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单词 Ratio
1. They have a high ratio of imports to exports.
2. The ratio of men to women was two to one.
3. Longitudinal are easily satisfied, cross ratio is easy to be lost; meet the person is easy to come to a standstill,( ) the lost is easy to choose to rise.
4. The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6.
5. The hospital is trying to improve its staff/patient ratio.
6. The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1.
7. The school has a very high teacher-student ratio.
8. Their sales rose in direct ratio to the amount they spent on advertising.
9. The ratio of men to women at the conference was ten to one/10:1.
10. The ratio of pupils to teachers was 30 to 1.
11. The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1.
12. Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one.
13. We mixed the oil and water in a ratio of one to five.
14. An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game.
15. Compute the ratio of the object's height to its weight.
16. What is the ratio of men to women in the department?
17. Holmes calculated a ratio of approximately 2.4:1.
18. Not the usual patient-to-physician ratio, even hereabouts.
19. This ratio was 0.78 in the high grade group.
20. What is the ratio of dependent to independent clauses?
21. The hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio is perhaps a better index.
22. Perinatal mortality is measured by the perinatal mortality ratio.
23. Its price-earnings ratio is a hefty 82. 4.
24. Today that ratio as plunged to only 2-1.
25. The bond-dependency ratio peaked this fiscal year, he said.
26. I was over budget for my expense ratio....
27. It is the inverse of the liquidity ratio. 4.
28. Most firms appear to have a target payout ratio of dividends to long-run reported earnings.
29. Unfortunately, for bankers assessing country risk, this ratio has two major deficiencies.
30. It helped validate that parental leave was for both men and women and helped change the ratio of use.
1. They have a high ratio of imports to exports.
2. The ratio of men to women was two to one.
3. The ratio of pupils to teachers was 30 to 1.
31. These four ways are equally likely to happen so the expected ratio of black-eyed and pearl-eyed beetles is 3 to 1.
32. They may simply go ahead and expand credit, and accept a lower liquidity ratio.
33. Any bank which loses deposits loses balances in equal measure and so its ratio deteriorates.
34. It is not always easy to identify the ratio decidendi of a given case.
35. Therefore the platelet-aggregate ratio would be low in the presence of circulating platelet aggregates.
36. As for prices,(http:///ratio.html) one of the best guides to the relative cheapness of housing is the ratio of house prices to incomes.
37. The labelling index was calculated as the ratio of Ki-67 positive to negative cells per crypt.
38. Thus differences in 18 O/ 16 O ratio may be expected between water and calcite precipitating from it.
39. Higher ratio power steering gives tighter turns, but the tendency to slight wanderings on the straight is still there.
40. This had no effect on the rate ratio estimates but the width of the confidence intervals was increased by about 50%.
41. This changed the ratio of qualified to unqualified staff from 61:23 to 58:28.
42. This measures the ratio of the fair price of the share to the book price taken from the balance sheet.
43. These men also had the highest standardised mortality ratio for all causes of death.
44. The overall death rate from cardiovascular disease was close to the national average, the standardised mortality ratio being 94.
45. Let R be the ratio of price to marginal revenue for good i as perceived by firms in some country.
46. This is obviously a gross distortion of the 50 percent ratio that we expect.
47. The ratio between the integrated peak areas for each subunit was determined and corrected for the molecular mass of each subunit.
48. The important result is that in an uncertain world companies like to maintain a stable payout ratio over the long run.
49. The management have confidence in future earnings growth and the maintenance of the target payout ratio. 2.
50. A formula of an ion shows the ratio of atoms of each element present in the ion.
51. So beta merely uses the correlation coefficient to weight the ratio of the risks of the security and the market.
52. Observations with apparatuses of relatively small aspect ratio have led to interesting comparisons with theories to be discussed in Chapter 24.
53. The success of such strategies is therefore usually expressed in terms of the ratio between public and private investment.
54. The significant difference is that our interpretation of the capital-output ratio includes variable capital, not merely fixed capital stock.
55. This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.
56. The purpose and persistency of the aberree was hindered in ratio to the amount of emotional charge within his engram bank.
