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单词 Daunting
1. The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.
2. They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.
3. Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect.
4. The task before us is a daunting one.
5. The prospect of meeting the President is quite daunting.
6. Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The immensity of the task is daunting.
8. She has the daunting task of cooking for 20 people every day.
9. The government now faces the daunting task of restructuring the entire health service.
10. He's got the daunting task of following in Ferguson's footsteps.
11. Prosecution lawyers face a daunting obstacle-race across uncharted territory.
12. The odds on this coming to pass are daunting.
13. The cable industry faces daunting technical challenges.
14. Climbing Everest is a daunting challenge for any mountaineer.
15. The interview process can be daunting.
16. A daunting figure came looming out of the night.
17. Ditching its shareholders is an equally daunting prospect.
18. It has a daunting and sinister turn of speed.
19. Launching the small glass vessels proved daunting.
20. That can be a daunting task.
21. Don't think of computers as a daunting modern technology; they're only a means to an end.
22. A daunting task lay ahead, as the spoil heaps covered an area of about 300 square yards.
23. The 400-page tutorial and reference manual is daunting, but the program itself is easy to understand.
24. To either side of them the wonders spread, daunting in their opulent splendour.
25. Daunting and preposterous as the task appeared, I was glad to be busy again, of use.
26. In spite of unification, the country was still faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.
27. The very idea of coming up with something so novel that no one has thought of it is daunting.
28. Attempting to install Pizazz Convert in Windows, can be a daunting task for the novice.
29. By comparison, the problems of a department within a large corporation are more daunting.
30. But be forewarned: The garlic quotient of this dish could be considered daunting.
1. The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.
2. They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.
31. Casting off may be daunting, but it has to be done.
32. The judge faces a daunting task in resolving what is now a four-way fight.
33. The daunting concertante piano part is well integrated into the burgeoning orchestral texture, and sharply articulated by Love Derwinger.
34. Daunting, too, is the random pattern of attacks, both in location and time.
35. It is a debate of daunting complexity, with powerful arguments both for and against joining.
36. The need for continuity in industries like this is daunting: fewer people must manage more workers.
37. As a consequence of the suggestion Laureen Williamson was approached and readily agreed to undertake the daunting task.
38. Even more daunting is a flight of 5 steps to her front gate.
39. It is a daunting task in a crowded, segmented marketplace where magazines rear up and expire as quickly as fruit flies.
40. But the clothier credited with reinventing menswear in the 1980s faces arguably the most daunting challenge of his career.
41. The whole business here at Miss Bedwelty's seemed far less daunting than it did out on the industrial estate.
42. The 35-year-old Beane is faced with the daunting challenge of trying to revive the fortunes of a once-successful organization.
43. The difficulty in drawing this intellectual line, however, is daunting.
44. The problems seem especially daunting and highly resistant to correction, but that need not be the case.
45. To give a full picture of this past is a daunting task, not within the scope of this book.
46. For some schools, especially primary schools, it will be the new managerial responsibilities which will bring the most daunting challenge.
47. For the cellular industry, this may portend a daunting new world.
48. So lugging a heavy golf bag around for hours and having to keep his mouth shut is doubly daunting for him.
49. I looked on that daunting prospect in a bad-news, good-news con-text.
50. Like his father there was something daunting, almost terrible about him an austerity suggestive of ferocity.
51. Social workers who find practice with old people somewhat daunting, as discussed earlier may find this way of working is helpful.
52. Condensing the novel into a 90 minute script was a daunting task.
53. On two or three afternoons of the first week winds may be a little daunting; don't be put off.
54. He turns a daunting running time to advantage, crafting each episode into a romantic cliffhanger.
55. It is a daunting prospect and an outcome few people want.
56. Coming on to a new series for the first time could be a daunting prospect even to the acting profession's hardy perennials.
57. For any social species whose behaviour is less regular than clockwork, even this ground-clearing goal is a daunting task.
