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单词 Realm
1. Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.
2. The king banished the traitor from the realm.
3. Defence of the realm is crucial.
4. Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
5. He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs.
6. Their failures in the realm have damaged their self - confidence and creditability.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. There was rejoicing throughout the realm.
8. A philosopher dwells in the realm of ideas.
9. They fought to defend the realm.
10. The idea belongs in the realm of science fiction.
11. Ghost follows ghost into the realm of ghosts.
12. No transport, today, into a realm beyond mere words.
13. This is unforgivable in the realm of scientific methodology.
14. But nobles within a realm had collective interests too.
15. The ancient realm of Solland in the far south and Drakwald in the north no longer exist and consequently have no counts.
16. The underground realm was connected by tunnels stretching from the far north to the south beyond the Old World itself.
17. Feminism exists outside the realm of political instrumentality, as an idea.
18. In this realm, there is no controversy between Christians, only the certainty of doubtful origins.
19. Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm.
20. The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm.
21. The king was concerned about the safety of the realm.
22. Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm.
23. The matter was hotly debated in all the towns of the realm.
24. I could feel the pulsing of veins that usually precedes entry into a forbidden, private realm.
25. Plainly they went in constant fear of the Robemaker and the Dark Realm.
26. My motives are lofty, but my work now takes place in the realm of the everyday.
27. Or does he too quickly take flight from history altogether into a realm of the Absolute?
28. What seems more doubtful is that Charles's future share in the realm was overtly discussed in June 823.
29. You may be surprised to find you have choices in this high-tech realm.
30. It for ever remains unalterable in form as it moves through the celestial realm in eternal rotation.
1. Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.
2. Defence of the realm is crucial.
3. Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
4. He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs.
5. Their failures in the realm have damaged their self - confidence and creditability.
6. A philosopher dwells in the realm of ideas.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm.
8. The king was concerned about the safety of the realm.
31. This is a complex question; any complete answer necessarily leaps the boundary of facts and enters the realm of values.
32. The boys learn once again that the world of regularity, responsibility, and achievement is a realm of women.
33. You may be versed in necromancy, and steeped in alchemy, and schooled in the ancient cruel arts of your realm.
34. The birth place of their race, the island realm of Ulthuan, has a recorded history going back over 8000 years.
35. During the political unrest of Edward II's reign, Eastry sought to restore tranquillity to the realm.
36. However subtle we are forced to make our idea of science, nature remains an independent realm awaiting discovery.sentencedict .com
37. Transcending the politics of Communism, Hassan brings her work into the realm of aesthetics.
38. He had started on the road that leads down to the realm of death.
39. Music takes us immediately into the realm of the symbolic, a world that is not to be taken literally.
40. Within this realm the stuff of dreams and nightmares can coalesce from the very air.
41. In the realm of Pop Warner youth football, Dilatush says, some leagues require a criminal background check for every volunteer.
42. In the physical realm, the nutrition and the mainline medicine were part of it, but more was needed.
43. The old realm of Caledor was eclipsed by other realms including the fast-rising mercantile city-state of Lothern.
44. The important people in our lives leave imprints. they may die or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. Jules Renard 
45. He added Zeta to his realm in 1186, and forged a strong alliance between his state and the Church.
46. The answer to this question takes the discussion deep into the realm of quantum field theory.
47. The very fact of their being with a foreigner puts them outside the realm of ordinary conduct and responses.
48. They would regard the question of the initial conditions for the universe as belonging to the realm of metaphysics or religion.
49. Unfortunately, in the realm of education, particularly for people with learning difficulties,() attitudes and practices mitigate against this happening.
50. As civic republicanism asserts, the individual can exert a meaningful existence within society in the public realm.
51. These beautiful buildings, along with a whole realm of cultivated human intellect, are closed to the vast majority of humankind.
52. It was a realm controlled by the disciplined military might of the Franks.
53. This is the eternal and unchanging celestial realm, the home of the sun, the stars, and the planets.
54. His was too literary, and now too deliberate, a talent to flourish in the public realm of the theatre.
55. Kelly took dance out of the esoteric realm of swans and princes and tutus.
56. Then two mighty heroes, the twin brothers Tyrion and Teclis, arose to succour the realm and repel the invasion.
57. As hunters and gatherers in the symbolic realm, nobody does it better.
58. This is worth unravelling, even at the expense of a brief excursion into the mathematical realm of complex numbers.
59. People brought back such wealth and then converted it into the real coin of the realm, property.
60. This starts out as sensible cost-saving and but imperceptibly the boundary is crossed arid we enter the realm of skimping.
