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单词 Lighting
1. The building needs improved security and lighting.
2. Good lighting will enhance any room.
3. The play had excellent sound and lighting effects.
4. Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.
5. Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
6. The lighting in that restaurant is soft and romantic.
7. The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.
8. Be very careful when lighting fireworks.
9. The generator supplies emergency lighting.
10. I was lighting up when I noticed a 'no smoking' sign.
11. Lighting is poor in the back lanes of the city.
12. They will install a heating and lighting system in our house.
13. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.
14. Most house lighting runs at the full mains voltage of 240 volts.
15. Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women.
16. Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere.
17. He took his time lighting up a cigarette.
18. Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere.
19. His name appears in the film credits for lighting.
20. The lighting at the disco was fantastic.
21. Subtle lighting helps people relax.
22. The room's lighting conveys an impression of spaciousness.
23. The emergency lighting has proved its worth this year.
24. All the stores will be re-fitted with softer lighting.
25. Don't overload the lighting circuit.
26. The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlIt'scene.
27. The whole room is bathed in soft lighting.
28. The room had concealed lighting.
29. Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. 
30. The lady of the house performs the sacred ritual of lighting two candles.
1. The building needs improved security and lighting.
2. Good lighting will enhance any room.
3. The play had excellent sound and lighting effects.
4. Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.
5. Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
6. The lighting in that restaurant is soft and romantic.
7. The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.
8. Be very careful when lighting fireworks.
9. The generator supplies emergency lighting.
10. I was lighting up when I noticed a 'no smoking' sign.
11. Lighting is poor in the back lanes of the city.
12. They will install a heating and lighting system in our house.
13. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.
14. Most house lighting runs at the full mains voltage of 240 volts.
15. Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women.
16. The lady of the house performs the sacred ritual of lighting two candles.
17. Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere.
18. The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlIt'scene.
19. Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play.
20. Lighting is a vitally important aspect of film - making.
21. The lighting of a wood fire begins with small pieces of wood.
31. He went through the ritual of lighting his cigar.
32. Flat lighting is typical of Avedon's portraits.
33. They celebrate midwinter by lighting candles.
34. Many homes were wired for lighting only.
35. Adjust the lighting so it is soft and restful.
36. The costumes and lighting in the play were restrained.
37. Lighting is now more energy efficient .
38. The kitchen hasn't really got adequate lighting.
39. Use low lighting to give the room a romantic atmosphere.
40. The lighting for the production made a very effective use of shadow.
41. The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting.
42. Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting.
43. Strip lighting is very effective in offices, but it's too bright for the home.
44. The stage lighting was used to suggest a beach scene.
45. Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more.
45. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
46. The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene.
47. He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting.
48. I heard the scratch of a match lighting a cigarette.
49. Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play.
50. The stage was bare, with only the lighting to suggest a prison.
51. Lighting can change the look of a room and needn't cost the earth .
52. You can alter/change the whole appearance of a room just by lighting it in a certain way.
53. He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe.
54. Lighting is a vitally important aspect of film - making.
55. The bright lighting showed the jewels to their best advantage.
56. Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.
57. The settlement consists only of shacks; there are no roads, no water, no street lighting.
58. Everything that goes into making a programme, staff, rent, lighting, is now costed.
59. Fluorescent lighting is much cheaper to use than light bulbs.
60. Street lighting must be dimmed out during the war time.
61. Clever lighting creates an impression of space in a room.
62. The lighting of a wood fire begins with small pieces of wood.
63. Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.
64. Lighting, heating, and airconditioning in the skyscrapers strain energy supplies.
65. The lighting of the Olympic torch symbolizes peace and friendship among the nations of the world.
66. A chequered tablecloth and lighting like melted butter.
67. Lighting should be subdued, and diffused through floating plants.
68. Dim lighting and a duckweed covering complete the tank.
69. The lighting in your set-up sounds fine.
70. Dim lighting creates a relaxing atmosphere.
71. The buildings block out the street lighting.
72. The darkness gave way to cheery mood lighting.
73. The lighting had been quite brilliant.
74. He shouldn't be lighting a cigar.
75. And the fog lighting up around him.
76. Requests for adaptations to classroom lighting or for individual lamps can not sensibly be made until the principles are understood.
