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单词 Specify
1. Please specify what you will do.
2. He said we should meet but didn't specify a time.
3. She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.
4. Unless I'm mistaken, he didn't specify what time.
5. Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes.
6. He didn't specify the matters.
7. Regulations specify how long maintenance crews can work.
8. It should be possible to specify the range of values of X which would satisfy this equation.
9. The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination.
10. The regulations specify that calculators may not be used in the examination.
11. We should specify a time and a place for the meeting.
12. The rules clearly specify that competitors must not accept payment.
13. Current laws specify parking requirements for new buildings.
14. These constituents would then specify how the cells develop.
15. Does the advertisement specify a certain age range?
16. Ten complex numbers specify the state of the particle.
17. He declined to specify the assurances.
18. Routinely, donors specify how they want their contributions spent.
19. It is also usual to specify a professional qualification.
20. Please specify print or tape information.
21. The Fifth Amendment does not specify value or use.
22. Instead of persuading the user to specify requirements,() the analyst will be driven by the user to meet key needs.
23. Seagate, a maker of computer-disk drives, would not specify the purchase price of the deal.
24. A condition to specify the maximum rate of house completions for education reasons is required.
25. Use this control to specify a sensible figure to speed up your output.
26. Specify which countries' sheets you desire, and enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage attached.
27. He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
28. The section gives some indication of the questions the company may ask, but it does not specify a format.
29. The computer must be fit for the purpose you specify.
30. Since the incremental value is encoded in the operation field, there is room to specify a store address in the instruction.
1. Please specify what you will do.
2. He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
3. He said we should meet but didn't specify a time.
4. She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.
5. We should specify a time and a place for the meeting.
31. First, screening rules are difficult to specify, given the vastly diverse needs of users.
32. Ads for her current tour have suggested that concertgoers bring canned food for local food banks but specify vegetarian food only.
33. If you select the Timed Backup option, WordPerfect will save your document at whatever interval you specify.
34. There are very many such influences on grouping structure, so that rigid rules would be almost impossible to specify.
35. Some organisations specify particular items which are not covered by the reimbursement of removal costs policy.
36. The bill does not, however, specify the exact procedure for notification.
37. If it has a specific set of meanings, the semantic theory should specify them.
38. Spelling rules exist to specify when particular spelling changes can operate.
39. This is implemented by allowing the solver to specify priorities.
40. As to the formal structure of local government, however, it is relatively easy to specify which ranks lowest.
41. Regulatory agencies set prices and specify quality and quantity of output.
42. This contract would specify what reasonable amount of progress is deserving of reward.
43. The notice will specify what steps the manufacturer must take.
44. Staff are also encouraged to specify the amount of time students should spend on different aspects of assessed and non-assessed work.
45. It is normal practice for the heads to specify that each party will be responsible for the costs of its own advisers.
46. It is generally price advantageous to specify powders although in use they may be more difficult to control and dose.
47. W did not specify any service to be rendered by A and A did not know what was in W's mind.
48. Culture will specify the relations that exist within the organisation and define what is to count as legitimate or illegitimate behaviour.
49. His was the first Guide to specify the names of each fell, beck,() and tarn visible from his view point.
50. The steering group is working with a wide cross-section of the industry to specify Occupational Standards.
51. The company declined to specify the size of the charge but will report year-end earnings late next month.
52. The context enables one to specify more clearly the meaning of the word and thus to eliminate the ambiguity.
53. Mr Ryan declined to name the embassies or the foreign countries he had approached or to specify what sums had been raised.