57. These summary measures are earnings per share, the price-earnings ratio and the dividend yield.
58. The ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch fibres varies between individuals and is determined by heredity.
59. Table 8-8 shows the ratio of personal debt to disposable personal income.
60. The sales to total assets ratio in particular is often used to compare the structure and capital requirements of different industries.
61. Given this measure, dividends per share are determined by where is the target dividend payout ratio.
62. If you halved the ratio of population per physician, you reduced the number of infant deaths by 2. 5 percent.
63. The Diet Center monitors your body composition and works on improving your ratio of lean body mass to fat.
64. Within this array of determining variables, great prominence is accorded to the ratio,(sentence dictionary) the stock of real balances.
65. The prudent ratio depends very much on how banks see their requirements for liquidity changing in the near future.
66. Sharpe calculated a benchmark ratio using the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a proxy for the market portfolio.
67. Suppose the foreign country has a higher capital / labor ratio.
68. The new company will actually have a lower debt-to-equity ratio than Enron, Barone said.
69. Thus the perinatal mortality ratio is the sum of the late fetal death ratio and the under-7-day mortality rate.
70. The arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio is a useful prognostic indicator.
71. When these are included with the trainees the ratio becomes 1 consultant to 1.08 assistants.
72. It was claimed that this gives an improved warmth to weight ratio of around 25 percent and decreased bulk.
73. The ratio decidendi of Donoghue v. Stevenson is open to two interpretations.
74. The ratio is 8-1 for canoeing in inland waters and 6-1 for canoeing on rivers.
75. The water companies' average prospective price earnings ratio is around five.
76. He determined that the most explosive mixture of the purified methane and air was in the ratio of 1:8.
77. Banks, being prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio, were only too pleased to supply the credit being demanded.
78. With a 10 percent liquid assets ratio what will be the new balance sheet figures? 7.
79. The company also plans to improve its debt to capital ratio further, to 0.5.
80. In these conditions serum pepsinogen C provides additional diagnostic information, especially when expressed as pepsinogen A:C ratio.
81. The gradient in the vertical size ratio is referred to as differential vertical perspective.
82. Births exceeded deaths by a ratio of 3 to 1.
83. Ash and biodegradable waste must be added regularly to achieve the right carbon nitrogen ratio.
84. Despite the 12:1 contrast ratio claimed for the screen, my initial impression was that it was poor.
85. The butt part has a higher ratio of lean to bone than the shank part and is often priced higher.
86. Banks choosing to operate with a lower liquidity ratio could be prevented by the authorities imposing statutory reserve requirements on banks.
87. The addition of indomethacin resulted in a significant decrease in the radioactivity ratio between ulcerated and intact mucosa.
88. This is illustrated in Figure 4. 2 which shows the hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio of various hydrocarbon.
89. When they are combined, these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II's floating point to a integer ratio.
90. Another clue is the tendency of chemicals to react together in combinations of exact numerical ratio.
91. Moreover, it will lead to a decline in the ratio of surplus-value to the capital that is advanced.
92. The ratio is 60 percent womens bathrooms to mens in the new arena for, ahem, obvious reasons.
93. Our scenario averaged over base load and peak Periods corresponds approximately to a 70 / 30 ratio of coal to gas.
94. Simple Ratios: The ratio of two primary measures is plotted against time.
95. He will be aware that the parents at the school voted by a ratio of nearly 3: 1 for grant-maintained status.
96. The atomic weight is a ratio quite distinct from the weight in grams.
97. Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle,(http:///ratio.html) before and after adjustment for confounding factors.
98. Conversely, a high P/E ratio is presumed to show that the market expects high and/or non-volatile earnings from the company.
99. In iron and steel the ratio fell from 4.7 times to 0.9.
100. Apartments had an estimated 78. 1 percent payout ratio compared to 82. 8 percent last year.
101. This will help with recommendations such as the ratio between sheet thickness, width and the distances between glazing bar centres.
