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单词 Organic
1. The illness is organic in origin.
2. Liver is an organic part of human body.
3. There is nothing organic wrong with you.
4. Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.
5. Organic farming is no longer thought of as cranky.
6. Organic farming is better for the environment.
7. Organic food is now widely available.
8. Organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.
9. Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
10. The farm has changed over to organic methods.
11. I've converted to organic food.
12. The organic gardener avoids the use of pesticides.
13. The shop sells organic food.
14. The farm went fully organic in 1996.
15. Organic farming is expanding everywhere.
16. Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products.
17. Improve the soil by adding organic matter.
18. There's an increased demand for organic produce these days.
19. Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.Sentence dictionary
20. Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.
21. More shoppers are making the switch to organic food.
22. They believe in the organic unity of the universe.
23. Red soil lacks organic matter.
24. Bacteria act on organic waste .
25. Organic produce appears to be gaining in popularity.
26. These organic olives are packaged in recycled glass containers.
27. The government most assuredly does believe in organic farming.
28. Wilkins is now extolling the virtues of organic farming.
29. We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.
30. A quarter of the contents of an average family's dustbin is organic matter.
1. Liver is an organic part of human body.
2. There is nothing organic wrong with you.
3. Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.
4. Organic farming is no longer thought of as cranky.
5. Organic farming is better for the environment.
6. Organic food is now widely available.
7. Organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.
8. We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.
9. A quarter of the contents of an average family's dustbin is organic matter.
10. Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
11. Organic farming is expanding everywhere.
12. Red soil lacks organic matter.
13. The organic fertilizer shall keep the soil in good heart.
31. City planning treats the city as a unit, as an organic whole.
32. Our future development will be achieved by organic growth rather than acquisitions of other companies.
33. Interest in organic food is not a fad, it's here to stay.
34. An increasing amount of organic produce is to be found on supermarket shelves.
35. Organic chemicals are used in the manufacture of plastics, fibres, solvents and paints.
36. At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.
37. If any organic salt is formed, it will precipitate immediately.
38. Leaves of many plants take up carbon dioxide and fix it in organic acids.
39. Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity.
40. The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.
41. Adding organic matter such as manure can improve the soil.
42. The organic fertilizer shall keep the soil in good heart.
43. A recent customer survey showed widespread ignorance about the availability of organic food.
44. The company's path to success was by means of organic growth.
45. Green manure crops such as alfalfa and mustard are widely used in organic gardening.
46. Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
47. People are willing to pay more for organic food .
48. Organic farmers said the report represented no new findings.
49. They also, astonishingly,(http:///organic.html) contain abundant organic material.
50. Then dig in as much organic material as possible.
51. Another issue that concerns organic dairy producers is pasteurisation.
52. Organic milk, in contrast, still fetches around 28p.
53. One they describe as mechanistic, the other as organic.
54. Organic farming frequently encounters such philosophical problems.
55. Total organic carbon is made up of non-hazardous materials.
56. Sweaters are colored with organic dyes.
57. Like organic farming: it was small potatoes.
58. It reacts with the organic materials of living flesh.
59. This was made up of the organic residues of farms, forestry, industry and domestic refuse.
60. Snow close to the coast is often additionally contaminated by mineral salts and organic material from the sea.
61. Harriet Ryley has been talking to an organic farmer who believes in putting the environment before profits.
62. A well-run organic farm could hold many times that number.
63. It comprises mainly lignin and cellulose fibres too short for re-use with an organic matter content of 10 % to 30 %.
64. Those used range from mild organic acids such as citric acid to phosphoric acid highly reactive sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.
65. However, a healthy aquarium with lush plant growth will use the organic matter on the gravel as a plant fertiliser.
66. The place is full of the aroma of Spot-Knee, the ram lamb who recently copped it after a blissful organic life.
67. The most popular method or organic farming is using a multi-culture system in which crops are grown and livestock reared.
68. Light is converted into chemical energy which in turn is reconverted by combustion or decay into organic energy. footnote omitted Fig.5.
69. Whether they are chemical or organic, all fertilisers should be handled with care.
70. The nitric acid solution is then mixed with an organic solvent and the uranium and plutonium are separated from the waste products.
71. If this could be proved beyond doubt, direct drilling would fit in well with the organic philosophy.
72. But as organic farming burgeons, so greater controls on the use of the word are to be introduced.
73. The Jorgensens bake lasagne in a solar oven, keep their showers short and cultivate an organic garden in their backyard.
