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单词 Province
(1) A network of railways has spread over the province.
(2) That kind of work is not in my province.
(3) The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.
(4) He was governor of the province in the late 1970s.
(5) Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period.
(6) Modern abstract art is outside my province.
(7) Australia is the province of the Kangaroo.
(8) The province is nominally independent.
(9) The province is heavily forested and sparsely populated.
(10) Roads and railways artery every province.
(11) Yunnan province is the home of elephants and peacocks.
(12) Guerrilla groups are active in the province.
(13) Medieval painting is not his province.
(14) Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources.
(15) He established himself as governor of the province.
(16) Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers.
(17) Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province.
(18) Marketing is within the province of the sales department.
(19) Such decisions are normally the province of higher management.
(20) The Eastern Province is the country's bread basket.
(21) I'm afraid the matter is outside my province .
(22) The province has been under attack from the rebels.
(23) Sales forecasts are outside my province—you should discuss them with the sales manager.
(24) Industrial research is the province of the Department of Trade and Industry.
(25) The province was attacked a month ago after weeks of simmering tension.
(26) The people of the province wished to break away and form a new state.
(27) The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu.
(28) They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.
(29) May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
(30) The coal mines of North China are centred in Shanxi Province.
(1) A network of railways has spread over the province.
(2) The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.
(3) He was governor of the province in the late 1970s.
(4) They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.
(5) Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period.
(6) Yunnan province is the home of elephants and peacocks.
(7) Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources.
(8) Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
(31) The energy-rich western province has a testy relationship with the federal government.
(32) There are countless small ski areas dotted about the province.
(33) Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province.
(34) Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province.
(35) Enemy forces have consolidated their hold on the northern province.
(36) A province has broken away to form a new state.
(37) In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania.
(38) Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
(39) The result is highly significant for the future of the province.
(40) Computers were once the exclusive province of scientists and mathematicians.
(41) Some of the best brains in the province are here tonight.
(42) The economy of the province was atypical because it was particularly small.
(43) Computers were once the province of scientists and mathematicians.
(44) Security throughout the province has eased dramatically.
(45) Training is available at regular intervals throughout the province.
(46) President Clinton's visit gave the province a welcome boost.
(47) Traditionally the province has functioned as the country's breadbasket.
(48) The troubled province is a hotbed of ethnic violence.
(49) The advantages compared with ordinary civil procedure were largely limited to Rome,[http:///province.html] since each province had only one jurisdictional magistrate.
(50) Almost 250 car parks across the province will be cleaned to help raise awareness of the litter problem in the transport network.
(51) Together with the political background in the province, this smallness of scale has complicated discussions of local government reorganisation.
(52) West from there they are seen on the north coast in the gentler province of Galicia.
(53) This loyal player, who turned down a contract with Ipswich Town to stay in the Province, deserves better treatment.
(54) I hope that all hon. Members representing Northern Ireland will take the opportunity to invest in the economic future of the Province.
(55) He said schools from across the province had been invited to attend.
(56) So keeping a low profile avoids getting embroiled in political controversy, which is the proper province of the elected Diet.
(57) Why had he been so determined to create a second see of archiepiscopal rank in the southern province in the first place?
(58) The Maritime Province was both the temporary home for working-class compatriots from the homeland and the base for patriots residing abroad.
(59) But in the mid-1970s there was an acrimonious conflict between the different intelligence gathering agencies in the province.
(60) The court claim has been initiated by the Belfast board on behalf of all five Education Area Boards across the province.
(61) The Elves of the old frontier province had taken a far different path from the High Elves.
(62) The Province Northern Ireland is justly famous for its great natural beauty and the warmth and hospitality of its people.
(63) And it involves planning to rule over the people of the province without seeking their votes.
(64) In the province of the night there was harmony between us.
(65) And that those who may otherwise have left the province in search of employment on the mainland are being forced to think again.
(66) Soldiers on both sides are also still fighting in the northern province of Takhar.
