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单词 Dynamic
1. There is a dynamic ball in the computer.
2. He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
3. The business has managed to change and remain dynamic.
4. Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems.
6. A dynamic government is necessary to meet the demands of a changing society.
7. She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
8. This is a dynamic world.
9. He was a dynamic personality in the business world.
10. These countries are characterized by highly dynamic economies.
11. This is a dynamic period in history.
12. We need someone dynamic and forward-looking.
13. The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance, live music and storytelling.
14. We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries.
15. The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.
16. She regards class conflict as a central dynamic of historical change.
17. I can't imagine why a dynamic young woman like her is marrying a shrinking violet like him.
18. South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.
19. The process is essentially dynamic with ideas and feedback flowing both ways.
20. He knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done.
21. I can't imagine why a dynamic young woman like her is marrying a shrinking violet like.
22. The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.
23. Jody is fully aware of the dynamic.
24. My performance could be more dynamic.
25. Your diligent combined with your innate talent indicates a dynamic future.I wish you all the best in your college years.
26. I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
27. He's good, but he'll never set the world on fire. He's not dynamic enough.
28. Her academic qualifications are by the by. What we need is someone dynamic and creative.
29. The different varieties of the language are in a dynamic relationship with each other.
30. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.
1. There is a dynamic ball in the computer.
2. He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
3. The business has managed to change and remain dynamic.
4. Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems.
6. A dynamic government is necessary to meet the demands of a changing society.
7. She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
8. This is a dynamic world.
9. This is a dynamic period in history.
10. He's good, but he'll never set the world on fire. He's not dynamic enough.
11. Her academic qualifications are by the by. What we need is someone dynamic and creative.
12. The different varieties of the language are in a dynamic relationship with each other.
13. The process is essentially dynamic with ideas and feedback flowing both ways.
14. I can't imagine why a dynamic young woman like her is marrying a shrinking violet like.
15. The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.
31. Susan George reveals the dynamic behind the debt trap.
32. The dynamic is going to change dramatically.
33. Guinness operates in a changing, dynamic and competitive environment.
34. In the meantime,[/dynamic.html] the Government should adopt a far more dynamic approach to fiscal policy.
35. In the subtle dynamic of power I always felt that Clarisa had more control-if only because she desired me less.
36. His team now boasts a dynamic edge, an insatiable hunger for success.
37. In addition, there is dynamic interaction between the two varieties, mainly through code switching.
38. The seas and rivers, lakes and glaciers, are gone; the dynamic play of rain and liquid water is absent.
39. Yves Rocher Dynamic Corp Bio-Vegetal range includes gel, tonics and creams all with a high proportion of sea algae.
40. They could be likened to the dynamic force of a volcanic eruption.
41. Desire is not a wish or a hope - it's a dynamic passion burning in the mind and heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
42. As dynamic wholes, these all share certain characteristics: a certain liveliness, for one.
43. Depictions of dynamic processes can show change visually over time as well as multiple factors interacting with one another.
44. Thus, he loses some of his effectiveness with many of the most dynamic young elements in the society.
45. Behind there are vertical cliffs, a dynamic backdrop dwarfing the harbour to insignificance.
46. It is without question the most dynamic sector of the economy, creating the bulk of new jobs.
47. Former excitable Packer matured quickly into the most dynamic quarterback in the league.
48. As we have indicated earlier, though, the dynamic of administrative reform seems to have been fairly arbitrary in terms of central government.
49. The rising northern port of Liverpool was much more dynamic.
50. What we certainly can see is a tendency towards synthesis and dynamic development, a typical feature of Minoan civilization.
51. Pushing the song along is drum master Elvin Jones, a bit rough on the brushes, but as dynamic as ever.
52. If the process of storage is more dynamic, perhaps with multiple sites being involved, then the experiment won't work.
53. They were capped by flat discs and had a smooth surface without any semblance of an aero dynamic profile.
54. Both Rhodes and Duncan and Goodwin, in their different ways, make it possible to identify some dynamic for change.
55. The result is an intoxication far more dynamic and complicated than most people realize.
56. Gallant talks about the ease of extending the techniques for dynamic systems with on-line learning and noisy data.
57. Health care was the most dynamic sector as 23 companies raised $ 1. 2 billion.
58. Sunday's dynamic, no-nonsense, no-holds barred mood makes it a go-ahead time.
59. I have often thought, since writing it, how poor a picture it gave of the events and dynamic forces here.
60. Central to Piagetian psychology is a dynamic relationship between the processes of accommodation and assimilation.
61. If you're unlucky, he ends up hating you for it and runs off with a dynamic career woman.
62. These high rates reflect the anatomy of the cervical spine and the dynamic forces that act on it.
63. At that time she was running the Round House and had turned it into one of London's more dynamic venues.
64. It is said to be a luminous and dynamic nature capable of independent existence apart from its physical counterpart.
65. Yet as constraints on funding begin to bite a new dynamic is becoming apparent.
66. Sheila said she was thrilled to be in as dynamic and exciting a company as ours.
67. We are dealing with a dynamic and changing universe and with an environment that adjusts to our changes.
68. Contrary to systems that could be under-stood by old-fashioned reductionism,[http:///dynamic.html] these dynamic systems exhibited emergent behavior.
