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单词 Restrict
1, We restrict the number of students per class to 10.
2, Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
3, The agreement will restrict competition.
4, These laws will restrict our ancient rights and liberties.
5, Having small children tends to restrict your freedom.
6, The hospital may restrict bookings to people living locally.
7, They want to restrict the availability of abortion.
8, He feels this new law will restrict his freedom.
9, In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties.
10, If I'm driving, I restrict myself to one glass of wine.
11, Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills.
12, You may need to restrict access to certain files .
13, These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.
14, The very restrict regulations effectively prohibit the entry of soil or plants grown in soil into the country.
15, Why don't you restrict yourself to setting down the facts?
16, It has been necessary to restrict entry into the club.
17, In future we will restrict class sizes to 20 students.
18, The government passed a law to restrict the sale of guns.
19, Recent laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press.
20, The French, I believe,[http:///restrict.html] restrict Japanese imports to a maximum of 3 per cent of their market.
21, I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day.
22, The bill will restrict the advertising of tobacco products.
23, Most clairvoyants restrict themselves to the pictures for divination.
24, Thick lenses restrict a myopic patient's field of view.
25, New laws restrict the sale of impure chemicals.
26, One of her pet theories is that people who restrict their calorie intake live longer.
27, There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
28, The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people's access to firearms.
29, Would it make sense for the city authorities to further restrict parking?
30, I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks.
1, We restrict the number of students per class to 10.
2, Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
3, One of her pet theories is that people who restrict their calorie intake live longer.
4, There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
5, The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people's access to firearms.
6, He feels this new law will restrict his freedom.
31, Most Western governments ban or severely restrict the chemical.
32, Woman-centred methods restrict feminist psychology in other ways.
33, S., restrict certain investments in, for example, nuclear energy.
34, Turns reduce velocity and restrict the amount of air that gets to the register.
35, Any well-structured course can build in progression where necessary and if it so wishes restrict the choice of menu on offer.
36, Those who have experienced a fall often restrict their activities.
37, Tests have shown them to restrict growth and cause mutations in micro-organisms.
38, Naturally, treasurers will normally restrict their dealings to top quality financial institutions.
39, The bill also would restrict the release of Social Security numbers by state motor vehicle departments.
40, Indeed any attempt to relate them prematurely to reality may restrict the development of the model.
41, Tempers flared as gallery staff were forced to restrict entry in order to protect the works of art.
42, The ducks that lived on the island in that lake didn't restrict their activities to the park.
43, They tend to restrict the causes of criminality to hereditary characteristics and overlook the effects of environmental influences and cultural traditions.
44, These restrict some of the conceivable processes whereby excitation could occur, while allowing others to occur with very few restrictions.
45, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan all passed laws to restrict benefits and introduce time limits.
46, Critics say some of those provisions unfairly restrict freedom of speech.
47, Health authorities have already begun to restrict services,[http:///restrict.html] most commonly removal of tattoos and cosmetic surgery.
48, Some restrict the amount of mail you can store, or the size of attachments you can send and receive.
49, Cash shortage All commercial banks were forced to restrict cash withdrawals from April 20 as a result of a shortage of banknotes.
50, There are many factors which can restrict the choice and ordering of themes in translation.
51, This might be accomplished in part by helping children restrict their after-school work time to the predetermined schedule.
52, It did not restrict corporate officials or anyone else, as individuals, from giving as much money as they liked.
53, We will shortly examine the policies which have been adopted to restrict the degree of monopoly power exercised by large firms.
54, And now Lord Chancellor Lord MacKay has warned that spending cuts are likely to severely restrict the amount of aid available.
55, The report lists practical measures that, if implemented, will help restrict greenhouse gas emissions with a view to meeting these targets.
56, If we attempt to restrict development without ensuring access for local people, the result will be to force them out.
57, In this country, the government can not restrict where people can live on the basis of race or ethnicity.
58, Occasionally, housing policies in local areas have attempted to restrict the sale of houses to local inhabitants.
59, Many people who support the First Amendment in principle want to restrict free speech in certain situations.
60, The tendency in the past has been to restrict or cut down on plant proteins and increase animal protein in the diet.