(67) Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage.
(68) He was from Fukien province, was missionary-trained, and had bright, penetrating eyes.
(68) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(69) Few foreign aid workers have dared to venture into Helmund province.
(70) Printers, modems and speakers were considered necessities, but scanners were the province of professional artists with money to burn.
(71) The traditional colours associated with each city state and province are shown below.
(72) The city, the capital of Kunar province, was under mujaheddin control.
(73) It will be based on data collected from monitoring stations throughout the province.
(74) She is one of the strongest advocates of the case for a Labour organisation to be set up in the province.
(75) There were no institutions of higher learning except for an obscure agricultural college in Mogilev province.
(76) In the night of 28-29 December, two battalions penetrated in large numbers into Makamba Province.
(77) Through the vicissitudes of life in a frontier province(), Our Lady of Sion has remained the tutelary patroness of Lorraine.
(78) Aquino on Nov. 7 declared a state of calamity in Leyte Province.
(79) Both dealers took the night train to a Northern province, the home town of one of them.
(80) But security chiefs in the province intend to keep their men on full alert.
(81) Manipulation, propaganda, prejudice and political intrigue are often their province.
(82) In the west of the province, there are no centrally placed and dominant single figures, or figured scenes.
(83) And next Wednesday sees probably the biggest and most cosmopolitan trade wine show ever staged in the province.
(84) Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States.
(85) The same thing happened in 1984 when the province was denied a fixture against the Wallabies.
(86) At least 200 rebels, massed towards Gifunzo in Rutana Province, were engaged in battle.
(87) Knights owe their allegiance directly to their lord: the Elector Count of their province.
(88) The forgeries are understood to be changing hands at up to £60 a time across the province in pubs and clubs.
(89) But there is another vivid illustration of the discrimination practised by the Labour Party against people who live in the province.
(90) The company is also keen to build stronger links with the two universities in the province.
(91) Science subjects and laboratories were almost entirely absent, and applied science was the province of artisan workers, not gentlemen.
(92) This province is the homeland of the Halflings, where they live under their own government and laws.
(93) All monies gathered will be used for the good of the elderly in the province.
(94) Neither party involved themselves in the messy business of seeking votes in the province, democracy wasn't mentioned.
(95) The service came under fire as scores of roads across the province were clogged with snow, snarling traffic and causing chaos.
(96) The road into Mountain Province, due east of Tamarong, zigzagged along a sharp ridge high above the rice terraces.
(97) It is certainly encouraging that parents, not government, are choosing to expand the number of integrated schools in the Province.
(98) Adjudication officers are employees in the relevant Department but exercise independent judgment on claims in making decisions within their province.
(98) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(99) Slowly but surely, the benefits of the new prosperity are spreading to embrace all parts of the province.
(100) The incident suggested that the movement was seeking to extend its campaign for political dominance beyond the province of Natal.
(101) A pilot project in Zambezia province aims to decentralize and integrate management of donor and provincial funds.
(102) In other words, he is preparing the ground for a partition of the province.
(103) Religious chauvinists have been the main cause of trouble in the province.
(104) Each province has its own elected governor and legislature, concerned with all matters not delegated to the federal government.
(105) He visited the other dioceses of his province, including a tour of several days to the Isle of Man.
(106) In almost identical terms, constituency parties in the province and Britain have stepped up the pressure for a decisive Government move.
(107) Each province has its own elected governor and legislature, nominally concerned with all matters not delegated to the federal government.
(108) Scepticism about literary language, however, was not only the province of those opposed in some absolutist sense to literary practices.
(109) In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.
(110) It certainly helped to enhance the reputation of our province at this level.
(111) It is the largest industry in the Province, contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment.
(112) A mere seventy air-miles or so away, a major battle was being conducted in the province of Phuoc Long.
(113) Soldiers dispersed the peasants with rifle butts, and by nightfall, violence was sweeping through the province.
(114) In some respects this mosaic appears also to have been influenced by pavements in the western part of the province.
