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单词 advertiser
释义 Word family  noun advertisement advertiser advertising verb advertise  ad·ver·tis·er /ˈædvətaɪzə $ -vərtaɪzər/ noun [countable]  1. a person or company that advertises something 登广告者;广告商n2. → AdvertiserExamples from the Corpusadvertiser• In a rough economy, they said, budgets shrivel and advertisers get stern and cautious.• Suitable 80VA mains transformers should be stocked by most of our components advertisers.• But audience size is by no means the only factor advertisers are interested in.• The service also offers access to the products and services of important Journal advertisers.• Today's proliferating new technologies seem to offer advertisers the chance to reach this holy grail.• Agencies too easily assume that the competition for the brands and services they advertise comes from other advertisers.• Now, pushed to produce a dummy for potential advertisers, Sutton had started interviewing and recruiting journalists.• These listings have no connection with Weekly advertisers.nAdvertiserused in the names of newspapers 《…广告报》 the Stockport Advertiser 《斯托克波特广告报》From Longman Business Dictionaryadvertiserad‧ver‧tis‧er /ˈædvətaɪzə-vərtaɪzər/ noun [countable]MARKETING a person or organization that puts out an advertisementAdvertisers are targeting·ver·tis·er nounAdvertiserLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business that advertises company or person something Corpus a




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