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单词 Resemble
1. The brothers resemble each other in taste.
2. You resemble your mother very closely.
3. It's amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.
4. So many hotels resemble each other.
5. He does not resemble his brother in any way.
6. The house was designed to resemble a church.
7. He grew up to resemble his father.
8. She may resemble her father facially, but in other respects she's not at all like him.
9. Will it resemble an out-take from Dubliners?
10. Emersed and submersed plants closely resemble each other.
11. One straightened stream begins to resemble another.
12. It did resemble a church precinct after a wedding.
13. But of course, not all early gardens resemble parkland.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Flight patterns resemble Peregrine and Hobby.
15. Rather, they resemble puppets manipulated by their maker.
16. The delicate blossoms resemble lace.
17. The tremor may resemble both essential and cerebellar tremor in that it is present more on tonic posturing and movements.
18. In self-defeating organizations, poor performance comes to resemble this sort of eternally perpetuating cycle.
19. It will closely resemble a pair of normal diesel locomotives coupled back to back.
20. Interestingly, the security problems plaguing network administrators resemble the problems facing transaction-based electronic commerce.
21. Any new facilities constructed will closely resemble the facilities of commercial sector health clubs such as David Lloyd Centres or Esporta.
22. Whales and hippos may not much resemble each other nowadays, but retain some hints of kinship.
23. Distantly related species may come to resemble one another closely.
24. Plants cultivated in half-shade have very narrow leaves and resemble some species of Aponogeton.
25. Such is the method of camouflage in which a species evolves to resemble its background.
26. Spinelets are confined to the radial shields in G. arcticus and more closely resemble large granules.
27. This idea works well using such designs as L-shapes, placed back to back to resemble book ends.
28. This exercise is helpful for those whose bottoms have grown to resemble a blancmange.
29. But man is, in general, sexually dimorphic in ways which do not resemble his ape cousins.
30. They are made of lead and painted gold to resemble the real thing but the crude copies rapidly deteriorate.
1. The brothers resemble each other in taste.
2. You resemble your mother very closely.
3. It's amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.
31. Taken together, they resemble the range of altered perceptions reported by yogis, Zen masters, and other contemplatives.
32. To put it another way, ancestors of stick insects that did not resemble sticks did not leave descendants.
33. Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. George Sand 
34. In the North, road racing starts to resemble cyclo-cross, its country winter-sports version.
35. The long-term epidemiological risk factors for sudden cardiac death greatly resemble those for coronary artery disease.
36. Carsen has made it resemble a scene from one of the Coen brothers' farther than far-out movies.
37. Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble. Samuel Johnson 
38. At daybreak or dusk, the pyramids most resemble the limestone monuments seen by the old explorers.
39. When they seemed to resemble each other rather too closely, he introduced random mutations in the offspring.
40. Her views on capital punishment, immigration, and the trade unions resemble those of the right-wing tabloid press.
41. The concentrations of urokinase type plasminogen activator in the duodenum resemble the quantities found in normal stomach tissue biopsy specimens.
42. He denies it, but there's no denying the little girl does resemble Becker in a dress.
43. With a fork draw lines over the warm chocolate to resemble bark.
44. It is a structure which does not resemble the so-called granary or storage facility at Harappa.
45. Something about his eyes was hooded, making his eyes, briefly( ), resemble hers.
46. Appliances plug into slave units which may resemble oversized 13A adaptors.
47. The field test procedures resemble an actual quality assessment and usually involve an audit of client records.
48. Lolling behind a screen of vertical bars, girls in a brothel resemble animals in a cage.
49. The citadel's rough, sheer pale-brown outer walls and ramparts resemble a giant sandcastle built on the edge of the sea.
50. All such buildings resemble huge ships, the gaping walls like spars awaiting rigging.
51. The tentacle scales are small and variable, numbering from 0-5, some are needle-like while others resemble small granules.
52. Patterns made in fields by the tracks of heavy machinery also frequently resemble patterns associated with archaeological remains.
53. Salomon Brothers began to resemble the rest of Wall Street.
54. How far, for instance, do Middle-March and an imagist haiku resemble each other?
55. These resemble crop-sprayers, but with piston engines - hence the avgas there.
56. Britain's leading wave-jumping event, in its fourth year, is staged in Tiree because the swells most resemble Hawaii's.
57. It is no coincidence that combat soldiers, particularly paratroops, wear camouflage uniforms that somewhat resemble a leopard's spotted coat.
58. To the outsider the movements of a kata resemble a dance routine.
59. However, living systems do resemble machines and other human artefacts.
60. Ventilator chimneys sprouting on the roofs of his Barcelona apartments resemble a collection of mounted life forms from an alien planet.