(115) By that time, he was being considered for the post of novice master in the Maryland province.
(116) It fell into the business category and was therefore Bernard's province, not to be encroached upon.
(117) At the time, the south west of the province was the only breeding zone for the red Cassel.
(118) All are built somewhere and hence within the province of the local historian.
(119) Such piscatorial matters are not normally the column's province, of course.
(120) What plans do the Government have to introduce a more balanced development throughout the Province?
(121) In Kangwon Province, there were villages with trickling brooks and houses with fruit trees in the yard.
(122) That was an independent province until Duke Francis died, leaving his daughter Anne as his only heir.
(123) Khatami arrived in Shiraz Monday morning to begin a four-day inspection tour of the province.
(124) A patch of earth and a sprinkle of water from the province of Ba Xuyen in the Mekong Delta.
(125) Any visitors who come to the Province can see the quality of public housing in Northern Ireland.
(126) Whether or not this be wise legislation it is not the province of the court to inquire.
(127) This sort of violence is taking place across the province.
(128) Talabecland Talabecland is a large province which is heavily forested and sparsely populated.
(128) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(129) This is the province of an individual's general medical or occupational health practitioner, not of an epidemiologist.
(130) In addition the research provides a basis for assessing the pattern for future private housing provision in the province.
(131) Eventually I managed to find a page torn from a local bus timetable which showed the Province of Parma.
(132) Both were poor shepherds of Aquitaine, though from opposite corners of the province.
(133) They will be able to marry the two sets of interests to the benefit of the Province.
(134) As long as we are concerned with artistic representation of sensible qualities of things we are almost entirely within the province of imagination.
(135) The absence of reference to a division of the southern province, therefore, is not altogether surprising.
(136) Every province, every major city, has offices in Hong Kong.
(137) Ostermark Ostermark is a large and mostly rural province, lying at the north eastern edge of the Empire.
(138) It was the only bank launched from scratch in the province for many years.
(139) As rioting spread to several towns by Jan. 26,() the security presence was heavily reinforced throughout the province.
(140) A massive scheme for the Hong Shui River in Guanxi province has been under study since the 1950s.
(141) Municipal elections in the province were postponed from November until next May, mainly because of unresolved disputes over electoral boundaries.
(142) The foreigners in Ottawa constitute an ominous threat to the integrity and autonomy of our province.
(143) He suggested regular attendance be required of any man expecting to play for the province.
(144) Treating the whole province as a single constituency gave Paisley a chance to cash in on his considerable personal support.
(145) The blast last week in remote Fanglin village, deep in the southern province of Jiangxi, was massive.
(146) Your grandfather received a special medal from the province chief for that act.
(147) In the province of Vercelli the shortage of labour therefore remained a serious obstacle to agricultural development.
(148) In short: identity may be more a province of information that the other way round.
(149) But laws governing the sale, use and licensing of firearms remain the province of the states.
(150) Moral philosophers often ignore empathy as though it were an irrelevance outside their province, a matter for psychology perhaps rather than philosophy.
(151) Naturopathic medicine became considered the province of charlatans and primitives.
(152) All the major parties in the province can name members who have been murdered, attacked or intimidated.
(153) This might seem a particularly appropriate task for geographers although similar work has been the province of biologists, archaeologists and geologists.
(154) I am proud and happy to do it in the name of the province.
(155) His son trucks the tangerines and apples to the provincial capital, and even down into Henan province.
(156) His operation, in terms of mechanization and dairy herd management, is one of the most capital-intensive in the province.
(157) These councillors convinced a big section of the electorate that they are capable of helping to run public services throughout the province.
(158) A further concession to Quebec was the provision that any single province could veto future changes to federal institutions.
(159) Delorean car enthusiasts from all over the world are set to converge on the province on Thursday for their annual reunion.
(160) Beck was not proposing public ownership of the generating plants, but he did want the province to build the transmission lines.