61, A recent decision tightening up the laws relating to overseas players will greatly restrict the flow of foreigners to Ireland.
62, The authorities could restrict hire purchase credit by specifying minimum deposits or maximum repayment periods.
63, A host state may restrict the activities of a financial institution as far as it is justified by the general good.
64, He also wants to restrict how much time inmates can shave off their sentences for good behavior or working in prison.
65, It was also important to restrict access to secondary education.
66, The grammar of the language can be used to restrict word combinations because they do not combine arbitrarily to form sentences.
67, This may be difficult if both gatekeepers and policy in the buying company aim to restrict such access.
68, Also, while eating more healthily, they did not completely restrict favourite foods.
69, Similar House and Senate bills, which would lower campaign costs and restrict contributions and spending, were introduced last fall.
70, It would therefore be easier to restrict this seam to plain fabrics or those with a small overall design.
71, The Education Bill of 1987 is the first ever piece of legislation to restrict the powers of local education authorities.
72, Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress.
73, Included in the measure are provisions to restrict federal appeals by death-row inmates and to grant police wider authority for wiretaps.
74, Now the council is planning to put a bill through parliament to allow them to restrict winter grazing.
75, Clauses which seek to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation are regulated by s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967.
76, The need to cut operating costs will restrict the time, energy and financial resources available to promote the hotel.http:///restrict.html
77, Moreover, the covenant went on to restrict the defendant's ability to accept any professional appointment.
78, In what ways did the Persian Empire restrict the freedom of its subjects?
79, A man contemplating an affair should not restrict himself to what he considers a good-looking woman, yet he usually does.
80, Illiteracy does not restrict itself to city limits or the borders of school districts.
81, Liberties were conferred on cities, in order that feudal laws should not restrict trade and other important aspects of mercantile power.
82, Both, in the end, restrict calories, but each suits different lifestyles.
83, States now have more leeway to restrict the sale of guns.
84, New, oppressive laws were brought in to restrict the freedom of the press.
85, It would clearly be wrong to restrict all imports from a country which broke one particular environmental agreement.
86, Not tightly enough to restrict the blood flow, but sufficient to make her long to be able to stretch.
87, A mitigating circumstance is the fact that few library users restrict themselves to one source alone for obtaining books.
88, Dreikurs advises parents to restrict talking to friendly conversations and not use it as a disciplinary measure.
89, The Treasury Department announced Thursday it has implemented new requirements intended to restrict firearm purchases by foreign visitors.
90, To prevent your club becoming too large, restrict its catchment area.
91, Section 8 grants A road haulage business seeking to expand need not restrict itself entirely to the road transport industry.
92, The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.
93, A first step must be to restrict any military hardware sales to defensive weapons.
94, To restrict this study to compliant patients, only those completing a second visit at the outpatient center were included.
95, As the coffin slides into the furnace, we try to restrict our emotional involvement - sometimes at considerable psychological cost.
96, It is normal to restrict both the amounts involved and the timescale for seeking redress.
97, Any member state may also restrict the choice of model available.
98, Policy factors which restrict liability in negligence cases do not apply in intentional torts.
99, In order to retain the one-to-one correspondence, it is appropriate initially to restrict the Bell-Szekeres coordinate x to the range.
100, Farmer's commitment to a mainland racing programme will restrict his racing at home to short circuits, when time will permit.
101, In view of this, the committee stressed the need to restrict the availability of highly hazardous pesticides.
102, Since they probably feed on algae, a method of control would be to restrict the growth of algae.
103, Moreover, if the housing market were to weaken, withdrawal of private funds could restrict development.
104, And new state regulations restrict some of the most odious insurance practices.
105, The bill also allows the Lord Chancellor to restrict the automatic right of appeal to the Court of Appeal.
106, But in doing so they must not restrict the opportunities for one gender or racial group.
106, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
107, A cash limit is also applied to nationalized industries to restrict their ability to borrow from sources other than the government.
108, They would also severely restrict the board's ability to make acquisitions.
109, I think the success of ballot measures to restrict hunting reflects the fact that our society is increasingly urbanized.
110, Some exclusion clauses do not totally exclude liability for a breach but only restrict it.