74. However, human urine would contain hormones that are similar to organic chemicals that sharks use to locate their prey.
75. The Universe is one organic whole, no matter how diverse and widely differing its manifold aspects may seem to be.
76. For a crash course on the subject, consider subscribing to an organic farm with a delivery service in your area.
77. Organic manures as nutrient sources-how best to make the most of organic manures and slurry in arable crop rotations.
78. This fact can be used to determine the identity of unknown organic compounds by the method of mixed melting points.
79. Peat is an organic soil which contains more than 60 percent of organic matter and exceeds 50 centimetres in thickness.
80. The organic connection between the four elements was taken for granted.
81. Organic changes in the brain of some older people bring about an increase in agitation after dark known as sundowner s syndrome.
82. In a condition that affects up to 14% of the population,(http:///organic.html) organic disease is bound to coexist in some.
83. They say I must come and see them on their new organic farm - more land, less house, says Johnson.
84. Volatile organic compounds come from a wide variety of sources, both man-made and natural.
85. Maud attributes some 15% of this increase to organic growth, with acquisitions providing the balance.
86. What I didn't discover until recently was that it provides a bonus for organic gardeners.
87. Organic compounds including a number of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are also present in coal dust.
88. Unfortunately, there is still a depressing number of poor quality certified organic wines around.
89. There are over 1,000 organic farmers operating in Britain at the moment.
90. As a producer and processor of organic products, Dirk is a successful and independent supplier of the current market demand.
91. If you can only afford to buy a certain amount of organic produce, potatoes would be a good choice.
92. I recently began the slow change to organic gardening, following Geoff Hamilton's advice and using blood, fish and bonemeal.
93. One of the greatest organic chemists in the world and as good as any of the present Harvard bunch.
94. He's an organic farmer so he doesn't use any of the chemicals used on conventional farms.
95. I hadn't eaten beef for years, apart from the occasional prime organic steak from farmers I happen to know.
96. They identified two key clusters in chemistry; a general and organic chemistry cluster, and a physical chemistry cluster.
97. They are fast acting and extremely effective as products and will rapidly remove grease and other organic films using spray-wipe techniques.
98. Smith knew nothing of the idea of organic evolution that Charles Darwin was to enunciate some decades later.
99. Worm casts have been shown to contain enzymes which continue to break down organic matter even after they have been excreted.
100. In Earth's case it developed a secondary atmosphere through organic evolution, say supporters of the Gaian hypothesis.
101. Foliar feedings of fish emulsion are said to control aphids while providing organic nutrients.
102. In fact there was remarkably little evidence for standard organic chemicals that do not need to be formed biologically.
103. We use much of our own organic produce and can cater for most diets.
104. As each culture neared the end of its organic life cycle the creative stage was finished and the atrophying civilization stage began.
105. In the most organic, visceral way possible they now felt bonded with utter intimacy to their Chapter, digested by it.
106. The prime culprit is organic farm waste, such as cattle slurry and silage, and even milk.
107. In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
108. And they also believe that would-be organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.
109. The organic food most commonly found in a delicatessen is cheese.
110. It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
111. Dutra, ideologically hostile to multinational companies for health and environmental reasons, wants farmers to go organic.
112. Humus: The end product of decomposed organic matter such as leaves.
113. It is awarded biennially for excellence in physical organic chemistry embracing the relationship between structure and reactivity.
114. She advocates the idea of creating gardens that feed themselves, an organic process she believes produces healthier food and flowers.
115. Now, leaving aside the case where there were different organic compositions of capital, we can see what happens.
116. These groups believe that both the Set Aside and Beef Extensification schemes could go one step further and encourage organic farming.
117. This turned the organic matter into liquid bitumen, which squeezed into pores and fractures in the rock.
118. Obviously, organic does signify better, or at the least an improvement, but the buyer must beware.
119. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of one particular element, carbon. Inorganic chemistry is all the rest.
120. Aquarium filtration systems based on organic filters also have problems because toxins build up in the water, Fahs said.
121. The organic movement has always fought for the continued availability of unpasteurised milk.
122. Supermarkets are responding to increased consumer demand for organic products.
123. It will grow quite well in aquarium gravel with very little organic matter.
124. The law of parallelism was a means of linking comparative embryology into the search for a unifying pattern in the organic world.
