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单词 corner
释义  Related topics: Roads, Football, Other sportscor·ner1 /ˈkɔːnə $ ˈkɔːrnər/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  where two lines/edges meet 角WHERE TWO LINES/EDGES MEET [countable]CF the point at which two lines or edges meet 角 He pulled a dirty handkerchief out by its corner and waved it at me. 他拽出一块脏手帕,捏着一角向我挥动。corner of Their initials were sewn on the corner of every pillow. 每个枕头的角上都绣着他们姓名的首字母。in the corner (of something) The TV station’s name appears in the corner of the screen. 电视台的台名出现在屏幕的一角。on the corner (of something) Jessie sat on the corner of her bed. 杰茜坐在自己的床角。three-cornered/four-cornered etc a three-cornered hat 三角帽2  road 道路ROADS [countable usually singular] a) CFthe point where two roads meet 〔两道路相交处的〕街角,拐角(处)corner of Ruth walked with her as far as the corner of the road. 鲁思陪着她一直走到那条路的拐角处。on the corner The hotel is on the corner of 5th and Maine. 这家宾馆位于第五大街和缅因街的拐角处。at the corner Several women were standing at the corner, talking to two police officers. 几名妇女站在街角和两名警官说话。 kids hanging around on street corners 在街角闲荡的小孩子 b) TTRBENDa point in a road where it turns sharply 〔路上的〕急转弯 He had tried to take the corner too quickly, and had lost control of the car. 他转弯转得太急,使汽车失去了控制。 The petrol station is around the corner. 加油站就在拐角的地方。3  corner of a room/box 房间/箱子的角落CORNER OF A ROOM/BOX [countable usually singular]CF the place inside a room or box where two walls or sides meet 〔房间、箱子内部的〕角落in the corner (of something) There was an old piano in the corner of the living room. 起居室的角落里有架旧钢琴。corner table/seat I reserved a corner table in my favourite restaurant. 我在我最喜欢的餐厅里订了张靠墙角的桌子。4  mouth/eye 嘴/眼睛MOUTH [countable]HBH the sides of your mouth or eyes 嘴角;眼角 A tear appeared in the corner of his eye. 他的眼角里含着泪水。5  difficult situation 困境DIFFICULT SITUATION [singular] a difficult situation that you cannot easily escape from 困境;绝路back/box/force/push somebody into a corner (=put someone into a situation where they do not have any choices about what to do) 把某人逼入困境 Don’t let your enemies back you into a corner. 别让你的敌人把你逼入困境。 The writers have painted themselves into a corner by killing off all the most popular characters in the first series. 作者们在节目的第一个系列里就让所有最受欢迎的人物都死去,使自己陷入了困境。 He found himself in a tight corner (=a very difficult situation) looking for a way to get out. 他发现自己身陷困厄,欲觅出路。6  sports 体育SPORT [countable] a) DSFa kick or hit that one team is allowed to take from one of the corners of their opponent’s end of the field 〔足球的〕角球 b) DSOany of the four corners of the area in which the competitors fight in boxing or wrestling, especially one of the two corners where the competitors go in between rounds 〔拳击、摔跤场的〕场角7  distant place 远方DISTANT PLACE [countable]FAR a distant place in another part of the world 远方;天涯海角corner of She’s gone off to work in some remote corner of the world. 她已离开,到世界的某个边远地方工作去了。 People came from the four corners of the world (=from lots of different places) to make America their new home. 人们从世界各地来到美国建立新家园。8  see something out of the corner of your eye NOTICEto notice something accidentally, without turning your head towards it or looking for it 偶然看到某物,不经意看到某物 Out of the corner of her eye she saw the dog running towards her. 她瞟见那条狗向她跑来。9  (just) around/round the corner SOON a) near 就在附近 There’s a bus stop just around the corner. 就在附近有个公共汽车站。 b) likely to happen soon 即将发生 Economic recovery is just around the corner. 经济复苏在即。10  turn the corner IMPROVEto start to become successful or to feel better or happier, after a time when you have been unsuccessful, ill, or unhappy 渡过难关,脱离危险,好转 We knew Dad had turned the corner when he started complaining about the hospital food. 爸爸开始抱怨起医院的伙食,我们就知道他病情已好转了。11  fight your corner/fight somebody’s corner British English to try very hard to defend yourself in a discussion or argument, or to do this for someone else 〔讨论、争辩时〕为自己/某人据理力争 My line manager supports me, and says she’s willing to fight my corner. 我的部门经理支持我,说她愿意为我据理力争。12  cut corners SPEND MONEYto save time, money, or energy by doing things quickly and not as carefully as you should 〔为了节省时间、金钱或精力而〕马虎从事 Don’t try to cut corners when you’re decorating. 装潢的时候不要图省事。