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单词 Alien
1, It is alien to the school discipline.
2, Such principles are alien to our religion.
3, In a world that had suddenly become alien and dangerous, he was her only security.
4, The whole concept of responsibility was alien to him.
5, His work offers an insight into an alien culture.
6, An Englishman is an alien in America.
7, He quickly adjusts to the alien environment.
8, Such an attitude is alien to most bu-sinessmen.
9, That is alien from this.
10, Jim is an alien in this film.
11, The idea is alien to our religion.
12, They spoke a language totally alien to him.
13, Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him.
14, Orange trees are alien to China.
15, Cruelty was quite alien to him.
16, Their ideas are quite alien to our own.
17, What Harry said was alien to the subject.
18, You shouldn't expect immigrants to assimilate into an alien culture immediately.
19, The effect was entirely alien from what had been intended.
20, He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.
21, A referendum is alien to the party's concept of democracy.
22, They are alien people.
23, By this time,[http:///alien.html] I should not feel alien.
24, Paved roads and mail deliveries are alien concepts.
25, This was alien territory, very alien, even for me.
26, Beam to another dimension, alien invaders.
27, During the war, he was imprisoned as an enemy alien.
28, When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me.
29, It was an act of violence that she found alien and shocking.
30, He said they were opposed to the presence of alien forces in the region.
1, It is alien to the school discipline.
2, In a world that had suddenly become alien and dangerous, he was her only security.
3, When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me.
4, It was an act of violence that she found alien and shocking.
5, He said they were opposed to the presence of alien forces in the region.
6, An Englishman is an alien in America.
7, He quickly adjusts to the alien environment.
8, Jim is an alien in this film.
9, Orange trees are alien to China.
10, The effect was entirely alien from what had been intended.
11, They are alien people.
31, Nothing we learn about them is alien to ourselves.
32, An alien object was threatening the organism.
33, The idea of keeping appointments was an alien concept.
34, In that alien environment, somehow it all makes sense.
35, It was totally alien to what I had experienced.
36, But this concept is quite alien to Scripture.
37, Four quiet windows on to an alien world.
38, The child wasn't wilting in an alien environment.
39, Entire groups were driven from their homes to alien regions.
40, One will get the original predatory alien, the delight of sci-fi horror films.
41, The idea of bossing anybody around was as alien to him as it was distasteful in his mind.
42, When war broke out he had to endure four months' internment as an enemy alien.
43, The reply, a weird breathing sound, and an unintelligible, totally alien jabbering.
44, In short, he concluded without reservation that the canals were artificial constructs of technologically advanced alien beings.
45, They impose liturgical traditions, organisational structures, communication methods and leadership models which are alien to their environment.
46, If she was stuck with wanting a man whose background and conditioning were alien to her, then that was her problem.
47, A parliament possessing real power is alien to the country's every tradition.
48, Of course this kind of thoughtful extension is alien to most Highland hotel owners.
49, Firing alien genes into a different genome is exactly the same thing as introducing exotic species into a foreign eco-system.
50, Want a hand working through your inner alien, or simply hope to get an accurate count of those intergalactic frequent-flier miles?
51, Technical expressions which are in everyday usage within an occupational group, can be totally alien to outsiders.
52, It's the most convincing evidence we have of an alien invasion of this planet, and a matter of public record.
53, There was now almost nothing flagrantly alien about her, apart from her headscarf.
54, It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
55, It is the people of this world who are alien.
56, No one can live on a diet of culture that is completely alien.
57, It was as if they had landed on an alien planet, his fear that of awakening the denizens, giant and menacing.
58, The t-shirt is white with a horrible looking plastic alien coming out of it, jaws open, blood everywhere.
59, They are curios, but their use is alien to Old Worlder ears.
60, They are depressing, alien environments, made more dismal by drab walls and endless corridors.
61, Believers say the government has captured alien spacecraft and used the technology gleaned from them to make their own spaceships.
62, He also recognises that in a free society values may develop which are alien to its very existence.
63, The skills needed for this kind of work are almost certainly totally alien to the average businessman.
64, There was no alien spacecraft(), and there were no alien beings and no secret autopsies in the desert in 1947.
65, Swinging his power sword and shouting to guardsmen, the Inquisitor pounded after the fugitive alien.
66, Meeting a group of complete strangers from backgrounds very different to my own, in such an alien environment, was disconcerting.
67, It was not an alien phenomenon and, as such, did not provoke an extreme response or demand extreme measures.
