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单词 staff
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Government, Musicstaff1 /stɑːf $ stæf/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  workers 工作人员 [countable, uncountable]WORKER the people who work for an organization 全体职员,员工staff of 10/50 etc Our department has a staff of seven. 我们部门有 7 名员工。 The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year. 今年全体员工工作都非常出色。 They employ a total of 150 staff. 他们一共雇用 150 名员工。 The staff were very helpful. 员工非常配合。medical/academic/library etc staff a strike by ambulance staff 救护人员的罢工 one of our longest-serving staff members 我们中服务年资最长的员工之一member of staff British English I’d like to welcome a new member of staff. 我想要欢迎一名新的员工加入。on the staff (of something) We were both on the staff of the British Film Institute at the time. 那时候,我们两个都是英国电影协会的员工。on staff American English Joan is the only lawyer we have on staff. 琼是我们雇员中唯一的律师。 a staff meeting 员工会议staff room British English (=a room for teachers in a school) 教师办公室,教员室5 GRAMMAR 语法• In British English, staff is often used as a plural noun and followed by a plural verb. 在英国英语中, staff 常用作复数名词,后跟复数动词We need to recruit more staff.我们需要招募更多员工。• In American English, staff is not often used in this way, and is never followed by a plural verb. 在美国英语中, staff 通常不这样使用,也不可跟复数动词。All the teaching staff were women.所有教员都是女性。 ►You never refer to a person as a staff. Say a staff member, a member of staff (BrE), or an employee. 绝不可以说 a staff. 要说 a staff member, a member of staff (【英】), 或 an employee.n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• In British English, staff is usually followed by a plural verb: The staff are against the idea.• In American English, staff is usually followed by a singular verb: The museum’s staff is composed of volunteers.• You say a staff member (or a member of staff in British English) or an employee, when talking about one person on the staff. ✗Don’t use a staff to refer to one person.• When talking about different groups of people, the plural form staffs is sometimes used, but it is much less common than staff: head teachers and their staffs 2  stick 棍,棒 [countable] (plural staves /steɪvz/) a) old useD a long thick stick to help you walk 手杖,拐杖 b) PGa long thick stick that an official holds in some ceremonies 权杖3. music 音乐 [countable]APM especially American English the set of five lines that music is written on 五线谱 SYN stave4. the staff of life literaryFOOD bread 面包,生命之杖 → general staff, ground staffn COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + stafffull-time/part-time staffThe school has over 100 full-time staff.permanent/temporary staffMuch of the work is done by temporary staff.senior/junior staffI have taken on board the comments of my senior staff.medical/academic/technical etc staffWe would like to thank all the medical staff at Broadgreen etc staffHe had responsibility for training library staff (=office staff, technical staff etc)A school needs good support staff.trained/qualified staffRecruitment of trained staff was a continuing problem.staff + NOUNa staff member (also a member of staff British English)At least one staff member should always be present.a staff meetingOn Wednesdays there’s our weekly staff meeting.staff trainingThe company has made a massive investment in staff training.the staff room British English (=a room for teachers in a school)I usually have a coffee in the staff room before school starts.staff morale (=how happy and confident the staff somewhere feel)Staff morale has been badly affected by the reorganisation.verbshave staff (also employ staff formal)The hotel has 145 staff.join the staffKelly Jones has joined the staff as a medical secretary.phrasesbe on the staff British English, be on staff American English:He is no longer on the staff.Examples from the Corpusstaff• Our department has a staff of 7.• It's cost more than a million pounds, but staff and children say it's worth every penny.• But his remarks about some of the traditional chippy staff have enraged workers in the region.• Finally, consensus participation attempts to involve all user department staff throughout the design and development of the system.• The inspiration she gave to her staff and her friends continues now that she is gone.• Our library staff will be happy to help if you are unable to find the book you want.• It was not long before I experienced my first crisis as her chief of staff.• The Commission has a permanent staff of 24 and, in addition, employs eight seasonal staff during the summer and autumn periods.• In 1998, she joined the President's personal staff in the White House.• Both the Dodgers and the Reds have strong pitching staffs.• Ford is looking for part-time sales staff.• I don't think any of the staff believed I already knew.• The staff were clearly worried about rumours of job losses.staff2 verb [transitive]  WORKERto be or provide the workers for an organization 在…工作;为…配备职员 → overstaffed, understaffed The centre is staffed mainly by volunteers. 在该中心工作的主要是志愿者。n Grammar Staff is usually passive. —staffing noun [uncountable] staffing levels 人员配备情况→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstaff• An electronic intelligence-gathering station, staffed by former Soviet personnel, would remain.• The clinic is staffed by retired doctors.• Deliberately staffed with deadwood, the dynamite group was no threat to his own Great Group.From Longman Business Dictionarystaffstaff1 /stɑːfstæf/ noun (plural staff)HUMAN RESOURCES [countable] the people who work for an organization or businessWe now employ a staff of 25.Every member of staff has strengths and weaknesses.It’s good to have you on the staff.The company’s accounting staff are preparing a financial budget.Most office staff want to project a smart, professional image for their companies.In British English, staff can be either singular or plural The staff has done an outstanding job this year.The staff were very helpful.In American English, staff is not used as frequently as in British English, and it is never followed by a plural verb Our New York staff has a crucial role to play in the next 12 months.Never refer to a person as 'a staff'. Say a member of staff or employeeA few members of staff have refused to sign the new contract.Many of our employees work from home. → clerical staff → counter staff → field staff → junior staff → senior staff → support staffstaffstaff2 verb [transitive]HUMAN RESOURCES to provide the workers for an organizationWe have an office and a warehouse staffed by 16 employees. —staffing noun [uncountable]The company expects to reduce staffing by about 8% next year.Staffing costs rose 12%.→ See Verb tableOrigin staff1 Old English stæf “stick”staff1 noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n COLLOCATIONS1staff2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese   an the organization Business who Corpus people work for




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