61. Undoubtedly the most modern method devised to preserve human bodies might well be said to belong to the realm of science fiction.
62. All of the Princes and Dukes of this realm are mages of awesome power.
63. History is the realm of violence and war; it constitutes another form by which the other is appropriated into the same.
64. Not only are aitches dropped, appalling vocals now reign virtually supreme in the realm of pronunciation.
65. Jarmila Kratochvilova and her teammates enter the athletic realm on male terms.
66. Here we are not in the realm of childhood behaviour but we are in the realm of play.
67. In the realm of secret diplomacy it would appear that public opinion had only a very minor role to play.
68. The philosophical underpinnings of creation science automatically place it in a very different realm from natural science.
69. Since when has this conflict been outside the realm of the United Nations?
70. Did this mean that Aquitaine was going to be permanently subordinated to the ruler of the Anglo-Norman realm?
71. And it is not some realm of pure mathematics, which is in itself a mere abstraction.
72. After years of fiscal gloom, they hope Brown will bring his political clout to the corporate realm.
73. And their bets paid off big, from the high-tech realm of computers to the low-tech business of making mortgage loans.
74. The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
75. Though he was not yet prepared to admit it, he had tried and failed to enter the realm of marriage.
76. Given all this, however, the successors of Ecgfrith preserved and maintained a secure realm within what were still wide-ranging frontiers.
77. Omnipresence was only one of several attributes that tipped him over into the realm of the superhuman.
78. Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
79. The mainland of Yvresse lies along the eastern coast of Ulthuan but the realm also encompasses the islands of the Eastern Ocean.
80. The Texas Supreme Court will consider a case next month that could seal another entire realm of information: district attorney files.
81. I see three important constituent elements of the digital realm becoming more evident every day: malleability, anonymity and connectivity.
82. Word processing on the Macintosh has always bordered on the realm of page makeup and recent announcements here only serve that view.
83. The Old World was saved and the Realm of Chaos shrank away to the north.
84. Even within the realm of economics, there are clear benefits and costs to either course of action.
85. Meanwhile, its conventional forces are plenty good enough to banish the nuclear option to the realm of the theoretical.
86. Between them, Parliament and the King enacted, in the form of statutes, the highest laws of the realm.
87. The emperor had begun to think polytheistic cult a veneration of evil spirits and therefore perhaps a danger to his realm.
88. First, in talking of adding all truths at once we seem to have moved firmly into the realm of fiction.
89. It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction.
90. In the public realm Christians identified themselves almost without reservation with the political and social order of the Roman empire.
91. But it is precisely within the spiritual realm that evil must first be confronted.
92. Rather, it voraciously records anything in view; in other words it is firmly in the realm of the contingent.
93. The interviewing panel was civil and included a peer of the realm, a major-General, and a gentleman farmer.
94. Networks shift privacy from the realm of morals to the marketplace; privacy becomes a commodity.
95. Why space-time should be four-dimensional is a question that is normally considered to be outside the realm of physics.
96. The press was another estate of the realm cut down to size.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
97. Caledor Caledor is a thinly populated, mountainous realm to the west of Eataine.
98. Government began to conceive its duties as extending beyond those of maintaining law and order and of defending the realm.
99. One possible source of change lies in the political realm.
100. Peasants certainly lacked the spatial mobility required for regular participation in the politics of the realm.
101. But they do not exist in some half-real realm, neither fully actual nor merely possible.
102. So Massey sees relations and changes in the realm of employment as key starting points for understanding uneven development.
103. Caradryel replied that he would rather lose the crown than the realm and continued with his policy.
104. The fourth and final section takes leave of society to look at the realm of theory.
105. It is true that mathematical laws, if they exist, must exist in a quasi-Platonic realm of pure thought.
106. However some important operations may take us outside the realm of the natural numbers-the simplest being subtraction.
107. It led her to believe that her deluded behaviour was within the realm of the acceptable when it was not.
108. The whole area around the Realm of Chaos is polluted with magic.
109. Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals. Albert Schweitzer 
110. That taxes should now be used to reduce inequality is, however, clearly outside the realm of comfortable thought.
111. Your half-brother lies deep inside the Dark Realm and, unless he is rescued, you are Tara's heir.
112. While different perspectives might be characteristic of different groups, a realm of knowledge utilized by all is that of everyday life.