(161) Twenty-nine people were arrested in dozens of outbreaks of violence across the province.
(162) It is because human societies pursue values that their study falls within the province of history rather than biology.
(163) The Sport and Recreation Department offers some of the finest indoor sports facilities and outdoor playing fields in the province.
(164) Identifying the educational needs of a handicapped child falls within the province of an experienced teacher.
(165) However, emergency measures would remain in Natal province, where fighting between rival black groups continued.
(166) Police have arrested 80 people during the unrest in the Central Kalimantan province.
(167) Returnees were among 40 people detained in Muyinga province, in the northeast.
(168) Very few, however, appear to be planned in any way comparable with the cities of the province.
(169) This year it was the waylaying of a southbound train at a station in central Anhui province by a local gang.
(170) The Aug. 24-Sept. 3 trek covers Cape Province wineries, private gardens, open fields and a flower show.
(171) The politically powerful Jan Pickard of Western Province was forced to resign through ill health.
(172) Law forbids the publication of exit polls before voting ends in every province.
(173) However, it has been claimed that some doctors in the province will perform abortions in certain circumstances.
(174) In contrast, leading figured mosaics from other parts of the province have sober designs which usually illustrate an individual scene.
(175) The separatist movement began in the mid-1970s after the province was denied additional natural gas revenue.
(176) In Kandal province, which surrounds the capital Phnom Penh, every polling station could be hit.
(177) The remaining ministers and elders found themselves being invited to address meetings all over the province to explain the imprisonment.
(178) Does not the Minister realise that the unemployment figures in the Province are deplorable?
(179) During the campaign he suggested appointing a peace envoy to the troubled province an idea that angered and appalled the government.
(180) Since the province was a hotbed of gentry resistance to the emancipation, confrontation looked a real possibility.
(181) At present guerrilla activity was reported in Kyongji province, north and south Chungchong provinces and on the island of Cheju.
(182) Newfoundland, finally, became the tenth province after a plebiscite in 1948.
(183) Those who come with an open mind and see the place for themselves invariably return home as ambassadors for our province.
(184) There is general agreement about the principle of allowing some measure of independence to the province.
(185) Thus it is only when our examination of things brings us within the province of judgment that disagreement arises.
(186) I entirely concur with his prediction that in the end we will have to withdraw from the Province.
(187) The remarks in this section only sketch out a province for which a proper theory of discourse deixis might provide an account.
(188) The province has become sadly familiar with news of lay-offs and redundancies,[http:///province.html] factory closures and company collapses.
(189) In parts of the Southern Province and central highlands they were little used, and human power was employed instead.
(190) This is a province of lovely undulating countryside mostly thickly wooden, blending into hills and mountains.
(191) An earthquake the area abutting our province.
(192) Meanwhile, the epidemiological investigation continues in Guangdong province.
(193) Academician Gao Xiaoxia was born in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province.
(194) For Henan Province, I am not a deserter.
(195) This fundamental law is only suitable for Hunan province.
(196) Most Dongxiang minority people live in Gansu Province.
(197) Born in Lan Zhou, Gansu province.
(198) An earthquake hit the area abutting our province.
(199) As operating devices , perpetual - motion machines are the province of crackpot science and science fiction.
(200) An Empirical Research on the Health Index Forecasting of Zhe Jang Province with Semiparametric Regression Model.
(201) Early in our province a dance hall fire in a city which is the blame.
(202) Qinghai province in China the - Tibet Platean western, with Xinjiang, Gansu Province, Sichuan, Tibet 4 area borders.
(203) The temporal - spatial effects of resources consumption are analyzed in Jiangxi province by means of econometrics method.
(204) Registered in 1996 in the city of Foshan , Guangdong province , Foshan Audiovisual Production Cooperation in Guangzhou.
(205) Under this background, the writer made a study on the red tourism resource in Gansu Province.
(206) Leisure County is located in central and southern Gansu Province, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in south - east.
