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单词 Conviction
1) The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 
2) She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.
3) His conviction caused rioting in the streets.
4) His argument does not carry much conviction.
5) The High Court later quashed his conviction for murder.
6) He plans to appeal against his conviction.
7) The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction.
8) Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. George Bernard Shaw 
9) As it was her first conviction for stealing,(http:///conviction.html) she was given a less severe sentence.
10) Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.
11) It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.
12) The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
13) His conviction was quashed in March 1986 after his counsel argued that the police evidence was a tissue of lies.
14) The appeal court overturned the conviction against her.
15) He will appeal against his conviction.
16) He appealed against his conviction for murder.
17) There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.
18) His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal.
19) They need strong evidence to secure a conviction.
20) Try to say that line with more conviction.
21) Nor did his denial carry conviction.
22) 'We shall, sir,' said Thorne, with conviction.
23) His conviction carried him along in his research.
24) He said he agreed but his voice lacked conviction.
25) This was her third conviction for cheating.
26) The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
27) Carpenter is free on bail while he appeals his conviction.
28) He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
29) The most fearful enemy is not having a firm conviction.
30) The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.
1) She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.
2) His argument does not carry much conviction.
3) The High Court later quashed his conviction for murder.
4) He plans to appeal against his conviction.
5) The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction.
6) The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
7) As it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.
8) Carpenter is free on bail while he appeals his conviction.
9) It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.
10) The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
11) He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
12) His conviction was quashed in March 1986 after his counsel argued that the police evidence was a tissue of lies.
31) The conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeal.
32) Her documentary casts serious doubt on Gilligan's conviction.
33) She was motivated by deep religious conviction.
34) 'No,' she said, without conviction.
35) This was her third conviction for theft.
36) 'Not true!' she said with conviction.
37) The conviction rate for rape is extremely low.
38) His claim somehow lacked conviction.
39) There was no great conviction in his voice.
40) It is the firm conviction of the governors that this child should not be admitted to the school.
41) Nothing could shake her conviction that "abroad" was a dangerous place.
42) He battled on(http://), in the sublime conviction that he was in the right.
43) The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community.
44) He got off with a fairly light sentence because it was his first conviction.
45) He had a strong personal conviction about the power of the printed word.
46) Fresh evidence has emerged that casts doubts on the men's conviction.
47) If the child believes in what she is saying, she will carry conviction .
48) It was a reasonable explanation, but his voice lacked conviction .
49) She had a firm conviction that they would meet again in the hereafter.
50) He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery.
51) The judge upheld the defendant's submission and quashed his conviction.
52) They have an unshakeable conviction that what they are doing is right.
53) She had this absolute conviction that what she liked others would like.
54) She'd made such promises before, and they lacked conviction/didn't carry much conviction.
55) It took her so much effort to speak that what she said carried great conviction .
56) The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused public outrage locally.
57) He believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane.
58) He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.
59) The district attorney said if McVeigh is given the death penalty and his conviction is upheld on appeal, the state prosecution would become moot.
60) A reward is offered for information leading to the conviction of the attacker.
61) His speech carried so much conviction that I had to agree with him.
62) He said he was enjoying his new job, but his voice lacked conviction.
63) The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder.
64) The councilor's proposal didn't succeed because his argument failed to carry conviction.
65) The solicitors were convinced of his innocence and urged him to appeal the conviction.
66) The ex-leaders share a deep conviction that their views on world matters are still vitally important.
67) There was a lot of circumstantial evidence but they still needed a clincher,(http://) something cast iron that would carry a conviction.
68) The leader's speech in defence of the policy didn't carry much conviction.
69) Her arguments lacked conviction.
70) He was able to say with conviction that he had changed.
71) The firm last night offered a £10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer.
72) Her explanation failed to carry conviction in the face of the facts.
73) It would be all right, Jane thought without conviction.
74) Does the computer then disclose their conviction for prostitution?
75) Matthew's voice did not carry much conviction.
76) One can only talk with conviction to one's peers.
77) Mrs. Warren and her husband appealed the conviction.
78) Father Tim said, with unusual conviction.
79) Then, with more conviction, she pronounced my name.
80) Mrs Helmsley will appeal against her conviction and sentence.
81) He appealed the conviction, but lost in June 1992.
82) He is free on bail while appealing the conviction.
83) Fashion and change Two features of the present cultural climate make this element of conviction all the more necessary.
84) It s brash, fast, slickly arranged big-band music that hits the accents with deft conviction.
85) Conviction for such an offence carries a five-year prison sentence.
86) He was sentenced to a 15-year jail term without remission on conviction a month later.
87) Tilden died broke, and shunned by many because of his conviction for homosexuality with underage partners.
88) But the letter, a social obligation too promptly performed, had lacked conviction.
89) Where an applicant is convicted, the licensing board may refuse to consider the application with which the conviction was concerned.
90) The Divisional Court concluded that nothing in that statement of facts constituted a threat, and the conviction was quashed.
91) Maxwell could spend some time in the slammer for failing to keep up with court-ordered guidelines after a marijuana conviction.
92) If the other evidence was good enough they could secure a conviction on that alone.
