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单词 Dense
1 This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.
2 They hacked away at the dense vegetation.
3 Plant chimneys belch out dense smoke.
4 The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle.
5 Railway lines criss-cross in a dense network.
6 The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
7 A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
8 We entered a dense forest.
9 The sun dispelled the dense fog.
10 He led us on(),into a dense forest.
11 The path was completely covered by the dense foliage.
12 Thick/Heavy/Dense fog has made driving conditions dangerous.
13 He had a dense, ponderous style.
14 Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible.
15 Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.
16 Dyewood is a dense Indian hardwood.
17 The temple lay deep within the dense forest.
18 Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
19 The air is dense.
20 Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
21 Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground between India and full size coin sparkling spot.
22 The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods.
23 He is so dense, he'll never understand your message.
24 A dense fog lay around.
25 We fought our way through the dense vegetation.
26 Either side of the river is dense, impenetrable jungle.
27 Am I being dense? I don't quite understand.
28 The track led through dense forest.
29 They hacked their way through dense jungle.
30 Where Bucharest now stands, there once was a large, dense forest.
1 This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.
2 Plant chimneys belch out dense smoke.
3 The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle.
4 The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
5 A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
6 The path was completely covered by the dense foliage.
7 Thick/Heavy/Dense fog has made driving conditions dangerous.
8 He had a dense, ponderous style.
9 Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible.
10 Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.
11 The air is dense.
12 Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
13 Where Bucharest now stands, there once was a large, dense forest.
14 The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods.
15 He is so dense, he'll never understand your message.
16 Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.
17 The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
31 These plants quickly form dense clumps.
32 Much of Scandinavia is covered in dense forest.
33 The dense foliage overhead almost blocked out the sun.
34 The area was covered in dense jungle.
35 The dense fog delayed the plane's start.
36 Factory chimneys belched dense white smoke into the sky.
37 The men's lanterns pierced through the dense mist.
38 We've got some really dense people in our class.
39 A dense mass of black hair framed his face.
40 We cut a swathe through the dense undergrowth.
41 We slashed our way through the dense forest.
42 Less dense substances move upwards to form a crust.
43 The cloud cover is quite dense today.
44 A dense fog came down in the afternoon.
45 The airport was closed in by the dense fog.
46 The policeman barreled his car through the dense traffic.
47 They thrust their way through the dense crowd.
47 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
48 The hunters ranged through the dense tropical forests.
49 How can you be so dense?
50 She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.
51 He's not a bad man, just a bit dense.
52 Lobell drove on and on through the dense and blowing snow.
53 A helicopter landed in a clearing in the dense jungle.
54 Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.
55 Twenty million years ago, Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest.
56 A huge cloud of dense smoke stretched across the horizon.
57 The car collision succeeded on the expressway due to a dense fog.
58 The danger of shipwreck is much greater in dense fog.
59 The storm clouds threw the mountain peaks into dense shadow.
60 They walked through the dense Mozambican bush for thirty six hours.
61 They used their knives to clear a path through the dense undergrowth.
62 Dense smoke surrounded them, adding to the horror of the situation.
63 She followed him, pushing through the dense tangle of bushes and branches.
64 The spray from the falls is so dense that you can hardly see.
65 Our village is beset on all sides by dense forest.
66 Plutonium is very dense.
67 The explorers had to hack their way through dense jungle.
68 A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.
69 The trees formed such a dense canopy that all beneath was a deep carpet of pine-needles.
70 The house was set amid dense trees and surrounded by an electrified fence.
71 Dense smoke swirled and billowed,() its rank fumes choking her.
72 The forest's dense growth provides nesting places for a wide variety of birds.
73 The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
74 Few plants grow under the dense shade cast by the evergreens.
75 Get through a dense crowd in a series of tacks.
76 The plane crashed in an area of dense jungle. There were no survivors.
77 As the storm cleared, dense fog came down.
77 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78 Black dense smoke rose up.
79 Dense cloud prevented the rescue helicopter from taking off.
80 The trees were dense with leaves.
81 Nicely chewy and dense without being stiff.
82 A dense curtain of fog caused traffic problems.
83 The road was overhung with a pretty dense canopy.
84 I remember going through a dense forest.
85 He had seen him only in the dense fog.
86 The fog was as dense as ever.
87 The text is often compact and dense with information.
88 She soon lost her bearings in the dense forest.
89 All around her, things were dense with color.
90 Not like the Harz with its dense forests.
91 South-facing slopes where snow lies late support meadows of grass and herbs; drier ridges carry a dense growth of dwarf shrubs.