111, He has stated that, as Governor of New Jersey, he would not push for legislation to restrict abortion drastically.
112, In such a small box as Alwyn Crawshaw's I would not recommend compartments which restrict space in effect.
113, Not withstanding this limitation, the powers contained in the section do not restrict any other express or implied rights of action.
114, And, you will find that paying by Switch does not restrict you to your cheque card limit.
115, Although we restrict the name mineral to inorganic substances, there are many naturally occurring organic components of rocks.
116, In addition, they promote fast-track, prefabricated building techniques that further restrict the architect's freedom.
117, That move means he can ignore federal spending caps that restrict the ability of other candidates to match his ubiquitous broadcast ads.
118, It is quite easy to restrict normal form programs to finite sets of values.
119, Midwinter does not restrict his discussion of domestic help to private householders.
120, The Commission can also be given cases where two or more distinct firms by implicit collusion operate to restrict competition.
121, Other attempts to restrict preferences of voters seem equally to have had limited success.
122, Some fixed lens cameras have a maximum and minimum focus, and might restrict the maximum depth you can dive to.
123, Even in day care, private firms try to restrict the competition.
124, These shortages will effectively restrict their ability to meet the demand for their products or services.
125, This would restrict a general term, applicable to many objects, to one of its significations.
126, It is argued that the measures would restrict training and job opportunities.
127, A nation should restrict its foreign trade so that it exported more finished goods than it imported.
128, Planning laws had been tightened to restrict building in high-risk areas.
129, Perhaps it might make more sense to restrict people to a fixed number of pets.
130, In fact(), their relations with the parties they serve sharply restrict their ability to tackle controversial topics.
131, He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable.
132, Edward Heath's Conservative government adopted stringent regulations to restrict increases in wages.
133, The primary purpose of the SARs is to restrict the swift build-up of substantial stakes in a target company by dawn raids.
134, In addition, the Chancellor plans to restrict the married couple's allowance to the new low rate.
135, Very soon this rigidity starts to restrict movements and by the time we reach old age we can barely get around.
136, The legislation sought to restrict picketing of a place of work to those who were employed there.
136, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
137, In ignoring such joy we destroy ourselves. In attempting to restrict it we attempt to capture a butterfly.
138, Instead they should restrict access to plants, control contracts and set up local industries to capitalise on biodiversity.
139, They restrict opportunities for choice, experiment and innovation, which are as much needed in education as in any other field.
140, Second, that by impeding the market mechanism it may restrict consumer choice.
141, Since 1989 conservatives on the court have given states more latitude to restrict the conditions under which women terminate pregnancies.
142, Some of the larger service providers tend to restrict the activities of users on the Internet from their networks.
143, Can officials always restrict symbols that might lead to disruption?
144, The CyberArcade uses monitoring software to restrict computer access to inappropriate, adult-oriented Web sites.
145, After all, the confines of a narrow road restrict a person's freedom.
146, On the other hand, if they restrict development, this may force up house prices and exclude lower-income local inhabitants anyway.
147, Monitors now tend to be more expensive and restrict you to video playback only.
148, Wear loose clothing Avoid tight socks or stockings that restrict the flow of blood.
149, But where there is a desire to restrict rates of population growth, the goal maybe fewer than three.
150, Mr Coleman promised he would not push for legislation which would severely restrict abortion in Virginia.
151, Remove excess hair around the ear canal, as this tend to collect wax and restrict fresh air.
152, By then, the critical decision had been taken to restrict the flow of refugee children into Britain.
153, The means was to restrict the legal provision of credit to those who applied for it and were granted a licence.
154, Do I have any family commitments which restrict the sort of job I can take on?
155, Restrict yourself to one news bulletin a day, or avoid the news and newspapers altogether.
156, The agreement will also restrict competition by limiting the selling opportunities of other producers of the components subject to the exclusive purchasing commitment.
157, Rent strikes secured state intervention to restrict the power of private landlords.
158, Internet Explorer and Netscape, for example, can restrict access according to a rating system.
159, Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress. Law Local laws may ban particular activities.
160, She added that any attempt to restrict the availability of parents could have a detrimental effect on children.
161, An ankle injury sustained late in the season for Juventus, restrict Del Piero to a bit-part role in the 1998 World Cup finals.