77. In the other group, they gradually decreased the lighting level one foot candle at the time.
78. Out on the dance floor, the evening ended with disco music and strobe lighting.
79. He used a solid rich surface of paint and liked the simplified shapes produced by artificial lighting.
80. The General Commissioners had erred in law in concluding that the ancillary lighting was plant.
81. The target flare had burst behind her, lighting the whole area with its fiery red glow.
82. Victor's face as the match flares in front of it has the rapt attention of a man lighting a fuse.
83. It will also control lighting, curtains and the audio system with compact disc player.
84. Carello Lighting manufactures and sells lamps for the automotive industry, such as headlamps, rear lamps and indicators.
85. I looked up at the numbers lighting faster than I could count and dropped to my knees.
86. Curve's new lighting designer, Lawrence, is soon to join the police force.
87. Mrs Bay hurried about the living room(), lighting row after row of votive candles.
88. He was also first in his use of coal gas for train lighting in 1862.
89. Lighting is now more energy efficient and the heat that it produces can be used to heat stores in winter.
90. There is a large wall-size mirror, plush carpet, a leather chair and warm lighting.
91. Rockeries and plant displays can be made into focal points by overhead lighting - with spotlights mounted in trees, for example.
92. Individual items of laboratory equipment may seem minor power users, but as with lighting the total consumption may be large.
93. Task lighting usually entails higher levels of illumination needed for reading and other close work.
94. There is hi-tech glass and lighting, cute little passport kiosks and a tapered rubber ramp to baggage reclaim.
95. There are schools that have extensive stage and lighting equipment that make no use of drama in the curriculum.
96. It was Edison who designed and introduced the electrical distribution system for incandescent lighting by direct current.
97. To deal with priority debts - rent and mortgage arrears, heating and lighting.
98. Those aimed at the domestic market usually have very simply operated controls and many can operate in normal lighting conditions.
99. They were barely adequate, but to tell the truth there was not much worth lighting up.
100. Most simply replace the existing rocker switch, but can not be used for controlling the fluorescent lighting.
101. This would specify ceilings, carpets, a certain amount of lighting per square foot, and so on.
102. That also has been restored, with modern climatic control, lighting and rewiring, but with its original decorative features.
103. Within the vestibule, red lighting ached drearily on the eye.
104. Many savings apply to electricity consumption, whether for lighting, instruments and other equipment, for ventilation, and even heating.
105. Its flavors roll across the palate, lighting up various points like fireworks.
105. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
106. Classes in lighting, makeup, speech and even current events were also given.
107. Electrical supplies and additional lighting can be booked for exhibition purposes.
108. In addition to its use for greenhouse lighting and frost protection, it is an ideal outdoor lantern for barbecues, camping and caravanning.
109. Television broadcasting was to be reduced, as were air conditioning, street lighting and floodlit sports events.
110. Suddenly, out above the southeastern horizon, parachute flares flowered, lighting up the landscape like daytime.
111. The lighting was so bad he could barely see where he was going.
112. If you don't like the lighting, wait, calculate your required angle of sunlight, and return.
113. The site also offers modern toilet and washing facilities for campers, and tents have electric lighting.
114. In each case a different meaning is attached to the act of lighting a candle.
115. For months the town was full of cameras, lighting and members of the film crew.
116. These units are very useful because of their portability, but single-lamp frontal lighting is not very flattering.
117. The Midvale Park neighborhood sparks up a million little beacons with its annual holiday lighting contest.
118. These gas mantles brought new life to gas lighting just when it was threatened by Swan's electric light bulbs.
119. The estimable Howell Binkley does not disappoint with his atmospheric lighting.
120. Low lighting and soft music enhanced the atmosphere in the room.
121. But efforts to keep the narrative on track are often disrupted by amateurish lighting and camerawork.
122. There were objects in glass cases, lengthy labels in tiny print, subdued lighting and great echoing halls.
123. I had a very good man in to see to the heating and lighting, and the whole conversion was done professionally.
124. That's the promise of Contrasts High and Low lighting kits - the easy way to enhance your natural hair colour.
125. External lighting is permitted, but make sure the intensity and direction don't disturb others.
126. Ceilings and walls are painted white and artificial lighting is provided by suspended fluorescent lights from Spectrum.
127. Tops on the list of cuts: lighting for athletic fields.
128. Each unit has kitchen and toilet facilities, together with lighting, heating and three-compartment skirting trucking for maximum flexibility.
129. Lighting the cigarette, she inhaled deeply, drawing in a suction of relief.
130. Lighting consisted of a 40-watt bulb in the ceiling and a bedside lamp with another 40-watt bulb.
131. The lighting and the whole feel of the funhouse up there was pretty cool.
132. The lighting engineer boosts his £15,000 basic pay with bonuses for being on call at Newcastle upon Tyne all through the night.