125. A more organic metaphor is needed to describe the process of transition.
126. The organic matter in soil consists of plant and animal debris or waste in varying stages of decay.
127. More than 30 organic farmers have offered to have their plots surveyed.
128. In the Consultation the emerging model of organic union is a dialectic between unity and pluralism, between structures and life.
129. Louise and Amelia were also both enrolled in an inorganic chemistry course at Columbia and an organic chemistry course at Barnard.
130. Where nutrients are plentiful, productivity is high, production far outstrips decomposition, and organic sediments accumulate on the lake beds.
131. The corals feed passively on bits of organic material suspended in the water.
132. Having observed organic compounds in meteorites[], these researchers believe the seeds of life may have been carried to earth preformed.
133. Systems and traps discharging high organic loads can be dosed with biological cleaners.
134. Therefore unwashed river sand and leaf-mould mixture, or the usual mixture of clay with some organic detritus is suitable.
135. It is important to distinguish between integrated agriculture and organic farming.
136. Artificial complex systems will be deliberately infused with organic principles simply to keep them going.
137. An independent chronology for these reconstructions is essential and this is provided by radiocarbon-dating of organic material preserved in the sediments.
138. The company is involved in a wide range of organic chemistry.
139. The work provided the foundation for the vaginal use of gels containing organic mercurial compounds as aids to contraception.
140. A plastic dustbin with breeding colony on to which organic waste is showered.
141. Preliminary analysis at a London laboratory shows that it contains fatty globules of lipids and is organic,() of animal origin.
142. Organic surface horizons are often thicker than 50 centimetres, and peat-cutting is practised in easily accessible areas around lochs and roads.
143. Second, there is growing environmental pressure, particularly on organic solvents.
144. But there is a growing demand for organic dairy, meat and egg products.
145. Tannins, another kind of organic molecule, are used in the oil industry to make muds easier to drill.
146. One of the original bugs had undergone a mutation that caused it to excrete acetate, an organic chemical.
147. It is also appropriate therefore, to theorise lawyers as organic intellectuals of the bourgeois class.
148. Organic paints are often applied with a brush after the pot has been fired.
149. The naming or nomenclature of chemical substances falls broadly into two categories: inorganic nomenclature and organic nomenclature.
150. The village, he says, will produce an organic method for developing less risky business models and strategies.
151. In addition to improving soil conditions and nutrients with organic matter, use organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion or liquefied seaweed.
152. Her sculptures are hybrids of organic and machine forms: cylinders punctuated with round apertures and protuberances.
153. The organic matter is extremely old and quite dissimilar to biological material.
154. We shall also be receiving £11 million from as their contribution towards putting their organic chemicals business into a joint venture with.
155. Paints today are getting safer as companies remove volatile organic compounds, but you still need to be careful.
156. The Canlton Food Network's celebrity chefs will have their say on the site along with organic, wine and entertaining sections.
157. The secret of the remarkable production by plants of both oxygen and organic food substances is of course photosynthesis.
158. The book thus seeks to explain the application of these colorants in terms of their organic chemistry.
159. It is made annually for eminence in organic chemistry and includes a monetary prize of £2000.
160. The chances of this working are close to zero, leaving organic farmers without their biological weapon of last resort.
161. Organic household waste can be composted to make garden fertilizer.
162. Window eaves and roof gutters curve in organic efficiency rather than follow a mechanical right angle.
163. It is now open to the public as a prize example of how well organic farming can function.
164. Nevertheless, sustained horticulture needs an abundant supply of organic waste to maintain soil structure and fertility.
165. The image of the vine for the New covenant, the Church is different because it is an organic image.
166. At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
167. Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.
168. It used to be the basis of the whole heavy organic chemical industry, and might be again.
169. Saturated hydrocarbons can burn to aldehydes, alcohols to organic acids, and aromatics to unsaturated compounds which are pungent and irritating.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
170. Next week a new residential block opens at its organic farm, Kilcranny House, just outside Coleraine.
171. The company have just completed market research on a new type of organic toothpaste called Abrasive.
172. Patients who have organic brain disease are more likely to have an abnormality than those who do not.
173. Remember you are putting organic matter into your tank, but you will not be upsetting the bacteria living in your filter.
