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单词 Myth
1. Nobody believes in the myth about human beings becoming immortals.
2. It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from lies.
3. Schools tend to perpetuate the myth that boys are better at sport than girls.
4. There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun.
5. We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God.
6. We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain.
7. There is a great myth that all sports players are stupid.
8. Contrary to popular myth , the majority of accidents are not caused by speeding or drunkenness.
9. The myth of male superiority was losing its potency.
10. The myth that elephants never forget.
11. The battle has become part of national myth.
12. The story is a pure myth.
13. It's impossible to disentangle the myth from reality.
14. It's a complete myth that he has royal blood.
15. This image is a myth perpetuated by the media.
16. At last, a women's magazine to explode the myth that thin equals beautiful.
17. His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.
18. I bought into the popular myth that when I got the new car or the next house, I'd finally be happy.
19. It was important to dispel the myth that Aids was a gay disease.
20. The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around the actress.
21. It is another unfortunate myth of our culture that older people are asexual.
22. My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman.
23. It is also a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people.
24. We don't buy into the myth that money is the answer to everything.
25. The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago.
26. The myth of happy and contented animals down on the farm is now far from the truth.
27. People's faith in the Emperor was based on the myth that he was infallible.
28. The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.
29. The propaganda of both sides relies heavily on historical myth.
30. The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth.
1. Nobody believes in the myth about human beings becoming immortals.
2. It's difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from lies.
3. There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun.
4. We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God.
5. We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain.
6. The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.
7. There is a great myth that all sports players are stupid.
8. Contrary to popular myth , the majority of accidents are not caused by speeding or drunkenness.
9. The story is a pure myth.
10. The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth.
11. He has peddled the myth that he is supporting the local population.
12. We can't possibly believe the myth of " detente " now.
31. The rich uncle of whom he boasts is only a myth.
32. In Greek myth, love is personified by the goddess Aphrodite.
33. The myth persists that men are more intelligent than women.
34. The organization has peddled the myth that they are supporting the local population.
35. The popular myth is that air travel is more dangerous than travel by car or bus.
36. The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.
37. He has peddled the myth that he is supporting the local population.
38. The myth says that he led a small band of followers to seek their fortune in distant lands.
39. Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.
40. Contrary to popular myth women are not worse drivers than men.
41. Comics and books for children tend to perpetuate the myth that 'boys don't cry'.
42. Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men.
43. It's the kind of story we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true.
44. Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.
45. The programme sets out to explode the myth that some delicate tropical fish are impossible to keep.
46. It is time to dispel the myth of a classless society .
47. Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth.
48. We can't possibly believe the myth of " detente " now.
49. Contrary to the popular myth, women are not reckless spendthrifts.
50. How did the myth get so firmly established in the popular consciousness?
51. In this myth, entrepreneurial heroes personify freedom and creativity.
52. This myth, it is apparent, exists in two aspects.
53. Thus the myth of the killer bee was born.
54. By inventing a myth(), the epic poet frees himself from the group.
55. Advocates also said that the stereotype of the deadbeat dad as in jail or unemployed was a myth.
56. But images of the period are shrouded in myth and clouded by partisan rhetoric.
57. At fifteen he ran away to sea, pursuing the myth of his absent father.
58. This myth, which so pleased the masters, did not find acceptance among slaves.
59. The myth of Osiris must have been told and retold to eager audiences over many centuries and in many different ways.
60. Among single men, 59 percent buy into the myth and 68 percent of all married men believe it to be true.
61. Men who make a living working with their hands tend to believe the myth more than men with desk jobs.
62. We therefore arrive at more recent definitions of myth which include a contributory component of surface-meaning.
63. I have time to discuss only one lexical myth: this is the signpost which points us in the direction of precision.
64. To the majority of performers, cash advances of any substance were a rarity, contracts a thing only of myth.
65. On the starry nighttime side of human consciousness, myth still lives and reigns.
66. One of the most compelling elements in the myth is the necessity of concealing your true identity.
67. Payton wants to debunk the myth that economics is a science.
68. They believed in the myth and Diana could not bring herself to tell them the awful truth.
69. Primitive myth comes to us through the kindness of shamans, village elders, witches, warlocks, and medicine men.
70. We must also imagine our way into myth, as best we can, like actors in a play.
71. It is a myth that is clinically naive and will not stand up in the face of empirical evidence.
72. The myth that it is comparatively simple and also deeply desirable to have it off in the back seat.
73. Finally, the idea that the big financial institutions are a law unto themselves and would refuse to cooperate is a myth.
74. To question across the boundaries of the myth systems would, of course, involve aggression and getting in touch with the latent anger.
75. Isis the alchemist, in whose myth are contained all the elements of the art, is still with us.
76. Despite the best endeavours of every serious historian who has written about the subject, this myth is still widely believed.
