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单词 House
1, A house is not a home. 
2, Who repairs not his gutter repairs his whole house
3, A house divided against itself cannot stand. 
4, The wife is the key of the house
5, Hang up one's hat in another's house
6, A man’s house is his castle. 
7, There is a skeleton in every house
8, Who holds the purse rules the house
9, If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 
10, A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation. 
11, The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress. 
12, It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. 
13, A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another's. 
14, A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge. 
15, A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another. 
16, Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 
17, He who lives in glass house should not throw stones. 
18, As the house is to the man, so is the nest to the bird and the cave to the animal. 
19, Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.
20, We've got a mouse in the house.
21, He was left alone in the house.
22, The house is on the side of a hill.
23, The house stands desolate and empty.
24, He built the house low and wide.
25, The more women look in their glass,(http:///house.html) the less they look to their house. 
26, Two cats and a mouse, two wives in one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree in one. 
27, By the street of “Bye-and-bye” one arrives at the house of “Never”. 
28, To marry a woman for her beauty is like buying a house for its paint. 
29, It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
30, It is too late to come with the water when the house is burnt down. 
1, We've got a mouse in the house.
2, Who was the original owner of this house?
3, There was not a single person in the house.
4, My father accidentally locked me out of the house.
5, It took all our savings to buy the house.
6, Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house.
7, The house went to rack and ruin.
8, The man walked into the house in the dark.
9, There is an underground room in the old house.
10, The foreign guests were motored to the guest house.
11, This house is my only property.
12, A warm house and good food are material comforts.
13, Give the house a thorough cleaning.
14, Ann stopped in front of the house.
15, They're building an extension to their house.
16, The telephone wire is cut off in this house.
17, They finished the house within half a year.
18, After the fire the house was a mere shell.
19, I valued the house at 50,000 yuan.
20, They halted at a short distance from the house.
21, The whole house shakes when a train goes past.
22, The ownership of that house was transferred to somebody.
23, The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
24, The wind blustered around the house.
25, They were satisfied with the new house.
26, The house stands on a bleak, windswept moor.
27, The House of Windsor is the British royal family.
28, The bang reverberated through the house.
29, He was trapped in a burning house.
30, Their house is almost opposite ours.
31, Buying a house will be a hedge against inflation.
32, Mom, can I go over to Lisa's house?
33, He wants to take some photographs of the house.
34, The survey revealed that the house was damp.
35, She lives in that house among the trees.
36, Everything in his house is in good taste.
37, The house has been full of activity all day.
38, The house has every modern convenience.
39, They left the house in a frightful mess.
40, They occupy the house next door.
41, The house soon warms up with the heating on.
42, It irks him to have to clean his house.
43, We want some volunteers to help paint the house.
44, This house is my only property.
45, Give the house a thorough cleaning.
46, My friend lodges in my uncle's house.
47, The house is under new ownership.
48, A steady stream of visitors came to the house.
49, The house retains much of its original charm.
50, The house was surrounded by a tall, wooden fence.
51, I had a little bother finding your house.
51, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52, The light house flashes at night.
53, He occupies the house without paying any rent.
54, It's dangerous to have a gun about the house.
55, Every room in the house has a fireplace.
56, Bungalows are a type of house.
57, The stables adjoin the west wing of the house.
58, The house had a fairly large garden.
59, The house was rescued from demolition.
60, The house, a former barn, has been attractively converted.
31, The outside of the house is painted white.
32, She is resident at his house.
33, We made ourselves a little house.
34, The burglars ransacked the house but found nothing valuable.
35, The house is in beautiful surroundings.
36, There are shops in the neighbourhood of my house.
37, The house was ablaze in a few minutes.
38, That house cost me a packet.
39, The outer walls of the house were made of brick.
40, It's an awful nuisance having builders in the house all day.
41, We rented a house on the seafront for the summer.
42, I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
43, Visiting her house was like stepping back in time/stepping back 50 years.
44, Please make sure that the house is locked before you leave.
45, You must see the inside of a house before you buy it.