54. This would specify ceilings, carpets, a certain amount of lighting per square foot, and so on.
55. They represent the set of minimal units required to uniquely specify a word, with the exception of homophones.
56. The notice should specify upon which ground the expelling partners rely but no more than that.
57. For him she begged the gift of immortality from her fellow gods, but neglected to specify eternal youth as well.
58. Interactions also specify a special fate for the central cell.
59. The contract might then specify that each year of service entitles the employee to one-eightieth of that figure.
60. This last category Gumperz describes as somewhat more difficult to specify in purely descriptive terms.
61. The group intends to specify information that can be integrated into a variety of network management environments.
62. Delivery Give an order reference and specify a delivery date.
63. Immigration regulations specify that the names on the passports and tickets held by customers must be the same.
64. Words can not then specify the nature of the underlying dimension.
65. Generally speaking, such rules specify that violence should cease when honour has been satisfied.
66. The same positional information is used to specify all the structures in the limb.
67. It can also specify the password to be used to obtain access to any packages and modules.
68. Rather, they help us to specify more precisely the nature of the problem with which the language-learning child is faced.
69. If you specify this machine's address as your proxy server, it should make browsing faster.
70. The transformational component is a set of tree-rewrite rules which specify how to produce surface structure trees from the deep structure tree.
71. The order must specify the period of treatment and whether the child is to be an in-patient or out-patient.
72. The user can specify an issue number or use the default which is the latest version.
73. In order to make further progress, we need to specify the savings process.
74. This means that you specify exactly what each concept means and how it might be measured.
75. The expressive notation facilitates abridgement in order to specify broader categories.
76. It would mean cutting discretionary domestic programs by one-third, but Dole does not specify how he would do this.
77. He declined to specify them because of a lawsuit Larson has filed.
78. The Medieval church went to some lengths to specify the roles of particular stones in religious imagery.
79. We could specify what words the student will say to the patient and even at what point she is to smile.
79. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
80. Goodyear declined to specify how much it expects to save in costs and how many jobs could be eliminated.
81. Inevitably the onus rests on the buyers and users to specify the products needed.
82. Some Cultural Studies writers, however, despair of being able to specify this relationship at all.
83. In other words, we need to define and specify modes of political orientation and classes of political objects.
84. One has to specify what class of possible curved spaces should be included in the sum over histories.
85. The hope was that the morphogen in the mixture would slowly leak out and specify new digits.
86. The traversal algorithm also allows users to specify link-type priorities.
87. In this context of an advanced division of labour, interests theories specify the legitimate range of economic interdependence.
88. The president did not specify a date for his visit to Peru.
89. This could satisfy the need of mixed-race people to be able to specify who they are.
90. It can also specify the password to be used to obtain to the module.
91. You can also include a counter, which increments in whatever intervals you specify, to serial number your labels.
92. In some languages, it is obligatory to specify more unusual types of temporal and aspectual relations.
93. The groups of instructions to manipulate index registers need to specify an index register and a store location.
94. It is their responsibility to decide what new equipments are needed, and to specify their performance and other critical parameters.
95. But the theorists do not specify precisely how important Fordism was, nor how its hypothesized dominance was established.
96. The model assumes that managers can specify their information requirements and that these can be predicted by the information system.
97. She, has an ungainly walk for a child whose support payments specify weekly ballet lessons.
98. So at last you can specify profiled and plain tiles together.
99. Please retry and specify a known issue of the module.
100. The problem with such lists is that they do not specify any order.
101. We also have to specify exactly how the forces are to act between one ball and another.
102. So in return we shall specify in more detail what we expect from you.
103. Update the product using option 5.1.2 - Update Product to specify a known version of the product package.
104. He did not specify what form any state intervention should take.
105. He tried to fudge the issue earlier by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
106. The rules clearly specify that competitors are not allowed to accept payment.
107. Option 9.4.0, Update Availability of Units allows the user to specify this information.
108. These questions are especially germane in comparative research, where the analyst attempts to specify how the structure-function patterns vary between states.
109. In general,(http:///specify.html) the analyst must specify clearly in which respect the concept is comparable.
110. These statements specify the educational and other provisions that are necessary to meet the pupil's particular needs.
111. Therefore, in order to maintain control it can not specify the production function and so on explicitly as a constraint.
