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单词 Electronics
1. Racal Electronics shares have been in a strong uptrend.
2. About 45 000 people worked in electronics in Scotland.
3. The company branched out into electronics and computers.
4. She works for an electronics firm.
5. In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.
6. The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action.
7. He's an expert in electronics.
8. Thorn's electronics operation employs around 5,000 people.
9. There may be a fault in the electronics.
10. Their firm merged with a Japanese electronics giant.
11. He wants to brush up his knowledge of electronics.
12. My dad influenced me to do electronics.
13. Many graduates are employed in the electronics and computing industries.
14. Few U.S. companies have successfully penetrated the Japanese electronics market.
15. The nation's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade.
16. Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians.
17. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
18. The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging.
19. The trend now is towards "lifestyle" electronics — black, shiny gee-whiz things that people like to own.
20. The company has had the leading edge in electronics for ten years.
21. In the electronics industry, for instance, 5000 jobs are being lost.
22. In the field of electronics, it's the Japanese who are making the running.
23. All the electronics in the world cannot insure against accidents, though.
24. Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is the exception that proves the rule.
25. Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.
26. America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.
27. The company has achieved a premier position in the electronics field.
28. Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics.
29. You should be able to put your experience in electronics to use in your new job.
30. Many industries have been forced to cut jobs and it looks like the electronics industry is going the same way .
1. Racal Electronics shares have been in a strong uptrend.
2. About 45 000 people worked in electronics in Scotland.
3. She works for an electronics firm.
4. America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.
5. In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.
6. Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics.
7. He wants to brush up his knowledge of electronics.
31. The electronics industry is showing signs of stagnating after 15 years of tremendous growth.
32. American homes are filled with VCRs and other electronics.
33. Consumer electronics retailers were hit the hardest.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
34. Electronics firm Compol chipped in with over $20,000.
35. Other masterclasses include mathematics, electronics and music.
36. All organisations studied are electronics assembly plants.
37. We have an extremely lively electronics industry.
38. Elco, an electronics company, shed 1. 25 percent.
39. For instance, an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment.
40. If Electronics had not held off its creditors, it would have collapsed, bringing Magnetics down with it.
41. I have visited an electronics manufacturer where the notion of continual cost reduction is an important feature of operating policy.
42. And electronics companies are looking at ways to re-use components and recover materials from their products.
43. They try to minimize electronics imports from each other and are often in direct competition in export markets.
44. Founded in 1968, it pioneered the modern micro processor and now mainly supplies components for other electronics firms.
45. Most stockbroking analysts believe it inevitable that the troubled electronics group will be taken over.
46. To achieve this a set of regulations has been introduced which is having a profound effect on the electrical and electronics sectors.
47. A more crucial issue concerns the use of the technology by other firms and organisations that have nothing to do with electronics.
48. The Eden Prairie(), Minn.-based company is transforming itself into a kind of for consumer electronics.
49. Westinghouse also will maintain its refrigeration business and commercial electronics groups.
50. The characteristics of electronics production and marketing seem to demand companies which can combine scale economies with quick-footed innovation.
51. The research also assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the area for electronics firms.
52. They are the names of microcomputers produced by a new breed of electronics entrepreneurs.
53. Mike Sollers, an independent contractor with an electronics firm, was edgy the afternoon we met.
54. The MoD is keen to preserve Ferranti as an independent force in defence electronics.
55. This is hardly surprising since display technology is expected to dominate many sectors of the electronics industry, both industrial and consumer.
56. Since 1981, the electronics industry had increased output by an average rate of about 14 percent a year in real terms.
57. Various branches of the electronics industry provide equally dramatic examples.
58. Examples include physics and electronics problems in basic mathematics classes.
59. An evaporation system is used to dissipate heat from the sun and protect the shuttle's electronics.
60. In electronics, a spiral is used to convert radio waves into electrical impulses.
61. One reason for this was the lesson Philips and other consumer electronics companies had learned about the importance of global standardisation.
62. Seventy years of empty store shelves have created great pent-up demand for consumer goods, including electronics.
63. The cancellation coincides with the closure of Reed's computer and electronics division at Richmond, Surrey.
63. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
64. Read in studio Subjects like robotics and micro electronics are on the curriculum for a group of gifted ten year olds.
