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单词 Reader
1 My brother is a great reader.
2 He's a good reader.
3 I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years.
4 The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions.
5 The reader of adventure stories wants romance and vicarious excitement.
6 These texts give the reader an insight into the Chinese mind.
7 The casual newspaper reader wouldn't like long articles on serious subjects every day.
8 The index refers the reader to pages in the text.
9 A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. George R.R. Martin 
10 A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
11 The difference is scarcely perceptible to the average reader.
12 Alan is a Reader in History at Dublin University.
13 She's an avid reader of historical novels.
14 Don't labour the reader with unnecessary detail.
15 Thanks to that job I became an avid reader.
16 The reader is told the story in flashback.
17 A sharp-eyed reader spotted the mistake in yesterday's paper.
18 She works as a publisher's reader.
19 Whitechild's life becomes increasingly real to the reader.
20 I've never been a great reader .
21 Are you a 'Times' reader?
22 She's a compulsive reader of romances.
23 The novel fascinates the reader from the outset.
24 He's a great reader of crime fiction.
25 The reader said that the report was defamatory.
26 I've always been an avid reader .
27 The reader is constantly referred back to the introduction.
28 He misses not having enough books because he's an avid reader.
29 Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.
30 The lake is like an open book,[] day like the steady gaze of a reader.
1 He misses not having enough books because he's an avid reader.
2 He's a good reader.
3 I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years.
4 The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions.
5 Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.
6 These texts give the reader an insight into the Chinese mind.
7 The casual newspaper reader wouldn't like long articles on serious subjects every day.
8 A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
9 She works as a publisher's reader.
10 The novel fascinates the reader from the outset.
11 A lack of narrative drive leaves the reader with piecemeal vignettes.
31 The book is addressed to the general reader.
32 The reader is referred to page 3.
33 He's a great reader of science fiction.
34 She has always been an omnivorous reader.
35 Does the library have a microfiche reader?
36 The reader can speculate what will happen next.
36 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
37 She described him as a typical Guardian reader.
38 The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.
39 She is Reader in Music at Edinburgh.
40 A good mystery story is a battle of wits between author and reader.
41 Why didn't you tell me you weren't happy with the situation? - I'm not a mind reader, you know!
42 If you add too many notes to the text, the reader won't be able to see the wood for the trees.
43 You need to use analogies which will mean something to the reader.
44 It is written in simple language, immediately accessible to the reader.
45 He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted.
46 You need to signpost for the reader the various points you are going to make.
47 She leaves it to the reader to draw their own conclusions.
48 The reader is cross - referenced to the entry " center " .
49 I leave it to the reader to ferret these out.
50 A short opening paragraph enables the reader to quickly grasp what the article is about.
51 A lack of narrative drive leaves the reader with piecemeal vignettes.
52 Too, the reader will find in this book many interesting illustrations.
53 The story is full of surprises which cause the reader to catch his breath.
54 A reader may borrow up to six books at any one time.
55 This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the reader what the poet feels.
56 He was also an avid reader and a disciple of Tolstoy.
57 Hand symbols in the main body of the text cross - refer the reader to the appendices.
58 The oversimplification results in the possibility of misunderstanding by the reader.
59 The software allows you to interface your computer and an OCR reader.
60 The argument is so complex, a reader might easily go astray.
61 She's a very keen reader - she devours one book after another.
62 You must always keep the reader in mind when writing a report.
63 The guidebook arms the reader with a mass of useful information.
64 The paper is patient, but the reader is not. Joseph Joubert 
65 It took the reader down every blind alley.
66 For more advanced study, it is important for the reader at least to be aware of these complications.
66 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
67 Our stated aim is to give the guitar playing reader a wholesome understanding of every featured instrument.
68 Paling forces the reader to accept that resolution is not always possible.
69 The critics argued that for the same money they could promote a lot more lecturers to the middle rank of Reader.
70 Romance readers' advisory service is connecting the romance reader with the proper romantic story.
71 As a keen writer and avid newspaper reader, Jenny had always wanted to be a journalist.
72 A qualified audit report, as opposed to an unqualified report, should leave the reader in no doubt as to its meaning and implications.