102. One of the major problems with electric vehicles has been the lack of a battery with a high power-to-weight ratio.
103. After ten round-trips the mass payback ratio is around 8: 1.
104. The gradient in the horizontal size ratio is referred to as differential horizontal perspective.
105. The crucial factors are the relative opportunity costs and the ratio of men's to women's earnings.
106. Consider the following simple illustration of a one bank economy where a 10 percent liquid assets ratio must be maintained.
107. The earnings ratio for the £10 for 5 years at 6% is 16.28%.
108. Human beings generally consider life to function best when that ratio of male to female is relatively even.
109. The banks have tended to choose a lower liquidity ratio over the years, and certainly a lower cash ratio.
110. Its competitor, the Manchester Evening News, outsold it by a ratio of 2:1.
111. Will they have an astute sense of time, space, design, proportion, ratio, and the like?
112. They trace and explain why it is, that the ratio of women to men diagnosed with a mental disorder is 2:1.
113. Tarnow-Mordi etal found the mean arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio more closely associated with death than the worst arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio.
114. The nature of employment is also being affected by the increase in the dependency ratio.
115. The ratio of sample to population is normally expressed as a fraction, known as the sampling fraction.
116. The navy's 52 admirals and commodores outnumber serviceable ships by a ratio of six to one.
117. Likewise no appreciable changes in waist-hip ratio occur with small fluctuations in weight.
118. In 1992 when I was born, the ratio of male to female babies was 5 to 1 in the countryside.
119. An example of a statutory liquidity ratio was the minimum 121/2 percent reserve assets ratio imposed on banks from 1971 to 1981.
120. On average, the P / E ratio was 19, based on estimated 1996 earnings.
121. A higher P / E ratio means that the shareholders would get a smaller portion.
122. In our previous study, the ratio of gastric to duodenal ulcers was 1.69 in Kinki district where Kyoto Prefecture is located.
123. The preliminary findings about staff ratio and staff contact are of interest.
124. World cotton consumption was a record 86m bales, and the ratio of stocks to consumption was at an all-time low.
125. It is when we get into the high performance area that the ratio of cross-section to strength comes into play.
126. Large birds have a more favorable ratio of lean to bone than small ones. 12.
127. Actually, estimates for the ratio of public spending to National Income vary widely, depending on the definitions used for each item.
128. Table 3.1 below shows the ratio of females to males convicted for certain crimes and makes clear the male domination of criminality.
129. This total is then divided by interest expense to obtain the times interest earned ratio.
130. The dependency ratio is expected to top 28 percent next year for the second year in a row, economists said.
131. But even this ratio puts the best possible light on the contribution made by employment to the avoidable death toll.
132. The sum of each subject's cumulative hazard of death was compared with observed deaths to find the standardised mortality ratio.
133. Stevens identified four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
134. The ratio had been expected to decline only slightly from the preliminary 1. 14 reported for November.
135. The debt ratio fell to 65.9 per cent, down 19.4 percentage points from 85.3 per cent last year.
136. The Wald test is equivalent to the likelihood ratio test in large samples.
137. The crash also pushed down the output-capital ratio, by an average of one tenth, as excess capacity mounted.
138. However, the P/E ratio still retains considerable popularity among investors.
139. Belt-tightening would allow the debt ratio to fall faster or income-tax rates to be cut.
140. But what matters is the ratio between a state's debt service requirements and its ability to increase its cashflow via taxation.
141. The higher the price-earnings ratio, the more expensive the stock.
142. If a financial institution's liquidity ratio is too high, it will make too little profit.
143. If the specific impulse could be increased towards 1000 seconds this would have a dramatic effect on the mass ratio required.
144. In the fiscal year ending in March 1990, the debt-equity ratio for TSE-listed firms was only 1.07.
145. Banks therefore require to hold a lower liquidity ratio, and can create more credit.
146. The ratio was considered a big plus by her staff.
147. Banks' liquidity ratio may vary Banks may choose a different liquidity ratio.
148. Usually expressed as the ratio of fetal deaths; i.e. the number of fetal deaths per 1,000 live births.
149. Each point in the ratio meant 100, 000 tons of capital ships, or the equivalent of about three battleships.
150. All banks need to maintain a cash ratio large enough to meet the cash requirements of their depositors.
151. Astonishingly the Commission failed to realize that its proposed ratio of one additional member for three constituency members would be inadequate.