61. Six weeks later, most of its organs are present and its outward appearance begins to resemble that of a baby.
62. The female figure on the knife handle appears to resemble Aphrodite or Venus, the goddess of love.
63. Much stronger are the type 2 meteors, with the physical strength of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, which they also resemble chemically.
64. Are cats strange animals or do they so resemble us that we find them curious as we do monkeys? John Steinbeck 
65. His coffee mugs were said to more closely resemble vats than cups.
66. They also have inflicted heavy losses with roadside bombs, often disguised to resemble rocks.
67. Feminist extensions of conventional psychological methodology often resemble more explicitly oppositional programmes for social scientific method.
68. The oral papillae are reduced and resemble large flattened granules.
69. They will in this respect resemble our own rules of etiquette.
70. A greater proportion of the mare rocks resemble basalts on the Earth and are called mare basalts.
71. In this, again, they resemble Swift, though they rarely share his horrified fascination.
72. These are extremely small, single-cell structures that somewhat resemble bacteria on Earth.
73. How closely do they resemble these notes? Make a list of deficiencies that could be remedied by you.
74. The remains of these figures resemble the present west pediment in style.
75. The RYRs identified in neurons and sea urchin eggs seem to resemble the cardiac RYR2.
76. The female hazelnut flowers have extended their tiny purple tongues, but the male flowers resemble those of the alders.
77. The grandchildren would also resemble their common ancestor-and one readily believes that this continues indefinitely.
78. The hall had suddenly begun to resemble a police station.
79. Cells in the tumour seem to resemble the body's own cells soon after conception when a baby is still developing.
80. Mr Perkins wanted us to divide it into four quarters, so the final appearance would resemble a hot cross bun.
81. Sometimes a drug's side-effects resemble the symptoms of the disease being treated.
82. It operates through receptors whose molecular and physiological properties closely resemble the calcium-mobilizing ryanodine receptors of muscle.
83. We are accustomed to thinking of those characters as heroes, and at first glance, Kaczynski seems to resemble them.
84. Not surprisingly these force patterns resemble the pattern of magnetic field lines across the aperture of a quadrupole magnet.
85. It was designed not to resemble a church of any sort but, if anything, a town hall.
86. The leaves are sometimes nearly entire, but their sides are usually incised and resemble oak leaves.
87. Microbots-New World Creatures A lot of research is under way to develop small robots that resemble insects.
88. Second, close relatives must resemble each other with respect to such a character more than do distantly related individuals.
89. So many hotels resemble each other, with fashionable limed wood furniture, chintz fabrics and marble bathrooms.
90. A trip to the store for milk or cigarettes can make walking through a minefield in Bosnia resemble a pleasant experience.
91. The outer half of the belt is dominated by the C-type asteroids, very dark materials that closely resemble carbonaceous meteorites.
92. It feeds largely on ants whose remains can be found in the birds droppings, which resemble cigarette ash.
93. For more and more she is coming to resemble a mechanical praying mantis, frozen there in the glass, he wrote.
94. They scarcely resemble the order of dragonflies after which they were named.
95. Stock market shares resemble a alphabet soup.
96. He and I resemble parallel line.
97. In these respects, the fossils resemble modern humans.
98. The following questions resemble a sample set.
99. In their pupa stage, they resemble broken twigs.
100. His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet.
101. I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper.
102. The tumor cells often have intracytoplasmic vacuoles representing small vascular lumina, and which may resemble mucin.
103. Not only does the Venus flytrap anemone (Actinoscyphia saginata) resemble the well-known carnivorous plant,(Sentence dictionary) but it also emulates the plant's behavior.
104. Resemble the lamplight with general and downy sunshine, the antependium with natural qualitative hemp, the cany chair of reservation of of primitive simplicity.
105. In June I dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese.
106. His ballooning deficits resemble the shortfalls paralyzing state capitals from Springfield to Sacramento.
107. " be to resemble office worker of pestilential and general sweep anything away by appearance before this " happy net " be pointed to to lack new idea and cold-shoulder gradually.
108. Any of numerous fungi, especially of the family Clavariaceae, whose often brightly colored spore-bearing structures are club-shaped to intricately branched and resemble coral.
109. The pattern so obtained will not resemble any of the others.
110. The onset of this disease may resemble the prodromal period of icteric hepatitis.
111. Interfaces , in this regard , should resemble sovereign posture applications , taking the full - screen real estate.
112. Zygomycetes resemble the other two classes in this group but have nonmotile spores.
113. Resemble at present: With planning fierce Bi of dim glow of the setting sun rips Yan? shoe and trousers wet, cannot go out temporarily, can get into mosquito-curtain to listen to rain only.