69. Certainly Bolam stresses the dynamic relationship between the two in the process of change.
70. Stephen Entwistle was not one of the younger, more dynamic doctors.
71. The fast twitch fibres have a much higher contraction speed and are associated with dynamic bursts of energy.
72. And in the economically dynamic South and West, only 5 percent of the work force belongs to a union.
73. The model was capable of taking on different shapes and widening as knowledge increases, to show this dynamic nature of communication.
74. I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force.
75. For example, the basic principles of absorption and emission measurements and dynamic light scattering are discussed in the relevant chapters.
76. It is also the world's most dynamic and successful economy.
77. Many like Kumar originally went abroad because there was no dynamic economic base in their own country.
78. Linney delivers a dynamic performance, which garnered her a recent Golden Globe nomination.
79. On either side sit attractive, dynamic, rather intense young women sorting through heaps of correspondence and submissions.
80. The piano appears to be located just behind the strings and in correct dynamic relationship throughout.
81. The construction of the task is a dynamic process which varies from age to age and society to society.
82. It may even have a permanent effect due to the dynamic process generating economies of scale.
83. Today, this friendly city also boasts a dynamic shopping entertainment and sporting scene.
84. But before they left hospital, Angela made sure she sent a thank you card to the dynamic duo.
85. On the other hand, there will be pressures for diversity in a dynamic environment.
86. In this dynamic process, action is at least as important as perception.
87. What, finally, is the vital, dynamic core of the community that gives it its uniquely distinctive character?
88. Tymoshenko is the most dynamic, and won a reputation as a reformer as energy minister.
89. This project will attempt to show that when firms are experiencing this dynamic competition they will respond by augmenting their knowledge base.
90. The policy process is dynamic, with inputs, conversion, outputs and feedback forming a continuous chain.
91. That is the dynamic nature of archaeology as a discipline.
92. He conceptualizes a network in terms of its energy and the physics of dynamic systems.
93. An approximation we make about the actual behaviour enables us to model this behaviour in a dynamic framework without complicating the estimation.
94. For Simmel, contradiction is not merely an instrument for, but an intrinsic condition of, the dynamic force of history.
94. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
95. In other words, the subjects were making determined efforts to understand the dynamic aspects of the problem.
96. The progress has been as dynamic, and certainly more precise, than anything produced by those great painters.
97. A database should be as dynamic as the institution that creates it.
98. This concept of structuration provides a bridge between our static models of class and the complex dynamic reality of changing inequality.
99. The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere.
100. I like to design things that can be made simply but create a dynamic relationship when the elemental parts are put together.
101. Perhaps a companion volume on dynamic headspace is in the offing?
102. The dynamic forces within society and in the economy eventually came into conflict with a national polity which sought to avoid change.
103. It is an active, dynamic process, usually involving some kind of interaction with a person or object.
104. In each case the idea was generated internally and driven by a dynamic chief executive.
105. In the shorthand of the modern world, business is seen as dynamic(), civil society as conservative.
106. The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.
107. The development of antimicrobial resistance is a dynamic process requiring continual surveillance of organism susceptibility over time.
108. Economic dominance can not be viewed in a static framework but as a dynamic process with a continual shifting of dominance.
109. A dynamic force is a very terrible thing; it may crush you but it is not necessarily right.
110. It views writing essays not as a series of isolated events but as the dynamic process of developing a skill.
111. It must be stressed that the foregoing budgeting system must be viewed as dynamic rather than static in nature.
112. Knowledge is distributed throughout the system; it is the dynamic response to the inputs and the network architecture.
113. The new compiler uses application program information, collected during dynamic program execution, to drive its optimisation process.
114. By contrast, a dynamic system involves delegation to the lawmaker of the determination of the content of the decision.
115. The dynamic nature of phase equilibria can be understood by considering them in the light of the kinetic theory.
116. In place of the rigid bureaucracies and hierarchies of many traditional companies Peters and Waterman found less conventional and more dynamic organisational forms.
