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单词 Operator
(1) Dial 100 for the operator.
(2) The operator will put you through.
(3) He is a radar operator.
(4) She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays.
(5) Hello, operator? Could you put me through to Room 31?
(6) He is a computer operator.
(7) Ring the operator and ask for Freefone 8921.
(8) The telephone operator connected us.
(9) Operator, you've connected me to the wrong person again!
(10) Operator, I've just been cut off.
(11) The transmitter, the operator said, has already stood by.
(12) He's something of a smooth operator.
(13) Dial 100 and ask for the operator.
(14) The operator will connect you with our sales department.
(15) Operator, I want to make a long distance call.
(16) The operator finally got me through.
(17) George is a smooth operator .
(18) A telephone operator asked him to hold.
(19) Monsieur Valentin was a formidable political operator.
(20) His lawyer's a sharp operator.
(21) A blade guard is fitted to protect the operator.
(22) The radio operator sent an appeal for help to headquarters.
(23) The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.
(24) Our holiday was cancelled when the travel operator went bankrupt.
(25) We rationalized the production system so that one operator could control all three machines.
(26) He told the telephone operator that his call was a matter of life and death.
(27) An operator wearing earphone was sitting in the telephone exchange.
(28) He dialled the operator and put in a call for Rome.
(29) Can I dial this number direct(), or do I have to go through the operator?
(30) You can dial directly without the necessity of going through the operator.
(1) Dial 100 for the operator.
(2) The operator will put you through.
(3) He is a radar operator.
(4) Can I dial this number direct, or do I have to go through the operator?
(5) She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays.
(6) Hello, operator? Could you put me through to Room 31?
(7) He is a computer operator.
(8) The telephone operator connected us.
(9) Operator, you've connected me to the wrong person again!
(10) Operator, I want to make a long distance call.
(11) He told the telephone operator that his call was a matter of life and death.
(12) An operator wearing earphone was sitting in the telephone exchange.
(13) The operator told the caller that the line is busy.
(31) I asked the operator to put me through to her office.
(32) He may not look it, but Newman is a smooth operator .
(33) The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.
(34) He has shown himself to be a canny operator in wage negotiations.
(35) He's a smooth/slick/shrewd/clever operator.
(36) The line was engaged and the operator asked if I'd like to hang 'on.
(37) Julian travelled with Caribbean Connection, the UK 's leading Caribbean tour operator .
(38) The X-ray operator works at a safe remove in a separate room.
(39) The missiles can be fired only if the operator types in a six-digit code.
(40) The operator told the caller that the line is busy.
(41) The operator expects the ship to be out of commission until the end of September.
(42) To call the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade dial 999 and the operator will connect you.
(43) Changing faces Welcome to, our new weighbridge operator.
(44) To maximise efficiency as an operator.
(45) He was then a smooth operator.
(46) The skilled operator will aim for efficient performance.
(47) Discussions are being held with a major cable operator.
(48) Bally Entertainment Corp. is a hotel and casino operator.
(49) She finally jumped in tandem with the ride operator.
(50) Example Alan employs Brian as a machine operator.
(51) The switchboard operator rang an extension.
(52) The operator plays a recording from one recent evening.
(53) Dial "0" to get the operator.
(54) There's no charge for telephoning the operator.
(55) First he rang directory enquiries and then the operator.
(56) The operator puts me on hold.
(56) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(57) Operator errors allowed the radioactive core to overheat.
(58) He began to receive messages purporting to come from his deceased friend, who had been a radio operator.
(59) A control room operator at Dimlington, he has followed motor racing for years.
(60) This involves the operator informing the local planning authority of its intentions.
(61) Ask your tour operator where the water in your hotel comes from.
(62) He asked the switchboard operator to connect him with Whitely Prison and waited.
(63) He worked only part-time, an elevator operator, because the country was awash in college graduates.
(64) The facilities management operator will confirm that jobs have been run according to the schedule in the Weekly Service Report.
(65) Provost said the boat operator had practiced the stunt but was relatively inexperienced.
(66) It seemed obvious that all this operator handling must be contributing to the black specks.
(67) However, lower your aural sights a little and £200 - £300 will get you a perfectly adequate operator.
(68) Need help in checking on the reliability of a travel agency or tour operator?