13. cut a corner CROSSto go across the corner of something, especially a road, instead of staying next to the edges 抄近路,走捷径14  have/get a corner on something BBTSELLto be the only company, organization etc that has a particular product, ability, advantage etc 对某物进行垄断 London does not have a corner on film festivals. 并非只有伦敦才有电影节。 The company admitted reducing prices to get a corner on the market. 这家公司承认以降价的办法来垄断市场。 → kitty-cornern COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the point at which two lines or edges meetadjectivesthe top/bottom cornerThe ball flew straight into the top corner of the net.the left/left-hand cornerWe followed the path to the left-hand corner of the field.the right/right-hand cornerPut your address in the top right-hand corner of the page.the southeast/northwest etc corner of somethingI was staying in the southwest corner of the island.the four corners of somethingEach team was based in one of the four corners of the pool.the far/opposite corner of something (=furthest from where you are)Something was moving in the far right corner of the garden.a quiet cornerHe sat on his own in a quiet corner of the library.a shady corner (=protected from the sun – used about outdoor places)Plant the herbs in a shady corner of the garden.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: ADJECTIVES/NOUN + corner a tight/sharp corner (=very curved and difficult to drive around)Go slowly because there’s a sharp corner up ahead.a blind corner (=one that you cannot see around)The car had come speeding around a blind corner much too fast.a street cornerThere’s a newspaper shop on the street corner.verbsturn the corner (=go around a corner)I walked on and turned the corner into Church Road.come/go around a cornerAt that moment, a police car came around the corner.round a corner (=come around it)A tall good-looking man rounded the corner.take a corner (=go around a corner in a car)He took the corner too fast and crashed into a tree.disappear around a cornerWe watched the two boys disappear around the corner.cut a corner (=not go all around the edge of a corner)I crashed into a motorcyclist who had cut the corner.stand on a cornerShe stood on the corner saying goodnight to Michael.Examples from the Corpuscorner• A large emerald ring flashed a spot of light into a dark corner of the room.• Keep forward alongside wall on left and then alongside fence on left to gate in corner.• You have some mustard on the left corner of your mouth.• However, Gav's biggest collar is just around the corner.• She picked the tablecloth up by the corners and folded it neatly.• In the corner of his eye he saw the other men on their stools lift their heads.• In the corners of the room there were vases filled with flowers.• But even more of a reprieve was lurking round the corner.on the corner (of something)• I screwed up my results paper and threw it on the Pavement beside some one's half-eaten chips on the corner.• Parade begins at 6 p. m. on the corner of Grant and Swan roads.• Even the policeman on the corner demanding money did not subdue the cheerfulness of hope.• I stroll down the street and stand on the corner of Haight and Ashbury.• A group of people stood on the corner, staring at his car.• A weary Charlie finally stepped off a tram on the corner of Chelsea Terrace a little after four o'clock.• I drove past the Baths which were on the corner of the High Street and the street where my digs were.around the corner• Around the corner, the public waits in a long line for a chance to eat breakfast in a Senate restaurant.• We rented a baking facility around the corner.• He clenched his teeth together but the first syllable forced itself around the corner of his mouth.• They claim that news is just around the corner, and that it will be on us before we know it.• She might think we're just around the corner and that we're not coming to see her.• Caricature was just around the corner.• The car screeched around the corner after him in a burst of fumes and querulous voices.• Out in the street afterwards they wandered around the corner into Leicester Square to see the Christmas lights.corner table/seat• The six people at a corner table were well known to the proprietor, who saw them regularly in the winter months.