117. Mathematics, literature, social studies, and science offer them different ways to think about dynamic relationships within the whole.
118. The opening Vivace of No. 102 is the most dynamic and densely argued movement in all Haydn's symphonies.
119. When defining a dynamic variable you describe what the variable can look like in the Type section.
120. Dynamic competition to establish a dominant position may involve reducing costs, process innovation, and product innovation, which are welfare-enhancing.
121. We have to attend to the dynamic tension between constitutional theory and political practice, and to change over time.
122. The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.
123. With the new dynamic of California politics, getting any ballot measure passed with just Anglo votes is fast becoming impossible.
124. There is, of course,[http:///dynamic.html] always the problem in economic analysis of interpreting the dynamic relationships between factors of production.
125. All of this contributes to a new understanding of our context as a dynamic community.
126. The dynamic is lost in the process of committing them to paper.
127. For instance a dynamic model may be used to show the effect of changes in advertising expenditure on sales.
128. Mr Devlin portrays himself as a dynamic character, bursting with enthusiasm and energy and commitment to the constituency.
129. Traditional knowledge is a distinctive system from modern knowledge system, with the characteristics of localization, communality , dynamic and non-novelty.
130. The difference of static contact angles measured by the dynamic measurement technique from static measurement technique was interpreted by this model and the previous hysteresis tension model.
131. The minimization method is a dynamic randomized algorithm, and applied to make random case distribution in clinical research.
132. The main feature express by the experience of no break of page, function part design alone and the page unified dynamic load, so that give user the experience of C/S Structure in B/S Structure.
133. This system adopts dynamic redundancy structure, using software to switch hardware redundancy system waiting and in function.
134. And in the condition of ignoring atmospheric disturbance, the dynamic model is predigested.
135. Charging of the batteries from the auxiliary source is reduced during dynamic braking when the batteries are near full charge.
136. The three dimensional velocities of the manifold junction with a rectangular section were measured by use of three dimensional particle dynamic analyzer (3D PDA) to verify the modified KIVA program.
137. The dynamic simulation result also indicates that the trial-run scheme of helium refrigerator can be optimized and the debugging cost and time can be saved though dynamic simulation.
138. This paper introduces the difficult assistant teaching software of circuit and its application in the transient state analysis of second-order linear dynamic circuit.
139. What's a good usage pattern for vertex buffers if I'm generating dynamic data?
140. The modular multivariable dynamic matrix controller (MMDMC) exploited by author and its application is introduced.
141. The word YOU's attribute is dynamic; it is different because the element which behind the word YOU is different. It can be verb, preparative predicative object verb and adverbial confirmative sign.
142. Meanwhile methods, procedures and application prospects in setting up the dynamic mathematic model and performing the dynamic analysis for the actuating system are discussed.
143. A novel slim FBG (Fiber Bragg grating) sensor device and its application in the real-time dynamic shape detection of colonoscope are presented.
144. This paper introduces a new type of system about dynamic balance of on line emery cutter.
145. In this paper, the several problems of optical design for a dynamic measure apparatus are discussed from the point of view of laser and optical engineering.
146. The electromechanical process of generator field loss is complicated and its dynamic process is affected by the structures and parameters of every component in the generation system.
147. This routine is dynamic but static, ups and downs, with Qi and strength, solidness and softness, it feels agile but vigorous.
148. This article makes a research on the dynamic response of 4WS and VSC system based on the Virtual Prototyping Technique.
149. A boundary element solution procedure is given for dynamic soil-structure interaction problem including viscous damping.
150. In this paper, the structure of vector autoregressive (SVAR) model is used to investigate the dynamic impact effect of international oil price fluctuation on China's macroeconomy.
151. A novel method based on multi-frame image information fusion is presented by extending the dynamic range of the microscopic image in order to improve the quality of TB sputum smear microscopic image.
152. The dynamic magnification factor ( DMF ) of structures is derived.
153. In the mechanism analysis of consolidation of foundation soil by heavy tamping method, the dynamic contact stress calculation of hammer bottom and foundation surface is the key technical problem.
154. Creates a new dynamic test from the selected static test.
154. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
155. A set of convenient and reliable dynamic parameter measuring system in resistance spot welding was designed in this paper.
156. We studied and compared the static and dynamic games of two oligarchic enterprises on second-degree price discrimination under the condition of linear demand functions.
157. Based on the XML-based dynamic reports scheme, dynamic statistics reports with flexible hierarchy and multiple formats are also realized.
158. The first level is to design the optimal irrigation schedule of a single crop under deficient irrigation by stochastic dynamic programming(SDP) model in which rainfall is stochastic variable.