(69) One switchboard operator said that at this moment in time she didn't know.
(70) For Charlie Swibel, building the apartment towers was coming a long way from being a flophouse and slum operator.
(71) Verio is the world's largest operator of Web sites for businesses and a leading provider of comprehensive Internet services.
(72) Ernest had been killed in 1940 in an aircraft accident when on duty as a Drogue Operator.
(73) When the end of the column was over the steel baseplate, the crane operator lowered it slowly into position.
(74) Originally from Ireland, he worked as a machine operator until he was 83.
(75) Manufacturers, therefore, are being urged to design processes to eliminate direct operator contact.
(76) Hutchins will serve as branch operator for his home turf -- the Clermont area.
(77) Charman returned to Brighton and took several temporary jobs before finding permanent work as a computer operator with the Inland Revenue.
(78) They hope to persuade the new operator to including a stop near the Haslemere Hospital in this route.
(79) The rapist who wins women's trust and then abuses them is a more sophisticated, devious and frightening operator.
(80) Landscaping A purpose-built dust box protects operator health and keeps vermin levels down.
(81) According to the instruction, the Offline Operator should physically mount or dismount the media item from the specified media unit.
(82) The 20-stone fork-lift truck operator was much more suitable, as was a private detective.
(83) Dimension Data rose 4.1 per cent to R52.90 while mobile phone operator M-Cell jumped 76.6 per cent to R26.65.
(84) I think Moira's a very shrewd operator when she's looking at paintings, and I find it very useful indeed.
(85) The offline operator is responsible for mounting and dismounting the offline media and inspecting media items for physical damage.
(86) The human operator has very little or no control over the format or content of the output produced by the computer.
(87) Without any widely recognised accreditation system, the consumer has been left to investigate the credentials of an operator themselves.
(88) If the radio operator kept his mouth shut, the transgression might not get to the ears of his superiors.
(89) The competition, in its eighth year, was organised by Wytch Farm control room operator Dave Handley.
(90) By that standard, the Labour leader is the perfect operator.
(91) He told the operator where he was, what he had found, and asked for two more uniformed men.
(92) When in use, the semi-circular wheel guard of the Hitachi deflects sparks, chippings etc away from the operator.
(93) The restructuring actually gave control of the grid to the Independent System Operator, a body established by the state legislature.
(94) The score may actually have been 32-0, but it seems the scoreboard operator could not keep up.
(95) It has also cut manufacturing lead times from 17 weeks to two and trebled output per operator.
(96) Standing right in front of us on the courthouse steps was a Channel 10 camera operator wearing a Miami Dolphins jersey.
(97) The Offline Operator will then be requested to remount the media item correctly.
(98) Although each site was controlled by the operator, they were supervised and inspected by the Department of Transport.
(99) Everybody was shook but especially the other radio operator and myself.
(100) The demands on the human operator are difficult to quantify or even to describe because the process is essentially an interactive one.
(101) This eliminates the need for an operator at the machine itself to intervene continually in the production process.
(102) Once she came second among 60 contestants in a competition to find the telephone operator with the most pleasant and efficient manner.
(103) The system may as well do it, and present the operator with each applicant within the vacancy in turn in numerical order.
(104) Hong Kong based regent Hotels emerged as the operator of the Windsor Hotel.
(105) Two other crew were to be carried, Mr. Gillroy as wireless operator and Mr. Davies as ground engineer.
(106) He may not look it, but he is a smooth operator.
(107) We see how algebraic laws allow us to give a precise and succinct description of each operator.
(108) But you've got a few months left, enough time for a very shrewd operator to move in.
(109) Beside the producer sat one of the most important cogs in the production wheel, the Control Operator or Engineer.
(110) A working-class housewife married to a machine operator declares: Housework is boring.
(111) Susan was twenty-two, a computer operator in a large mirror company in an industrial park near their apartment.
(112) Each operator adds a single new fact which is a direct consequence of what is known already.
(113) Corporal L, the Royal Signals Operator, is half asleep in his chair.
(114) The operator of the mechanical digger who unearthed both was not sure.
(115) Omar had bribed the telephone operator to leave his office, but I did not trust him to stay away.
(116) The most significant thing about the system is that it allows the operator to lay out pages on the screen.
