单词 | Spouse |
例句 | 1. Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday. 2. It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected. 3. Which spouse should enter into the covenant? 4. Lady Grafton had agreed readily with her spouse. 5. Does your spouse still stimulate and enthuse you? 6. The present rules are: Rights of surviving spouse. 7. Your spouse dies after taking a prescription medicine. 8. Take a married couple, with each spouse earning an average salary of $ 45, 000. 9. Recall, with misgivings, that what attracted me to Spouse originally was his wit. 10. If you wish, you can also insure your Spouse and pay a joint premium starting from £7.90. 11. When possible, it is often advantageous for the spouse also to go into psychotherapy. 12. Spouse was gobsmacked. After tea and lots of talking, I rang my Mum, singing the praises of epidurals. 13. However, some firms issue the spouse with details of opportunities available to do voluntary work or attend further education classes. 14. The prize for the innocent spouse lay in benefits such as child custody and financial support. 15. They may also insist that the other spouse change their behaviour so that it would be more consistent with their own. 16. Any civil servant who talks to his or her spouse about work would be committing an offence. 17. Property held in joint tenancy automatically passes to the surviving spouse after the death of the other. 18. But then he will have no compunction in taking Friday afternoon off to go shopping with his spouse. 19. Sometimes a carer is clearly identified by being a spouse, or already resident in the same house. 20. But selective use of television can make for a healthy ritual for connection with your spouse. 21. Since most of the male students were in their mid to late twenties, spouse hunting for them was a major preoccupation. 22. We can then reclaim the income tax you - or your spouse - have paid already. 23. A crisis tends to arise out of a deterioration in health, or even the death of a carer, spouse or relative. 24. Few events in life are as traumatic as the death of a spouse. 25. Consequently they also illustrated higher rates of psychological anxiety and stress than spouse carers. 26. The interests of the children, if there is no surviving spouse, absolutely override those of any other relatives. 27. Persistent investigations into her finances and actions make her the first presidential spouse to enter a second term faced with potential indictment. 28. For example, it offers important protections to innocent people whose spouse or former spouse has failed to pay taxes. 29. Most companies, but not all, extend the cover to a spouse or other named person with a good driving record. 30. Many women would assume control of the family business upon the death of a spouse. 1. Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday. 31. More specifically, it was the daughters, as opposed to spouse carers, who were upset by the reduced social contact. 32. Nearly all think that their working habits damage relationships with their spouse, their children and harm their health. 33. Links can be made between individual records for spouse, child and parents. 34. Even my Mississippi spouse was in culture shock for years. 35. Among those aged 65 or more, 45% live with their spouse only and 11% live with relatives. 36. My friend and her spouse bought a new car, a new house, and new furniture. 37. Your family, friends, or spouse all have their goals for you, but what do you want? 38. Some let work so dominate their lives that it forces out spouse, children and leisure. 39. His benefits as the spouse of an airline employee would be a lifesaver. 40. This particularly applies where there is no question of a divorced previous spouse. 41. Childhood adversities also affect parenting indirectly through their effects on choice of spouse. 42. Acute grief at the death of one parent may inhibit a family for caring for the surviving spouse. 43. Don't expect your spouse to be able to read your mind. 44. Remember, your spouse may not be used to having you home during working hours. 45. Nearly a thousand federal statutes use the term spouse or marriage. 46. I dozed fitfully until morning, when I awake feeling knackered; my spouse looked worried and ashen in sympathy. 47. This person, whether a business associate or spouse(), is exerting energy to help you improve. 48. Organisations may pay for just the employee and spouse to view accommodation or may make provision for children to go too. 49. The first-class people overlooked the red bars on our spouse badges and let us in when Diana Ross came to entertain. 50. The company also paid for one week's hotel accommodation for the employee and spouse to house hunt in the new location. 51. A spouse earning equal income who is left with dependent children to both support and to care for can be seriously disadvantaged. 52. You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse. 53. As a husband, he fulfilled the model role of an attentive and loving spouse. 54. Property left to a surviving spouse remains, as before, free of inheritance tax. 55. Mr X sets up an overseas trust under which he and his spouse are excluded from all benefit. 56. Mr X and the spouse of Mr X may be excluded from all benefit. 57. Your basic pension may be increased if you are supporting a dependent spouse or children. 58. Your spouse might be able to help you, or you may need to seek professional help. 59. If neither you nor your spouse is covered by an employer retirement plan, you may deduct your entire contribution. 60. The other spouse may place a greater value on economic safety and security, Boone said. 61. You lived to an old age, people trusted you, but you had no children and no spouse. 