114. I feel optimal hair should resemble silk cloth same complaisantand ablaze.
115. A room of the National Gallery will be transformed to resemble Amsterdam's "infamous" red-light district, in a move that is bound to cause controversy. Daily Telegraph.
116. Most middle - priced hotel and motel rooms resemble each other somewhat.
117. They are small round cell tumors that are highly cellular and resemble medulloblastomas histologically.
118. Every iron - like fact tell us, they resemble the merciless cloven - hoofed field being devour human being's life.
119. It's called the Big Shorts by some Beijingers, and it does indeed resemble a massive pair of short pants striding across the North China Plain.
120. Resemble the sofa like lodge, the carpet of tie-in shagginess and fruity small tea table, having a unique style.
121. Nowadays, resemble peddling avowedly on Internet so the net shop of contraband is not little.
122. Ameboid Describing an organism that resemble an ameba in shape and movement.
123. The nic'Epona resemble ordinary horses almost exactly, although there is a sparkle of intelligence behind their eyes that belies the aspect of a common animal.
124. Moreover, use cases are uniquely suited for the User Acceptance Test because acceptance test cases are required to resemble the scenarios originally elicited from system stakeholders.
125. Vibrational modes of the qing resemble those of a bell.
126. Return the home in so drunk that resemble a dead same.
127. However, during the initial load, the input data might have duplicate entries, where details from one record closely resemble those from another.
128. The odd shapes that tufa take can sometimes resemble coral.
129. A the sport car of red rowed that soft face, and resemble the pole a blood ...... that rowed on the beautiful skin the night more of make open.
130. Did it resemble the earth when this was destitute of an atmosphere?
131. Paint with vectors that resemble natural - media brush strokes controlling bristle characteristics and paint opacity.
132. They hope to resemble tellurian of preterhuman and same free discrepancy not only each corners, hope to be able to learn the detail of the world more.
133. Lin Jiaxin belongs to temperament melting model belle, bingle lets her look resemble a false boy, complaisant straight hair can foil more those who give her is melting and comely!
134. Anas, who was born and Bandung, West Java, said he feels lucky to resemble Obama.
135. But I think the theme and style resemble a Song Dynasty painting.
136. Finally, on the scale from concrete to abstract we come to experiences so fully condensed, so changed, that they no longer resemble the concrete or semiconscious experience in any way.
137. You, too, have principle and mind; your tastes and habits resemble Diana's and Mary's.
138. Tea table, resemble an elf same, in the beautification of the bedroom personate is worn indispensable costar part.
139. Rather, he looks Caucasian , so it is unlikely his DNA would resemble a modern Amerindian's.
140. Its effects closely resemble those of the FSH and LH.
141. Does gay marriage, as claimed, resemble monogamous heterosexual marriage more than polygamy does?
142. The infiltrating glands of this colonic adenocarcinoma demonstrate less differentiation than the adenomatous polyp, although they still resemble glands.
143. The actual chrestomathy of each life castaway, so deft that can pull pull, thin resemble a book thinly, let you place in a certain position arbitrarily in the aperture in a certain space.
144. This feature and its big eyes made it resemble a bunny or a rat—which is why it is commonly called a rabbitfish or ratfish .
145. Yet both will resemble each other somewhat in general structure.
146. Inside the tote bag deputies found a gun case, designed and manufactured to resemble a hardbound book, containing a single-shot Colt derringer.
147. Either of two plants, Chrysanthemum frutescens of the Canary Islands, or C. leucanthemum of Eurasia, having white or pale yellow flowers that resemble those of the common American daisy.
148. Street lamp light crouchs posse , resemble brushy balloon, wave in the sky in grey indigo color.
149. In the absence of a way to determine which of these two service names more closely resemble the input service name, the registry will encounter a serious problem.
150. Stollen, a traditional German bread, is said to resemble Christ in his swaddling clothes.
151. In respect of contemporary service line of business , resemble Lakala also can be an original enterprise.
152. This is the design philosophy that leads to overstuffed websites that resemble Times Square in their relentless attack on the senses.
153. Morphologically, these granular cells resemble the true cells of myoblastoma and have been shown to be altered smooth muscle cells.