(117) In an important sense, the expansion of managerial responsibilities was the corollary of the move towards a more flexible process operator.
(118) He heard Mrs Hassock's voice from below - she was obviously responding to the telephone operator.
(119) The pattern recognition technique enables the computer to cope with a certain amount of operator error, minor misspellings make no difference.
(120) There are precedents for such moderate variations in spacer length differences between operator half-sites.
(121) Entering Congress as a New Dealer in 1937, he had built a reputation as a supreme operator in congressional politics.
(122) They will then go to the nearest telephone and receive their message from the operator.
(123) Nevertheless, Levi is offering Opto Plus a switchboard operator and plenty of free jeans.
(124) Keith, a general operator at Associated Octel's plant in Ellesmere Port, is thrilled to see his brother back home.
(125) Continental has 346, 000 subscribers throughout the region and is the largest cable operator in Los Angeles.
(126) Crime certainly pays for the largest private prison operator in the country.
(127) It was the only major package holiday tour operator without its own airline.
(128) It would be no good us offering just tour operator packages.
(129) It was one thing to tell a machine operator he or she had no choice about being measured.
(130) This option enables the operator to enter employee details in as much detail as available before the employee actually starts.
(131) The operator must keep the blade in contact with the stone at just the right pressure with his fingers.
(132) Desperate and disenchanted, she flees to Tulsa where she works as a department store elevator operator.
(133) At 1.20 a.m. the ferry's radio operator sent out the first Mayday call.
(134) From left, ops scheduler; raw materials scheduler, weighbridge operator, and assistant scheduler.
(135) The ergonomics emphasis will be on the human operator as the navigator moving towards the system objectives supported by various mechanisms.
(136) The repressor also recognizes sequence-dependent distortion or flexibility of the operator phosphate backbone, conferring specificity even for inaccessible base pairs.
(137) Suppose Joe worked as an operator in a widget assembly plant.
(138) For example, customer enquiries and correspondence can be scanned into the computer system on receipt, or entered by the telephone operator.
(139) From such apparently humble beginnings a competent operator can produce very professional documents indeed.
(140) He bribed an operator at the transmat port to send us over to the space docks.
(141) Each holiday will be carefully researched and put together in conjunction with a reputable tour operator.
(142) Dunn crept to the door, shot Lessing, shot the operator, smashed the valves and called it a night.
(143) Immigration agents moved in on a nursing home operator who hired illegal aliens.
(144) The key notion is that of a linear operator on a vector space.
(145) But analysts said it could be a target for a media company, internet portal or mobile phone operator seeking content.
(146) In practice,[http:///operator.html] the operator jumps forwards and backwards within the pattern indicated on the chart rechecking some decisions and anticipating others.
(147) The programme can tell the operator the costs of menus and ingredients enabling better planning and budgetary control.
(148) Unable to see out the operator inside was responsible for a few unintentional gropes during rehearsals!
(149) Unfortunately, although demand for sites is still high, the individual requirements of the operator dictate selection.
(150) It is not a capital account operator, dealing with the more complex business of how to finance that debt.
(151) The analogy is now the addition of a thermometer in the water in the kettle with its dial visible to the operator.
(152) In reality, Diana was given less training in her new job than the average supermarket checkout operator.
(153) The operator also announced Spheris, a new messaging software designed to integrate its existing telecommunications services on to personal computers.
(154) One operator said total compensation demands could rise to £750m.
(155) This clearly implies that the full environmental costs of mining operations should be borne by the operator.
(156) This eliminates the possibility of the wrong person being updated, and enables the operator to see if any details are incorrect.
(157) Burlington said it is considering other candidates to serve as licensed operator of shoe departments in the affected stores after this year.
(158) The brief experience of Stagecoach, the only private operator running regular passenger services, has been mixed.
(159) Will operator charges by Railtrack be reflected in higher fares and possible loss of patronage resulting from cross price elasticity?
(160) It is of the utmost importance that it is the mind of the human operator doing the selecting.
(161) In these terms, the human operator is a particular sub-system.
(162) The group, Britain's biggest coach operator, employs 1,000 people and carries 12m passengers a year.
(163) Prior to drilling, the operator consulted local bodies such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the fishing industry.
