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单词 Missionary
1, He approached the job with missionary zeal.
2, He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.
3, He spent 15 years as a missionary in Africa.
4, He did missionary work for the Presbyterian Church in Alaska.
5, She had a kind of missionary zeal about bringing culture to the masses.
6, An American missionary was released today after more than two months of captivity.
7, She spoke about her new project with missionary zeal .
8, Sandy felt called to do missionary work.
9, That passion is what keeps the missionary cycle rolling.
10, Professor Papert deserves high marks for missionary zeal.
11, The document on missionary activity seemed a likely occasion.
12, Pray that the missionary may refuse to hear any accusations from Satan against his fellow workers and believers.
13, His teacher, who had founded the missionary school, had high hopes for his star student.
14, Yes, the missionary ladies agreed,[http:///missionary.html] as they pressed money into her hands.
15, The Baptist Missionary Society has recently changed the way it organizes home support for its missionaries.
16, He offered his services to the Edinburgh Missionary Society as an overseas candidate, thus fulfilling a youthful ambition.
17, The priest was a Missionary Brother of Charity who had recently entered the Order.
18, Just today one of the missionary school youth was about to elope with his new amour.
19, This letter sets a tone for much missionary work in the early Middle Ages.
20, The film concerns a woman who goes to China as a missionary.
21, " We would like very much to have you for dinner, " as the cannibal said to the captured missionary.
22, NB The opinions stated in this essay do not necessarily represent those of the Church of God Missionary Society.
23, This house was first built back in the 1890s as a residence for the local missionary.
24, A sensitive soul walked into this town like a white missionary into a malarial swamp.
25, Nowhere is this truer than in Wenzhou, a prospering port with a history of missionary activity.
26, Instead of limiting the program to small children who attended Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, he invited young people ages 10-18.
27, Women outnumbered men as converts in the Great Awakening, and f0urd new paths in the missionary movement in the new century.
28, Whatever the job at Disney, it was approached with missionary zeal.
29, But it is obvious that one relatively small peninsula can not contain this missionary zeal indefinitely.
30, Similar views concerning conversion are expressed by Simone Weil who maintains that much missionary activity is both mistaken and dangerous.
1, He approached the job with missionary zeal.
2, He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.
3, " We would like very much to have you for dinner, " as the cannibal said to the captured missionary.
31, In October 1927, the young missionary was steaming at 15-20 knots towards Rangoon.
32, He is aided by the courageous local newspaper editor and a retired missionary woman.
33, She left the company, but never Malanje, becoming a Roman Catholic missionary in 1969.
34, Seventh, believers in newly planted churches have the responsibility to grow in evangelistic and missionary maturity.
35, Though not a natural speaker his pithy style, backed by his fame and renunciation, strengthened the Student Volunteer Missionary movement.
36, One big difference is that there are no missionary organisations involved in health care.
37, Its brief is longer term and written to include missionary work, promotion and oversight of independent interoperability testing and branding.
38, A new bureaucracy, the darling of the administration that establishes it, has a missionary zeal about its function.
39, It was due to his influence and suggestion that many able deaf men were appointed to do valuable missionary work amongst their fellows.
40, Yet here is a dark continent on our own doorstep, crying out for missionary endeavour.
41, It is intended that these articles should be in addition to current missionary writing which appears in the magazine each month.
42, It contained a comprehensive survey of the world's countries and their populations and referred to earlier missionary endeavours.
43, The aim of these articles is to inform the Fellowship of missionary activity, both at home and overseas.
44, He is white or, if he is black[http://], a recent convert to the missionary Church and a martyr.
45, Sister Courtney was a missionary in Nicaragua for 15 years.
46, One of the most effective ways Satan has to cripple missionary work is to attack the body of the missionary.
47, We washed the blood-stained floors, while my wife and other missionary workers helped in the wards and the laundry.
48, From the start her charm and her missionary addresses captivated her hearers and young people were challenged.
49, Two of the kids and the fourth missionary died later in hospital.
50, It was defended by careful missionary work, by books of edification and by the practice of the pilgrimages to Jerusalem.
51, Eventually pentecostals-some of them-did organize denominations, establish mission boards, found colleges, and administer vast, sprawling missionary enterprises.
52, It is not always the missionary who is reluctant to change outward forms.
53, If anyone is interested in receiving more information on praying for missionaries or missionary activity please contact me.
54, The island had responded particularly to the fervent missionary work of the itinerant Baptist preachers in the early years of the century.
55, Tesla asked if Westinghouse proposed to continue his missionary work for the alternating-current system he had invented.
56, At the same time missionary monks helped to conquer Siberia.