68, The acquisition of Templar estates and of alien priories likewise enlarged the openings for royal clerks.
69, Lydia, cooped up like a hen in her house, had branded herself victim, prey, alien and afraid.
70, Let's say that as an alien you arrive in your space-ship, have a bumpy landing and succumb to amnesia.
71, The 60-second commercial is now being shown at cinemas following the launch of Alien 3 across the country.
72, The west welcomed the great universal goddess as a phenomenon neither alien nor imposed from without.
73, There is a gap again because I stopped work, suddenly aware that an alien indignation was invading my soul.
74, Disease, displacement and alien acrimony caused these people to all but disappear from Tierra del Fuego.
75, It's an alien situation and I question his ability to handle it.
76, The daleks in question are not enraged alien beings with full metal jackets.
77, Work has already begun on felling alien species on the 750-hectare Glenmore reserve.
78, It will be used to mean the exercise of power for purposes alien to those for which it was conferred.
79, He - An alien noise stopped her thoughts mid-flow, and she tensed,[http:///alien.html] straining her ears to recapture the sound.
80, No small feat and something quite alien to ourselves, difficult to imagine.
81, That was exactly how I felt, as if I had been brought up by alien beings, inhuman things.
82, Traditional subordination is arbitrary, exploitative arid alien to the modern values of management by commitment.
83, To this, fundamentalism as expressed in the articles is totally alien.
84, Indeed the most dramatic example of mass extinction known to biology has been caused by the introduction of an alien species.
85, It is alien to what the prevailing populace believes, or what it thinks it should believe.
86, Compared with them, the novel appears to be a creature from an alien species.
87, We are therefore exploring inner space in a vehicle which is alien and with only limited knowledge of its controls.
88, As Blue begins to read, he feels as though he is entering an alien world.
89, Six alien companies of the Pioneer Corps accompanied the allied invasion.
90, It is a gut reaction to the sense of having been taken over by affluent and alien strangers.
91, To the rest of Britain, such behavior is not only alien, but alienating.
92, Travellers' contact with social work services frequently resulted in the loss of children into care and an alien culture.
93, Tom caught my eye behind her back and winked to acknowledge my presence on alien territory.
94, By doing so they have jettisoned a solidarity that could have united them against the invader alien to them both.
95, He decided eventually that to embrace Buddhism would be to plunge into a world too culturally alien.
96, His decision to send her away from her home and brother into an alien world was interpreted as rejection.
97, Throughout the Mekong delta, local officials who disdained Tu Duc nevertheless quit the provincial administration rather than submit to alien rule.
98, He struggled for a moment to remember the rules for first contact with alien cultures.
99, I feel the silence more than hear it; it feels cold, oppressive, alien.
100, One to concentrate on his thoughts, the other to concentrate on the flight ahead that was alien to his being.
101, So, as an alternative to the implantation of alien or artificial hearts, Daedalus is devising a new auxiliary blood-pump.
102, But in 1980 they seemed to take on an alien form.
103, And some of those things make the Alien seem downright companionable.
104, Many members of the alien companies of the Pioneers chafed against the restrictions of their service.
105, With a shrug, he shrugged off alien concepts such as responsibility, maturity, ambition and commitment.
106, I watched with interest - it was like observing the gyrations of an alien species, a praying mantis or something.sentence dictionary
107, Some modern Christians may find the Trinitarian emphasis alien and difficult.
108, Identifying one another like fellow nationals grounded amid alien hordes in a foreign airport, they exchanged glances dense with judgement.
109, The latter had been undeveloped while I lived in alien cultures.
110, Nevertheless, the notion of collective decision-making about patient care, about priorities and treatment options, is quite alien.
111, This great two-disc version of the alien invasion blockbuster is packed with extras.
112, Viscous liquid oozed out like an alien blob and slowly enveloped the dented car.
113, She was an alien in the country with no dole to fall back on, didn't have much money.
114, I have a boss who is an alien from another planet.
115, It is bad enough for a believer in any faith to have the content of his belief infiltrated by alien ideas.
116, Her poor memory was altogether irrelevant to her status as an alien.
117, I craved the knowledge of what it would be like to attach myself to an alien culture for an extended period.
118, March 20 is the final deadline for legal residents to apply for new Alien Registration Cards to replace those issued before 1979.
119, Nor was its bare face the ethereally lovely, angular visage of that alien species.