162, Sir, does this apply to intra-office communication only or relate also restrict external communications?
163, A JFormattedTextField component that lets developers restrict the set of characters allowed in a text component.
164, The bid-invitation procurement entity may not compel bidders to form a consortium for joint bidding, nor may it restrict the bidders from competing with each other.
165, Sealed bidding specifications or requirements cannot restrict, or limit unnecessarily and unduly the number of bid.
166, China's increasing dependance on oil, and possible energy shortages in the future,[http:///restrict.html] may restrict the development of the car market.
167, The theory of patent rights abusing was originated from America, and can be traceable from the later 19th. The attitude to the theory at first was disaffirm, then affirm, and now restrict.
168, We carried out battlefield scout and achieved small area battlefield scout aim with low cost , easy use and getting rid of weather restrict via a pigeon schlep micro electronic device.
169, Shockproof additive is added order to restrict the shrinkage at temperature and the formation of crazing.
170, Because of suffering the restrict of term geography in mountainous urban , the level of economy development is gong by in arrear of plain urban with forehand , but the margin return at pull big .
171, Pressure is applied with the thumb to restrict blood flow returning from the distal limb, causing the vein to engorge with blood.
172, Besides the difference that popularizes degree, definitive inadequacy also is to restrict pay treasure copyist people one big handicap.
173, Hmm, well iPhone OS does have multitasking. they just restrict it to first party apps.
174, It is very important to control body weight, restrict the drinking, reduce intake of superfatted foods, prevent and treat diabetes mellitus for hypertension prevention and control.
175, Prolonged exhaustive exercise may restrict the sexual circle of the rats and cause lower concentration of progesterone (P) and dihydroxyestrin (E_2) in serum than normal sexual circle.
176, Are there procedures in place to restrict, detect and report unauthorized access to shipping, storage and loading area?
177, The coding in incoherent light-source is used to restrict the coherent noise to obtain clearer images.
178, Increasingly severe shortage and squander of water resources will foreclose continuable utility and restrict economic development.
179, And the person of 34% holds crosscurrent , thought to restrict free speech so.
180, Private international law shall not restrict the parties' freedom to choose governing law of contract with the substantial connection theory.
181, This paper analyzes the restrict factors in the space international cooperation by the inductive method.
182, In chapter four , the author works about the insurance value of builder's risk and brings forward the suggestion that cancel the proportion restrict of insurance value.
183, The government responded in 1890 with the Sherman Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for any person or business to monopolize trade , or to contract, combine or conspire to restrict trade .
184, The contact-type gaging head has a lot of advantages, but its disadvantages restrict the measurement in accuracy, efficiency and scope of applications.
185, Ordinances like the one in Redondo Beach unconstitutionally restrict people from engaging in free speech in public places.
186, The abortion of pollen is one of the important factors to restrict reproduction success of Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.
187, A major concern is to alleviate environmental pollution and restrict the deteriorative tendency the 21 st century.
188, We should devote oneself to to change these to restrict an element.
189, As the degree of financial reform and in novation is not enough, especially the system innovation obvious lag, restrict badly the development of our bill market.
190, Giving the victim appellate right accords with the developing trend of criminal suit, can fully protect the victim's interests, and can restrict the abuse of court's jurisdiction.
191, Such object includes compulsory investigation measures to restrict personal freedom such as arrestment, detention and custody, and measures to save evidence from damage such as search and attachment.
192, Because of the AVS audio standard, our country's digital audio industry can free off the restrict of expensive patent fee by the other countries.
193, Ownership structure is onefold, it is to restrict western the great and negative factor of development.
194, In the fourth part, I will have further econometric analysis on the four stages dividend by part three, to find out the effect of supply decided and demand restrict.
195, It is necessary to contain the fumigant gas while it acts on the target organisms and to restrict its escape into areas where it may be dangerous to human health.
196, In some jurisdictions, statutes restrict recoveries to actual damages in the event of a prompt and full retraction.
196, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
197, A direct current plasma spray gun was designed in which separation sections were set between anode and cathode to restrict the large-scale diffluence of arc.
198, The insertion of an inner rod into the waveguide can rarefy the spectrum of the competing modes in the vicinity of the operating mode and restrict the mode competing effectively.