93) He only had one tiny conviction for shoplifting so far, and felt sure that wouldn't be held against him.
94) There are many reasons why people have a diminished sense of personal conviction.
95) The fact that they do not believe with any great conviction the theories underlying the shocks, makes their task even harder.
96) I felt no great assurance of comfort, but my conviction of evil grew a little less.
97) Believe he could not, and at the same time he had no firm conviction that all was untrue.
98) It is my conviction that there is no way to peace - peace is the way. Thich Nhat Hanh 
99) To do that, it takes a person of strong conviction and real guts.
100) Our conviction is that the term knowledge worker needs to be very broadly defined.
101) Internationalists had their explanations for that, of course, but these failed to carry conviction in the face of the facts.
102) The nuns do not, as a matter of religious conviction, use such modern conveniences, but city bureaucrats were implacable.
103) Americans held the conviction that anyone could become rich if they worked hard.
104) The southern conviction that the Republicans were bitter enemies of slavery precipitated this decision.
105) The Court of Appeal allowed the appellant's appeal against conviction of committing an act of gross indecency.
106) Aline's insight underlined my conviction on holiday that this was one tale not for retelling.
107) There is no iron in the new faith because it lacks personal conviction.
108) By the early 1820s conviction grew amongst reformers that it was not.
109) And he sold all his possessions to finance appeals against his conviction.
110) Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.
111) McVeigh was condemned to death after his conviction on identical charges in June.
112) He brought to his office a conviction that a bishop had a dual responsibility to serve both church and monarchy.
113) But even they seemed to be going through the motions, quite without conviction.
114) Congress may adopt a racial-justice amendment that would allow blacks to appeal against conviction on the ground of systematic racial bias.
115) Her grandfather had suggested, without conviction, that she might be of some use in the farm office.
116) Lozano was allowed to remain free on bail while appealing against his conviction.
117) But, for a few months, de Lattre infused his troops with the conviction that they might redress the dismal situation.
118) The reader may not be persuaded by some of the cases, but the whole mass of them carries conviction.
119) Only when the cause of the doubt has been understood and dealt with can faith be re-engaged and personal conviction encouraged.
120) He replied that this was one anecdote of Surkov's which had seemed to carry conviction.
121) Hopkins, during the later months of 1967 was being visited, rather than visiting, after his marijuana conviction.
122) She was alarmed to hear a very obvious lack of conviction in her voice, though.
123) It is my faith and conviction that the Constitution came not alone of the brain and purpose of man, but of the inspiration of God. Gordon B. Hinckley 
124) Christmas was coming, but without much conviction in a darkened Britain.
125) He was over the drink-drive limit and had a previous conviction for careless driving.
126) It can only be done with conviction, with the sort of approach we used in 1969 with Ostpolitik.
127) Belief is not a superstition or a religious faith. It is what you think and believe with conviction but has room for doubt. Dr T.P.Chia 
128) The pentecostal conviction that everyone has the responsibility to spread the word did the rest.
129) It is being said with some conviction that Labour inflicted a serious blow on itself with that Sheffield monster rally.
130) She just appeared and moved in with the clear conviction that we were still a family.
131) One year after conviction, there were no significant differences in recidivism rates or time to rearrest among the three groups.
132) At these times the strength of personal relationships and conviction will be tested.
133) It casts more doubt on Wallace's conviction in 1981 of the killing of his friend, antique dealer Jonathan Lewis.
134) Poindexter remained at liberty after sentence, however, pending an appeal against his conviction.
135) Conviction to the point of resignation Always be prepared to resign Organizations fail because managers compromise their principles.
136) Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
137) Regrettably, neither these nor any other conflicts emerge with any conviction from 7:84's dull and disappointing production.
138) The refusal also makes the Government incapable of carrying conviction in its overall economic policy.
139) It was held by the Divisional Court that his appeal against conviction of the obstruction offence must be allowed.
140) Atheists are people who think for themselves and defenders of reason, and their conviction that God does not exist is making a significant contribution to the development of thinking, rational and open- minded people. Dr T.P.Chia 
141) To carry conviction your presentation must move effortlessly from one statement to the next taking your audience with you.
142) He tried to argue in his mind against this conviction, because he was frightened by feelings of such strength.
143) I tried to argue, Holmes, but somehow my words carried insufficient conviction.
144) The Mutawas offered the father moral support in his strong stance and showered him with accolades for his religious conviction.
145) He often expressed his conviction that a closed society is an anachronism in a global society.
146) Act 1974 is liable to unlimited fines and/or up to two years imprisonment after conviction by a Crown Court.
147) His father, Earl Bathurst, was banned from driving after a drink-drive conviction 4 years ago.
148) One major factor, of course, was that the possible alternatives seemed enfeebled and lacking in conviction.
149) However, I have an equally strong conviction that a balanced-budget amendment is a threat to Social Security and our economic health.
150) Short-term projects to improve customer service might buck up the conviction of those managers.
151) In this, Vargas Llosa defends his most deep and abiding conviction: that literature can change the world.
152) Fawehinmi's conviction on the contempt of court charge was quashed by the appeal court in July.