120, But beyond those frontiers are alien cultures which impinge on our own for good or ill.
121, There was a professionalism and explosive expertise about the operation totally alien to the loyalist slap-dash, amateur bombers.
122, For many countries where free speech is alien, the Internet presents interesting problems and policy issues.
123, Dissident radicals of all sorts were assumed to bear loyalty to alien ideologies, and deportation became the fate of many.
124, Look for the line that says "Non-resident Alien".
125, They are hypothetical human beings modified for life in a hostile or alien environment by the substitution of artificial organs.
126, This interstellar ichthyoid neatly disposed of a problem all science-fiction authors have:how to let alien species talk to one another.
127, The governor of South Tyrol, a German-speaking province ceded to Italy after the First World War, said that it was unreasonable to expect his people to celebrate their subjugation to an alien culture.
128, My view is that etymon not only can vanish but also can be achieved in the course of the development of the language, and achieving etymon is an important way in which alien words are nationalized.
129, Hawking's main concern was that a fleet of alien spacecraft could turn up wanting to strip mine the Earth for its bountiful resources.
130, Looking like a creature from the Alien movies, this nightmarish "longhead dreamer" anglerfish (Chaenophryne longiceps) was until recently an alien species to Greenland waters (map).
131, Fear and greed expose the spaceship crew to an alien parricide parasite .
132, The alien in inshore employed in china should also consult the security of subsistence of this law take part in our country.
133, In the figure of the coltish, resolute Sigourney Weaver, Alien may just be the film that overhauled the old, unreconstructed horror genre and dared to put a woman centre-stage.
134, I mourn for those beautiful Serbian monasteries, at Decani, Pec and Gracanica, that will now, more than ever, be islands in an alien sea.
135, The SETI Institute, listening to the cosmos for signs of signals from alien civilizations, may be monitoring the wrong "channels, " a U.S. astrophysicist says.
136, The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness,[] under another name.
137, Further studies showed that 28 monosomic alien addition lines and 48 introgression lines were resistant to brown planthopper.
138, I think the key issue here is, whether or not Washington State's Alien Firearm Permit satisfies the hunting license requirement under federal law.
139, Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space.
140, The first was the Imperium's bloody-minded refusal to die beneath the weight of heresy, secession, alien aggres?sion and daemonancy.
141, An amphipod supposedly inspired the monster in the movie Alien.
142, And, knowing who you are inside -- independent of the pressures to adapt to a "self" that may bring external reward but also feels alien and inauthentic.
143, In 1956, in response to Lessing's courageous outspokenness, she was declared a prohibited alien in both Southern Rhodesia and South Africa.
144, Marine bio-invasions are caused by the transfer of alien plants and animals in ships' ballast tanks.
145, Bypass dash along he previously, she stands in window alien before, he says softly : "I am sorry, come now late?"
146, The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett, who wrote about human beings living a meaningless life in an alien, decaying world. He first play, Waiting fro Godot.
147, Methods Dual-electrode voltage clamp technique was used to record membrane currents from follicular oocytes, and defolliculated oocytes that had been injected with alien RNA and incubated.
148, Buzz Lightyear, Hamm, Rex and their alien friend are on a car-chase adventure in the Pizza Planet delivery truck!
149, But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other -- we operate on alien wave lengths.
150, Helmreich, Stefan. "Trees and Seas of Information: Alien Kinship and the Biopolitics of Gene Transfer in Marine Biology and Biotechnology. " American Ethnologist 30, no. 3 (2003): 341-359.
151, She was willing to select, modify and incorporate alien eccentricities into her worship; but to abjure her own faith — never!
152, This thesis discusses briefly some questions concerning etymon, such as etymon's position in the language system and etymon of alien words.
153, In Yellow River Delta, the biological and ecological characteristics of an invasive alien species spartina were investigated.
154, In exchange with the Alien Employment License and by strength of the Notice of Approval of Residence Qualification as well as the formal employment contract.
155, But, the marriage that this alien looks satisfactory however die on the vine .
156, It involves pointing a radio receiver at a candidate star (one that is sunlike and not too far away) and listening for some sort of steady signal — an alien radio broadcast, on all the time.
157, Wei Wei, was known as the "alien in the alien" when she made her literary debut in mid-nineties of the 20th century.
158, Firstly, as the opposite sample, the new feminie took great pain of life and youth to act as the next generation's sturdy alien of love and holy donator of the love dream.
159, The results are consistent with theory and experiments of alien reports. It can provide reference for restraining filamentation.