65. He qualified as an electronics engineer before going to teachers' training college after which he obtained a degree in art history.
66. Harris Corp., electronics / defense, Melbourne, Fla., $ 27, 000.
67. This country is the size of Ohio and has long been a major exporter of automobiles, consumer electronics and ships.
68. Steel and shipbuilding have been replaced by low energy industries - electronics, microprocessors, information technology and various service industries.
69. The same arguments for use of digital electronics apply equally to communications systems, test and measurement, broadcasting and consumer electronics.
70. On Silver and Knitmaster standard and fine gauge electronics the setting is slightly different.
71. The company operates retail stores that sell furniture, bedding, appliances and consumer electronics.
72. The benefit of the system is it only requires the deaf person to have the special electronics and screen.
73. And all but Oki have a base in consumer electronics.
74. Hamish Reilly, 35, worked for an electronics firm in Livingston before moving into the hostel 14 months ago.
75. I had a place to study engineering, my major in electronics.
76. Its activities were largely focused on telecommunications, the heavy electrical sector and on defence electronics and avionics.
77. Not surprisingly, the major computer, consumer electronics and telecommunications companies are hoping to grab a share.
78. And 200 jobs are at risk at Ferranti in Newport Pagnell after the defence electronics firm called in the receivers.
79. Investment in the electronics industry from the rest of the world increased steadily since the beginning of the 1980s.
80. Mrs Pearce is a manager in an electronics business, making printed circuits.
81. They also take an electronics class either at their home high school or at the local community college.
82. By day, a long street in the Nipponbashi area is lined with cut-price electronics stores.
83. This time around, the computerisation curve has flattened out, so the electronics industry has been hit as hard as any.
84. They will be sold at electronics and computer stores as well as at toy retailers, such as Toys R Us.
85. The agreement will deepen the firm's ties to Japan's electronics companies.
86. In both the music business and the consumer electronics business, a whole lot of shaking out has been going on.
87. Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed makes military aircraft, space systems, missiles and electronics systems.
88. John Wright, counsel for Timex Electronics, told the judge the gatherings had produced disorder of an unacceptable level.
89. Between 1975 and 1984 total employment in the electronics sectors declined by 19 percent.
90. Already the Pioneer Electronics Corporation has disregarded its lifetime employment policy by demanding that 35 mid-level managers accept early retirement.
91. The electronics retailer said shareholders will have the option of selling their stock or increasing their holdings to 100 shares.
92. Westinghouse shares had remained stagnant even after the company announced its plans to sell the electronics business.
93. Ferranti International, the troubled electronics group, had another rousing session with Seaq volume put at 38 million shares./electronics.html
94. Siemens worked with teachers at the school to develop a curriculum that combines physics and electronics.
95. Recruiters were ordered to sign up more high school graduates who showed high aptitudes for science, engineering and electronics.
96. They were of various sizes and worked in the vehicle, aerospace, mechanical engineering and electronics industries.
97. A survey of the electronics industry in this respect would, I believe, show a net loss.
98. With Bertelsmann involved,[] it is not surprising that book clubs as well as electronics and book stores are being targeted as distribution channels.
99. I'm into electronics myself.
100. The latest outcome is there is move to ban the use of electronics on the lake.
101. Making Out sounds most unpromising - about a group of women workers in a clapped-out Manchester electronics factory.
102. These sets are no bigger than a transistor radio and cost as little as $ 100 at the nearby discount electronics store.
103. Ned is a corporate planner in a large electronics products company.
104. Ruggles is now licensing electronics companies around the world to sell add-on quad decoders for home video.
105. Formal electronics schooling teaches you about resistors, capacitors and transistors, obviously.
106. But the consumer electronics retailer said that sales at stores open for at least a year dropped 6 %.
107. In this sense Ward is not typical of the people who run the new electronics firms.
108. Finding a niche is also important as many of the big electronics companies have frozen recruitment while they weather the recession.