152. Depending on the exact value of the ratio, the model produced stripes or lattices.
153. A high ratio invariably means future output growth and, hopefully, improved external debt servicing capacity through increased exports.
154. There has been an increase in the dependency ratio because of several factors.
155. More research is needed to optimise the size of droplets and their charge-to-mass ratio for different pesticides and targets.
156. But again larger concerns generated higher market valuations - the median price to earnings ratio was 24.7 against 15.1 for smaller firms.
157. That means that the ratio of our debt to our national income is coming down.
158. The real frequency of worldwide maternal mortality may be as much as three to five times higher than this ratio.
159. The air / fuel ratio on a weight basis also suggests the Intermediate character of oil between natural gas and coal.
160. The bankers' deposits item in the balance sheet refers to the cash ratio and operational balances of the banks.
161. The likelihood ratio test statistic shown above is a formalization of this.
162. He took the ratio between repressive law and restitutive law as an index of the type of solidarity of the society.
163. Second, the typical dependency ratio assumes that all those aged 16 - 64 are gainfully employed.
164. The lack of a gold standard for health service need was a reason for using standardised mortality ratio in the RAWP formula.
165. However, because deprivation is also associated with excess mortality some of this is already picked up by including standardised mortality ratio.
166. Also, these conversion costs remain constant for any gas / coal fuel ratio.
167. The ratio was slightly lower than that achieved by the industry before nationalisation, but it was not markedly out of line with other countries.
168. UniChem said its debt-to-equity ratio would rise to 95 percent at the end of 1996.
169. This amount may be expressed as a ratio of the amount of useful information compared to the amount of redundant information.
170. An Examiner poll showed that California voters, by a nearly 2-1 ratio, support the ban.
171. Under Czech banking law, all banks must meet a capital adequacy ratio of 8 percent.
172. A falling savings ratio and rapidly rising consumer expenditure were certainly significant features of the second half of the 1980s.
173. During the periods when the profit share declined, a definite fall in the output-capital ratio occurred.
174. The ratio of abortions per 1,000 live births was 229 in 1987, compared with 180 in 1977.
175. In general, the staff/student ratio is rarely as good as in a school for children and young people with severe learning difficulties.
176. Unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals were calculated.
177. The factor content of its exports consists of a higher capital / labor ratio than the factor content of its imports.
178. The cruise tries to keep the bookings balanced, with a proportionate ratio of men and women.
179. Another property, concatenation, arises when we can add measures together: a feature which attaches only to ratio scales.
180. Contrast that with the other big six industrial economies, where the ratio will rise by 16 percentage points, to 36%.
181. Preferred stock is often convertible into common stock at a specified exchange rate, or conversion ratio, of common for preferred.
182. I shall discuss the implications of the dependency ratio for the construction of family obligations in more detail in chapter 3.
183. This is an extraordinary ratio, and there has never been a satisfactory explanation for it.
184. He missed the high staff: patient ratio that he had enjoyed in the ICU.
185. There were plenty more to fill your tank to the one inch to two gallons stocking ratio recommended.
186. Does this impose a burden in terms of the capital-labour ratio being lower?
187. We found no difference in the values of odds ratio or association.
188. Since the amount of information to be conveyed remains much the same this means that the signal-to-noise ratio will be worse.
189. Combining smoking and non-smoking men taking atenolol gave a risk ratio of 1.01.
190. They have none of them anything to do with attempts to specify a ratio for monetary base type control purposes.
191. Such a tree is called a binary tree, and of course its branching ratio is 2.
192. It is possible to detect individual pulses from this millisecond pulsar with high signal-to-noise ratio in unbroken trains.