113. It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
114. Such feelings belong to a whole realm of events and reactions often stretching back many years to our earliest days.
115. What was then so preposterous that it barely made sense in the realm of satire has now miraculously become a reality.
116. That one sent the Raiders spiraling into a realm of hopelessness after Elway threw a late game-winning touchdown pass.
117. They became masters of the pelagic realm, possibly swimming in schools like their distant relatives the squids.
118. You can hardly avoid the dreaded word anymore if you venture into the fixed-income realm.
119. I uphold the law of this realm - and the law states quite clearly that vagrants are rogues and vagabonds.
120. In other words, marriage is a picture in miniature of the whole realm of the Gospel.
121. Of those who remained, a fortunate and opportunistic few were elevated into the realm of senior management.
122. The game afoot has gone way beyond technology into the realm of perception, where Microsoft Corp holds almost total sway.
123. That automatically takes it out of the realm of a mass-market film to something more specialized.
124. One seemed bolder than the others and came so close that it began to enter the realm of ordinary vision.
125. Exchange and communication occur in this realm through a complex network of social relations.
126. First,[/realm.html] social policy expenditure has to compete with other public expenditure dedicated to the defence of the realm.
127. All magic is dangerous and the titanic forces drawn into the realm of Ulthuan are more dangerous than any other.
128. It reveals a realm beyond our perceivable world.
129. And improbability without breaking out of realm of possibilities.
130. The Traceless is such a realm.
131. Beyond the realm of sense experience.
132. Be sure to enter the realm name in UPPERCASE.
133. Laser dosimetry belongs with the realm of optical radiometry.
134. Shade Realm: The Umbral component of a Shard Realm.
135. This type of security realm is generally referred to as an Application Scoped security realm.
136. The aural aspect will move into a new realm of three dimensional sound.
137. To the tribes of the Andes(), the webs were a magic staircase upon which the souls of the dead climbed from the lower world of the earth to the realm of the heavens.
138. In fact, he made it, and Heroin is the Drug Lord of this Drug Realm for sure.
139. The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this realm of England.
140. Pass the GeneralString bytes along with a getTagAndLengthBytes() method, which will return the complete byte string representation of the realm field.
141. Was he to pay a year of his life to verify the certainty of being thrust into the drear realm of the null-talented?
142. The realm name needs to be changed appropriately in the realms section as per their configuration.
143. Allegretto third movement with an endless stream of sixteenth note rhythms, showing a dynamic and imaginative spiritual realm.
144. Although, in theory, the monarchy inhabits a realm far above the murk of daily government, it has been an important source of legitimacy for the unelected prime minister.
145. But I existed in a world apart, a special realm whose mission and identity depended on preserving the time-honored traditions of the past.
146. This book has made a valuable attempt in the realm of methodology to handle the linguistic data in a scientific way.
147. Upon successful creation and deployment of the realm, the realm name will be listed in the Security Realm portlet (Figure 4).
148. A consumer culture's distortion of publicity in the judicial realm matches the plebiscitary distortion of parliamentary publicity.
149. This is point where Mother Earth shifts your 3 - D realm into a one.
150. However in spite of past still now, compared with other another nations, China study of most, and a nice bit of research is concentration in education realm.
151. Using a function as a function argument, or returning a function as a value, elevates this abstraction into the realm of higher-order functions.
152. I can see the "realm" of a traditional Chinese literator.
153. A non- excellent district of tourism is an important realm in the research of tourist science. Today, with tourism development going into maturity stage, it even becomes one of the hottest issues.
154. The magical photograph attempts to go beyond the immediate context of the recorded experience into realm of the undefinable.
155. In recent years , the research of microseism has made some progress in civil engineering realm .
156. ICC is a nongovernmental organization a counterpart to the governmental World Trade Organization(WTO) in the international economic relations and trade realm.
156. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
157. Such four aspects of Realm as its scientific nature, its dualism, and its vertical application and horizontal application are discussed about the relationship Realm and literature development .
158. People know you live in the realm of anxious care by the lines on your face, the tones of your voice, the minor key in your life, and the lack of joy in your spirit.
159. However in the realm of morals, there is space for people to choose to outbreak the circumscription with the help of their free will and take responsibility for their choices.