109. Brenda has been swindled out of her alimony by greedy, unscrupulous Morty, a discount electronics magnate.
110. Without this adjustability, the neural circuitry would be as rigid as that in our consumer electronics.
111. Spacecraft electronics systems are vulnerable to damage by high-energy charged particles and are at particular risk during magnetic storms.
112. Sales at stores open more than a year fell 5. 6 %, the electronics retailer said.
113. The technique is likely to have other applications in the electronics industry.
114. For example, foreign electronics firms have pre-empted the creation of a domestically-owned electronics industry in all but a few countries.
115. The jacquard switch can be used in combination with switches 2 to 5 on the 580 and the modular electronics.
116. The company sells its batteries mainly through electronics stores but is expanding to grocery shops and kiosks.
117. Soviet space science suffers the disadvantage of poor technology, particularly in electronics, which is years behind that of the West.
118. For example, television has probably been the biggest consumer electronics success of all time.
119. To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances.
120. There is a bar code plus thirteen digit number on the front of this copy of Everyday Electronics.
121. The consumer electronics industry suffered through one of its worst Christmas seasons in decades in 1996.
122. Manufacturers of equipment for telecommunications, defence electronics and household appliances have merged or entered joint ventures to ensure their continued competitiveness.
123. A salesman at a competing wholesale electronics firm in San Jose told the same story.
124. A computer whiz-kid, he had built up an electronics empire that rivalled the best in the world.
125. The foundry sector has been chosen to provide contrasts with more growth orientated sectors, such as, chemicals and consumer electronics.
126. Analogue design remains important because it accommodates and defines the basic building blocks of electronics.
127. Unfortunately the music electronics contribution hit a slump at the critical time and was unable to meet expectations.
128. Sales of electronics and batteries here mirror the international trend toward buying cordless, portable goods.
129. Whilst many of the developments will be beneficial to all disciplines, certain aspects are particularly relevant to the electronics sector.
130. The best-received firms were in the information technology and electronics sectors; the worst in traditional engineering sectors and construction.
131. The largest industrial concerns were electronics, computer assembly, artificial fertilizers, machinery, metalworking and textiles.
132. Most shoppers know that only cave dwellers would pay the list price for electronics goods, for example.
133. Ralph, a 45-year-old computer-systems analyst, works at a large electronics company in the Bay Area.
134. These companies advertise their products in magazines like Popular Electronics.
135. The weapons and electronics divisions, worth forty million pounds, have been bought out by their own managements.
136. Take, for example, the electronics manufacturer discussed in Chapter 2.
137. These are terms used in digital electronics to designate the basic logical operations on which digital systems are founded.
138. Auto shares and some electronics exporters rose with the dollar.
139. Latest in electronics, new sail inventory 1990, new coffee grinder system ready to race or cruise.
140. Lechmere, a 28-store chain largely known for consumer electronics and home products, currently employs 4, 921 throughout the Northeast.
141. The computer electronics maker told analysts that inventory thefts led to lower-than-expected quarterly earnings.
142. United States defence spending has been a key driving force behind much of the electronics, telecommunications and computer industries.
143. H-P earned more than $ 31. 5 billion last year, selling every form of electronics from calculators to computers.
144. Brailsford and Beach adopt a general view, regarding electronic publishing as the use of computer science and electronics to present information.
145. In this unremarkable suburban community, Siemens has created a showcase apprenticeship program for electronics technicians.
146. These companies advertise their wares in magazines like Popular Electronics and Electronics now.
147. One reason cassette players and other consumer electronics are played so loud, Hull said, is the phenomenon of auditory adaption.
148. The troubled defence and electronics group has spent the week in talks a clutch of potential bidders.
149. Alex, an electronics engineer, landed a job after two months with a fast-paced computer company on the Peninsula.
150. Electronics accounted for 21 percent of aggregate manufacturing employment in 1991, against only 7 percent in 1981.
151. The electronics giant added 1 / 4 to 50 1 / 8 as 9. 2 million shares changed hands.
152. The electronics package will demand more space within the casing than the mechanical engineers can provide.
153. Drinking in the Bull and Bush, are 25-year-old Edward Galley, an electronics engineer, and a couple of friends.
153. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
154. These will be carried once a month and will alternate with contracts in the food and electronics sectors.
155. Amstrad, the electronics group, came out badly with this year's forecast slashed from £85m to £50m.
156. The electronics inside the pistol consist of a light detector or photo-diode and a small amplifier and buffer.
157. Colin Amies, electronics industry adviser at Midland Bank, says that obtaining equity finance is often more important.