57, He minted coins and his patronage of continental missionary activity is a noticeable feature of his reign.
58, The eyes of Mr. Morrissey gleam with a missionary zeal that shames into submission the cringing doubts of those yet unconvinced.
59, Such open-mindedness is an essential part of the missionary gift which the Church needs in order to function effectively in any cross-cultural situation.
60, Priests and laymen of all three religions organized educational institutions and missionary propaganda.
61, His missionary teachers sternly announced the message that deviation from normality was a sin against the Emperor.
62, As a result various things, such as missionary work, now fall under a word which directs disfavour at them.
63, Missionary couples became the new saints; children in Sunday schools enjoyed their heroics.
64, The highest court of all is still the Football Association with their brocaded traditions, honest principles and missionary zeal.
65, Only a missionary would see this as a positive step in and of itself.
66, One day, the missionary was awakened by the sound of scratching at the door, and the noise of whining.
67, Meanwhile, Liddell had been working as a field missionary in war-torn Siaochang.
68, Presumably the missionary position in coitus would have its dangers.
69, Most of his missionary activity took place north of the line between Dublin and Galway.
70, The area had been visited by traders from ancient Rome, and, in later times, by an occasional Catholic missionary.
71, As we pray this prayer we join with those generous young men as they set out on their missionary journeys.
72, On 30 November the Decree on Missionary Activity was voted through chapter by chapter, and then approved in its entirety.
73, He spent 20 years in Korea as a missionary.
74, The Missionary offered an uncertain smile.
74, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
75, Chris's father subsequently became a medical missionary in India.
76, Our missionary work had an important breakthrough.
77, Later he went to India as a missionary.
78, We need to motivate members to do missionary work.
79, Nobuaki is really fired up about missionary work.
80, Usually this occurs during regular vaginal sex with the woman on top, but it can happen in the missionary position or during sexual acrobatics.
81, The two missionary sisters have received their missionary crosses from the archbishop.
82, By the time of Kangxi s reign, Catholic missionary activity had been well established, and when the Franciscan monks.
83, Though such policy was in force, Catholicism still developed continuously in Guangdong and the activities of the missionary and religionist were still relatively active.
84, After the Great Geographical Discovery and Religious Reformation in Europe, A lot of the Society of Jesus missionary came to China in Ming and Qing dynasty.
85, We've all heard the stories about undereducated, traditionalist marriages in which the partners never realized that sex is possible in a position other than missionary, or that a woman can orgasm.
86, Its also a base for the missionary work they are doing in this community.
87, And the man who goes out to do good works, whether he is a social reformer or a missionary, is just like the politician in his concern with the world.
88, Christmas Allegedly Christmas tree first appeared in ancient Rome in mid-December Saturnalia, the German missionary Nikos in the 8th century AD, dedicated to El Ni?o using P-trees.
89, She taught in a missionary school for a couple of years.
90, Believing he had been called by God to Christianize Ireland, he joined the Catholic Church and studied for 15 years before being consecrated as the church's second missionary to Ireland.
91, After missionary work in India he travelled to Armenia, Colombia.
92, The missionary position is one of the most elementary positions out there – in fact, it's probably the first position you tried (I know it was mine! Hee hee!
93, The Samaritan woman is presented as a model of a woman missionary.
94, The prophet has called upon members to do missionary work.
95, The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modem China.
96, Frankly, the missionary position is the position least likely to bring a woman to climax.
97, Okay, so the missionary position doesn't always make your mate shiver with desire.
98, After in entering to applying missionary school taking given cold-shoulder , turn round not telling son of she ' allow others not to be got rid of door by you definitely on.
99, At supper he was silent and ill - at - ease, but the missionary was jovial and animated.
100, I repeat I freely consent to go with you as your fellow - missionary.
101, Unquestionably his missionary work between 1940 and 1942 had much to do with eventual success.
102, The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modern China.
103, He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, ready - tied four-in-hand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day.
104, One of the principal findings was that the classic so-called missionary position, which is so easy on earth when gravity pushes one downwards, is simply not possible," he said in an interview.
105, But on Sundays I would go Pioneering, the term used for the missionary work that Jehovah's Witnesses do. And it was then that I was able to see the magic of other people's childhood.
106, Every month the ZLs report to the president about the status of missionary work.
107, A missionary came to your church, His pictures made you cry.
108, There was a lot of missionary work needed in those early years.
109, One the 17 th century, the missionary brought the Southern Hemisphere's new discovery - the amaryllis bulbs into Taiwan.
110, Years ago, Dr. Wilfred Grenfell served as a medical missionary in Labrador.
