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单词 Fatal
1. The time that you are my most fatal.
2. Her children's death is a fatal blow on her.
3. This illness is fatal in almost all cases.
4. If she gets ill again it could prove fatal.
5. Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
6. Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.
7. Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.
8. He has not driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year.
9. The shot was fatal.
10. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
11. It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.
12. At worst, the drug can be fatal.
13. He suffered a fatal heart attack while cycling.
14. Hepatitis is a potentially fatal disease.
15. I realized I had made a fatal error.
16. This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.
17. Aids is a fatal disease.
18. He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. The disease is potentially fatal.
20. Two of the knife thrusts were fatal.
21. It would be fatal to bring in outsider.
22. Any delay would be fatal.
23. There's a fatal flaw in your reasoning.
24. Disunity finally proved fatal to the rebels' cause.
25. There was one fatal flaw in his argument.
26. Her disregard of this advice was ultimately fatal.
27. It was the gardener who delivered the fatal blow.
28. This short-sighted policy led to fatal results.
29. This fatal miscalculation lost them the final victory.
30. If it is not treated correctly, the condition can prove fatal .
1. This illness is fatal in almost all cases.
2. If she gets ill again it could prove fatal.
3. Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
4. Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.
5. Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.
6. He has not driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year.
7. The shot was fatal.
8. If it is not treated correctly, the condition can prove fatal .
9. It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.
10. The disease is potentially fatal.
11. It would be fatal to bring in outsider.
31. Telling your employees they're unimportant is a fatal error.
32. He ate some poisonous mushrooms, with fatal consequences.
33. In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox.
34. It'd be fatal to try and stop them now.
35. The enemy got a fatal blow in the battle.
36. I made the fatal mistake of letting her talk.
37. There was a fatal flaw in the plan.
38. One momentary lapse in concentration could prove fatal.
39. One moment of inattention when driving could be fatal.
40. Ducking responsibility is fatal in a democracy.
41. It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.
42. Immunization coverage against fatal diseases has increased to 99% in some countries.
43. This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal.
44. He made the fatal mistake/error of believing what they told him.
45. Tax increases have proved fatal to the nation's business community.
46. 'Mad cow disease' is a fatal degenerative disease of the nervous system.
47. The conspirators' plot failed because they made two fatal miscalculations.
48. This kind of accident is almost always fatal for the pilot.
48. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
49. The markets have exposed the fatal flaw in the government's economic policy.
50. It would deal a fatal blow to his fading chances of success.
51. A hospital spokesman said she had suffered a fatal heart attack.
52. It is a form of anaemia which is nearly always fatal if left untreated.
53. As late as the 1950s, tuberculosis was still a fatal illness.
54. Perhaps that illness, diagnosed as fatal, gave him a sense of living on borrowed time.
55. The final act exposes the fatal flaws in his make-up.
56. His presidential hopes suffered a fatal blow in New Hampshire.
57. The report reveals fatal flaws in security at the airport.
58. A benign tumour will not cause you any fatal harm.
59. There was some fatal flaw in his makeup, and as time went on he lapsed into long silences or became off-hand.
60. She made a snap decision , which was to have fatal consequences.
61. Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States.
62. He made the fatal error of borrowing more than he could pay back.
63. In the vast majority of cases the disease is fatal.
64. The flight paths of the aeroplanes crossed, with fatal results.
65. The results are frequently fatal to the wild creatures.
66. Small quantities of copper are often fatal to invertebrates.
67. There were rumours of a fatal coach crash.
68. Who might strike the fatal blow this time?
69. At that time, this was a fatal disease.
70. Many more tragic and fatal accidents have occurred there.
71. Idleness is fatal only to the mediocre. Albert Camus 
72. Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. Oscar Wilde 
73. But the elections were a further, and fatal, blow.
74. It is fatal if allowed to run its course.
75. His debating technique, however, disguised some fatal flaws and internal contradictions in Labour policy.
76. Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain 
77. This standard ensures the unit is waterproof and so prevents an accidental, and potentially fatal, combination of water and electricity.
78. Decisions can have alarming consequences and non-decisions can be fatal.
79. Eleven teenagers were arrested in connection with the fatal stabbing of 10-year-old Damilola Taylor.
80. Even outside a nuclear weapon it is a highly dangerous substance - fatal to humans if ingested in even minute quantities.
81. But Catherine, 31[sentence dictionary], and 56-year-old Fatal Attraction star Michael spent more than half as much again.
82. By contrast, the chances of a major nuclear accident resulting in 100 fatal cancers was set at one in a million.
83. Why is it that they bestow their ardour upon the well-adjusted, wholesome architects of pop's fatal new maturity?
84. His presidential hopes thus suffered a fatal blow in the snow drifts of New Hampshire.
85. Both types of cancer are now subject to national screening programmes as early detection may prevent these cancers being fatal.
86. Could it not have been a minor act of spite on some one's part which had had unintended fatal consequences?
87. The porpoises delight in riding on the bow waves of motor boats, which has frequently proved to be a fatal mistake.
88. This happened with fatal consequences in 1953 when the Lee Wick wall collapsed sending water shooting over the marshes to Jaywick.
89. Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose.
90. The woman had lashed out in fear and given the bird a fatal blow, feathers everywhere.
91. It was the first fatal crash in the airliner's 31-year history.
92. Some experts recommend introducing these fish into the aquarium in advance of other fish to reduce the fatal consequences 3.
93. Doctors stop short of saying the disease is always fatal, but medical literature paints a bleak picture.
94. One worker would have suffered fatal burns had he not worn a protective chemical suit which was not routine for repair work.
95. The physical consequences of compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia can be severe and even fatal.
96. She will host the surprise get-together tomorrow as a thank you to the victims of a fatal muscle wasting disease.
97. Failure of a biomaterial can at best cause discomfort to the patient and at worst can be fatal.
98. His mam was dying of some rare disease which no doctor could cure and always, but always, proved fatal.
99. The Cosbys are getting a dose of what families of homicide and fatal accident victims get routinely.
100. In these early days a flying career was not particularly attractive in view of the frequency of fatal accidents.
101. Blaming terracing alone for the tragedy is rather like banning cars after a fatal accident.
102. The number of fatal accidents in the construction industry has dropped dramatically in recent years.
103. An old armchair could have fatal consequences, long before the fire service has arrived to tackle the flames.
104. This deficiency proved fatal when the dollar faced a prolonged confidence crisis in the early 1970s.
105. For the prosecution case to stand, it will be necessary to prove that Lenny McLean struck the fatal blow.
106. Despite the dangers of fatal decompensation, we think that interferon alfa should be considered for treating patients with cirrhosis.
107. Properly interpreted and monitored, the quarter mill map can prevent anything from a stray into controlled airspace to a fatal accident.
108. It was the first fatal accident involving ValuJet since the bargain airline began operations in October 1993.
109. A looser structure, a willingness to compromise the party's programme and dilute its composition, would have been fatal.
110. The Highlands has one of the highest suicide rates in the country and is plagued by huge numbers of fatal accidents.
111. Some who witnessed the fatal crash from the stands in Daytona made the 500-mile trip to North Carolina to pay homage there.
112. The tannins affect the absorption by the birds' guts of certain essential nutrients causing low growth rates which are sometimes fatal.
113. The proportion of fatal and serious casualties to pedestrians fell, from 24 percent to 22 percent.
114. She was exhausted and her bare feet were stinging cruelly, but to stop would have been fatal.
115. Some people progress to liver disease, cirrhosis and liver cancer, and the virus can be fatal.
116. Before antibiotic treatment was used, the condition was universally fatal.
117. Officials are still trying to piece together what happened before the fatal crash Sunday.
118. Botulism is another fatal disease which has come to the fore in recent years.
119. Secondly, is the fact that there was no separate independent advice fatal to the plaintiffs' claim?
120. The biggest incident in which he has been involved was tragic double fatal accident in which two young girls died.
121. There are, no doubt, some circumstances where firm action is urgently necessary and where vacillation or debate would be fatal.
122. Those having no money were forced to give up their clothes and sleep on the bare floor, often with fatal results.
123. Optimal treatment of attacks can be life saving but suboptimal treatment or unnecessary delay in the provision of care can be fatal.
124. Most skin cancers are completely curable, but some can be fatal.
125. Only Father Kolbe remained alive until a bored guard gave him a fatal injection of carbolic acid.
126. The object of her fatal attraction is Patrick McGaw, a clean-cut premed student with athletic potential.
127. For, unfortunately, even when science eliminates all fatal diseases, 100 percent of us still are going to die.
128. Only with heroin addicts, that can be fatal a lot faster than with smokers.
129. They found themselves becoming increasingly dependent on their dealer's advice, at the same time sensing it might be fatal.
130. He had not delivered the fatal blows, he had not pulled the trigger.
131. Damaged anemones are open to all sorts of bacterial diseases which can be fatal.
132. Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness. Bertrand Russell 
133. This was the first time he dealt a fatal blow without intending it.
134. Other evidence suggests it can be fatal to people with certain medical conditions, such as asthma.
135. He did not know that in his last months he had developed a fatal heart condition.
136. Needles had already been inserted in his arms to deliver the fatal mix of chemicals.
137. This chapter has dealt with the mechanism of a debilitating and often fatal symptom of disease, namely diarrhoea.
138. Health and safety Executive's five year fatal accident report gives rise for concern.
139. These include the more firmly established association between the drugs and a potentially fatal lung disease,[] primary pulmonary hypertension.
140. None of the eight other fatal accidents claimed by the villagers has been recognised by the government.
141. It will not necessarily be fatal if the estimates fail to anticipate precisely the needs for the year ahead.
142. Damages in fatal accident cases are likely to be substantial and should not be underestimated.
143. Your victim would catch on before accelerating to a speed likely to be fatal.
144. Experts claim that at least half were inflicted well before the fatal blow.
145. Men have twice as many fatal accidents as women do for every mile they drive.
146. Falling over toys that have been left lying around can be fatal for elderly people and very serious for children. 3.