160. The preparation and property of Sephadex gel were briefly introduced, the adsorption behavior and application in chemistry realm of Sephadex gel were reviewed.
161. Even the former defenders, the Stormwind Garrisons , pulled stake and abandoned the lonely realm when the cost of upkeep became too great.
162. By using the enthusiastic color and potamic cosmic form, the author wants to implicit a lofty spiritual mental realm and an ideal pursuit of be honest all the time.
163. Thus, this area shOuld belong to North China Region(otprovince )of the Old World Realm in respoct to reginalism of brachiopod zoogeography during lateEaly Devonian time.
164. Arcadia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.
165. Original thought became a thing of the past as humanity became stuck in the illusional, collective consciousness realm of thought.
166. In this background, decreasing cost from the corporation logistics realm is the most probable and valid path.
167. Gates moved into a realm of wealth comparable to that of John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, two titans of an earlier age of dynamic economic growth.
168. Ever since Charles Baudelaire, abnegators have initiated a Bohemian-mannered vagrom tradition in the literary realm.
169. That is a testament to the teams' hard work over the last few years and their expertise in this realm, " program manager Jaime Engdahl told reporters during a call-in conference for the press.
170. By embracing freedom in the economic realm, South Korea transformed itself into an industrial power at home - and a trading power abroad.
171. In order to get the full use of the transfer network, the study of 3G has been becoming the hot spot of the mobile communication realm since 1997.
172. Enter your AIX NAS realm that you want to add in the ADS trust list.
173. The first function of artistic production theory is making literature and art return the realm that labor create beauty from sacred metaphysics.
174. It is fundamental measure of technology surmounting s development that the key technology is gripped and brought about a great advance and permeated every realm of technology simultaneously.
175. The beauty of implicitness is a very outstanding artistic realm pursued in the artistic creation.
176. Implementing the moral law-making in the media realm is a valid approach to the media ethics problems.
177. I think, the significance of this artistic tropism lies in that only artistic realm can distinct his works from others at the tide of this return to literator paintings traditions.
178. The works of Herbert George Wells, the most prominent figure in the English science fiction realm, are studied in detail to detect their realistic significance.
179. The emission right is one of the new rights in the law research realm which comes from the exiguity of environment capability and the development of property concept.
180. Johann Strauss I ruled over this mythical realm of music during the first part of the 19th century.
181. Make sure there is a _kerberos Text entry that lists the System z server's realm name, and a host entry that lists the System z server's host name and IP address.
182. Yeats came to realize that eternal beauty could only live in the realm of art.
183. As noted above, however, conversion in the B 2 B realm is rarely immediate or online.
184. Jacob Milgrom has argued that there's a kind of Archimedean principle at work here: every sin creates an impurity that encroaches upon the realm of holiness and displaces a certain amount of holiness.
185. In contrast, the realm of spirit, stick out a mile.
186. Nature does not dwell in the realm of planned obsolescence.
186. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
187. For a fire has been kindled by my wrath, one that burns to the realm of death below. It will devour the earth and its harvests and set afire the foundations of the mountains.
188. "Changed," she says, "from being a fitness enthusiast and an aspiring actress, I had been transported into the realm of the paralyzed: a C4-5 quadriplegic."
189. Determination is the consistent powerful desire, like a loud cry-out from within, wanting to be heard, to be noticed, and to be manifested in the physical realm.
190. This is a target which is surely within the realm of possibility.
191. This record name is _kerberos and the Text of this record must be the full System z realm name.
192. It is departing from the realm of plausible re-election prospects, in other words, and moving towards a Jimmy Carterish netherworld.
193. Food of the Gods During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez found the Aztec Indians using cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink of the realm, "chocolate, " meaning warm liquid.
194. Although oldness concomitant with time can not be avoid[], it is important whether relevant process is leading to a lofty realm or decay.
195. The NC Flame Pipe Cutting Machine has also got development of a certain extent in this realm, which makes the former traditional technique of pipe cutting get tremendous changes.
196. Why include the realm name and username for key generation?
197. Phylogeny of electronics is introduced in detail from primitive correspondence method to modern and high - tech realm.
198. Palaearctic The biogeographic realm comprising Europe, northern Asia and North Africa.
199. GNU will remove operating system software from the realm of competition.
200. In food realm of production, counting and subpackage to the block granular material product is an essential working procedure.