174. Free radicals may also play a part in producing organic compounds with metallic properties.
175. Organic farms can be as productive as industrial farming and do not damage the environment.
176. Our organic chemicals businesses have survived the recession very well by designing new products and identifying new applications.
177. These provide expanded capacity for platinum anti-cancer drugs and specialised organic pharmaceutical products.
178. The Gyrovap can cope with 240 samples at a time and is appropriate for water as well as organic solvents.
179. The children ate organic foods from health food stores and from the garden at their home.
180. Biotransformations for organic chemists will take place on 7-9 July 1992 at University of Exeter.
181. Chemists divide their subject into two main branches, organic and inorganic.
182. These warm waters were cloudy with plank ton and protozoa and all manner of organic murk.
183. Burns and Stalker found that organic structures were better able to respond to change than mechanistic ones.
184. It contains honey, almond oil, protein, silicone and organic herbs.
185. Safeway Organic Bananas, £1.59 for six A sweet banana with good all-round flavour and a smooth texture.
186. Paints traditionally were made with volatile organic compounds, which can pollute indoor and outdoor air.
187. Another medical check could find no organic reason for his failure to thrive and so psychological help was requested.
188. The foundation will also research and develop organic farming techniques.
189. Many organic binders contain molecules which fluoresce when excited by ultra-violet radiation.
190. The differential diagnosis includes both primary psychiatric illness and a wide range of organic acute brain syndromes, including substance abuse.
191. Alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.
192. By exterminating farm animals, the option of small organic farms is eroded.
193. It is a book that should be available in all synthetic organic chemistry laboratories.
194. Postmodernism points to a more organic, less differentiated enclave of organization than those dominated by the bureaucratic designs of modernity.
195. In organic chemistry it is thus more convenient to describe carbon in terms of its valency than its oxidation numbers.
196. Reactivation facilities thermally destroy organic contaminates on carbon so that the carbon can be reused.
197. Mr Wilson says organic farms reverse many modern agricultural trends.
198. It was associated with large waterlogged pits which contained leather offcuts, dung and other organic residues.
199. However, there is little sign that it will ever produce compounds on the scale required by the heavy organic chemicals industry.
199. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
200. Oil, gas, and coal, composed of organic carbon compounds, are found as economic deposits in sedimentary rocks.
201. April 1992: the first wholesale organic food market was opened in London.
202. I drink politically correct, organic coffee cultivated by small farmers who get their fair-trading share of the profits.
203. They showed that three of the five patients had excessive faecal excretion of carbohydrate and organic acids.
204. It shows the close association that can exist between organic chemical synthesis and clay surfaces.
205. Thus, it is intended to follow a basic course in organic and/or inorganic chemistry.
206. There was one fascinating lecture on chirality and organic synthesis including the design of Salbutamol, a drug used to treat asthma.
207. Where Tudor is economical, organic and disciplined, Stevenson is fussy, distracted and ambiguous.
208. Similarly, the reference to reactions in organic solvents merited further discussion.
209. Plant cover crops such as cereal rye to add organic matter and disrupt the life cycle of root knot nematodes.
210. In the factories of bioengineering firms and in the chips of neural-net computers, the organic and the machine are merging .
211. They will grow good cereal crops so long as soil structure is maintained by the return of sufficient organic matter.
212. Also patients with schizophrenia, organic states, and some suffering from alcoholism. 2.
213. Red has four finals in four days: physics, chemistry, organic chemistry and calculus.
214. The theory is that industrial alcohol can desensitize some one to all synthetic organic chemicals, because it is derived from oil.
215. They each exist as an organic entity, with an internal dynamic.
216. Next, Darwin eliminated the discontinuity between human beings and the rest of the organic world.
217. Amines are a series of organic compounds related to ammonia.
218. Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
219. By pushing industrial processes toward the organic model, bionic engineers create a spectrum of ecosystem types.
220. Savanna animals cool off with a kind of organic radiator by evaporating water from the moist linings of the nasal chambers.
221. Some farmers are likely to achieve this by converting to organic farming.
222. Many layers of decaying organic matter built up in Pennsylvania during the Cretaceous, and now it is all coal.
223. In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming.
224. Some of the most difficult diagnostic problems may be caused by the person who functionally elaborates an underlying organic disease.