46, The firefighter broke into the house to rescue the old.
47, He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.
48, He made me an offer of 500 pounds for the house.
49, She found the side-door open and slipped into the house unseen.
50, She told us the story of one of Britain's most notorious country house murders.
51, The 16th century house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.
51, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52, Tell you what. Why don't you come to my house now?
53, Plumbers, carpenters, and other workmen finished the new house quickly.
54, There was no one nearby who might see him trying to break into the house.
55, A poor man came to the house this morning, begging for food.
56, The house is to the right of the petrol station.
57, If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.
58, The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years.
59, I'd only gone a little way down the street when I remembered I hadn't locked the door, so I made/did a quick about-turn and ran back to the house.
60, What type of house would you prefer to live in?
61, She traced out the plan of a house.
62, They have dispossessed her of her house.
63, The fence is only ten paces from the house.
64, Three generations live in our house.
65, resistance was the City Opera House.
66, Who's the boss in this house?
67, They halted at a short distance from the house.
68, She flounced out of the house.
69, The position of the house combines quietness and convenience.
70, What are the expenses of moving house?
71, The whole house shakes when a train goes past.
72, The house was lovely and warm.
73, House prices are expected to rise sharply.
74, We have a lovely old Victorian house.
75, The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
76, Within minutes the whole house was ablaze.
77, The house was filled with foul odour.
78, Thankfully, the house was empty when I got home.
79, He is redesigning a house for us.
80, Each individual house has its own yard.
81, 'Someone stolen my house!' she said in dismay.
81, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
82, The house has a southern aspect.
83, House prices in London are still falling.
84, The house is situated near the college.
85, The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
86, The house lay in dark shadow.
87, Why are you lurking around outside my house?
88, We bought this house for its convenience.
89, The house had been standing empty for some time.
90, There is an apple orchard behind the house.
61, I need to go to the shops - I've got no food in the house.
62, The outside of the house was beginning to look shabby.
63, They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.
64, The design of the new house is similar to those that have already been built.
91, She let him out of the house.
92, The loan enabled Jan to buy the house.
93, The house crumpled up in the gale.
94, This house was built seventy years ago.
95, He turned around and vanished into the house.
96, She has put her house up for sale.
97, He's had possession of the house for 10 years.
98, The house stands hard by the river.
99, They live in luxury in a very big house.
100, They are still trying to sell their house.
101, Most house plants can be propagated from stem cuttings.
102, The house was bright and absolutely spotless .
103, The alterations doubled the value of the house.
104, He owns a house in his Darlington constituency.
105, The burglars ransacked the house but found nothing valuable.
106, I can't bear having cats in the house.
107, Is the mistress of the house in?
108, Who will inherit the house when he dies?
109, The house was full of worthless junk.
110, I returned from work to find the house empty.
111, He went round to the side of the house.
112, Help me clean up the house.
113, He decided to rent the house.
114, They are trying to flog their house.
115, I slept at my sister's house last night .
116, I like the the layout of the house.
117, They often wandered around the house stark naked .
118, She sold the house soon after her husband died.
119, That house cost me a packet.
120, Five incendiary devices were found in her house.
121, He put a deposit on a house.
122, The house is in need of repair.
123, The house was handed down to my elder brother.
124, I don't like a house without a bathroom.
125, It's not a very grand house.
126, The burglar got into the house through the bedroom window.
127, The decision was announced after objections were raised in the Upper House of Parliament.
128, I think this is their house, but I'm not sure.
129, The house is built on the site of a medieval prison.
130, If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking.
131, The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner.
132, While she's away, I've got the run of her house.
133, He went to the house to try to talk her round.
134, They pulled down my old house and built five new ones.
135, Relative rates of house price inflation have evened out across the country.
136, The price of the house included many existing fixtures and fittings that were not to our taste.
137, Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to furnish it.
138, They bought a decaying 16th-century manor house and restored it to its original splendour.
139, A large crowd of reporters collected outside the Prime Minister's house.
140, He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.
141, If you compare house prices in the two areas,(http:///house.html) it's quite amazing how different they are.