158. The company still plans to sell off Thorn Security and Electronics, which makes security and surveillance equipment for the defence industry.
159. Despite high unemployment in some areas there were large openings in sectors such as the electronics and engineering industries in the south.
160. University or above major in electronics, electrics etc. Male.
161. According to the Consumer Electronics Association, 65% of U.S. homes now own at least one high-definition television set, an increase of 13 percentage points from last year.
162. As the physical electronics technology develops, high - performance waveform generator is required to measure the analog equipments.
163. From 1 kW to the megawatt range, Spang Power Electronics designs and manufactures a full line of SCR power controllers.
164. Global positioning systems are among the hottest consumer electronics devices ever, says Clint Wheelock, chief research officer at ABI Research, a technology market follower.
165. The successful launching of China's first experimental communication satellite indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.
166. The innovation of the integrated electronics of ebm-papst start the epoch of speed control and energy saving technology of the electronically commutated DC motors.
167. Founder Electronics, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Founder Group, filed the lawsuit against Blizzard asking for compensation of 100 mln yuan.
168. It will also require sophisticated electronics to wirelessly communicate with the parked car to determine its geographic location and state of charge.
169. The inertness of Fluorinert liquid FC-770 permits its use as a direct contact single and two-phase coolant in certain supercomputers and sensitive military electronics.
170. Electronics, Home Products, Computer Products , Car Boat and Automotives Parts Automotive Parts, Components and Spares.
171. People in Taipei are still driving separately to work, using disposable chopstick and dishware, and leaving electronics running at all times.
172. The term EDA is also used as an umbrella term for computer-aided engineering, computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing of electronics in the discipline of electrical engineering.
173. If applied electronics specialty of higher vocational education would have its own features, course system is an important carder.
174. The Japanese business lobby has gone all-out in support of the drive, saying it would help exporters — like automakers and electronics manufacturers — regain their competitive edge.
175. Especially three-phase converter which has the advantages of bi-directional power flow, low AC harmonic and unit power factor, becomes the researching hotspot in the field of power electronics.
176. Service area:The parts used punching process used in electronics, automobile, domestic appliance, kitchen ware, communication and so on.
177. Molecular electronic technique is a newly developed bionic technology on the basis of molecular electronics in 1970's.
178. Capturing a base requires hacking into the Control Console with a Remote Electronics Kit ( REK ).
179. The Single-Phase 851 Digital SCR Power Controller from Spang Power Electronics offers the latest in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology and software.
180. "I am confident on Q3. We see a strong Q4, " Florian Seiche, head of HTC's business in Europe, Middle East and Africa, told Reuters at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin.
181. The Group is supplying to a many Global 1000 companies in the Automotive, Health Care, Medical, Industrial, Office Appliance, Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance sectors.
182. In electronics, a four-bit binary counter which has been modified to countfrom0 to9 and then reset to0.
183. Products from Spectrum Control are used in all major electronics markets including telecommunications, medical, aerospace avionics and industrial electronics, as well as industrial appliances.
183. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
184. With the rapid development of electronics industry, the use of film capacitor is more extensive, and the market demand of film capacitor is huge.
185. Past carbon nanotube transistors were typically constructed atop silicon composites common in the electronics industry.
186. The circumstances of modern life can give rise to the false belief that a culture full of electronics and multitasking imperatives creates the disorder.
187. This beam-line consists of chopper, pre-focusing mirror, monochromator , post focusing mirror, vacuum system, software and electronics system.
188. An NTU spokesman later confirmed that a final year student from the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was involved in the stabbing.
189. Start of volume production of the world's smallest drawn cup needle roller bearing (2 mm shaft diameter) for a motor application in electronics manufacturing.
190. Appliances involved in the field of design, communications, consumer electronics, medical equipment, instruments, scientific research, industrial electronics, transportation, gifts And so on!