(164) To relieve the unskilled operator problem much of the decision making is now handled by the program rather than the user.
(165) In so doing, they alter the shape of the repressor so that it can no longer bind to the operator region.
(166) The operator will then look up, puzzled, and see your friendly face as you ask her to repeat the amount.
(167) At last he called the operator and asked whether the phone was out of order.
(168) Advantages of computerization to the supermarket operator include reduced labor costs, fewer pricing errors, and better inventory control.
(169) Percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology is, however, highly operator dependent.
(170) The civilian operator who took the SOS call may have heard the voice of her killer.
(171) As a scheduled operator, Virgin must fly its 400-seat jumbos even if there are only a handful of passengers on board.
(172) The computer flags any bodies that have moved during the observing session and brings them to the attention of the operator.
(173) The civilian operator will be required to own and operate a fleet of twenty trainers.
(174) In this situation, the site owner will still be paid by the National Grid as well as the mast operator.
(175) Now he's a computer operator with a firm of designers.
(176) I'd ring them up to complain but I'd never get past the switchboard operator before it stopped working again.
(177) There was something of value to the company that could be counted and tied back to an individual operator.
(178) The machine operator she replaced is unemployed and too old to be re-skilled.
(179) High standards of plumbing,[http:///operator.html] sanitation and hygiene; special factors: school summer holiday peak demand; operator reliability and continuity.
(180) She undertook work experience with a tour operator to find out whether the reality matched her expectations.
(181) A cable system has two types of customers-advertisers and consumers who subscribe to a package of programming offered by the cable operator.
(182) Ed Williams often worked late shifts as a chemical operator for the Albemarle Co., arriving home before dawn.
(183) He remains a formidable political operator and is usually at his best on the hustings.
(184) It requires concentration by the operator but, again, I would not let the speaker do it himself.
(185) At this stage the typical machine operator manipulated machine controls on the basis of data presented on instruments.
(186) The screen flashed up a weapons menu, requesting operator input.
(187) Corepressor binding does not cause significant structural change in the protein, though it greatly increases the affinity for the operator.
(188) Integrated letter writing involves combining and manipulating data from a variety of different sources with the minimum of operator intervention.
(189) This applies particularly to routines and repetitive work where the main operator limitation is not capacity or skill but stamina.
(190) In reality Goldie is a shrewd operator who is proud to have made it to the top on her own merits.
(191) Back at bomber command, the radio operator received the distress call.
(192) He went back to your hotel and had a very interesting chat with the switchboard operator.
(193) Diagnoses are based on evidence accumulated about failure modes, operator observations of symptoms and historical records.
(194) When the property market was rising every day a slick operator could buy and sell again without much risk.
(195) a day-care center operator.
(196) Do not buy a policy from the wholesale tour operator from which you bought your trip.
(197) Ken: Who's calling? Operator: It's a Mr. John Smith.
(198) This is the overseas telephone operator.
(199) I was to be a telegraph operator.
(200) It is convenient to introduce here the summation operator.
(201) Creating a transcontinental wireless operator seems to make sense.
(202) Every normal operator is trivially subnormal.
(203) Operator ( of ka pay phone ): Operator.
(204) Operator: abdominal pain, any diarrhea(), vomiting and giddiness?
(205) My grandfather was a telegraph operator in Korean War.
(206) The return type of the overloaded function call operator.
(207) Next she tried the Information operator in Bellingham,[sentencedict .com] Washington.
(208) For this, fryer operator is being planted.
(209) The second chapter discusses the monotone operator functions.
(210) Are you an experienced telephone operator?
(211) Operator: I also need your License number.
(212) Ask the switchboard operator for an outside line.
(213) We have also opened the international operator direct dialing services, No. 800, No. 200, electronic mail, tele-conferencing, international mobile phone service and high speed data lines.
(214) Someone phoned me and I told the telephone operator to put him on.
(215) First chapter : We introduce the history of the linear operator equation and it'snumerical solutions. Meanwhile, introduce the history of the development of the re-producing kernel theory.
(216) The operator who undertakes washing and dyeing shall register lawfully and withdraw the business license.
(217) The subscript operator must be defined as a class member function.
(218) The telephone operator cut us off before we finished our conversation.
(219) The logical operation which makes use of the operator or logical product.