142, You can't mistake their house - it's got a bright yellow front door.
143, All the windows were open, giving the house an airy feeling.
144, This book is a treasure house of information on Arctic birds.
145, Spending a night in the house alone always gives me the willies.
146, He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.
147, They sold the house for treble the amount they paid for it.
148, Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.
149, After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house.
150, I gobbled down my breakfast and ran out of the house.
151, As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
152, He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.
153, When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV.
154, This house is rather big for us. We need something smaller.
155, The house is up for auction/will be sold by auction.
156, I left my parents' house, relinquished my estate and my patrimony.
157, She has endured house arrest and continual harassment by the police.
158, After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill.
159, From a purely practical point of view, the house is too small.
160, I've ransacked the house for those papers, but I can't find them.
161, Kate's house was on the western outskirts of the town.
162, It's sad to see her moping about the house like this. What's the matter with her?
163, The house was overflowing with a profusion of strange ornaments.
164, He led the child into the warmth and safety of the house.
165, I'd always dreamt of owning my own house, but I never thought it would come true.
166, At Christmas the family descend on the house bearing gifts.
167, The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent.
168, She made one or two snide remarks about their house which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
169, A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible. Olivier created one in his imaginative "Henry V" in 1945.
170, She started running towards the street but suddenly doubled back to the house.
171, Jeremy Styles, 34, was the house manager for a provincial theatre for ten years.
171, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
172, The house was ablaze, and the flames and smoke could be seen for miles around.
173, She didn't want to confront the inescapable fact that she would have to sell the house.
174, The outer walls of the house are overgrown by vines.
175, Why don't you come across to our house this evening?
176, We chose the house for its proximity to the school.
177, Tell you what. Why don't you come to my house now?
178, There was a constant stream of visitors to the house.
179, The apartment house where John lives is five stories high and he lives in one of the upper storeys.
180, The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.
181, We asked them, as a matter of courtesy, if we could photograph their house.
182, We had an expert appraise the house before we bought it.
183, Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.
184, They rushed into the burning house to save the old man.
185, He's very untidy about the house; mind you, I'm not much better.
186, The door was suddenly pushed open and he burst into the house.
187, The house has been out of repair. The door handle already fell off.
188, Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a big house and a flashy car.
189, The house has been in the family's possession since the 1500s.
190, Even this small house was a veritable palace compared to his tent.
191, A poor man came to the house this morning, begging for food.
192, We had to break into the house as we had lost the key.
193, The whole house could do with a fresh coat of paint .
194, They traced the criminal to a house in the city.
195, Surveyors carried out a valuation on / of our house.
196, The house has an absentee landlord , who visits the property once a year.
197, They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before.
198, It's a typical country estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings and estate workers' houses.
199, A loft conversion can add considerably to the value of a house.
200, Get out of the house or I'll call the police.
201, I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.
201, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
202, The house has been barred and bolted to prevent re-entry.
203, If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.
204, It peeves me to be ordered out of my own house.
205, My desire for a desirable house will come true in the near future.
206, The White House probably won't make this plan public until July.
207, Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
208, The police must have a search warrant to search a house.
209, Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
210, He took up a 10 year lease on the house at Rossie Priory.
211, A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736.
212, The estate agent had pictures of the house from the outside but none of its interior.
213, The house looked strangely familiar, though she knew she'd never been there before.
214, What type of house would you prefer to live in?
215, Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.
216, He's freshened up the house with a new coat of paint.
217, In her new house she had full scope for her passion for gardening.
218, They stayed at a friend's beach house and enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion.
219, The tumult in the streets awakened everyone in the house.
220, It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.
221, There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house.
222, Someone rammed my car while it was parked outside my house.
223, We could just see the outline of the house through the mist.
224, The House voted by 327 votes to 93, comfortably exceeding the required two-thirds majority.
225, You have to reflect on how to answer his questions before you get to his house.
226, She decided to go to town and redecorate all the rooms in the house.
227, The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.
227, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
228, Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards or games.
229, The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised.




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