160, Two hundred sixty-two undergraduates were given seven minutes to draw an alien that could serve as the inspiration for a sci-fi tale.
161, Chances of earth being detected by alien life forms are disappearing because of the digital revolution, a leading space scientist has claimed.
162, Another essence of Chinese traditional culture is the virtue of tolerance, which advocates for tolerance of the dissidence and civilization of alien nature.
163, The Emperor's forces rediscovered human worlds, cast out alien oppressors, and claimed new territory aplenty.
164, If you grow to regret your decision to resign as an American, advisers warn that is difficult to become one again as you will be treated like any other non-resident alien of the US.
165, The most notable addition is the notorious Na'avi sex scene in which Jake and Neytiri get it on, alien style, but it hardly sounds like we're talking Pandoran porn.
166, The horror movie tries to say that documented disappearances of Nome residents are the result of alien abductions and that's just Hollywood hooey,[] said Mayor Denise Michels.
167, A words wake up with a start dreamboat , attend meeting a personnel to go to WC to line up in succession, everyone part walk part comment:"This Alien, exactly a little bit rare what?"
168, In "Avatar, " the Na'vi are basically alien hippies; in "Aliens, " the titular creatures are remorseless, bloodthirsty xenomorphs.
169, In the overall looked, Because the alien race rules , The literators lacks the traditional literator enthusiasm, in relocates diligently for oneself.
170, NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe.
171, Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language.
172, The terms in which I speak must be alien to you: but they will become known.
173, You are to have the same law for the alien and the native-born. I am the Lord your God.
174, The design of the clone makers was inspired partially by the classical alien imagery that has developed from years of UFO lore: the almond-eyed long-necked aliens sometime referred to as "Grays."
175, After the explosion of the alien spacecraft possessed by aliens. She is follow Legend of Heroes all the way, looking for Energon Crystals to go back home.
176, When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.
177, There are about 700 interspecific hybrids among the British vascular plant flora of about 2500 native and alien sexual species .
178, Now, however, it destroys this extraneous alien negative, affirms and sets itself up as a negative in the element of permanence , and thereby becomes for itself a self-existent being.
179, The same law applies to the native-born and to the alien living among you.
180, In the recent War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise, the alien ship starts firing the disintegrator ray at the crowds and vaporizing people as they are running away.
181, It argues that the ancient Chinese "alien fiction" creates an illusionary space by imagining an alien land, on the basis of which to transcend the realistic space.
182, Once the design was settled, Yoda was realized by make up and creatures supervisor Stuart Freeborn, who designed the alien as an intricately detailed puppet.
183, Edgar Mitchell, who made the longest moonwalk in history in 1971, says alien life does exist and the US government is blocking the information from getting out.
184, The alien is hand molded out of fondant and is completely edible.
185, The hapless milquetoast is wanted for being an" alien" and he is captured by a band of guerrillas who want to recruit him to their cause.
186, However, the distributed workflow interoperation model using component technology purely can't realize the traverse of firewall and a true interlinkage of alien system.
187, Without those polarised goggles, Avatar Day would surely be an irrelevance and Avatar just another cornball sci-fi fantasy about alien monsters on a faraway planet.
188, The major part of the alien interview transcripts in Chinese version in the attached files.
189, Only ready to find an alien, let it again on earth cause chaos, and then playing transform into a shading horse will beat, being the savior, thereby further in the world implement zebra time.
190, If you think you suddenly have an alien in your midst, applaud yourself.
191, Say to the Israelites: 'Any Israelite or any alien living in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech must be put to death.
192, And the Terrestrial Planet Finder, an even more ambitious project that might have been able to study alien atmospheres, has been postponed indefinitely.
193, La 2029 Planet : 2029 alien rule the entire universe, the earth gang war with each other.
194, The concept of invasive alien plants ( IAP ) that belongs to invasive alien species.
195, My favorite sci-fi visual effect will always be the chest burster from Alien.
196, War of the Worlds. H. G. Wells. The classic alien invasion tale oftechnologically advanced Martian conquerors with an enormousAchilles' Heel.
197, And whoever eats anything with yeast in it must be cut off from the community of Israel, whether he is an alien or native-born.
198, Science fiction translation transmits science-oriented alien cultural beliefs and relevant scientific awareness to its potential readers.
199, Dick Brown was a resident alien on December 31, 2001, and married to Judy, a nonresident alien.




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