225. This curable materials could be used in organic encapsulant.
226. Eurythmics is the organic combination of arts and gymnastics.
227. Organic cyanide, like methyl cyanide, propylene nitrile, Ding Jing and so on.
228. Organic dairy farming in the UK is an important part of the overall organic farming picture.
229. AOX ( adsorbable organic halogen ) was an important signal of artificial pollution.
230. Made from thermoplastic acrylic acid resin, color, organic solvents and addictives.
231. The effects of organic solvents, acyl donors and amounts of lipase on the reaction were studied.
232. We are on the cusp of the organic growth showing through.
233. First economic product is with dissolving the nitrocellulose element at organic dissolvent is a foundation.
234. It occurs as an exchangeable base in the clay mineral and organic fractions of soils.
235. Ene reaction is one of the simple and versatile reactions in organic synthesis.
236. Natural lubricants and herbal extracts — including certified organic aloe, echinacea and marsh mallow — help provide excellent detangling.
237. Bentonite, which was modified by anion - cation surface - active agent , is succeeded in applying to organic wastewater treatment.
238. The content of organic acid increase rapidly the process of deepfreeze and augmenttheof cold storage.
239. He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure.
240. Eastman organic waste water process is studied with above - mentioned method.
241. Ene reaction is one of the simple and versatile reactions of organic synthesis in recent years.
242. The main active ingredients of crataegus fruit are organic acids and flavonoids.
243. Dry - type transformers are completely nonflammable, using organic material such as epoxy resin.
244. The organic wastewater detoxification processing first choice method is the biological treatment.
245. Eco - organic soil - less cultivation solves the problems of soil acidification of those facilities melon, salinification and soilborne diseases.
246. The high concentration organic wastewater from diclofenac sodium production process was treated by precipitation - adsorption technology.
247. Michael reaction is a typical nucleophilic addition reaction, is always an organic chemistry domain research spot.
248. Acetaldehyde wastewater is a kind of organic ones, which is middle and higher concentration, poisonous.
249. Ethyl lactate is partly miscible with water and most organic solvents.
250. Pure juice crystallization or organic fruity solvent can be also added in.
251. A method was developed for the quantitative analysis of organic acids in Actinidia chinensis by GC.
252. The source of organic liquid and the application status of CWM are summarized.
253. Objective orderthe toxic mechanism of organic extract and cyanobacteria extract from water body.
254. Results monomer of rubescensin A was obtained by using determinate ratio of organic regents and recrystallization.
255. Ester is one of the most important compounds in Organic Chemistry.
256. Primary dysmenorrhea, which is no organic pathologic changes in reproductive organs.
257. A lots of organic compounds have been adsorbed on particulate in air.
258. The company will devote itself to research and development of enzyme technology and organic electrochemistry.
259. Ether is the best solvent in the three organic solvent.
260. Physicians have used newly discovered organic chemicals successfully to treat malaria, typhoid, dysentery,() rheumatoid arthritis.
261. Organic Silico - modified acrylic resin leather finishing agent is use the emulsion of organic silico - modified acrylic resin.
262. Investigating extraction method with organic reagent, we use adsorb resin column to extract soybean saponin.
263. The reaction mechanism of purifying WPA by ethyl alcohol as organic solvent is sought.
264. Medicine, distillery, organic acid and inorganic industry, also used in purification and decoloring.
265. Made from thermoset acrylic acid resin and high - grade melamine resinwith weather resistant color, organic solvents and addictives.
266. A second emerging technology is based on organic light - emitting diodes ( OLEDs ).
267. The effects of organic depressant DMPS on jamesonite and pyrrhotite have been studied.
268. Distillery wastewater was typical organic wastewater with high ammonia concentration.
269. Introduced domestic organic dissolvent the crop 1996 and consumption, forecasted mixed 2000 the demand 2010.
270. New progress for phenylacetone synthesis from organic zinc reagent and acetic anhydride was studied.
271. Acid corrosion of it, but soluble in chloroform, ethylene dichloride, bananas water and other organic solvents.
272. The main organic acids inA actinidia chinensis a re : malic acid, acid, palmitic acid, acid and acid.
273. Acetic acid is one of the organic acids which have many uses.
274. Abstract: Ene reaction is one of the simple and versatile reactions in organic synthesis.
275. Detritus Fragments of dead leaf litter and products of the breakdown of organic material by decomposers.
276. This product had strong property of separation and recovery of organic dissolvent and vapour.




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