191. FANUC-OTD numerical control machine tool is a high-performance integration of machinery with electronics product, whose location checks the serial pulse coder with being.
192. Disk drivers , personal computers and industrial, electronics products , etc .
193. I am a Petroleum College, Department of Electrical and Electronics manufacturing process automation specialist fresh graduates.
194. The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.
195. In electronics, a four - binary counter which has been modified to countfrom 0 to 9 and then reset to 0.
196. To the most potential variable-speed constant-frequency doubly fed induction generator, the device of power electronics converter used to control rotate speed is analyzed.
197. SEG Square's markets are crowded, loud, and mildly mephitic from cigarette smoke and the odor of fresh-baked electronics.
198. With the fast growing portable electronics market and higher need of wafer test, power consumption problem of built in self test (BIST) has attracted more and more considerations.
199. SKO is the crucial technology to construct the onboard-integrated electronics system and the kernel to create the common platform.
200. This concludes the theory of operation for IR remote control systems intended for use in consumer electronics.
201. Experience in completing at least one cycle of design in any of the electronics consumer product.
202. A fuse holder is mounted on the back panel and contains a 3 amp fuse to protect the electronics in case of a power problem.
203. Component breakdown caused by electrostatic discharge damage to the electronics industry the most common and most serious static damage, it points to the hard breakdown and soft breakdown.
204. The conception and algorithm simulation of lattice digital filter in electronics are transplanted into optical filter, with a novice algorithm to resolve optical lattice array concrete parameter.
205. Mindray Medical International Limited, through its subsidiary, Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd., develops, manufactures, and markets medical devices worldwide.
206. This paper aimed at writing the play book of electrotechnics and electronics experiment CAI courseware, and introduced writing thoughts and amprehension.
207. Into plastic products, electronics, glass, metal, membrane switch, and other high-end areas.
208. The electronics retailer thinks it can do something special with the music service though and now those plans will see the light of day.
209. There have been many claims to successful MBD in aerospace, automotive, and high tech electronics.
210. The arrival of electronics allowed Tom Watson to build on the past, yet toss out what had become stale -- in this case, IBM's reliance on punched-card machines.
211. The project emerged from the SENSEable City Laboratory, run by Carlo Ratti, which harnesses sensors and hand-held electronics to help describe cities in a new way.
212. With the further development of the electronics and software, the numeralization ultrasonic testing instrument will hold a bright prospect.
213. Susan joined ADG Electronics in 1999 and currently serves as the chief of staff.
214. Solitons and solitary waves in inhomogeneous media are of interest in relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electronics, e. g. in research on infrared soliton lasers.
215. The voltage overshoot across the power electronics and the voltage variation could be suppressed by snubber.
216. At present, power electronics technology is quickly extending and applying to the implements for trackage traction and navigations.
217. Results indicate that this kind of quasi-optical resonance system has many advantages, as they might help develop high power electronics in short millimeter and sub-mil...
218. This paper emphasizes the servo control design of commander's panoramic sight in integrated vehicle electronics system.
219. This paper presents a general pulse generator application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for power electronics devices designed with the large-scale programmable logic devices.
220. IC's application covers a wide range of network communication, computing system, information electrical appliance, automotive electronics,(http:///electronics.html) control instrument and bioelectronics .
221. Japan ALEPH ( AI Lee Fu ), such as shooting probe burglar alarm equipment. Shenzhen Haitai Electronics Co.
222. Site of an early Spanish presidio and mission, it is a residential and resort community with aerospace and electronics research and development industries. Population, 85, 571.
223. The shock absorber system works by purely hydromechanical means without the need for sensors or electronics.
224. When IDE ( Integrated Drive Electronics ) disks came out they had a little processor on each drive.
225. We have own brand of industrial electronics oil and anti-oxidation, anti-friction surface protection products, etc...
226. How do you do. Welcome to Aip Electronics. Can I help you?
227. We have come to regard ever zippier consumer electronics as a basic right, and are notoriously insouciant about the improvements in basic physics that make them possible.
228. Having a single-step and a break-point control circuits the tester is available to tests and measurements of the nuclear electronics ...
229. Therefore, if DNA is a conductor, it will be the ideal material for nano-line and molecular electronics.




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