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单词 ski pants
释义  ˈski pants noun [plural]  1  thick trousers with long thin pieces of cloth that fasten over your shoulders, worn while skiing 滑雪裤 a pair of ski pants 一条滑雪裤2. DFFtight trousers with a band of cloth that goes under your foot, worn by women 紧身踏脚裤Examples from the Corpusski pants• She dressed in an unvarying uniform of black ski pants and pink mohair pullover which became grubbier as the weeks passed.• He held his hand over her mouth and tried to pull down her ski pants.• It slides crisply into the mouth and settles snugly on the thigh section of the ski pants.ˈski pants nounChineseSyllable  with thin trousers of Corpus long that cloth thick pieces




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