92 When baked, the loaf is usually thick-crusted and dense and does not color to a dark gold.
93 Shrubs for autumn interest include the berry-bearing pyracantha, which also displays dense clusters of hawthorn-like blossoms in the spring.
94 Distant walls disappear in a fog of dust as dense to the eye as the black fogs of old London.
95 Britain has a particular problem because of dense population and a policy of promoting road use at the expense of public transport.
96 It forms dense growths that are short in bright situations but taller in half-shade.
97 I was not the only one enjoying the apples, nor the new dense growth of trees.
98 He detected an inscription of Kleomenes on the figure's clothing, obscured by a dense network of incisions.
99 Even after they have dropped, they are valuable, lying in a blood-red pool under the dense thicket of branches.
100 The billet has to be highly dense and of high integrity and will be used to make new kilogram mass standards.
101 The Fallen Road development used to be a thick pine woods with small scrub oak and dense thickets of cabbage palm.
102 Like all liquids, water that is less dense tends to float upon water that is more dense.
103 During summer a dense green or olive carpet is formed on the bottom.
104 As the pace of deforestation picked up, the area of land covered by dense forest declined considerably.
105 We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.
106 Environmentalists have also criticised the dense smoke from buses which pollute the town centre.
107 Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
107 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
108 Half an hour later and we were ready for a ride through the dense vegetation and forests of palms.
109 It flings its fine hairs in the face of the assailant, in a dense cloud.
110 Further gravitational segregation of the iron core means that denser material moves inwards displacing less dense material outwards.
111 It will be remembered by old Spitfire pilots for its boggy runway and dense fog.
112 Over the millennia it has come to be surrounded by a dense thicket of folklore.
113 Voice over Firefighters wearing special protective clothing made their way through the dense smoke towards the fuel flask.
114 I was at a point of crisis, lost, paralysed in the midst of a dense fog.
115 The tiger gained its stripes by evolving in dense jungle and wet, reedy areas.
116 In a gravitational field this causes the denser air to sink and buoy up the less dense gas.
117 Weather satellite images of the area taken from synchronous orbit show an immense circular area of dense clouds above the impact site.
118 It's now a sociological and historical fact that gay men and lesbians have constructed this dense network of relationships and communities.
119 Army helicopters could not land because of the mountainous terrain and dense jungle.
120 It is dense and heavy and bread crumbs from previously baked loaves are added to the dough.
121 The smoke this produced was so dense that it closed airports and smothered half the country.
122 It was a peculiar sort of fog which lay on the sea in dense banks striped with narrow, clear channels.
123 Though the trees and the undergrowth had been cut back, branches and dense foliage stooped overhead.
124 The scent of dense green growth, irrigation mist, massive trees not butchered for their fodder, fattened, passive cattle.
125 The muntjac and roe deer are browsers, living either singly or in very small groups throughout the year in dense woodland.
126 High pressures are essential because graphite is less dense than diamond.
127 Almost the entire journey was through the plain, now covered in dense fog.
128 Ferns grew among the boulders, and further on the spring undergrowth was already dense.
129 The rebels fought like demons, and under cover of the dense underbrush poured deadly volleys upon us.
130 There was dust everywhere - the shop was filled with a dense fog of it.
131 During the night a storm descended upon them and they became lost in the dense woodland.
132 The Belemnite chalk is less dense than the Montagne de Reims and turns sandy towards the bottom of its twenty-metre depth.
133 It appears that the Leonids contain a dense cloud of dust released during recent stressful passages of comet Tempel-Tuttle by the Sun.
134 The upper surface of the arms are covered with a dense coating of granules and segmental bands of hooks.
135 But it was eerie in the sense that the trees were so big and dense and it was so dark.
136 A lion roars in the dense thicket into which the watercourse runs.
137 Inmates were paid 50 cents a day for the back-breaking chore of clearing right of way through dense forests and laying track.
137 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
138 Firefighters could not get near the blaze because of the dense vegetation.
139 This is particularly true in areas of dense vegetation such as tropical rainforest.
140 One, the copper flower, grows in dense violet clumps on the most polluted soils of all.
141 There have even been proposals to clear natural forests and replace them with dense plantations of fast-growing trees to claim extra credits.
142 Glover saw his face, dense as coal, no white blood, none of the high tones of the day.
143 These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
144 The breeze fanning in off the ocean was dense with brine and the beach was littered with debris.
145 What had been only a dense red glow when I first looked into the chamber was now a torrent of liquid flame.
146 The candles were useless in the dense smoke, and it was many minutes before we could see.
147 The supervised approach enabled urban subdivision of dense and less dense housing.
148 But they described a dense population, a vibrant economy and open grassland.
149 The text deserves careful reading, since it is comprehensive and dense with information.
150 The path wound in and out of deep ravines, through thick oak and pine forests and dense undergrowth.
151 Although it looks like lead, it is only one-third as dense.
152 At the sea's edge, turned dense with terror of sliding into the dark without even screaming like a stillborn.
153 Great electrical bursts of dazzling blue and purple light explode behind copious amounts of dense smoke which obscures the entire stage.