73 The reader will no doubt appreciate the significance of this statement.
74 The do-it-yourself bar code user therefore has to write his or her own reader software.
75 I have long been a avid reader of books about islands.
76 But that, the reader may say, is a different matter altogether.
77 So astonishing are the anecdotes, so bizarre the characters, that eventually the reader has to suspend a truckload of disbelief.
78 The right balance of detail should help the reader quickly grasp the nature of the problem and your approach to it.
79 A voracious reader, Vea is adamant about the pursuit of writing excellence.
80 It is one of the most useful texts for communicating to the reader an understanding of an analytical method and its potential.
81 Such a belated recognition is likely to strike a reader as old news.
82 The reader begins by being faintly amused at their sheer improbability; but after a time the response turns into pained embarrassment.
83 The most typical reader will win a special golden bone award.
84 Rather they see it as production - the production of meaning by the text itself when activated by the reader.
85 However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
86 The reader may not be persuaded by some of the cases, but the whole mass of them carries conviction.
87 I trust that the reader will therefore forgive the brevity of this survey.
88 Any reader wanting the right detector to suit his pocket and plenty of sound advice is welcome to give me a ring.
89 Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s. Stephen King 
90 Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. Mark Twain 
91 The reason a writer writes a book is to forget a book and the reason a reader reads one is to remember it. Thomas Wolfe 
92 So she places her smart card containing electronic cash provided as part of a bank service into the smart-card reader.
93 We leave it to the reader to appreciate what this will mean in due course, as work on oneself progresses.
94 They force the reader to slow down, to dwell or brood on what is happening.
95 They can help the reader to develop the appreciation and enjoyment of pictorial material by offering a range of rich visual experiences.
96 Each reader contains two pages of activities which provide a balance of structural and communicative activities.sentence dictionary
97 Wright's character is in effect a projected reader registering bewilderment before an artefact which has abandoned conventional ordering.
98 The article gives the reader a fresh angle on pop culture.
99 But they modestly assure the reader that their registry is not complete.
100 Many scores of pages are devoted to these topics and the general reader will need to keep a bookmark in the footnotes.
101 Reagan was an avid reader of the conservative monthly Kuman Events, and frequently quoted from it at length.
102 In 1924 Malinowski joined the London School of Economics as reader in social anthropology.
103 Wall tablets assured the reader of the integrity of the blood line.
104 The reader will appreciate in this chapter the condensed comparison of slurry with direct solid sampling and digested sample analysis, respectively.
105 The library was a room which the Empress used constantly, for she was all her life an avid reader.
106 In any case, I returned to my notes, hereto appended for the use of the reader.
107 However, when p4 is reached the reader has just finished reading about some other aspect of hypertext than text.
108 The curious leaps of Francie's mind require close attention from the reader.
109 The reader is asked to be alert to that important distinction as this narrative unfolds.
110 A mail reader program helps you read, send and organize e-mail correspondence with friends, colleagues and business contacts.
111 They should be shown that many texts make assumptions about knowledge shared by the author and reader.
112 The reader must judge from this account, written by some one who approached his subject with no preconceived ideas either way.
113 Anyway, I thought you ought to know you have your reader back, and I enclose £4 for 4 back issues.
114 But now she was an avid reader who liked nothing better than to haunt old bookstores.
115 The reader can appreciate her desperation as her love for Macbeth becomes hopeless.
116 Hopefully, the reader should now understand the banking principle that every loan creates a deposit in the banking system.
117 So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed? Hunter S. Thompson 
118 It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader.
119 This is a high ambition for a book targeted at the general reader.
120 The reader should ascertain the degree of foreign bank involvement in his own country.
121 The book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader. That's why we go to movies and say, "Oh, the book is better.”. Paulo Coelho 
122 From Enid Blyton to Henry James, the reader has to appreciate that different things are being expected of him or her.
123 I am an avid reader of your magazine and eagerly look forward to each month's issue.
124 I would advise the reader against taking my judgments as utterly final.
125 Soon Carolyn was the favourite story reader, both with Sylvia and her older brother Robin.
126 A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one. George R.R. Martin 
126 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
127 Write a brief history of your life as a reader up to the age of 11.
128 No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader. Robert Frost 
129 The alert and attentive reader, however, usually brings critical attention to what is being read and reacts in some way.