193. In other words, the banks operate a 10 percent liquidity ratio.
194. The ratio of an institution's liquid assets to illiquid assets is known as its liquidity ratio.
195. Comparisons between ions are then expressed as a radius ratio, the ratio of the cation radius to the anion radius.
196. In contrast, this ratio does not seem to have played much of a direct role in explaining rising aggregate labour supply.
197. It is extremely light and has a sensible gear ratio of 4:1.
198. The problem is even more severe with the natural world, where the ratio of observable high drama is much lower.
199. This means that the ratio of atoms or ions in the compound is a simple whole number ratio.
200. The crucial difference with the likelihood ratio test is that the models that provide the's and's can be highly non-linear.
201. That is, high productivity can lead to a misleadingly high ratio.
202. Waist-hip ratio, age and body mass index were separately related to probability of conception per cycle.
203. A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
204. Heritability is defined as the proportion due to genes; it is the ratio of genetic variation to the total variation.
205. This accords with our finding that median arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio predicts respiratory outcome better than the minimum ratio.
206. That is why the surface to weight and volume ratio, so often neglected in discussions of animal biology, is important.
207. Change Aspect Ratio when taking photos.
208. This impact crusher produces a high ratio of reduction.
209. They have an aspect ratio of approximately 1:1. 094.
210. Texts will be placed correctly in every aspect ratio.
211. C, AS - 2 is Composed Ara, Xyl, Rha , Gal, Glc, with the molar ratio of 1.6:1.2:1.8:1.0:3.6 aespectively.
212. The surplus labor ratio is estimated. Econometrics models are used to analyze working hours.
213. In rural areas that will exacerbate the sex ratio very markedly.
213. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
214. After the capital increase, holders of Falla Xidan Market Company's equity ratio remained unchanged.
215. The Curie temperature of LSMO lowers successfully to room temperature with 0.07 mol ratio Ti 4 + addition.
216. Trough to peak ratio of SBP and DBP was 73 ? 5 % and 52 ? 8 % , respectively.
217. When the low water - cement ratio gets off, concrete self - desiccation shrinkage produces easily.
218. The effects of monomer ratio and surface active agent on thermal gravimetry were studied.
219. Stable isotope ratio analysis is an effective method for the identification of fruit juice adulteration.
220. Just by changing the Aspect Ratio, photos will look different.
221. Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometric ratio . Subsistence increases in an arithmetical ratio.
222. When the frequency is small, the amplitude has an obvious effect on the critical aspect ratio.
223. The finest linewidth is 0.28 μ m and the highest aspect ratio reaches 6.7.
224. The up - regulating of required reserve ratio will deflate money supply.
225. The angle of attack of the high - aspect - ratio wings varies largely as the airflow rounds the airfoil.
226. Improvements in the cold - end - to - hot - zone resistance ratio between the original DB and new DB has been dramatic.
227. Son with flying eaves, rafter length ratio is about five to two.
228. By means of high resolution digital photography, the Poisson ratio of ETFE foil is measured.
229. Experiments prove that the segment is sharp and endurable, and has a satisfactory performance cost ratio.
230. The ratio of financing apportionment and optimal fare discount are obtained from cost - benefit analysis.
231. Using different sidetracking methods, its success ratio and effectiveness differentia are large.
232. Analyzing the resonant peak to acquire the charge - mass ratio and cyclotron frequency of the ions.
233. City business and better business control, historical bad debt ratio is also relatively low.
234. When adulteration ratio reaches 3 % ~5 % ( mass fraction ) , the flowability of powders changes smoothly.
235. The ratio of ectopic pregnancy to deliveries was 1 to 44.
236. The performance - price ratio of this desktop computer is pretty good.
237. The personal contribution ratio is voluntary in the annuity program.
238. The Determination of Cyclopenthiazide by using the ratio absorption coefficient in UV - spectrophotometer was studied.