153) The boys' father, Cedric Owens, is in jail after a conviction for burglary.
154) In spite of his conviction about Michael, there were other points that needed clearing up, if Edmund Jason could now speak.
155) It is the firm conviction of your Board that you should not become shareholders in a company with such an unsound strategy.
155) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
156) They are commanding and authoritative, bloated with conviction that their advice is right, the best thing for me.
157) The right hon. Lady said no, no, no out of firm conviction.
158) Without the anchor of personal conviction they are at the mercy of every ebb and flow of opinion.
159) Probably she had found a sufficient stock of unused paper in the attic - yellowed enough with age to carry conviction.
160) There is now a growing conviction that the religious sources for a new public ethos have to be mobilised again.
161) He was poor himself but passionate in his conviction that Modigliani deserved a sponsor.
162) That shows an inner strength which must be the result of his deep religious conviction.
163) This Government has all the conviction of a blush on Madonna's cheek.
164) A person who has proof can therefore believe and can be compelled by belief to act with conviction.
165) The trial and conviction of Jimmy Malone took over three months.
166) They obscure our deeper conviction that what is in the blood will out, that shared blood means shared susceptibilities.
167) The only defendant to testify was Salaam(), a move which most observers saw as having increased his chances of conviction.
168) Yet during his Saturday night guest appearance Julio Bocca danced the ballet with a heroic degree of conviction.
169) It is my strong conviction that an efficient economy and a fair society go together.
170) It takes moral courage and conviction to defend justice and oppose injustice. To take the side of justice is justice, to give comfort to injustice is injustice. Dr T.P.Chia 
171) Widdowson appealed against conviction on the technicality that obtaining hire-purchase did not amount to obtaining services.
172) Let me not draw back from the Sacrifice I have made of my free choice and conviction.
173) She told Sam it was time he was in bed, but without conviction.
174) A central part of our view of individual agents is our conviction that there is an explanatory link between belief and action.
175) Legislative response to that conviction can not be regarded as arbitrary or capricious and that is all we have to decide.
176) He responded, "we will win," but his voice didn't carry conviction.
177) Her hair was coiled without conviction in the nape of her neck.
178) But it was one thing to tell myself that and another to act on it with any conviction.
179) Firmly distanced from the levers of power, the liberal parties were unable to carry conviction among their potential constituents.
180) On one level, there is no faulting their conviction that popular capitalism has caught the public's imagination as well as our money.
181) This is the obedience of faith to which personal conviction leads.
182) Positivist research has generated much data about specific relationships between individual or social characteristics and the likelihood of conviction.
183) The fact of the conviction can be proved just by putting in the certificate from the convicting court.
184) He appealed against conviction, submitting that the trial judge's decision was wrong in law.
185) It had to carry conviction with a better educated, more discriminating public.
186) But could they ever secure a conviction on that basis against an heir to the throne?
187) Publication in contravention of this provision is an offence punishable on summary conviction with a fine not exceeding £1,000.
188) The arguments therefore tend to focus on three borderline questions: What is the minimum fault required for conviction of murder?
189) In January 1994, he agreed to give free concerts as compensation for a previous conviction on drunken driving charges.
190) Soon after his conviction, McDougal began cooperating with Starr in hopes of reducing his sentence.
191) Your conscience, conviction, integrity(), and loyalties were torn asunder.
192) Their unhealthiness is their and is what carries conviction.
193) To say or affirm earnestly and with great conviction.
194) I will asseverate my conviction that she is guilty.
195) He had a prior conviction for armed robbery.
196) This conviction is the rock on which sanctity is built.
197) Character is a crystallized habit, the result of training and conviction.
198) Archer had left her with the conviction that Count Olenski's accusation was not unfounded.
199) She had a natural courtesy combined with an unshakable conviction.
200) And even today, their cordiality is often more out of necessity than conviction.
201) Now faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
202) I used to have no interest in politics or any politic conviction.
203) Such perceived deficiencies have hobbled his ability to cajole China with any real conviction.
204) A conviction obtained by fraud or perjury by a witness will be quashed.
205) Doctor Sloper very soon imparted his conviction to Mrs. Almond.
206) The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved ( Victor Hugo ).
207) Darby Now faith is the substantiating of things hoped for , the conviction of things not seen.
208) The Buddha tasted Awakening by developing conviction, persistence, mindfulness, concentration and discernment.
209) One of these days, thought Winston with sudden deep conviction, Syme will be vaporized.
210) Don't meekly communicate your message. Say it with powerful words and conviction.
211) Along with his humbleness because he knew so little, there arose a conviction of power.
212) It does not affect the conviction and it's only the ground of sentence and execution individualization.
213) However, conviction of a single misdemeanor ( minor offense ) have no effect on a student's immigration status.
214) The codefendant will probably benefits from the cooperation in the aspect of conviction or sentence.
215) Preventing detainee from coming to our shores would prevent his trial and conviction.
216) He spoke with an earnestness that carried conviction to his students.
217) We must once again have the courage and conviction to lead the free world.
218) It is my conviction , or my delusion , that crime brings its own fatality with it.




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