130 In addition, a reader for whom a happy ending is essential may not care for some of Joan Aiken. 4.
131 Or perhaps you acted on information your reader passed along during your conversation.
132 Entries are detailed, accurate and solid, written in clear, nontechnical language for the general reader.
133 His most striking proposition to the lay reader is that human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.
134 She places her smart card into her card reader and transfers $ 1399. 99 in electronic tokens.
135 Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader. Joseph Joubert 
136 On his return in 1891, Knott was appointed lecturer in mathematics and in 1892 reader in applied mathematics at Edinburgh University.
137 A writer is nothing without a reader; a reader is nothing without a writer. Anthony Liccione 
138 When you make an assertion, what you are doing is telling your reader something you think is true.
139 The reader is referred to the excellent introductory text.
140 You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.
141 Did you get a lip reader in?
142 Displaying tabular data by using a data reader.
143 If the queue is full, the writer thread waits on the _wcond condition variable; the reader thread will need a notification to all threads after consuming data from the queue.
144 All expository writing deals with facts. This expository type of writing gives the reader information.
145 We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader.
146 An ambitious reader might finish off one a month without disrupting a personal reading program already in place. That means he or she would cross the finish line in the year 2063.
147 You need to set your news reader to retrieve the RSS feed from the WHO web site.
148 The reader of this book will come to know the Trinitarianism in the Hebrew Scriptures that Yahvists knew.
149 This may strike a modern reader as an envious institution.
150 He is first a reader and then a junior editor at Ellison and Co.
151 Popping data with timeouts is more involved than pushing; note that the reader thread is waiting on the condition variable.
152 The eagle-eyed reader may have spotted that we supplied an image descriptor directly to the action.
153 There is, unforeseen by the writer, some lack of understanding on the part of the reader or some fear, bias, eccentricity or perverseness on his part of which the writer is not aware.
154 Decorates the Google Reader subscription list with icons corresponding to the website from which each feed originates.
155 So the feeling a reader is one of foraging in a wilderness for tidbits of information.
156 Opens a text reader for reading from the virtual path of the current build provider object.
157 In order to understand it, a reader should be humble and with respectfulness to the Almighty God.
158 But the combination of the Web and mobile devices—be it an eBook reader, phone, netbook, or laptop—is sufficient infrastructure to effectuate all kinds of transactions, small and large.
159 Thematic Shading -- Making tabular data easy for a reader to understand.
160 She goes from being a reader who can listen, for example, to the ambiguities in the Wharfinger play.
161 The distinguishing is realized by bar code reader and computer with deciphering and identifying software.
162 Chico The Mind Reader – For those who have witnessed a performance of Chico know that the revelation of this routine is worth the price of the DVD set.
163 Increasingly, other innovators realise what connected media can do and have taken steps to reinterpret the hero's journey in a way that puts the reader/viewer/consumer in the central role.
164 Georgiou also lauds the efforts of communities in getting behind literacy programs and encouraging the development of literacy skills through initiatives such as "raise a reader" and "read-in week."
165 As a woman herself, Woolf has deep-felt understanding of woman reader's plight and experience. This thesis focuses on Woolf's understanding of the identity, action and role of the reader.
166 The other day a reader wrote in asking if cloud computing could help save his hard drive space, which made me realize that it's time to talk about exactly what this moronic buzzword really means.
167 A reader of your article must be able to walk away with a set of actions to perform, a new theory to think about, or a thought-provoking question to answer.
168 And the image of a man being slurped on a moving toboggan by a pesky dog is too cartoonishly good to be true - unless the reader realizes how much universal Lab behavior is immortalized here.
169 There may be some truth to that. My son, who suffered the flash card assault, was by age 7 the family's most voracious reader.
170 Basic structures, technical requirements-and methods of inspection for semi-automatic film reader related briefly in article.
171 Nash also does not need sleight-of-hand tricks to get the ball to well-defended scorers. Instead, he is a mind reader.
172 Because it is curated by Regator's editors and doesn't allow you to add your own feeds, Regator won't replace your current feed reader.
173 At first view this caption, very may much reader can feel unfamiliar.




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