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单词 Persist in
1 If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. 
2 Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
3 If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
4 He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.
5 If you persist in doing that you will end up in trouble.
6 Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
7 Politicians persist in imagining that "the people" warm to their cheesy slogans.
8 Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
9 Why in hell did Alice persist in asking?
10 How long does disused knowledge persist in memory?
11 Why does Alice persist in believing she doesn't need any help?
12 Family stories seem to persist in importance even when people think of themselves individually,[] without regard to their familial roles.
13 The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
14 Why do self-oriented intents and deceptive behaviors persist in organizations?
15 A few persist in southern Florida, where, literally and figuratively, they appear to be treading water.
16 Libraries will persist in their commitment but will find no funding equal to the recognized dimensions of the need.
17 American students of Spanish often persist in pronouncing words such as "presidente" in the same way as similar English words.
18 But now, a hundred years on, certain factions persist in taking it at face value.
19 Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
20 We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.
21 If you persist in bringing to us your iron and flame, the struggle will be long.
22 The earlier children become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults, the greater the risk of dying prematurely.
23 Why did Bob persist in attempting to rob the cradle?
24 Thankfully she did not persist in pursuing her mad idea.
25 Persist in progress and oppose retrogression!
26 Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
27 And yet, despite our earnest desire for happiness, we persist in disregarding the spiritual depths of ourselves.
28 So it was evident that Dan was able to persist in some of his endeavors-but not in his basic academic work.
29 This opinion can seem persuasive for a time, but we can not persist in it.
30 Others do learn to respect your need to be alone, if you persist in maintaining it.
1 Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
2 Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
3 If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
4 Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
31 If you persist in jogging, you'll shad some weight.
32 If we persist in persist in reform and renovation.
33 One group stubbornly persist in following the first road.
34 Under new situations and circumstances, some people persist in handling matter according to past experience and old habits.
35 If you persist in disregarding my advice, I shall wash my hands of the whole business.
36 A large number of languages from a few primary genetic units, or language families, persist in the Caucasus Mountains.
37 Indeed, most Mexicans persist in seeing the United States as a land of opportunity.
38 Huge gaps persist in economic growth and income distribution between the urban and rural population, coastal and inland regions, and among the provinces.
38 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
39 Some Party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
40 We persist in decoration and designing of the parlor to be utilizable , economic, durable, artistic, elegant, with special characteristics, so that it can impress deeply on clients at the first sight.
41 The virus may persist in the inoculation site for several days.
42 Since its originated, the practice of "Reeling for Kam, pupate into butterflies" entrepreneurial spirit, persist in reform and innovation, pragmatism carefully.
43 Tracy: Why do you persist in rescuing me, Mr. Bond?
44 To persist in the basic state policy of opening to the outside world and to further expand economic and technical exchange and cooperation with foreign countries.
45 There was a lot of baffle or difficulties in all this way, I stayed in a dark abysm , but I've seen hope when persist in writing.
46 Credit, creativity, piratical, united; we persist in perfect, in order to bring more high quality, useful products to the customers.
47 We always persist in the principle of " Sincerity, quality, factualism and creativity" to give our customers good design, development, manufacturing, consultation and technology cultivation.
48 Withal, many biologists persist in evolutionism fell into a dilemma baffle.
49 If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison.
50 Pray for the Spirit to move among the 11,350 lost Tai Kao in Yunnan, who have some Scripture portions in their language but persist in idol worship.
51 He needed no persuasion to persist in his proclaimed course.
52 We must persist in study on for good or for evil.
53 Thymic enlargement may occasionally persist in normal children until the age of about six years.
54 Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?
55 Mainly in pre - control, persist in ameliorating, create beautiful future.
56 We must persist in taking the road of self reliance.
57 Study and evaluation of the reform should give priority to the development of students persist, persist in multiple evaluation methods, accuracy and ambiguous expression of unity.
58 In the time lever, I believe that I can persist in doing it ultimately, up to learn it as well as English what I learned.
59 The unknown hatches my unswerving belief, makes me persist in sailing against the billow of life.
60 North Korea will be on the agenda after its missile tests, as will Myanmar, since its generals persist in prosecuting Aung San Suu Kyi, the world's most famous political detainee, on trivial charges.
61 For the duration of the run unit, WORKING-STORAGE items persist in their last-used state.
62 The third principle is to persist in wide - ranging opening up.
63 Strong elements of neo - colonialism persist in the economic relations of the rich and poor countries.
64 While deploying her particular talent for mollification and conciliation, she will persist in pursuit of the German national interest.
65 Some motorists persist in disregarding the basic rules of the road.
66 Persist in enforcing the law humanity is the essential requirement of the police organs to cany out" three represents" principles.
67 The fungus can persist in stumps and roots for many years.




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