77. Far from being vacuous storytelling, myth in its true sense is a communion with the deepest truths of existence.
78. The myth that the Legion took anyone was being rapidly disproved and I didn't want to be a victim of it.
79. Without evidence to the contrary, it may be unwise to go against the behavior suggested as appropriate by the myth.
80. My own chief concern is with myth as a living whole.
81. Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
82. There seems to be a myth alive in my head and muck dying down there.
83. It is a costly myth, however that organization alignment must precede fundamental change.
84. So, it is a myth that conversational discourse is inevitably symmetrical.
85. The adventure which we set ourselves was this: to try and experience myth and actuality in the same breath.
86. The myth of the self-made man, has to be profoundly hypocritical: it is the self-serving demonstration that a lie is the truth. Che Guevara 
87. Taxing poverty Popular myth has it that poor peasants and casual workers in the Third World do not pay tax.
88. The view that Anne was a sentimental Jacobite who secretly wished her brother-in-law to succeed her has now been debunked as myth.
89. They draw on and, in so doing, recharge the powerful myth of blood connection,[sentencedict .com] shared blood connection.
90. The haze of myth is dissipated, with extraordinary suddenness, from the origins of the world and of life.
91. Pastoral myth was a dominant mode of social understanding through much of the eighteenth century.
92. And what a wonderful world of myth one finds in celebration of this universal mystery!
93. But the myth was more entertaining when dull but inescapable facts were omitted.
94. This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.
95. The lime juice myth was so firmly entrenched that it is still commonly believed.
96. The man had become a myth and acquired the definite article.
97. And it's a myth that foxes are torn to pieces while still alive.
98. But the recently decided case of Corbett v. Corbett explodes this myth.
99. That myth was ended without argument on an historic afternoon at St Helens.
100. The study debunks the myth that men are better at math than women.
101. But this was extended, through myth and legend, to be seen as a generalized blessing.
102. Myth 2. Singleness is a waiting period.
103. Italian culture is so streaked with myth.
104. Myth No. 4: The U.S. government debt is big.
105. Some people think Pandora's box is just a myth.
106. MYTH: Maya Predicted End of the World in 2012.
107. There is the myth of the Abominable Snowman.
108. An ageless love myth continues in the years of love story.
109. Myth 15 : Taking hormone replacement therapy will increase my risk of cervical cancer.
110. This of course is only a myth or folk tale.
111. He has a special appearance bringing up the image of Adonis from Greek myth.
112. According to myth, anyone looking at Medusa would turn into stone.
113. I am afraid the myth was invented in 1754 by the English antiquary William Stukeley.
114. Frye sees literature as a reconstructed mythology, with its structural principles derived from those of myth.
115. Myth # 4 : do not need to apply before sleep mask any skin care.
116. The age of myth and miracle had come upon the world again.
117. I like the film The Myth and its theme song Endless Love.
118. Does Baidu bring up wealthy person myth can such story be on wireless Internet rerun?
119. Perhaps the biggest myth Yi dispelled was that he's some kind of big lumbering center.
120. Contrary to official myth , however,[http://] the Cuban revolution was not primarily a peasant rebellion.
121. Thelma : ( proudly ) He gave me a set of books called Greek Myth mythic - mythiologgio, that's it!
122. According to Hellenic myth, general deity? Zeus has a grandiose temple on Olympus.
123. The myth of Hitler's invulnerability was soon blown sky - high.
124. Indeed, he suggests a lyric myth for Rhythmanalysis which could well be called the Orpheus complex.
125. In the pantheon of classic modern buildings, Utzon's creation has the status of myth.
126. It was into this harbor of history and myth that Bram Stoker sailed in 1890.
127. Greek literature major form - myth, circulated a thick Mesopotamia atmosphere.
128. The myth of Medusa is about a woman who turned men into stone.
129. A funfair blending performances and fantasy that unfolds the joyful myth of the New Year!
130. I've finally nailed the myth of his infallibility, ie shown that he can make mistakes.
131. To counter this myth, we explained that we're really an amalgam of little guys.
132. Noguchi's difficult history fuels the romantic myth of the artist as outsider.
133. Is the Low - Fat, High - Carb Diet Mantra a Myth?
134. The Comparison: The Sea God Image Between Greek Myth and Chinese Antiquity Myth.
135. Another explanation of the Osirian myth has thus been given : Osiris was the Nile god.
136. The Dilemma of Hegemony: The Myth of " Americana " and " New Empire "
137. According to myth Hades also imprisoned his wife, Persephone , in the underworld's eternal darkness.
138. The myth of the Japanese sniper is exploded by returning officers.
139. Sumerian myth , Hittites myth, a myth of their letters have a great impact.
140. The myth has been fostered that electronic surveillance was an invention of the Nixon Administration.
141. The second chapter introduces the theoretical basis of the thesis, the myth - archetypical criticism.
142. Myth 8 : My Pap test was abnormal, which means I must hae cancer.
143. Other accounts of Celtic history debunk these stories as myth.
144. The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy.
145. And a provocative exhibition tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous apeman.
146. One water buffalo myth conjures up an image of wild and vicious animals.
147. A banshee, before I go on, is an Irish myth.
148. MYTH: A wolf hybrid will make a better guard dog.
148. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
149. This story takes myth and as types of literature, reflecting the theme of great mother love.
150. The woman is Europa, a main actress of the myth for Taurus.
151. Legend, myth, and faith often conspire to confuse rather than clarify.
152. MYTH: Planet X Is on a Collision Course With Earth.




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