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单词 misguided
释义  mis·guid·ed /mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd/ adjective  1  WRONG/INCORRECTintended to be helpful but in fact making a situation worse 帮倒忙的 He described the government’s economic policy as misguided. 他说政府的经济政策反而帮了倒忙。 a misguided attempt to bring her parents back together 想让她父母重归于好但却弄巧成拙的努力2  WRONG/INCORRECTa misguided idea or opinion is wrong because it is based on a wrong understanding of a situation 〔观点或看法〕错误的 His parents still clung to the misguided belief that his common sense would keep him out of serious trouble. 他的父母依然错误地认为他的常识能让他远离大的麻烦。► see thesaurus at wrong —misguidedly adverb The company misguidedly thought that expansion was the best way to survive. 公司错误地认为扩大规模是最好的生存方法。Examples from the Corpusmisguided• If that was your misguided attempt to make an appealing, heart-rending entrance into my life, you've failed.• It was another of his misguided attempts to save money.• The taxes were introduced in the misguided belief that they would reduce foreign competition.• Facing the truth about a misguided decision can cause senior managers to lose a good deal of sleep.• The misguided enthusiasm spilt over into the most prestigious of journals.• The incompetent or misguided general had been dismissed.• The proposal is a misguided government effort to help the poor.• These decision now seem misguided, if not downright wrong.• Coleman was acting out of misguided jealousy.• In an act of admirable but ultimately misguided loyalty, the national coach Andy Roxburgh stood by his dispirited keeper.• I fear for the world and for that misguided man who crossed my path in such a bruising way yesterday and Friday.• But deaths and injuries still occurred, and blame continued to be attached to ineffective, unfocused or misguided practice.mis·guid·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  be fact helpful to Corpus in but intended




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