112. Two somewhat indefinite entries under Letcombe Basset specify only Hampshire.
113. It may even turn out that these growth factors are the signals from the organizer which specify the main body axis.
114. As this application has video with narration, however, you do need to specify the sound card you will be using.
115. Please specify Y if this media unit is a serial device or N if it is a random access device.
116. More difficult to specify is product design though many examples are cited in the literature.
117. He declined to specify what the project was about, but said it had nothing to do with Cosby.
118. A program plan should be developed with those involved in its implementation and should specify how the desired results will be achieved.
119. It was hoped some aspects of traffic separation would be made mandatory, although he would not specify which.
120. The contracts specify both prices and volume - 70 million tonnes this year, falling to 65 million tonnes next year.
121. It remains to specify the equilibrium conditions in commodity markets.
122. The introduction to the heads will specify that the clause is binding on both parties and is not subject to contract.
123. He said weapons carried on board were not damaged, but declined to specify if the boat was carrying nuclear or conventional missiles.
124. He is able to specify a rule for what that amplitude should be.
125. He indicated it was from some type of law-enforcement-related person, but he did not specify the individual.
126. Note that you have to specify the download protocol for both ends of the connection.
127. We will not specify that a certain number or percentage of candidates are to be awarded merit.
128. Get evokes the infinitive's event as a result which has been achieved or obtained but does not specify by what means.
129. My concern has been to specify as clearly as possible the Orphic strand of the web.
130. Agility maintains that customers need only specify their hardware and the right drivers will be provided.
131. Budget it as a contribution of the agency, and specify the amount of money.
132. It did not, however, specify what would happen if no candidate fulfilled this condition.
133. The distinction between substratum and entity also enables us to further specify the relations between Zeus and the world.
134. Many computers have a further field in the instruction, to specify subsidiary information required by an operation.
135. There is, it is true, growing acknowledgement of the need to specify senders and receivers for students.
136. This page allows you to specify the name of the package to be prepared.
137. The default value for buffers is 0, so if you don't specify any, you won't get any.
138. For this application syntactic processing is required to determine exactly where in the output to correctly specify prosody.
139. The ability to fly is a property of an airliner that we specify in advance.
139. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
140. Failure to specify this third variable and its effects on x and y constitutes the problem of spuriousness.
141. Most kite designs specify the bridle line lengths and the attachment points.
142. A third is transput instructions, requiring a field to specify one from a range of peripheral devices.
143. The paper does not specify how a decision can be made about a word's identity during continuous speech.
144. Company policy may also specify a limit as to the number of surveys that may be carried out at company expense.
145. Architects usually specify which particular hardwood they want to use.
146. The advertisements must also specify that the loan is secured on the home.
147. You can specify any page you like, even one located on your own hard drive such as your Bookmark file.
148. It is possible to specify the various style elements within the word processor file so making the document generation process almost automatic.
149. In order to avoid disputes, the sale agreement should specify the priority to be given to each of these rules.
150. As is indicated above the judge must specify the sum to be disallowed or ordered.
151. Michael was still enthusiastic, he felt the show needed changes but didn't specify what they were.
152. The contract will also specify the future level of benefits for those currently contributing to the fund.
153. Specify a charge code that is accessible to this user, or use a different module owner.
154. Children's bikes are also available, but please specify age of child at time of booking as these are subject to availability.
155. Precis, however, does not specify particular receivers or adjust the information content to them.
156. This is a meaningless question since it does not specify the period over which income is measured.
157. It is essential to specify clearly, at the time the objectives are agreed, which record will be used.
158. Many instructions are required just to specify that two numbers be divided.
159. State law may also specify whether students may be exempted from certain parts of the curriculum.
160. Alternatively such a sub-operation field might specify secondary functions to be performed with the main operation.
161. The report did not specify how recently the employee must have graduated to qualify for additional training.
162. The differing quality aspects of these zones make it impossible to specify a particular style of wine for Hautvillers.
163. Because a screenplay has to specify everything in excruciating detail, it is almost as tedious to read as to write.
164. Donors would also be able to specify how they want money to be used.
165. They have none of them anything to do with attempts to specify a ratio for monetary base type control purposes.
166. Used to input a value to select an option, specify a parameter, terminate a pause etc.
167. One is to specify the actual dates of review in the lease.
168. Official building regulations specify a mix of one measure of cement to six of sand.
169. Our contracts specify that private patients, many of whom are themselves blood donors(Sentence dictionary), are not charged for the blood itself.