201. The marine deposits of Early and Middle Triassic are widespread over Paleo-Tethyan realm, including South China, Indo-China, Malay Peninsula and regions to their south.
202. Concatenate the user's password, the KDC realm name, and the user's username together to form a string.
203. Specify a realm name if your service requires users to enter one and you want Connection Manager to add it automatically .
204. Racism is a profanity in the realm of logic and in the realm of humaneness .
205. We all know that magicians will never say to some magician after a card trick, "What you did there is out of the realm of human physics."
206. The Wall Street Journal understood the importance of this public address, as "removing the subject from the realm of theory to that of practical politics."
207. As a typical species of generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature falls well into the realm of Default Logic susceptible to systematic formalization.
208. If the laws of thermodynamics are sturdy, and if Soddy's analysis of their relevance to economic life is correct, we'd better expand the realm of what we think is realistic.
209. China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm, but the precise pision east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while.
210. Grand Master Herbalist - First player on the realm to achieve 450 skill in herbalism.
211. So, in the times that are coining , it will be easy for you to discern who's who and what's what as you travel outside the third-dimensional realm.
212. While the rust-resistant catimor varieties offer a solution to the country's struggles with disease, they often cup poorly, making it hard for the coffee to pass into the specialty realm.
213. Save an enchanted realm of the darkness in 4 Elements - Puzzledom!
214. With the development of social practice, word is applied in management realm beyond military.
215. For a KDC in one realm to authenticate Kerberos users in a different realm, it must share a key with the KDC in the other realm.
216. Realm Write Operations: Currently all Realm implementations support 'read' operations for acquiring authentication and authorization data to perform logins and access control.
217. Use this utility to setup a realm entry for a Kerberos V5 realm by defining a list of KDC servers and "kpasswd" server for the realm.
218. However at the present time,[http://] there are inexplicit and incorrect comprehension and use on the concept in the realm of theory and industry.
219. The modification involves the replacement of the default suffix with the LDAP suffix and the realm name should be the same as the realm that will be used during Kerberos configuration.
220. Finally, the author sums up the realm of imperturbation of the mind and the reason and the significance .
221. The galactic federation, the Christ council and the Archangelic realm along with all the Ascended Masters have decreed this.
222. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift.
223. WebSphere Application Server simply uses a name generated from the user registry for the realm name; therefore the user registry and realm terms are often used interchangeably in the WebSphere world.
224. This determines what realm a host is in, given its fully qualified domain name.
225. When turning from the realm of the analog signal testing and analysis to that of the digital, the frequency aliasing is often confusing and ignored.
226. Fractional ownership allows people to enjoy many benefits at a reduced price. One of the first hot ideas in this realm was fractional aircraft ownership.
227. The sea is the realm of inner space. It is our last frontier.
228. Why do not speak about no-local realm, quantum biophysical semeiotics is based on?
229. Knights of the realm, it's a great honor to welcome you to Camelot.
230. The proposal includes unifying street trees, public realm , streetscape, transportation links, and a library roof garden.
231. Econimic Zones of realm take form gradually with the deve1opment of territorial division of labor and the exploitation and utilization of the resources of realm.
232. The study on situation is to research the way of dealing With the circumstances, and focus on upgrading the realm of indi- vidual life.
233. In the realm of sculpture too, the technical skill of foreign artists was long recognised.
234. Primal Wild: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Life and Spirit. Mages who walk the Thyrsus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.
235. Pagan religions contain theogonies, birth of a god, "theogony", accounts of the births of gods. Now this impersonal primordial realm, Kaufman declares, contains the seeds of all beings.
236. "Ego-involved Realm"of Wang Guowei can be further divided into"Small Ego-involved Realm"and"Big Ego-involved Realm", and his"Ego-absent realm"can be more precisely said as"super-ego realm".
237. Free knowledge is a newly discovered, relatively independent cognitive realm formed from the interaction and interpenetration of rational knowledge and practice.
238. I have argued further that we can view utterances as significant, and as synonymous or heteronymous with one another, without countenancing a realm of entities called meanings.
239. In the hard drive realm, the offending hit may just be replaced with a better sounding hit, but this can be time consuming, and requires an excellent DAW.
240. The elements of Palaeoarctic realm play important roles in this avifauna and have some reciprocal permeation and intermediate characteristics of northeast and Mongo-xinjiang region.




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