62. You can not transfer your assets to a spouse in order to protect them from the creditors. 63. Your travel expenses, and those of your spouse and children if appropriate, should normally be borne by your employer. 64. You do not owe taxes charged against your spouse unless you and your spouse filed a joint return. 65. Death of the spouse may give relief from the oppression of selfless caring mixed with guilt about feeling relieved. 66. One spouse may work days while the other works nights in order to keep the home front covered. 67. Only 25 percent of women over 80 who have no surviving spouse live with other members of their family. 68. This is especially true if you introduce your spouse into an already established business partnership. 69. Some examples include frustration over work, an argument with a spouse, and celebration of a baseball game win. 70. The settlor and his spouse should thus effectively be excluded from all possible benefit under the trust. 71. Anything above this is divided between your spouse and parents or nearest relatives, like a brother. 71. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 72. To the professionals who work with troubled couples, however, there's no such thing as the wronged spouse. 73. Losing a spouse or watching an adult child die can be devastating. 74. The proportion living only with their spouse has also increased, from 30 percent in 1945 to 44 percent in 1980. 75. The situation of collusion between a spouse and a parent in this respect is not uncommon. 76. In January I announced that a chat show host's spouse was to appear in EastEnders. 77. People try to justify the breakdown of their marriage by blaming their spouse. 78. I think my spouse may be unfaithful to me. 79. Everyone here is with their spouse or significant other. 80. Christians have only one spouse. This is called monotony. 81. Does your spouse have a Margin Account with us? 82. Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse. 83. Like the spouse, they pushed the blame to others. 84. When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your re; ationship with your spouse and daughter. 85. Do you ever encourage your spouse to wear those pants that make him or her look beamy? 86. Her dwarfish spouse still smoked his cigar and drank his rum without heeding her. 87. You typically get to keep the original value of your separate property; but in some jurisdictions you must share any appreciation with your spouse. 88. After a break-up with with your spouse, significant other or love of your life, you might try to remain friends with your ex, slowly cut off contact, or torch every last relic of the relationship. 89. Many people can testify that it feels uniquely lonely to lie in bed beside your sleeping spouse, staring at the ceiling, when you long to kiss and canoodle and prolong the bonding experience. 90. If you slice an apple through the equator (to reveal the five-pointed star within) and then eat it by candlelight before a mirror, your future spouse will appear over your shoulder. 91. The lovers can share with smart and exquisite earplug wireless headset, two earphones also share the same transmitter, then you will enjoy splendid time with your spouse. 92. It seems as if you and your spouse have very different priorities about money. 93. GENEVA (Reuters Life!) - Some of Switzerland's single professionals, too busy to find themselves a spouse, have employed a former corporate head-hunter to find love for them. 94. Disconcertingly, spanking in childhood also is associated with approval of hitting a spouse and increased marital conflict. 95. Psychotherapist Philippa Perry, spouse of artist Grayson Perry, will advise on How to Stay Sane while social change teacher Roman Krznaric will give his thoughts on How to Find Fulfilling Work. 96. This position allows you to do pelvic tilts for comfort, while giving your spouse or doula access to your back for massage and counterpressure. 97. According to Jeremy Morley, an international divorce lawyer based in New York, hiding assets from a spouse is also much easier in some countries than in others. 98. In a divorce or separation, the money paid by one spouse to the other in order to fulfill the financial obligation that comes with marriage. 99. The spouse may recurrently cheat upon the one with Athena archetype. 100. In addition, a child must face the fact that his or her parent has to deal with the demands of a new spouse, stepchildren and, possibly, an ex-spouse. 101. Third: have sex outside marriage or spouse infection history, incubation period 1 to 3 weeks. And still can cross infection. 102. The amount of tax leviable on the salary income of a taxpayer or his(her) spouse may be computed separately and then declared and paid consolidatedly by the taxpayer. 103. Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect and you are both taxed on worldwide income. 104. For example you and your kids have automatic right of survivorship if the spouse does not have a will. 105. You arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter. 106. Spend time in personal prayer, then write a letter of commitment and resolve to your spouse. Leave it in a place where you mate will find it. 107. An individual applicant and the spouse can apply for admission of family partnership membership of Club. 108. A newly married wife or husband can take leave from work to care for a spouse, or sue for a partner's wrongful death. 109. Next time your spouse is being a grump leave them be for a while, give them some space physically and mentally. 