170. This may be verbal and, strangely, the Act does not specify how long your notice should be.
171. You can specify distribution group memberships for this user.
172. Specify the account point of contact information.
173. To mention, describe, or treat individually; itemize or specify.
174. For Local home interface, specify
175. Specify whether to allow authoring on this server.
176. Please specify commencement and completion date for the project.
177. Specify the page size in kilobytes.
178. If you do not specify the daily transaction limit(s) of the selected service(s), it will be set to Zero.
179. Your computer will always send documents to the default printer unless you specify otherwise.
180. Once we have identified the class being identified and its mapping table, we need to specify the identity property of the class and its corresponding identity column in the mapping table.
181. You provide a custom manifest that does not specify a requested execution level.
182. The mknod command also creates a named pipe if you specify the p option for the type.
183. This list will include columns and data from the spreadsheet that you specify.
184. For example, the Javadoc specification allows you to specify annotations in the comments associated with a program element.
185. The Written Notice will specify the basis for the setoff.
186. The first is to specify a direct export with an optional criterion filter.
187. You also need to specify the node name, shown in Listing 6.
188. Mr. Namer said that 'Runaway Sweetheart' has no connection to his company's remake but declined to specify his version's cast, premiere date or other details.
189. It is used to specify details required to complete the PDU and to identify the target SNMP Manager that the trap will be sent to.
190. Now you must specify the source file's column delimiter type. You can choose comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
191. His design notes for the plate specify that you can remove the radiation meter before putting the plate in the dishwasher.
192. You can also specify your limit price and stop-loss trigger price.
193. In order to specify a DWORD value to search, you can type (In the Find string text-box) a decimal value (for example: 255) or an hexadecimal value (for example: 0xff).
194. You can specify multiple image files in the Image control and the Image control itself will choose the correct image format based on the target mobile device.
195. However, because the risk can't attribute to both parties, it is difficult to ascertain a fair, reasonable time to specify the good risk bearing time.
196. For example, you could specify that the title property must be a string or that a comment item must have author, created, and content properties.
197. Please specify both required suction vacuum and full load capacity or required bypass nozzle diameter.
198. Gets flags that specify the inheritance propagation properties of this Access Control Entry (ACE).
199. You have learned how to use CSS to add backgrounds, format text, add and format borders, and specify padding and margins of elements.
199. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200. You can specify any number of identifiers in the name listing file.
201. Now that all the terminals have been defined, you can specify the routing logic.
202. Missense mutation --- A mutation that changes a codon specific for one amino acid to specify another amino acid.
203. Unless you specify an Event name the tag is redundant and should be removed.
204. The application shall specify the name of the ship, the facts of and reasons for applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens.
205. Alternatively, you can use the currencySymbol attribute to explicitly specify the currency symbol.
206. Specify a filename to be used for the generated preprocessed output stream.
207. Such a UML operation should specify the target type of the conversion as the return type and the source or input type of the conversion as a parameter type.
208. Some RPS specify the technology combination, whereas others permit the market to drive the choices.
209. Please specify a valid parent directory for your application files and folders.
210. Two parameters are used to specify the characteristics of a BPF: passband centre frequency and resonance bandwidth.
211. You can also specify the size of the drop-down list box.
212. The anti-pattern in Figure 12 shows a frequent error that we observed when using activity form to specify that shared business items flow along several branches.
213. You are allowed to specify the value of the type parameter if you like, but only if you can name the type — and the capture types are not denotable.
214. In the label field, specify " Extensions" for the label of the new drawer.
215. This paper presents a formal approach to specify security model based on the theory of finite state machine(FSM) and the concept of communicating sequential process (CSP).
216. Note: Although you are installing to a cluster, you need to specify the node name of one of the nodes in the cluster.
217. messageSelector: If MQ LLM message properties are being used, you can specify a specific property name and value.