58. Planning and producing written work, quoting sources, checking: these too are often daunting tasks for the student.
59. These three young men have demonstrated a personal commitment and sacrifice which inspired them to attempt this daunting journey with enthusiasm.
60. There are so many periodicals published that some researchers find the row upon row of them on library shelves very daunting.
61. Harbury was young and ambitious and went at things with a daunting eagerness.
62. I was faced with the daunting task of learning the whole script in 24 hours.
63. Between geologist and geology there lies a daunting barrier: the deep and rolling ocean.
64. The challenge of creating a living system of any size is daunting.
65. The degree of collaboration between secondary and higher education, if any reform is to be envisaged, must always be daunting.
66. Correct the problem Correcting your writing problems might sound daunting at worst, annoying at best.
66. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
67. It was the Stones' daunting task, well after midnight, to top it all with a half-dozen songs.
68. We must now confront the rather more daunting problems of differentiating lexical units paradigmatically.
69. Finding schools abroad may be a daunting prospect for employees.
70. The extra cost of upgrading computers alone would be a daunting prospect for already over-stretched education budgets.
71. However, questioning the medical professional is a difficult and often a daunting task, given their present high social status.
72. But it simply has not measured up to that daunting task.
73. The present $ 400 gap between it and the game machines looks daunting.
74. Starting the time-consuming process of interviewing childminders all over again was a daunting prospect.
75. Steve recently completed the daunting task of photographing 100 leading western philosophers.
76. The task was so daunting that Alvarado told Falco and his teachers to do whatever it took to get results.
77. Few enterprises, it says, could have been faced with such a daunting task.
78. This final stretch, a 4, 000-foot ascent over 13 winding miles, is by far the most daunting.
79. In my opinion the hardest task on the holding is to overcome inertia, to make a start on the daunting task.
80. It is a murky field at best, and the practical difficulties in the Viet-namese environment were daunting.
81. Neil was devoted to Claudia, but he found Philip frankly daunting.
82. Even if these concerns are addressed, there are some daunting domestic issues that may prevent the plan from being realized.
83. Having also personally experienced the problems at Southwark Offset, I realise how daunting the prospect of trying again must have been.
84. Last year Boeing withdrew from a research project for a new supersonic plane because of the daunting cost.
85. It might seem a daunting task, but in recent years climatologists have begun an intensive study of temperature changes on Earth.
86. Excuses vary from difficulties in obtaining payment to the daunting prospect of completing export documentation.
87. Five days of close assessment was a very daunting prospect.
88. Some firms find the problem of setting out hourly rates some-what daunting.
89. The refectory where meals were served was still a bit daunting.
90. Five years ago, Lego would have faced a daunting task in almost any community in San Diego.
91. Walking through a crowded school hallway or playground is daunting because it means brushing up against so many bodies.
92. Clearly, the government policies required to make the use of education and health services equitable are a daunting package.
93. If you have an older machine, adding or replacing a hard drive can still be daunting.
94. The mass media are developing in a daunting speed.
95. Such as ocean navigation, is undoubtedly a daunting thing.
96. Wading through these documents can be a daunting experience.http://
97. The subject is crucial, and the moment is daunting.
98. The Tasmanian reserve was daunting.
99. Meeting and evaluating a potential mentor can be daunting.
100. Occasionally I find the commitment and responsibility daunting.
101. Old cottages like ours can be dark places with low ceilings and deep-set windows, our walls are three-feet thick, so dark furniture can be daunting.
102. Mr. Perry says either a non-negotiable deadline will force action, or the procrastinator will gather enough information and confidence to make them appear less daunting.
103. "Successful comprehensive tax reform is a long process, often taking several years, " Obama says in his budget message. "But even though it is a daunting task, we cannot afford to shirk from the work.
104. Learning a new programming language can be a daunting task and at times difficult to know where to start.
105. But realistically, achieving high organic rankings for a broad range of multi-industry search terms is a daunting, expensive task.