110. No matter be, consider for the spouse, the male is in Bacchic beside had better lean close darlingly still in the sweetheart later, with thick sleep wine of disappear disappear incomplete. 111. Discuss with your spouse in private how you'll handle a given situation. 112. The couple should take the civil responsibility if they infringe spouse right. The judicial principle of "no complaint , no trial" is practised. 113. For instance, if one member of a loveless couple got sick their spouse could no longer visit them in the hospital to berate them about how much that medical bill is going to cost. 114. There are those who regard him as the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife . 115. No spouse or child of a public procurator may serve as an agent ad litem or a defender in a case being handled by the Procuratorates where the public procurator holds a post. 116. Sometimes he is the center of our story-telling, as we make sure that everyone remembers a little something about our brother, father, son, spouse, in-law and uncle. 117. Those of you who truly love your spouse and children would unselfishly lay your linedeath. 118. Think of these: spouse abuse, child neglect, al-Qaida, lying, racism, slander, rape, home invasion. 119. Shareholdings held by a Member's spouse and infant children are not registrable. 120. The assets of a deceased person against which a surviving spouse may claim an interest. 121. What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage? 122. A loan applicant is married, the spouse to be himself and common procedures for the loan. 123. There isn't much that can diminish the romantic feelings between husband and wife than to see your spouse looking frumpy and disheveled. 124. Maybe you assumed that your spouse didn't care enough to be punctual. 125. The individual information of user parents, spouse and Mi Ersi colleger still includes in the database. 126. Spend time in personal prayer then write a letter of commitment and resolve to your spouse. 127. The spouse or children of a judge may not be the law agent or defender in the cases handled by the court that judge belongs to. 128. There are also, however, state-law evidentiary privileges that enable one to prevent his or her spouse (or sometimes even ex-spouse) to testify against one in a criminal case. 129. But our national image of the First Spouse is still that of the quiet, coiffed wife beaming adoringly at her husband. 130. Again an agent headhunter spouse or other middleman will likely be instrumental in your success. 131. If disaster strikes - sunspots, clueless spouse,() overtired self - you enter Time Machine's recovery mode. 132. Pat Robertson advised a viewer of yesterday's 700 Club to avoid putting a "guilt trip" on those who want to divorce a spouse with Alzheimer's. 133. The demure maiden , the demure spouse demure mother - this is still the ideal. 134. It is concluded that antiphonal songs in the song fair reveal the traditional custom of choosing one's spouse by singing love songs, while those in "Hua'er" Hui g... 135. Spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon : Heva , naked Eve. 136. Negativism a spouse leads to disillusionment over time as love declines. 137. This can be disconcerting as one discovers that their best friend or spouse annihilates them recurrently in the unconscious. 138. If you have been cheating on your spouse , you are being an adulterer . 139. The tax - free gift to the spouse is a perfectly legal loophole. 140. DON'T: Shack up with a single man orwoman—they might form an attachment or expect you to leave your spouse forthem. 141. But Kerstin Beyer, a German-British divorce lawyer at the International Family Law Chambers in London, says the tables are often stacked against the poorer (and usually less knowledgable) spouse. 142. Spouse revenge filicide: occurs when a mother kills her child to emotionally harm that child's father. 143. According to the survey results, the majority of those surveyed (90.8 percent) will spend the most on their spouse ($67.22), with other family members getting about one-fifth of their budget ($20.95). 144. These words listen in Taiwan's mainland spouse ear, is really sobs extremely. 145. Women seeking a one-night stand might consider wearing a push-up bra and high heels to a bar, but those searching for a spouse might want to focus on applying eyeliner and lipstick. 146. Her father is an ultra - conservative who is still opposed to freedom to choose her spouse. 147. Companionship can include a spouse, member, hired caregiver, hospice volunteer, Good Samaritan, or pet. 148. Are you stiff - necked and stubborn when you speak to your spouse? 149. On the death of brother or sister, grand-parent of spouse, a worker shall be entitled to three days of funeral leave with pay. 150. The results turned out that living with children and grandchildren is also the main living arrangement, but its percentage is declining, meanwhile that of living with spouse only is rising. 151. Note: If you do not choose to treat your nonresident spouse as a US resident, you may be able to use head of household filing status. 152. Does your spouse have a margin account with Daily Growth Securities Limited? 153. The role of the first lady, the U.S. president's spouse, has evolved from fashion trendsetter and hostess of White House dinners to a more substantive position. 154. Objective To discuss the affection of cognitive behavior education of the spouse on the sexual life quality of patients after enterostomy. 155. The employee and one's spouse who have bought the housing at price higher than standard price or cost price can set the public accumulation fund for housing construction. 156. This is a time where relation with a spouse or business partner is on solid ground. 