133. Option 3 involves making a brand new connection to an existing lighting circuit at a convenient point, using a four-terminal junction box.
134. Further reports on lighting and car loans will be presented to the council in coming months.
135. But take great care lighting stoves - tents are highly flammable.
135. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
136. Wildman pioneered advertising and fashion photography in Britain, specifically outdoor location work, as well as creating natural indoor lighting.
137. Antoine sat, colours still fidgeting through his crown, that smile still lighting his face.
138. The narrowest, poorest alleyways glow with flames, lighting up the hillside paths.
139. Brown algae is generally an indication of quite low lighting levels and increasing the amount of light will overcome this problem.
140. Exhibition board lighting and clear signposting ensured a good attendance.
141. Levels of lighting on stairs and in corridors may need boosting.
142. The lighting of the galleries has also been transformed and computer controlled blinds fitted to prevent damage from excessive levels of daylight.
143. All too often, lighting is an afterthought superimposed on the final decoration instead of being planned from the start.
144. The county would also enforce its outdoor lighting code, Huckelberry told the residents.
145. A ceiling fan can help ventilation but can also incorporate lighting and be decorative.
146. The recent development of the electronic ballast switches on a new era in lighting technology.
147. As simple as lighting a fire or finding a dry place to sleep.
148. The back lighting has three levels of adjustment for brightness.
149. Finally, an emergency lighting kit should always be ready in an accessible place, in case of a sudden power failure.
150. From the other, funnels of smoke poured with flames licking behind them, lighting the dark smoke garishly.
151. Most people like some form of bedside lighting - either for reading in bed or simply to create a cosy atmosphere.
152. Nearby was a 400-square-yard warehouse with more plants flourishing in conditions controlled by artificial lighting and automatic watering systems.
153. This enables you to put in recessed lighting, or to add an acoustic or tongue-and-groove wood finish.
154. The breeding tank should have plenty of gravel, lots of fine-leaved plants, and lighting diffused by floating plants.
155. Very useful for lighting fires, wrapping fish, that sort of thing.
156. Clearly certain areas - eg animal houses - may have statutory lighting levels.
157. Hundreds of paintings, each fully illuminated by the specially designed lighting grid, jammed every foot of available wall.
158. They were using a nearby generator to provide lighting and music.
159. Finally, check that you have a supply of spare lamps for each lighting set you are using.
160. She would only have to sit still and clever stage lighting would make it appear as though she were naked.
161. Abruptly she broke into a delicious laugh, her thin face lighting up.
162. Other cost-effective ways of reducing emissions included combined heat and power for housing, factories and hospitals, and lighting efficiency.
163. Be sure all safety measures have been taken before lighting the fuse.
164. The sun was no longer lighting up the stable and in the window the light was dimming.
165. The Department acknowledges the basic need to provide workplaces with easy access(Sentence dictionary), good lighting and an inviting atmosphere.
166. It is effective over a wide temperature range although lighting may be difficult in extreme cold.
167. His use of location shooting, natural lighting, and lay actors stood in total contrast to the older expressionist cinema.
168. Fluorescent lighting was now tucked up against the high ceilings, throwing down illumination too diffuse to satisfy.
169. She let herself in and ministered to their needs, brewing a pot of tea and lighting a good fire.
170. The gardens are now a mixture of municipal bedding and 19C specimen trees, all somewhat disfigured by eye-level lollipop lighting.
171. A light meter can be used to assess the level of lighting present.
172. The lighting was subdued.
173. The flames quickly engulfed the entire hangar, lighting up the night sky.
174. It really comes into its own with flash as the metering balances the flash against the ambient lighting conditions with great results.
175. Petitions for lighting in the back lanes of the Denes area and in Great Stainton were handed in.
176. They ran back and found Alice had been struck dead by lighting.
177. When he woke up, stiff and uncomfortable, the early summer dawn was lighting the room.
178. He acquired a stake in a small lighting business which bought candles from the Wandsworth factory.
179. Reader enquiry number 134 Downlighters Designed Architectural Lighting has launched a new range of 14 downlighters.
180. This burning, lighting up the sky, would be seen from afar.
181. However, fluorescent light can damage the eye, so if there is a choice of lighting, use ordinary light bulbs.
182. If you are lighting a single object, aim to place your fixture so that there is no distracting reflection.
183. Task lighting around the desk is the expected norm in most hotels, and some designers favour floor lamps beside the armchairs.
