(237) Research at PBS responds to stock assessment, aquaculture, marine environment and habitat science.
(238) One of the most important causes of extinction is loss of habitat.
(239) The earliest evidence of a man-made habitat dates to about 2,000,000 BCE and comes from Olduvai Gorge in Central Africa.
(240) Ewenki walk out of the mountain and move into the habitat established by the Government.
(241) The panda's thick, wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat.
(242) The Golden Palace Casino won the auction and handed over $650, 000 to help protect the monkey's habitat, and in return the species was named Callicebus aureipalatii.
(243) Habitat and Ecology: On litters under forests. Flowering and fruiting: Aug.
(244) Habitat and ecology: In thickets on hillslopes. Flowering: Apr . - May; fruiting: Oct.
(245) From 1980—1989, We made breeding habitat surveys for Golgen eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ) in Shanxi provence.
(246) According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service: 'The primary threat to the polar bears is the loss of sea ice habitat due to climate change.'
(247) Habitat and Ecology: In lowland broad - leaved evergreen forest. Flowering: Aug.
(248) The chief threat is expanding farmland, which is cutting into the water buffalo's habitat.
(249) Human development is encroaching on the habitat of many endangered species.
(250) Sang Sang Habitat this year is the highest light intensity.
(251) Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold. The species seems to be particularly common near Beech trees.
(252) Ecodeme refers to a deme occuring within a specified kind of habitat.
(253) With 19 - 20 hours of nap time. The habitat of lions has shriveled, and threatens shrivel more.
(254) Our study was focused on avian communities in relation to habitat types of different successional stages, including primary forest, burned forest, 1-2 yr old grassland and 5-6 yr old grassland.
(255) Radio transmitters are used worldwide in avian species to study habitat use, mortality, migration, home range and physiology.
(256) Blame, but also can blame myself as cold branches would pick, ultimately , lonely sandbar cold habitat.
(257) Habitat and ecology: On wet and sunny places beside rocks. Flowering & fruiting: May - Jul.
(258) Habitat and Ecology: In lowland thick forest and on wet places. Flowering: Apr. - Jun.
(259) One C in several times higher than the pears, P Habitat Baiguo in the first, calcium, iron and other minerals necessary for the human body, with high health value.
(260) Proposing the strategies of habitat conservation to black - napped orioles in Taiwan.
(261) The adaptation of saline habitat Born in hypersaline environment mangroves, faced with two questions.
(262) This result reveals habitat fragmentation caused by the desertification in this region.
(263) A new study shows the apparent mass extinction was due instead to a combination of climate change, habitat loss as well as human impact.
(264) The species occurs on lowlands, and is susceptible to habitat destruction.
(265) The animal is not used to the hotness of its new habitat yet.
(266) The habitat was a spicebush stand amidst a red maple forest.
(267) The un-similarity of foraging habitat selection of Oriental White Stork is great between spring and autumn, spring and summer, while have small un-similarity between summer and autumn.




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