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单词 bag
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Clothes & fashion, Tourism, Other sportsldoce_015_ibag1 /bæɡ/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countable]  1  container 容器CONTAINER a) Da container made of paper, cloth, or thin plastic, that usually opens at the top 袋;包;囊 a paper bag 纸袋 a plastic bag 塑料袋 a garbage bag 垃圾袋 b) DCa handbag 手提袋,手提包 Don’t leave your bag in the car. 不要把手提包留在汽车里。 c) DLTa large bag that you use to carry your clothes etc when you are travelling 旅行袋 Just throw your bags in the back of the car. 把你的行李放在车后部好了。 a garment bag 放衣服的旅行袋 →5  See picture of bin liner BrE【英】/garbage bag AmE【美】垃圾袋, label 标签, ribbon 丝带 ... →4  See picture of 见图 bag →4  See picture of 见图 CONTAINER2  amount 数量AMOUNT the amount that a bag will hold 一袋之量,一(满)袋bag of a bag of popcorn 一袋爆玉米花3  old/stupid bag spoken an insulting word for an old woman 老东西,老太婆〔侮辱性用语〕 You silly old bag! 你这愚蠢的老东西!4  a lot of sth 许多东西bags of something British English spokenLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT a lot of something 很多东西 SYN plenty She’s got bags of money. 她有的是钱。 No need to rush – we’ve got bags of time. 不用急,我们还有很多时间。5  pack your bags informalLEAVE A PLACE to leave a place where you have been living, usually after an argument 〔通常在争吵之后〕收拾行李离开 We told her to pack her bags at once. 我们叫她立刻收拾东西走人。6. eyes 眼睛bags [plural] dark circles or loose skin under your eyes, usually because of old age or being tired 黑眼圈;眼袋7. a bag of bones informalTHIN PERSON a person or animal who is too thin 瘦骨嶙峋的人[动物],皮包骨8  in the bag informalCERTAINLY/DEFINITELY certain to be won or achieved 囊中之物;十拿九稳,稳操胜券 The governor’s advisors believe the election is in the bag. 州长的顾问认为这次选举已经胜券在握。9  trousers 裤子bags [plural] British English old-fashioned loose-fitting trousers 肥裤子,宽松裤 Oxford bags 牛津裤10  not somebody’s bag old-fashioned informalINTERESTED something that someone is not very interested in or not very good at 不是某人的爱好[专长] Thanks, but dancing is not really my bag. 谢谢,可跳舞我实在不行。11  bag and baggage British EnglishOWN with all your possessions 带着全部财物 They threw her out of the house, bag and baggage. 他们把她连人带东西全都撵出了房子。12  hunting 打猎HUNTING [usually singular] British EnglishDSO the number of birds or animals that someone kills when they go hunting 〔一次打猎所获的〕捕猎物 We had a good bag that day. 那天我们猎获甚丰。 → sleeping bag, airbag, duffel bag, tote bag, beanbag, punchbag, sandbag1, teabag, → let the cat out of the bag at cat(2), → be left holding the bag at hold1(26), → a mixed bag at mixed(6)n COLLOCATIONStypesa plastic/polythene/paper bagStore the beans in a paper bag in the fridge.a carrier bag (=for carrying shopping, usually made of plastic)The supermarket no longer gives free carrier bags.a shopping bagShe loaded her shopping bags into the back of the car.a school bagHey, don't forget your school bag!a sports bagI noticed that the man was wearing trainers and carrying a sports bag.a shoulder bag (=one that is carried over your shoulder)Big shoulder bags are fashionable this year.a leather/canvas bagShe was carrying a smart leather bag.a clutch bag (=a small woman's bag that you hold in one hand)For the evening all you need is a little clutch evening bag (=a small bag that a woman takes out with her in the evening)She put her lipstick in a black velvet evening bag.a beach bag (=to take to the beach)I bought a big striped beach overnight bag (=a small suitcase or bag for a short stay somewhere)All you need to take is an overnight bag.a travel bag (=a suitcase or bag taken with you when you travel)Your travel bag must not weigh more than 20 kilos.a sponge/toilet bag (=for carrying your soap, toothpaste, shampoo etc)I left my sponge bag in the hotel bathroom.a bin/dustbin bag British EnglishUse the black bin bags provided by the council.verbsa bag contains somethingLisa was carrying the bag containing the beach towels.a bag holds somethingI don't think that bag will hold all those a bagThe customs officer opened my bag.empty a bagI've emptied my bags and I still can't find it.pack a bag (=put things in it preparing to go somewhere)Mum packed a bag for a day at the beach.unpack a bagShe unpacked her bags and put her clothes away.Examples from the Corpusbag• Parachutes, a pair of small rockets and air bags will cushion its impact.• Air bags are 100 % effective in preventing injuries due to accidents.• Oxygen masks dropped from their hatches and bags flew through the cabins.• Hand luggage and checked bags must go through Customs.• an evening bag• She emptied her bag and popped the new shoes inside, covered by her cagoule.• Airlines, meanwhile, are more of a mixed bag.• Last year was a mixed bag for the billboard business, Nickinello notes.• Meredith went into the cottage, arms full of bags.• Some old bag was driving along at 15 miles an hour.• The youths ran off towards the town centre with the bag which contained about £80.bag of• Each family is given two bags of rice per month.Related topics: Other sportsbag2 verb (bagged, bagging) [transitive]  1  PUTto put things into bags 把〔东西〕装进袋[包]里 He got a job bagging groceries. 他找到一份工作,负责把杂货装袋。2  informalGET to manage to get something that a lot of people want 占有,抢占〔许多人都想要的东西〕 Try to bag a couple of seats at the front. 想办法抢几个前面的座位。3  British English informal to score a goal or a point in sport 进球,得分 Larsson bagged his thirtieth goal of the season in Celtic’s win. 拉尔森在凯尔特人队获胜的那场比赛中射入他本赛季第30粒进球。4  especially British English informalDSO to kill or catch an animal or bird 猎杀,猎捕〔兽或鸟〕 We bagged a rabbit. 我们抓到一只兔子。5. be bagged and zip-tied if prisoners are bagged and zip-tied, bags are put over their heads and their hands are tied together 〔囚犯〕头上套袋双手被绑6 bag something ↔ up phrasal verb especially British English PUTto put things into bags 把…装入袋中 We bagged up the money before we closed the shop. 我们把钱装进袋子,然后关上店门。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbag• Mahela's deft little cutters and seam-up varieties could bag a few back-up wickets too.• Sounding sweet and nice bagged Alexander third place in the Iowa vote.• Julie Gold bagged the top songwriter's award.• But are they going to bag the whole idea?• I'm tired of waiting. Bag this - I'm leaving.Origin bag1 (1200-1300) Old Norse baggibag1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1bag2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus or cloth, a of made container paper,




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