154 A sound wave has a much greater chance of being scattered and absorbed by such dense vegetation.
155 The wind began to pick up strongly; dense grey clouds skidded across the sky.
156 Their explosive power is slightly less than that of an iron of the same size because they are less dense than iron.
157 Whether clipped into shape or left natural, barberry is a formidable barrier thanks to its dense foliage and profusion of thorns.
158 They are equally at home in dense forest, sparse woodland, savanna, or even on rocky hillsides.
159 The lakes are certainly there but they are hidden in dense jungle, only accessible by a network of sandy tracks.
160 As cyclists choose shortest routes, the network should be dense, with virtually all roads accessible for cycle movement.
161 The little animals though fat were lithe; they were heavy, their coats shone, opulent and dense.
162 The Magellan radar-mapping mission was designed to penetrate the dense cloud layer and return detailed radar images of the surface geology.
163 Nuclear plants are sprinkled liberally across the capital, with a particularly dense clump in the northern suburbs.
164 She struggled through holly thickets, forced through dense stands of winter blackthorn, still shrouded in dead leaf.
165 Soon the fishless river was clogged with dense mats and braids of algae bloom.
166 Day 9 Ottawa-Orilla Head north into stunning wilderness country, a region of sparkling lakes, rushing streams and dense forests.
167 Small print, dense layout, footnotes and detailed diagrams can be very demanding for some pupils with defective vision.
167 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
168 In the dense foliage around us I heard the mortars crashing heavily, shaking the air, searching for us.
169 If it is more dense than water, the water will not hold it up.
170 Spider riders can move easily through woods and forests, scuttling over the treetops and through the dense foliage.
171 Summer often brings a green coloration caused by dense growths of unicellular green algae stimulated by excess light.
172 Signor Ugolotti led the way up through the dense woods.
173 If a sand and clay mixture is provided it will produce a dense, bushy plant developing a mass of trailing rootstock.
174 The dense, fudgy cake is pure heaven for chocolate connoisseurs.
175 None of the friendlies would have been able to see let alone reach them under the dense canopy where they went down.
176 Standard polyurethane foam ignites rapidly, forming dense clouds of smoke and toxic vapour as it does so.
177 The overall effect is of information produced in a much less dense manner than is characteristic of written language.
178 Dense foggy mornings, frosty nights, a lucent crown of brilliant red and golden leaves on the distant ridge.
179 Potential listeners also are cautious about venturing on to a campus with circuitous roads, dense eucalyptus groves and notoriously problematic parking.
180 A dense pile wears better than a loosely-woven one, which can be parted to reveal the backing.
181 Just another chip on the dense circuit board of Santa Clara County.
182 In the third and final phase the area of dispersal is larger and the distribution more dense.
183 I would dig the grave myself, six feet down into the dense clay soil.
184 Nor does it work well outside cities; its short range demands a dense network of base stations.
185 Celestial objects such as stars and planets typically are born in regions dense with dust and gas.
186 It is also more dense than a normal lining and is thus able to cut out more light.
187 First, where dense cycle flows coincide with motorised through traffic, separate cycle paths have been constructed.
188 At the city centre slid out of the skin and moved away thought the dense crowds.
189 If an object is less dense than water, the water will hold it up.
190 The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
191 The acacia grove, like a dense cloud, became a dark backdrop for her.
192 The steep sided mountains with a dense covering of trees rose majestically from the valley floor.
193 The two groups announced last August they had come up with dense wavelength division multiplexing prototype chips.
194 This shop is surely an outpost of hell, with its oppressive heat and dense clouds of smoke.
195 This system enabled them to maintain an exceptionally dense population, on the best principles of fertility conservation.
196 The lake grows fish as prolifically as its bed once grew the trees of a dense jungle.
197 The road maintains a high level above the Sound of Sleat, although views are obstructed in places by dense conifer plantations.
198 Some 360 million years ago the beginnings of dense forests showed up in the fossil record, with tall, looming foliage.
199 Identifying one another like fellow nationals grounded amid alien hordes in a foreign airport, they exchanged glances dense with judgement.
