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单词 misgiving
释义  mis·giv·ing /mɪsˈɡɪvɪŋ/ noun [countable, uncountable]  NOT SUREa feeling of doubt or fear about what might happen or about whether something is right 疑虑;顾虑 SYN doubtmisgiving about Despite her misgivings about leaving the baby, she decided to accompany her husband. 尽管对于离开宝宝有所顾虑,但她还是决定陪伴丈夫。grave/serious/deep misgivings Some politicians have expressed grave misgivings about the scheme. 一些政治家对这个计划表示了极大的疑虑。 Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety. 反核能人士非常担心核能的安全性。 She eyed the distant shoreline with misgiving. 她担忧地望着远方的海岸线。n COLLOCATIONSverbshave misgivingsI had some misgivings about her marriage. She was very young.allay/quell somebody’s misgivings (=stop someone from being worried)He tried to allay her misgivings about the flight, with little your misgivings (=say what you are worried about)Only a few Senators voiced their misgivings about the war.adjectivesgrave/great/serious/severe misgivings (=serious and important worries)Most of us have grave misgivings about the idea of human cloning.considerable misgivings (=a lot of worries)He had considerable misgivings about taking the case to trial.deep/profound misgivings (=serious misgivings that will be difficult to solve)Teachers have deep misgivings about allowing business values to be used in schools.phrasesdespite/in spite of somebody’s misgivingsDespite his misgivings, he decided to support the proposal.Examples from the Corpusmisgiving• Orkney Presbytery followed suit, stating their very grave misgivings about the procedures followed by Orkney Islands Council.• It is quite a commitment and I can understand anyone having misgivings.• Luke's dismissal of Elise as a mere client had rekindled all her misgivings.• Mrs Tilling viewed the proceedings with some misgivings, but sat herself down gingerly on the edge of the seat.• But Navarre, by then wedded to his strategy, disregarded their misgivings.• Slowly and with misgiving, she went down to greet the Reverend James Longley.• Recall, with misgivings, that what attracted me to Spouse originally was his wit.have ... misgivings• In fact, Ralph did have misgivings about switching careers.• Nevertheless, Jackson, the estate agent, must have had some misgivings about the way matters were progressing.• I have great misgivings about what was done by the previous Labour Government.• Innovation and expansion have continued apace as manufacturers have no misgivings about the long-term future for clay roofing tiles.• Anyone who did not have at least misgivings about transition would be very unusual.mis·giv·ing noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  fear what feeling doubt a of Corpus about or




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