159. Because of the combined of static and dynamic storage structure, the speed of the simulation is improved, so that the PC can carry out this etching simulation.
160. In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
161. The dynamic elastic modulus decreases with increase of dynamic strain and increases with increase o.
162. The concept of dynamic offset angle is defined and it may connect the vibration coefficients with dynamic cutting forces.
163. The invention relates to a method for determining a rest point of a clutch, for example a multiple-disc clutch, in a dynamic and event-dependent fashion.
164. Through the research all above, the paper summarizes all works which have been done, and presents the prospects of the Spatio-temporal dynamic visualization.
165. And the dynamic changes of coastline maps were generated with these extracting coastlines and those digitized from relief map and chart. The results were stored in Qingdao Coastal Zone Geo-database.
166. Moreover, dynamic society also demands human relations " develops and keeps pace with it. "
167. Objective To study the clinical effect on patientsacute volvulus in early diagnosis by using dynamic radiograph.
168. Institution restricts people's actions, while culture rules can prompt people's dynamic role because of its spontaneousness.
169. Have been identified for the implementation of dynamic management of suppliers to ensure the quality of materials purchased.
170. For solving the temporal-relating planning and scheduling problem, a dynamic algorithm is proposed based on temporal constraints network (TCN).
171. The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
172. For stochastic dynamic processes, the paper presents an adaptive tracking algorithm, which improves and generalizes the self-tuning control algorithm.
173. Besides, it proposes the principles and methods to adjust the compensation movement reckoning in "dynamic error" and "rigid error".
174. And the latices diameter and distributions were determined by High Performance Particle Size HPPS hpp5001 dynamic laser scatter instrument.
175. The relative displacements exist between the datum mark and reference points of measurement, it reveals the dynamic error, and the error is varied with different rolling schedules.
176. The tensile skin is designed to create more dynamic inhabitable spaces for the users in addition to providing building enclosure.
177. For Tarkovsky, the key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamic image of the real flow of events.
178. The solution to this problem is to create a dictionary-driven generic XSLT style sheet to control dynamic replacement of translatable portions of text.
179. Based on Diamond overlapping model, this paper presents a dynamic economic model.
180. The model established by this method can be used to calculate the steady and dynamic characteristic of the turbo-fan engine and can also be used to study the MIMO control of the aero-engine.
181. For the problem of storage space allocation of outbound containers entering into yard, a dynamic storage space allocation strategy is proposed for outbound containers based on hybrid stack mode.
182. Will be studied in speech recognition (dynamic time warping) algorithm for voiceprint identification technology.
183. There are two parts of the access control in the new scheme, one is the dynamic access control in a single module and the other is hierarchical access control between multi-modules.
184. Fiber optic rotary joints that can transmit dynamic data were assembled in sub-layer network between the node computer and sensors.
185. In the dynamic machinery foundation test, the stretch-elasticity method is a simple and practical transient exciting method.
186. It does not require consumer dynamic routing -- all of the service invocation requests are always routed to the intermediary.
187. Dynamic control of technology document flow is imperative to industrial production.
188. Tentatively, this study introduced simple and economical Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and Impact Soil Tester (IST) for facilitating the investigation of subgrade and upgrading its quality.
189. The dynamic characteristic analysis of ship lifter always been a weak part of the lifter field.
190. It is a postulate in the test to measure dynamic parameters of rocket sled accurately.
190. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
191. And its main rotor pump rotating parts should be static balance and dynamic balance test.
192. Most provisions for dynamic tunability (such as setting a debug mode) can seriously impact time efficiency by adding levels of indirection and increasing numbers of branches.
193. As a result, Chinese ethnology has entered the third stage in the dynamic process to maturity and a new stage of ethnological theory and practice.
194. So , establishing scientific and dynamic transfer - pricing system is the unanimous goal of each country.
195. First, it uses the lexicon tree, which saves the static storage space and increases the dynamic speed in finding words from syllable sequences.
196. Shape, dimension, moving direction, rotating direction and light radiation intensity are important dynamic characteristics of the object in space telemetry and telecontrol video auto-tracking system.
197. Some examples prove the influence of different gap width on dynamic response of gapped piping.
198. A dynamic resouces chain algorithm is proposed to support concurrent services in the distributed communication network circumstances.
199. In conclusion, according to gray neural network theory, design a dynamic risk early warning system, and present the early warning monitoring specific methods and steps.
200. The proposed protocol is based on CSMA/CA basis. The dynamic channel selection scheme is implemented and the number of the data channel is independent of the network topology.




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