218. A subelement and subelement can further specify what the prerequisite is and provide instructions.
219. Since XML Namespaces 1.0 does not allow application of the default namespace to attributes, we must explicitly specify the prefix to disambiguate.
220. The optimum density is difficult to specify in terms of trees per acre.
221. If you also want to scan the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports, you must specify the -sU options, as shown here in Listing 3.
222. This area code rule will only apply to calls made to the area code and prefix combination you specify below.
223. You don't need to specify the font, the color of the text, the color of the background behind the text, or the intercharacter spacing.
224. You can either point QEMU at your real optical drive or specify a file that contains an optical disc image, such as one you've downloaded from the Internet or created from a physical disc.
225. Therefore our research team proposes a Mobile Agent-based Grid Monitoring System (MAGMS), in which class of service (CoS) concept is used to specify one grid service with different service quality.
226. Specify a Password, Confirm Password, and Fully qualified key file name.
227. We began our usual footprint-reduction procedure: set up the test environment, specify a reproducible test, fire up the profiler, run the test, analyze the data, and look for tuning opportunities.
228. A new notation, introduced in this paper, allows a aeveloper to specify precisely the behavior of an object-oriented system.
229. If the project parts list does not specify a voltage,(http:///specify.html) choose a capacitor with a rating which is greater than the project's power supply voltage.
230. In addition, notes such as this one specify non - essential information that provides additional background or rationale.
231. You specify that only files are selected in the find statement to prevent changes to directories triggering the inclusion of files that have not changed into the tar file.
232. Optional arguments could be added after the text string to specify the comment introducer, the character used as the "box," and the width of the comment.
233. If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
234. IBM's WebSphere Integration Developer provides integration developers with the visual software development tools they need to specify, test, and deploy executable business processes.
235. WSCL is simple, and analysable, but does have some limitations, such as only being capable of modeling two party conversations and does not define how to specify an executable process.
236. We document the existence of the influence of superstitious beliefs on consumer behavior and specify their conscious and nonconscious underlying properties.
237. This policy doesn't specify what kind of returnee qualifies as "high-level".
238. Formally, the UPDATE statement syntax is straightforward, because you must specify the new column values for the set of rows to be updated, as shown in Listing 3.
239. Specify element size, lead length, and insulation thickness and type upon ordering.
240. You can also specify a helper superclass for an individual script in the functional test script properties page.
241. If you have a PDS/PDSE, you need to also specify the member name (for example: //'MYHLQ.MYDATASET(MEMBER)').
242. Create a custom list when you want to specify your own columns.
243. As I did not specify PREFIX in my Makefile.PL, this variable will be gathered from my perl interpreter.
244. Package instructions specify the correct depth for each variety, but the best general rule is the old one: seeds should be covered twice the depth of their own diameter.
245. To be able to specify those key attributes, Destiny selects Complex for the type of the business item, and then adds some attributes.
246. You must specify the application to use when opening this file type.
247. Specify your own radio channel based on genre, year and artist.
248. For clear indication, it is necessary to specify the type , e.
249. In the WebLogic application, you might find some beans that specify False for delay-updates-until-end-of-tx.
250. All types of sample should made in Correct Quality of sample yardage, unless specify.
251. Unattended Mode In this mode, no questions are asked while the profile is run. You can specify beforehand which kinds of files may be overwritten .
252. The service channel between the service interaction points can specify the actual binding style to use.
253. The maximum file size field contains non - numeric characters. Specify only numeric characters.
254. If you specify one or more display options, all remaining (unnamed) indicators are automatically disabled.
255. The fifth property is shininess, that you specify with a number.
256. For each Order Point rule, you can specify a number which will force the ordered quantity to a multiple given by this factor (rounded to above quantity).
257. The normal output of a C compiler is assembler code for whatever processor you specify as the target.
258. If the comparison to any single tone in the queue exceeds the maximum tonal deviation, specify that the current processing did not produce a discernable tone.
259. Drag onto the page, then right - click to specify high - pass, low - pass, band-pass , or band - stop filter.




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