157. If a spouse becomes self-supporting before the end of the court ordered support period the paying spouse can petition for the courts to terminate the alimony. 158. When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter. 159. Clipper-built deck chair, comfortable siesta can be in summer cannot little spouse. 160. Contemporary abode, soundproof effect extreme difference, if the spouse is vociferant when making love, loud, talk. 161. Never pick a major just because your parent, older sibling, partner, spouse, best friend, or person you're following on Twitter thinks it'd be a bang-up idea to major in that. 161. Wish you will love and make progress everyday! 162. Moses met with opposition because of his marriage, and both himself and his spouse were the subjects of an evil eye. 163. Social functioning was defined as having at least one emotionally sustainable relationship with a friend, spouse, partner, or other non-blood-related individual. 164. At the relative level, because we cannot be strong in our social and personal situation, we deceive our spouse, children, or friends. 165. There must be more to being a leader's spouse than this. 166. A friend betrays us; a parent abuses us; a spouse leaves us. 167. D 2.1. Does the spouse of the Client have a margin account with BS Securities? 168. In Agricola, you're a farmer in a wooden shack with your spouse and little else. 169. The simplist way is to get a PASS. That is, don't have any sexual relationship with others before you get divorced from your present spouse. 170. Is it because you heard blondes have more fun and you're bored, or maybe you spotted your spouse eyeballing up a blonde bimbo? Either way, have fun with it! 171. Most are gang-related, but occasionally someone tries to bump off his or her spouse for insurance money. 172. Can the stay-at-home former spouse still make an IRA contribution? 173. In writer's opinion, one party can dispose the community property on one's own on the range of the usual management and daily life, otherwise need the agreement of the spouse. 174. The birth of the system of "legal portion" was to limit testamentary freedom. Furthermore, it is a trend that the legislation should reserve the legal portion for the spouse and nigh relatives. 175. Finally , join your Little fingers, and try Ring fingers ( representing your spouse ) . 176. Officials are required to declare their income property and investments as well as whether their spouse and children are living abroad. 177. You and your spouse both have to sign this contract. 178. It is well known that mixed marriage is that spouse are come from different races or religions. 179. A mentor-pupil relationship blossoms, but whatever chemistry exists between Kline and Dano will doubtless be overlooked in the media if Holmes' superstar spouse turns up. 180. There is no cost to you, your spouse, domestic partner or dependents. 181. It has been reported that lead exposure could affect the pathomorpholoical changes of testes and epididymides, sperm quality, reproductive endocrine, spouse gestation and offspring development. 182. You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter. 183. Conclusion: Harmony with neighbors is a protective factor of esophagus cancer, bereavement of one's spouse, family's suffering intensive disease or death, economic status depravation are risk factors./spouse.html 184. Thus, the question that arises within a healthy marital relationship is 'How can I repent and apologize?' when I have offended my spouse. 185. The sexual spouse numerary that has experienced in the life is different, changing people the manner to the gender and idea. 186. It is concluded that antiphonal songs in the song fair reveal the traditional custom of choosing one's spouse by singing love songs, while those in Hua'er Hui give expression t... 187. It would be a "nostrum" to drive your customers away by scolding employees or quarrel with your spouse in customer's presence. 188. By means of survey and thorough interview, the ideas of choosing spouse in contemporary college girl students have been studied. 189. Even if you're running a one-person business, invite your spouse or significant other, a trusted friend who knows your business, and--if you can afford the hourly fees--your accountant or attorney. 190. Dr Hakim claimed more women were choosing to ‘marry up’ by picking wealthy men for their spouse than in the 1940s. 191. After you're married, it takes more lawyering to disinherit a spouse. 192. Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse. 193. Such anniversaries offer the opportunity for all husbands and wives to rededicate themselves to love, honor and cherish their spouse and renew their sacred vows. 194. You should not read the email intended for your spouse. 195. The payoff is as much for you as it is for your spouse: You'll feel sexier and more attractive when you look spiffy. 196. If you're the spouse who's unsatisfied, it's important to communicate with your partner, compassionately. 197. Get yourself a massage: You can go to a massage parlor or even better ask your spouse to give you a full body massage. 198. The rest of us constantly move back and forth in time; we might think of a conversation we had with our spouse yesterday and then immediately of our dinner plans for later tonight. 199. Hey, Beethoven: Get a full-time job, a part-time business, a spouse, a few kids, and a menagerie of pets and wait till you see how many symphonies you can crank out! 200. But recalibrating your inner clock requires more commitment — in the form of unwatched reruns or lost time with a spouse — than many people care to give. |
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