200 She gazed at the dense forest, then up at the sky.
201 For the next three days the raft lay in a dense, clammy shroud.
202 The concrete structure should be sufficiently dense to limit water ingress to ensure that the system can cope.
203 Earth has an actively convecting dense metallic core that produces and sustains a strong magnetic field.
204 A forest is a dense growth of trees and shrubby undergrowth covering a large tract of land.
205 It prefers woodlands with an open canopy coupled with dense undergrowth and some clearings.
206 Its dense growth provides nesting places for a range of bird life as well as warm cover in winter or roosting small birds.
207 All types of country except dense woodland, but especially near water; often in towns and villages.
208 Description: This aquatic water fern is a rosette plant which has dense, fibrous roots.
209 By controlling combustion temperature or adding kaolin clay to make alkali metal salts into high melting substances, coking can be avoided in dense phase zone.
210 A thick cloud rolled rapidly across the sands , darkening the sky with a dense green haze.
211 Dense smoke coming out of No 4 engine cowling ( engine nacelle ), fire suspected.
212 The giant pillars are light years in length and are so dense that interior gas contracts gravitationally to form stars.
213 All patients with either crescentic dense deposit disease or acute proliferative dense deposit disease were between the ages of 3 and 18 years.
214 The smaller metalloid atoms of the alloys might fit into holes in the dense random-packed structure of the larger metal atoms.
215 The advantage of the method is shown by comparing the results with the usual ordinate expansion technique in determination of FT-IR spectra of optically dense materials.
216 Here Lin Tao sea of clouds, Cuifeng towers, trees dense grass Feng, ring spring waterfalls.
217 Notice the odd roughness of the dense histogram in the region around 7-12 degrees, with both very high frequency of some measurements and unexpectedly low frequencies of others.
218 This process incorporates copper electro-plating and copper electro-depositing into one method and deposits one thick, dense, smooth and bright layer onto the inner surface of steel tube.
219 Alkali draws back the seersucker to utilize the cotton fiber to meet dense lye to produce the diameter to increase, principle that the length shortens.
220 Dense, predominantly conifer forests cover these steep hills of the Coast Range of Oregon, fed by abundant rainfall in the winter and dry, moderate summers.
221 The implementation of Qinhuai River project of Nanjing has brought good environmental effect to the coastwise area. At same time it hastens the phenomenon that high buildings are dense by the river.
222 The radar image of the station therefore looks like a dense collection of bright spots from which the outlines of the space station can be clearly identified.
223 Results: The penile dartos was loose, however the deep fascia was dense with poor elasticity.
224 The common conception of the city as a dense grid of masonry buildings dates to early desert oasis civilizations such as Mesopotamia but was uncharacteristic of many other environments.
225 Bai Xianyong's particular personal life experience, his sentimental character and the Chinese traditional literary aesthetic views imbue his fiction creations with dense sentimentalism.
226 This would lead one to expect a fat, dense and detailed autobiography. The reverse is true. The book is short and spare.
227 Planet X is rarely visible at all, being behind a dense dust cloud that shrouds it.
227 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
228 any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Strophanthus having whorled leaves and showy flowers of various colors in dense and few-flowered corymbose clusters; some have poisonous seeds.
229 DES algorithm combines 64 express importation into 64 blocks of dense text output block , it is also the key 64.
230 The skin reacts by protectively encapsulating the alien clumps of pigment in dense fibrous tissue while a few nearby lymph nodes collect what migrates out.
231 ASTM C 1166: Standard test method for flame propagation of dense and cellular elastomeric gaskets and accessories.
232 Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic.
233 Condensing this dense material will take immerse expense and intense work.
234 The influence of the heterogeneous structure on the local voidage in the dense region was characterized by introducing the lower bound of local voidage and the heterogeneous influence coefficient.
235 Because the structure was so dense, and the club divided in 3 different spaces, we decided to create different designs and graphic pattern that links the spaces.
236 In cells with dense protoplasm, plasmalemma appeared undulated but occasionally spherical and variable in size with conspicuous invaginations that projected into the peripheral cytoplasm.
237 The liner ran down a fishing - boat during the dense fog.
238 The network of alveolar capillary enlarged flatly and fused together as a dense sheetlike network.
239 This wine that features a rich "spice box" element with dense fruit, dark color, powerful flavors and a brooding long finish.
240 Results indicate that when particles are moving, the domain of generator is dense in the test function space and the generator of the system is well defined.
241 The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense, and relatively thick hairlike fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct.
242 At each pillars' end, the intense radiation of bright young stars causes low density material to boil away, leaving stellar nurseries of dense EGGs exposed.
243 To structure frame, operation principle, CA of system, with dense, how dense work pattern and encryption algorithm and security , CA of system of system carry on research.




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