• A few minutes later we were seated at a corner table in the small bistro which I had known for several years.• And there, at a corner table, sitting with an elderly woman and a younger man, was the legendary caddie.• He got a corner seat in an empty carriage.• We had managed to squash ourselves into a corner table with two pints of strong winter-warmer beer.• Madonna shared a corner table with Evans and Rossellini for a while before retreating to the bar area.• We took a corner table and sat down.• Roquelaure was recognised instantly by the head waiter who took them straight to a reserved corner table.tight corner• With funding being cut, Pusani's program is in a tight corner.• However, employers could find themselves in a tight corner if they attempted to increase employee contributions or reduce benefits.• However, the cover is very easily removed if you need to get into a tight corner.• They get the argument out of a tight corner, and make for a less fatalistic scenario.• The plate can be moved from side to side and backwards for tight corners.• This requires a little force and might be awkward in tight corners.• The moment he emerged on to a flat stretch of road after negotiating a particularly tight corner the explanation was obvious.• The unique beaded cord is remarkable strong and won't snag or jam even round tight corners.• The drivers roared round tight corners and skilfully navigated a twisty, bendy and muddy course.the four corners of the world• Scholars gathered wisdom and knowledge from the four corners of the world.• People from the four corners of the world have come to Ontario to make it their home.• He put the Celts at one of the four corners of the world.• Even to the four corners of the world. 38.Related topics: Motor vehiclescorner2 verb  1  [transitive]CATCH to force a person or animal into a position from which they cannot easily escape 把〔人或动物〕困住,把…逼入困境 Once the dog was cornered, he began to growl. 那条狗被逼得走投无路的时候,开始狺狺低吠。► see thesaurus at catch2  [transitive] to go to someone who is trying to avoid you, and make them listen to you 强求与…面谈 Later, he cornered Jenny on the stairs and asked her what was wrong. 后来他把珍妮堵在楼梯上问她是怎么回事。3  corner the market BBTSELLto gain control of the whole supply of a particular kind of goods 垄断市场 They’ve been trying to corner the market by buying up all the wheat in sight. 他们想把所有能得到的小麦都买下来以垄断市场。4. [intransitive]TTC if a car corners, it goes around a corner or bend in the road 〔车辆〕转弯→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscorner• Though around Jessica he remained at least somewhat aloof, Kip could be brutal, especially when cornered.• Pupo sits among these Strange white people, ashamed and cornered.• The next day they went into battle with the desperate courage of brave men cornered.• If they are cornered by a predator, mountain goats will not hesitate to use their horns to defend themselves.• The building oozed a melancholy yet defiant air, cornered by an unforgiving landscape with which it refused to make any compromises.• Toplis was eventually cornered by police, I believe in Cumberland, and the murderer was shot dead whilst resisting arrest.• Douglas was cornered by the killers in the back bedroom of a seventh-floor apartment.• Hill cornered her at a party just before she left Washington.• The boys cornered him on a subway platform and began beating him.• There are other variations but they all end up with black's king being cornered on h8 or h7.• He was cornered outside the school by three apparent gang members wearing red, the emblem of the Nortenos.• The new Audis corner very well.From Longman Business Dictionarycornercor‧ner /ˈkɔːnəˈkɔːrnər/ verb corner the marketCOMMERCE to gain control of the whole supply of a particular type of goods or servicesSingapore has made significant efforts to corner the market in this type of specialised service company.→ See Verb tableOrigin corner1 (1200-1300) Old French cornere, from corne “horn, corner”, from Latin cornu “horn, point”cor·ner1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2corner2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  the two point Business Corpus at which lines




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