106. On this 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, we celebrate his kindness, integrity, and courage, And we can also learn from him how to face an daunting future with confidence in the LORD.
107. The location seemed a little daunting on paper, but once we were there it was no problem at all to find our way between Bola Bola and the tourist attractions.
108. The Danakil desert in the Horn of Africa presents an austere and daunting landscape.
109. Truth to tell, the rental agreement was more daunting than any bear encounter, with stiff penalties for windscreen or bodywork damage, or failing to return the 30ft monster on time.
110. Assigning general characteristics to a class of compounds is a daunting task.
111. The task ahead is daunting, but we can and will succeed.
112. While the DOH can be daunting for the novice user, it is a flexible and powerful unit testing framework.
113. Even if it , he admits, the implementation would be financially daunting.
114. The tests before the United States as it heads toward the twenty - first century are certainly daunting.
115. its terrain can be craggy and daunting, or softly pacifying.
116. For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting.
117. Widely and beneficially adopted around the world, the CMMI has nonetheless been daunting to some organizations for its size and apparent complexity of the framework.
118. But in tough times, when many families are having trouble just making it all work, Tax Day can seem even more daunting.
119. If the banks fail to engineer satisfactory loopholes to protect their profitable broker-dealer operations, they will then face a daunting choice – to be or not to be a bank holding company.
120. In sum, while the CGMP regulations would not prohibit decontamination and conversion, the difficulty of cleaning up penicillin residues makes the chore daunting.
121. Essentially, Delia's grab bag just makes things seem a little less daunting; a wee bit more achievable.
122. But adjusting to American play is still the most daunting.
123. Writing your own test suite with the DOH can appear daunting at first, but it is actually not very difficult.
124. The individual at the threshold of challenge confronts circumstances are both daunting and promising.
125. So when you look at the daunting task of a Presidential campaign, you go, Ugh, really?
126. Its people are hearty; its terrain can be craggy and daunting, or softly pacifying.
127. After sitting the tripos exams where everything you saw all year was fair game, having a test that covers three weeks of material is no longer as daunting.
128. Writing a cover letter often seems like a particularly daunting task.
129. Tom Booker lives on the Rocky Mountain Front , a place of daunting beauty.
130. As though driving the autobahn in Germany weren't daunting enough, the laws add other risks.
131. It's a daunting agenda, but Jordan has shown that real change can take root in desert soil—and that innovative educational practices can be exported region-wide.
132. But in tough times, when many families are having trouble just making it all work, Tax Day can seem even more daunting. This year, however, many Americans are seeing some welcome relief.
132. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
133. To make Indian cuisine less daunting, Singhvi recommends preparing ingredients, including spice measurements and chopped cilantro for this vegetable biryani, ahead of time.
134. Any goalie who finds himself a reserve faces a daunting mental test.
135. Preventing a terrorist or a disgruntled employee from contaminating milk, juice, produce, meat or any type of comestible is a daunting problem.
136. Thus, the information requirements for conducting truly comprehensive macroprudential surveillance could be daunting indeed.
137. This year's winner Erik Svedang had to follow in the wake of the likes of Crayon Physics Deluxe, Aquaria and Gish - clearly quite a daunting task.
138. Chen Jie in a bid to each painting showing a variety of information, indicating the nature of immoderation, the complicated composition of his work is daunting.
139. Technical issues like this, no matter how daunting, can only lead to a crisis if they're either incompetently addressed or ignored completely.
140. The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop.
141. One of the most daunting tasks in computer organization can be renaming your files and folders.
142. Fearful and resentful, European nations have built a daunting array of barriers against Japanese goods; Italy alone has 46 import quotas directed specifically against them.
143. But the task at hand is just as daunting as the numbers.
144. The challenges that B - schools will face over the next quarter - century are daunting.
145. He says she can do important work as an undercover agent in Shanghai, a rather daunting role for a fledgling actress.
146. Future healthcare costs in a world of greatly increased longevity are daunting.




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