154. The slim bottle and clear perfume resemble a modern woman of classic elegance and nobleness.
155. These likelihoods can resemble the competition of news portal is same 2000, endless and changeful.
156. The upper legs are short and well armored , and the feet resemble a raptor's talons.
157. Will manifest company's future future to resemble the brocade magnificently, is bright.
158. The symptoms of coarctation of the aorta may resemble other medical conditions or heart problems.
159. Disease is disgruntled , resemble basking in damp - dry fade aubergine.
160. Secondly, I resemble my eldest sister in terms of personality, but the middle child sister is just... ugh.
161. Any of various fierce, mostly tropical marine fishes of the genus Sphyraena that resemble pike, have a projecting lower jaw with fanglike teeth , and include some edible species.
162. How does your this individual resemble a devil I do not put same entwine!
163. Right now she is like a girl bashful and same,(http:///resemble.html) blush so that resemble squashy persimmon.
164. Bit I think the theme and style resemble a Song Dynasty painting.
165. Spell - Like Psionic Abilities: As the name implies, spell - like abilities resemble spells.
166. When section of sentiments have become, that man only can resemble a pot insipidly overnight the thin rice gruel, the ignorant woman only then can realize.
167. These great clouds of cold hydrogen resemble summer afternoon thunderheads.
168. So: birds and bushes on islands off the coast of South America resemble South American birds and bushes; islands near Africa are populated by recognizably African forms.
169. Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors.
170. Koala: The Living Teddy BearKoala bears are cute mammals that resemble a cuddly teddy bear.
171. Magisterial: " If resemble you such, how will produce a war do? "
172. Tricolour amaranth seedling very resemble three-colored amaranth, but arrived deep autumn, its Jibuxie turns for modena, and top leaf becomes if blood-red is caught, bright-coloured and unusual.
173. They are resemble in visible spectrum. CONCLUSIONS The methods are simple and reliable for identifying Solidago decurrens.
174. In this case, a large " staghorn " calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system.
175. The diner was small, but bright and clean . Brand - new, built to resemble a converted railroad car.
176. That is long term lop come, color must resemble the hair of the grandma in vain.
177. A slow poison, administered daily to resemble a wasting disease.
178. Any negotiation - whether for personal or business reasons - would more resemble a smack down than a cordial handshake.
179. Needle punched fabrics can be made , however , that resemble loop - pile, velour and velveteen structures.
180. The cottage is fitted with electric light fixtures designed to resemble the original gaslight fixtures of the 1860s, and modern wiring and plumbing have been installed.
181. This method can compete mastered knowledge inheriting by selection operation to former rules, can perform rules mutation operation by resemble degree computation.
182. The Eradicator Hexapod's initial weapons are plasma discs that resemble closely the Devastator Warship's weapon.
183. Appearance Sylphs resemble tall, lithe humans - with one exception.
184. Systemic skin is dry, desquamate, resemble dander in that way, winter is very serious, special limb.
185. Lead author Debra Fischer says the planet may resemble Saturn in some ways.
186. Using a viral database, the research team looked for parts of the Ebola and Marburg virus genes that resemble other viruses known to suppress the immune system.
187. A blonde or red headed man was thought to resemble an enemy Norseman and so was discouraged!
188. Closed timelike curves, in other words, make the future resemble the past.
189. The sudden rain shower pouring from the dire cliffs resemble a high waterfall.
190. Plato's maps of Atlantis have even been argued to resemble the geography of ancient Crete.
191. Unlike the 44 pre-A's, however, this specific dial does not at all resemble the pre-Vendome 5218-301/A Mare Nostrum dial.
192. I changed tactics and began saying "chicken" in as many languages as I could – "pollo", "poulet", "huhn", "tavuk" – in the hope that one might slightly resemble the relevant Georgian word.
193. If so, the world may resemble the headless global economy of the inter-war years, when Britain was unable, and America unwilling, to lead.
194. The 2 inches of seam allowance is over the webbing, as to resemble a sandwich.
195. Although hemp lever is resembled thinly when the university when, little stomach also can resemble a persnickety ball after eating a meal.
195. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
196. Chantry houses tend to resemble community hangouts , jam-session rooms or fraternity houses more than magical workplaces, and they're often inhabited by several Cultists and a handful of Sleepers.
197. These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
198. Aurochs and bisons so resemble each other that one could not distinguish them.
199. China's south does not at all resemble the U.S. south.
200. After still having method of a few patients, resemble ghostliness and same loaf about everywhere, want to dominate this kind of secondary action with medicaments ability.
201. In fact, their brains closely resemble those of modern reptiles.
202. Recent research showed that several immunological features of PACU resemble those of CIU.
203. I resemble my mother so it's a little bit of an upturned nose.
204. European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color.
205. A tree (Cornus florida) of eastern North America, having small greenish flowers surrounded by four large, showy white or pink bracts that resemble petals.
206. By using tropical cyclone parameterinitial and final environmental fields, an objective resemble criterion is built up.




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