199, Restrictive conditions for export cartel exemptions are set not to affect domestic market, nor to restrict international trade, and are of uncertainties to some extent.
200, In a range query (or filter), the user states the need to restrict all searched documents to be between two values that have a natural sorting.
201, When the Bible uses figurative language, there is only ONE (1) point of comparison, and we should restrict our interpretation to that ONE point of comparison.
202, On previous Fridays, the minders have sought to restrict foreign journalists so they could not cover demonstrations after midday prayers on the Muslim holy day.
203, While insisting on the doctrine of numerus of IPR, there is no conclusion that we should be against judicial activism and restrict judge-made law.
204, Shore tried to restrict Mr. Ray to the other end of the office, but couldn't keep the pup away from the complainer.
205, "Be necessary to restrict network ill will to take appearance of honorary of advert damage individual " , assentient holds absolutely dominant position in layer of each areas, sexual distinction, age.
206, Diarrhea of weanling pig is a severity disease induced by stimulate, Circumstance and nutrition factors, which restrict the development of Swine production.
207, Besides, according to the principle of criminal procedure conformation, it is necessary to restrict the rights of changing accusal of courts.
208, In recent years, the marketing risks grouse with each passing day which restrict normal marketing activities of enterprises.
209, Administrative organization may restrict its discretionary power through self-discipline, but the administrative crankiness to efficiency can not fully prevent the infringement of civil rights.
210, Restrict the use of groundcover, such as pachysandra in areas frequented by family and roaming pets.
211, It is well held in but not so much as to restrict movement.
212, The paper describes one of the developing trend of container vessel ---large-sized and its restrict factors, gives large container vessel configuration design characteristics and its affects.
213, Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) is one of the three major pests in the cotton. Its occurrence and disaster restrict production and scale of Shaanxi cotton district seriously.
214, The colour of metope made fundamental key of whole room colorific, next, the colorific such as furniture, illume, decorations distributings to get its restrict.
215, This paper presents a method for facial contour extraction based on Snake model with shape restrict.
216, Non - tariff barrier: Government measures other than tariffs to restrict imports.
217, The problem of financing guarantee about SMEs will seriously restrict security capital accumulation of business, obstacle enterprise development, and have a significant impact on Chinese economy.
218, Inner diameter of capillary has important effect on the spectrum broadening when used to restrict filamentation in high pressure gas.
219, Fundamental construction is to restrict western the key that region economy grows.
220, To restrict this outbound traffic to the same IP, add a static route to the appliance's mgt0 configuration.
221, The trends of enlightenment and populism inspire and restrict the Liberal School's cultural stand and ideas.
222, Ethnic factors restrict it in its universality and openness, and finally resulting in the failure of the faith in YHWH to become a world religion.
223, The Message Broker Toolkit provides an option -- Use XPath and ESQL equivalent grammar - to restrict XPath grammar in order to limit XPath users to equivalent ESQL expression support.
224, However, because of the specialty of self-contained, the time and space complexity of building concept lattice has always been one of the main obstacles that restrict it from being applied.
225, Taking into account many restrict condition, found the math model of planning, design of the heuristic optimize method which was based on the minimal tree.
226, Parents should restrict them to a recommended daily allowance, said Dr Aric Sigman.
227, It is clear that although conclude a treaty, the person need not be limitted all trading attribute, they have method to restrict potential clean losing to happen.
228, One way to encourage the industry and confer greater external economies on society would be to restrict imports.
229, Therefore, the currency devaluation to promote exports and played a dual role to restrict imports.
230, The net present value rule is undermined when imperfections restrict shareholders'portfolio choice.
231, If you wish to have a username and password combination to restrict read access to your pages, you will need to contact the GRAMPS project, and we could set this up for you.
232, Voltage transfer ratio is a key element to restrict matrix converter industrialization all the time.
232, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
233, Therefore, He claimed to learn from the others then restrict them; use other countries' contradiction to restrict them; use the international public law to restrict them.
234, Because the alkali waste mainly contains sodium sulphide, sodium carbonate and some organic matters, which restrict the comprehensive utilization of alkali waste.




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