111, In verses 10-11, Paul affirms that Timothy had been very familiar with and deeply interested in Paul's life and ministry from the time they met on a missionary journey in Galatia 15 years before.
112, I hope every member understands the value of missionary work.
113, By His grace, Cherith Baptist Church was founded in 1958 by Rev. Maak Hay Chun, a young missionary from Hong Kong sent by the America Southern Baptist Seminary .
114, If you're doing a girl in the missionary position you're too close to her to see anything.
115, On stage, Mr Leonsis discussed the significance of meeting on St Patrick's Day, which honours a Christian missionary who was condemned to death three times and survived regardless.
116, If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
117, Christian missionary and theologian who with his brother Saint Methodius (82'-885) worked in Moravia, translating the Scriptures into Old Church Slavonic.
118, The French missionary was intrigued by the stories he heard about these peculiar deer.
119, In 1871, journalist - explorer Henry M. Stanley found missing Scottish missionary David Livingstone in central Africa.
120, In the tub/shower: If your tub is small, you could have trouble in the missionary position, but the shower is a great place for standing-up sex.
121, He was the fifth child of Isaiah Okafo Achebe, his father, a catechist for the Church Missionary Society, and Janet N. Hoegbunam Achebe, his mother.
122, So the contributions of foreign missionary to the Chinese opening of newspapers are ineffaceable from which the Chinese modem periodicals are originated and developed.
123, The fifth is dissertating about the activities and impact accordingly made by missionary groups of French Society of Jesus in Far East in anaphase of 17th century.
124, The reason is that in the missionary position, the penis does not directly stimulate the clitoris, the seat of women's orgasmic response.
125, Transmit phonate sound in Congshu at this moment, missionary looks at the past, he sees a pair of men and womens are making love.
126, Paul visited Thessalonica for the first time on his second missionary journey and stayed only 3 weeks.
127, Brandon Rogers , a former missionary, is a rookie salesman.
128, The missionary position is when the woman lies on the bottom facing upwards, with the man lying on top of her between her legs while facing down.
129, At an early age, the girl who would become Mother Teresa decided to be a missionary.
130, He shuddered a little as he looked at the missionary.
131, Italian-born missionary and prelate who introduced Christianity to southern Britain and in 598 was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury.
132, The missionary sprang to his feet and strode across the room.
133, Belgian environmental anthropologist Laurens Rademakers, whose cream Out of Africa outfit offered yesterday's sartorial high note, brought a missionary zeal to his account of the merits of biochar.
134, He was born to missionary parents in Kansu in 1898 and later himself served as a missionary, military interpreter, and anthropologist.
134, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
135, I heard you sing at that school for missionary kids in Tokyo.
136, I should't have thought a missionary was such a big bug that he could afford to put on frills.
137, The man lies directly on top of the woman and penetration angle is similar to that in the missionary position.
138, Joseph Edkins ( 1823 - 1905 ) is a famous sinologist and missionary of London Missionary Society.
139, The missionary position is the most conventional position and, let's not deny it, we all like this oldie-but-goodie.
140, We do not prepare ourselves for this kind of missionary apostolate.
141, This is how the special version of the missionary position should be performed.
142, In his book, "The Missionary Position", he berated her for spreading an extreme form of Catholicism and for accepting money from dodgy people such as "Papa Doc" Duvalier, the late dictator of Haiti.
143, In the pre-earth life, I was already foreordained to be a missionary.
144, While in the missionary position have him move up on his knees while he continues to thrust.
145, It was told by an anonymous Kwakiutl Indian of southern Alaska to a missionary in 1896, and here it is.
146, The USA's Faith Based Initiative law provides Christian missionary organizations with taxpayer funds that are used to proselytize Christianity to indigenous populations throughout the world.
147, Also known as Lake Nyasa—so named by Scottish missionary David Livingstone in 1859—it is approximately 360 miles (580 km) long with an average width of 25 miles (40 km).
148, Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work.
149, The missionary position may not quite have died a death, but it's certainly no longer the beginning and end of what we now consider as sex.
150, These chapters largely focus on the apostle Paul, the church's first great missionary.
151, Tak Oi Secondary School, which is sponsored by the Missionary Sisters of Immaculate Conception, is dedicated to providing an all-round Christian education to its students.
152, This controversy promoted the transformation of Spanish overseas policy from armed expansion and cruel rule in America to peaceful conquest through missionary in the Philippine islands.
153, In one study that's typical of several, researchers worked with 36 women who could not have orgasms in the missionary position.
154, The doggy position can let you touch that spot in a more intense manner, but you can also do this using the missionary position.




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