239. AZT - GalCer was prepared by double emulsion and its encapsulation ratio were up to 72.5 %.
240. Cavity length depth ratio strongly influences flow field, total pressure recovery, drag coefficient.
241. Today, most of the company consider acceptant ratio as a good achievement in quality.
242. The aspect ratio of the scans can also be modified to further improve sample throughput.
243. The long - span(Sentencedict), high - aspect ratio wing provides exceptional climb performance.
244. I don't think there is any hard - and - fast rule about which aspect ratio is the right one.
245. These findings should be considered in evaluating the risk – benefit ratio of treatment with ergot derivatives.
246. The study on the sex preference address the origin of the sex ratio disequilibrium.
247. Secondly to a negative correlation between % BF and a ratio of Expiratory Reserre Volume to VC ( ERV % ).
248. The casting reject ratio of cylinder block caused by crankcase core is controlled below 0.25 % at present.
249. The ratio of granulocytes to monocytes in blood and excellular exudate is identical.
250. In the thesis, the effect of degradation was characterized by ratio of dynamic viscosity and intrinsic.
251. The ratio of aircraft to pilots ( aircrew ) is usually 1:1.2.
252. Images are automatically resized to maximum constraints preserving the aspect ratio.
253. Then by changing the decimation ratio of the SINC filter, frequency selecting is realized.
254. For women with diet - treated gestational diabetes odds ratio of having a child with cryptorchidism was 3.98.
255. And fermented steamed dumpling has much higher ratio of calcium than rice.
256. Do you deliberately run games at anything other than their intended aspect ratio?
257. Results monomer of rubescensin A was obtained by using determinate ratio of organic regents and recrystallization.
258. In ESR dating, the age is given by the ratio of paleo - dose to annual dose.
259. The growth that the incremental ratio materiality of aeriform investment invests is rapider.
260. This paper concerns the ratio of centro - affine invarients for a projection body.
261. The molconvert ratio of L - DOPA was 82.8 % from catechol.
262. Last is the empirical formula this is the simplest ratio of atoms in a molecule.
263. The cycloid - shaped gears are used widely in mini - gearing, which reduces gearing and increases its transmission ratio.
264. The determined technological process is applied to the continuous briquetting test the agglomeration ratio reaching 86.5 %.
265. Mathematic models about the relationships between liquidus temperature and their components and cryolite ratio computer.
266. The ratio stays same as cream of tartar calls for the recipe.
267. To counter this phenomenon, various factors affecting crackle ratio of rice were analysed and discussed.
268. Due to the single output, the best compaction ratio can Awl - compactor.
269. Britain has the lowest ratio of spending to GDP in the European Community.
270. There are differences between natural and adulterated juices in stable isotope ratio.
271. Dextrose is a stabilizer, accounting for 5 - 30ú ? in weight ratio in granula.
272. The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish.
273. Pixel aspect ratio value needs to be between 1 and 255.
274. A mathematic model about the relationship between liquidus temperature and cryolite ratio was simulated.
275. Works when the video has non square pixel aspect ratio.
275. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
276. Sales profit ratio and every are benefited wait for decathlon index.
277. All living plant and animal tissue contains both types of carbon, always in the same ratio.
278. The base pair ratio, AT : GC , is constant within a species but differs between species.
279. At last, the formula to calculate the cryolite ratio of thealuminum electrolyte with was derived.
280. The reinforcing effect of PAT resulted from nano scale dispersion structure and high shape aspect ratio.
281. The mechanical properties, dehydration ratio and swelling ratio are determined.
282. And the technique index is the 8:1 depth - diameter aspect ratio.
283. The value for the pixel aspect ratio must be between 1 and 255.
284. Together , the dispenser and sideside cartridge precisely ensure the proper ratio.
285. It provides an essential condition for the research on the relations between recall ratioprecision ratio.
286. Objective : To explore mathematical relation of sensitivity and specificity, likelihood ratio, predictive value in diagnostic test.
287. Toward digital communication, bit error and spectrum availability ratio are two main scale targets.
288. Utilizing rectangular approximate in 3 dB fused - tapered optical fiber coupler coupling ratio is analyzed theoretically.
289. In the first phase, the oogonium has little cytoplasm and bigger nuclear - cytoplasmic ratio.
290. This results in a slowly changing ratio A : B in the distillate.




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