184. Street lighting is spasmodic and piped water comes in sluggish fits and starts.
185. The interior of the circular cella is a masterpiece of construction and lighting effect.
186. I went to my house in Madrid with Nicolas Roeg, the lighting cameraman, and we worked on rewriting the script.
187. Inside the church, where the lighting is subdued but not dim, the central dome is supported on eight piers.
188. Performance artist Mat Bevel enhances the intimate experience with his sculptural creations and interpretive lighting.
189. He was also the first person to use coal gas for lighting purposes.
190. Make sure that the lighting is adequate so that your guests to see what they are eating.
191. Don't draw blinds or curtains. you should also consider putting in lighting time switches.
192. Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden.
193. Usage: for roads and airport terminal station lighting.
194. Plant biology Lighting up the nucleus . [ comment ] .
195. Maybe then the metaphor "I am a thousand candles lighting the way" helps keep the juiciness of the purpose alive and resonant as it fuels their work.
196. As the quality of power LED improves and the cost of power LED reduces, its application field has gradually turned from signal lighting and display lighting to general room lighting.
197. The rheostat is operated by rotating the control knob, separating it from the push-pull action of the main lighting switch.
198. Shanghai Jiahui Machinery Equipment Co. , Ltd is the manufacturer which design and produce equipment for production line of roadway lighting pole, electric power transmission pole, communication pole.
199. Portable solar power box allows energy supplies of mobile phones, flashlights, razors and night lighting in case there is no power when travelling.
200. Provided is a fluorescent lamp with a build-in lighting circuit for fixing glass lamp house reliably without relation with a bonding agent state, and a method for manufacturing the same.
201. No obstacles in access to emergency switch and all walkways with lighting.
202. The factory uses geothermic energy, natural lighting and natural ventilation.
203. Double protection : lighting design to prevent internal charging circuit, short circuit protection function.
204. He leafs through pictures of himself leaning against a chuck wagon, dragging a Christmas tree across a snow covered field and lighting up in a stable.
205. Seemingly pedestrian way for you, the birds singing just for you just for you, street lighting, restaurant will open for you, this feeling must be wild with joy.
206. The sheet steel for lighting distribution box is made into frameless shape, the main parts of which are shell , zero line bar , protective earth bar and panel etc.
207. But this practice will be closed 30% of the heat shield in the heating, lighting effects results.
208. The keyboard lighting device and a remote control circuIt'share one power supply.
209. It provides a novel data collecting system which can process the lighting signal in both low and high frequency band. And the data collection system has been realized based on CPLD.
210. Even though today's compact fluorescents are 500 times more efficient than candles and whale oil lamps, what we spend on overall lighting hasn't gone down.
211. Usually identify the printing inks have sunlight, fluorescent light source and electric lighting.
212. If all goes well, 6, 000 navy blue, three-speed, sit-up-and-beg bikes with an inbuilt lighting system will be whizzing around the capital's streets next summer.
213. Stable production is guaranteed throughout the year by controlling lighting, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and water.
214. As the aircraft was carrying ordinary cargo, so when the accident occurred apart from the airport lighting and other facilities damaged accident did not cause further losses.
215. The realistic representation of lighting effect is one of the key topics in real-time computer graphics.
216. Lighting electromagnetic pulse is a kind of electromagnetic pulse interference signal carrying the huge lighting energy, and does great harm to modern electronic devices.
217. Wall lamp, floor lamp and desk lamp can make local lighting use.
218. The paper derives out the proper power supply voltage of city road lighting according to the illuminance and life span character at different voltage level.
219. Forthcoming facilities might be able to see artificial lighting on another world if it's really much brighter than we use.
220. Electric lighting replaced limelight in the late 19 th century.
221. As with all indoor grow operations, artificial lighting like fluorescents or the LED's shown here must be supplied for any plant life that isn't exposed to sunlight.
222. Building services installations covered include lighting, electrical, air - conditioning and lift and escalator.
223. Amendment 2 - Luminaires - Part 2 - 22 : Particular requirements - Luminaires emergency lighting.
224. Yard of Hudong Station, Daqin Line as an example, this paper expounds the optimization Retrofit scheme of lamp bridge lighting in railway yard from the aspects of economy,(http:///lighting.html) maintenance and security.
225. Backlighting , is another lighting technique that can help improve the performance of your vision system.
226. Its most popular Midsummer Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes. Finland is also home to the world's longest-running rock festival, Ruisrock.




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