147. An exhaust leak from an O-ring seal in a right booster motor was blamed for the fatal 1986 Challenger accident.
148. He fought council demolition moves for 18 months before his fatal confrontation.
149. If the failure occurs higher on the launch, again a snap decision can be fatal.
150. And how many men staggered out of Fatal Attraction swearing they'd never dare flirt with a woman again?
151. Of course, if they do, politicians can disclaim responsibility; but ducking responsibility is fatal in a democracy.
152. Boys will be boys and in spite of warnings at least one fatal accident occurred involving local lads, and several were injured.
153. Immediately he thought he had committed a fatal offense.
154. C. difficile causes pseudomembranous colitis, with potentially fatal diarrhea.
155. Top Indian intelligence and security officials were summoned by the Home Minister for an emergency meeting following another fatal bomb blast in the Indian capital.
156. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error.
157. The surprise downgrade of Italy's sovereign debt overnight by Standard and Poor's exposes the fatal flaws of pushing through draconian austerity measures on a nation experiencing economic weakness.
158. Hog cholera is seriously threatening the development of pig—raising, for it is highly epidemic and fatal.
159. None of these factors would have been fatal, but for an abrupt tightening of credit in early 2008 that, in effect, cut Smart Union's working capital in half.
160. Although pre-eclampsia cannot be completely cured before the delivery, administering drugs such as magnesium sulfate can lower a woman's risk of developing convulsions (eclampsia), which can be fatal.
161. RHD infection has been characterized as an acute fatal necrotic viral hepatitis in up to 85% adult (older than 2 months) rabbits died within 36 to 72 hours after infection.
162. Especially, when a case is retried again and again, and proved unjust finally, it will be a fatal impact on law authority as well as nomocracy.
163. Symptoms of HeV infection in humans range from mild influenza-like illness to fatal respiratory or neurological disease.
164. Foot - and - mouth disease is a highly contagious degenerative viral disease of cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals. It is usually not fatal.
165. The exact rotor position is required while a permanent magnet brushless servo motor (PMBSM) is under commutation and control. Howere, position sensors have some fatal defects.
166. West Nile virus can cause a fatal neurological disease in humans.
167. WHO has received no reports of fatal outcomes among suspected or confirmed cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome detected since vaccination campaigns began.
168. Research trauma state of mononuclear cell gene expression: a serious trauma often leads to fatal sepsis and toxic shock.
169. In the arena of TJA,[http:///fatal.html] orthopedic surgeons are particularly concerned with proximal DVT and symptomatic or fatal PE.
170. The fault-finding research fellow fascinated by fantasy devised a fatal but infeasible plan.
171. In addition, solar flare radiation will be fatal, in a matter of hours to days, to anyone in space who is not protected by adequate shielding.
172. According to SELF contributor Maryn McKenna, author of Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, we should at the very least be cautious and aware.
173. Although a ruptured mycotic aortic aneurysm is frequently fatal, aggressive surgical treatment may save the patient's life.
174. On the other hand ...Rome, clumsy person riding the many regular riders in the battle to lose balance, and fell from his horse, which is usually very dangerous and sometimes fatal.
175. Each schedule entered must cover the entire year or a fatal error will result.
176. Some cases of accidental overdose of methyl salicylate and camphor have been fatal.
177. The danger with this method was that if the wrong red blood cells were returned to the donor, a serious and potentially fatal transfusion reaction could occur.
178. The most dramatic is reactive encephalopathy (encephalopathic syndrome) which can be fatal (3% to 10%).
179. In humans, eating meat products contaminated with the illness is linked to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare and fatal malady.
180. The company said tests showed mixed results for Listeria monocytogenes. The bacterium can cause serious or fatal infections in young children or elderly people.
181. In response to such extreme stress, your nervous system would go haywire, leading to potentially fatal spikes in blood pressure and heart rate.
182. A western grebe wears a fatal coat of oil from a spill off California in 1969.
183. The explanation for this reticence is simple: self-criticism is an admirable trait in human beings but a potentially fatal one in politicians.
184. Marburg haemorrhagic fever is a severe and highly fatal disease caused by a virus from the same family as the one that causes Ebola haemorrhagic fever.
184. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
185. Vibrio anguillarum, a severe pathogen of marine fish, is the causative agent ofvibriosis which is a highly fatal hemorrhagic septicemic disease.
186. Anthrax - a potentially fatal human disease - is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
187. The Cyclone Yasi hit the Queensland coast at midnight local time, with winds of 290 km/h - a potentially fatal force.
188. RTagentd: fatal system initialization error: [] server: bind error (10048), Invalid argument (shown in Figure 26).
189. With no elaborate courtship ritual, males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds.
190. Althaea's tragedy results from her fatal defects in character, that is, her strong desire to dominate and her too much love for her son, Meleager.




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