(207) The latest case in Guangdong Province killed 114 domestic fowl culling of another 518.
(208) The coast of Zhejiang Province is abounding in tourism resources.
(209) Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, Jiuquan City , under the jurisdiction.
(210) Nephrite deposits in Qinghai Province have occurred in contact belt between intermediate - acidic intrusive rocks and dolomite - marble.
(211) The Tian Lu austral this is seat of bureau of Guangdong province qualitative inspect 563.
(212) Gansu province is the main area of Muslim inhabitation in the west - north area of China.
(213) Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada?
(214) Department of education of province launched electronic documents exchange system all over the province in 2007.
(215) After downsizing of Taiwan Province, the status of local municipality must have been greatly elevated.
(216) Merrill Yongkang City in Zhejiang Province plastic electrical plant was established in 1998.
(217) Another injury was reported in Wenxian County of the northwestern Gansu Province, which borders Qingchuan.
(218) Then the king caused Shadrach, Meshach and Abed - nego to prosper in the province of Babylon./province.html
(219) In Anhui Province , there were measles outbreak every 2 - 3 years before implementation of EPI work.
(220) Yangshan gold deposit lie in depressed area of Gansu province.
(221) Guanghe County, Gansu Province is located in the central south - west, south - east of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture.
(222) There are a lot of spinel - lherzolite xenoliths in the Taiyangshan Mesozoic basalt in Ningyuan, Hunan province.
(223) A rhizosphere actinomycete ( Z 01 ) was isolated from soybean root soil in Heilongjiang province, PRC.
(224) Illiberis ulmivora Graeser is an important leaf - eating pest of elm tree in Shanxi province.
(225) Academician Yang Fuqing was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 1932.
(226) Foreland is concentration of Fujian Province population, economy developeds area.
(227) Wushan, a county in the east part of Gansu Province, belongs to the city of Tianshui.
(228) Foot rot of Moso Phyllostachys pubescens was first found in Jiangsu province in 1975.
(229) Fluorite is an important vein mineral in Maoniuping rare - earth deposit in Sichuan Province.
(230) Mazongshan region is the only contiguous area with Mongolia in Gansu province.
(231) The Late Devonian - Middle Jurassic depositional systems in Fujian Province arereconstructed in the paper.
(232) The assessment results are in agreement with the actual situations of flood in Hubei Province.
(233) Moreover, Heilongjiang province is no other than its core, initial, creative and exploitive region.
(234) Objective To investigate and supervise the prevalence of filariasis after its elimination in Shangdong province.
(235) B : I was born in a small city in Gansu Province.
(236) Gansu Province Lanzhou Xigu area welfare east road 894 are building blue?
(237) They are now in a detention centre in the eastern province of Van.
(238) L 892 is an actinomycete strain isolated from soil sample collected at Guangdong Province.
(239) A territorial or administrative division a province , in some European countries.
(240) Hexi region is one of the important agricultural and by - product supply base of Gansu province.
(241) Ancient human bones in Xigongqiao Site , Tengzhou , Shandong Province, were analyzed by use of SEM - EDS .
(242) It is a direct evidence of the strong differentiation in Cathaysian floral province.
(243) Qingyang , Gansu Province, Pingliang, such as the day lily Longdong ranked first in quality.
(244) The treasury bond projects in Jiangxi Province enjoy great benefits in economic, social and ecologic terms.
(245) After crossing demur period, province hall will award prize formally.
(246) XGR 18 type multi functional rotary drilling rig developed by basic company fill gaps in the province.
(246) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(247) Zhaocun is a typical mountain village in east Gansu Province.
(248) Moreover , this essay presents empirical research on family consumer behavior in Zhejiang Province of China.
(249) Theand researched the mountain flood in Hunan province and Shaanxi province.
(250) Long - term since, gansu Province is a pork transfers into province.
(251) Shandan County is located in middle of Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province.
(252) A representative of Wrigley ( China ) presents donations to pupils in Gansu Province.




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