(220) In chapter three we mainly studied the pseudo - inverse operator and the frame in Hilbert space.
(221) The methodis tested with Lena image, and comparison is made withSobel operator.
(222) C: I'll get the meter reading from the operator and we can check it together.
(223) The GC on the other hand requires the operator to shape the roast profile.
(224) The fractional Fourier transform is a linear operator, and will not be influenced by cross terms.
(225) In order - reversing involution, complete lattice is calculated and general Pawlak operator is deduced.
(226) The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made.
(227) Mary is a secretary, but she doubles in brass as the company's switchboard operator.
(228) In 1937 she moved to Salisbury[], where she worked as a telephone operator for a year.
(229) Q 5 . What fees do we pay Regency Resort & Leisure Park Management Services, Inc. as hotel operator?
(230) For example, a request like Can you send the telephone operator for a telephone techniques course?
(231) This thesis mainly on non - linear operator , eg, dissecting operator Which on basic function class.
(232) With help from training simulators human operator can develop into a highly efficient guided missile controller.
(233) Idempotent operator algebras acting on a Hilbert space H are defined.
(234) Do you know the telegraph operator living over the way?
(235) The system today provides Knock and Misfire Detection displayed to the Dyno operator.
(236) Operator house engine overhaul capability include several major airlines : United, American[Sentence dictionary], Japan Airlines and Iberia.
(237) The switchboard operator is on duty from 6 to 9.
(238) A telephone operator needs the patience to sit for a long time.
(239) A magnetic disk that is not operator demountable from its drive.
(240) Firm words , air shower and broadband are three major key products of the firm net operator.
(241) I'll connect you with the overseas telephone operator for you.
(242) The increment operator is ++ and means increase by one unit.
(243) Lagrange multiplication operator was used to analyze the parameter estimation equation for obtaining the optimized estimation of parameters.
(244) The Chinese telecommunication is the present informationization service level highest operator.
(245) An electrical gate or mechanical device which implements the logical OR operator.
(246) The operator DT command may be used to change the data partition size by page increments rounded up to the next page boundary.
(247) He ask the switchboard operator to get him a number in germany.
(248) Your advertisement for a telephone operator in the ( news - paper ) of March 8 has interested me.
(249) Subcontractor: Third enterprise under contract with the operator invoicing finished or semi - finished products .
(250) Operator: I'm trying to connect you. Hold the line, please.
(251) If an oil refinery operator needs oil for a trial run.
(252) Finally, he studied well enough to become a telegraph operator, earning $ 25 a month.
(253) Ideally, in order to reformat each line, AlignAssignments() would use the built-in substitute() function, and replace everything up to the operator with a printf'd rearrangement of that text.
(254) Operator: abdominal pain, any diarrhea, vomiting and giddiness? Is her menses normal?
(255) An operator turns a laser beam to a plate with several color stripes.
(256) Another tour operator faces penalties for wrecking coral when it illegally anchor on a Maui reef.
(257) For Java developers, this is exactly the way the ternary operator -- the ?: expression -- works.
(258) The telephone operator got a hoarse voice from working for too long.
(259) The crew was composed of the commander, gunner, loader, driver and radio - operator.
(260) Saks Inc surged 19.6 percent to $7.89 after a news report suggested that a group of private equity firms might soon bid for the New York-based luxury department store operator.
(261) The Machine operator leader is responsible for the entire machine shop.
(262) A combination of operator mismanagement and design flaws caused the accident.
(263) The logical operation which makes use of the AND operator or logical product.
(264) For many years I worked as a receptionist and switchboard operator at a busy company.
(265) We mainly consider completely monotone functions from semigroup to operator algebras.
(266) As a generic aggregation operator is adopted, several solution methods proposed earlier become special cases of this approach, and the solution process also becomes more flexible and realistic.
(266) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(267) The iterative construction interpolating space is discussed by K - method and it is characterized by linear operator.
(268) The dereference operator is also known as the indirection operator.
(269) We were cut off twice by the telephone operator during our conversation.
(270) Some owners incorrectly think that responsibility for operating losses is handed over to the operator.
(271) The nuclear installation operator shall indemnify the nation for the loan under the preceding paragraph.
(272) The image features are computed by Barnard algorithm and the operator LoG.




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