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单词 Suspend
(1) Finish the story. Don't suspend us in midair.
(2) The machine is in its "suspend" mode.
(3) In the theatre we willingly suspend disbelief .
(4) Both sides finally agreed to suspend hostilities.
(5) The government has decided to suspend production at the country's biggest lead plant.
(6) The club members decided in a ballot to suspend the captain.
(7) The court has discretion to stay or suspend execution of the order.
(8) To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief .
(9) The EU should have the power to suspend subsidy payments to farmers who pollute the environment.
(10) If you want to suspend disbelief, you probably can.
(11) Talk about asking the audience to suspend disbelief.
(12) The Florida Bar wants to suspend his law license.
(13) Hammore to suspend the law of gravity?
(14) If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us.
(15) Three independent daily newspapers had been ordered to suspend publication on Aug. 8.
(16) Congress, of course, never intended to suspend $ 50 million dams to prolong the dubious existence of obscure fish.
(17) Firefighters suspend ballot Britain's firefighters have suspended a ballot on strike action after pay talks with local authority employers.
(18) Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.
(19) If suggested improvements are not carried out, we have the right to suspend the insurance cover.
(20) The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.
(21) He overstepped the mark and we had no option but to suspend him.
(22) Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.
(23) In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.
(24) Indeed time itself seems alternately to scud and to suspend during those ten seconds.
(25) The image of his sister, playing like an old newsreel, seemed to suspend one memory with another.
(26) He said the school had found enough evidence of hazing to suspend two cadets and file disciplinary charges against 11.
(27) Members of the Darlington duty solicitors scheme have unanimously decided to suspend all court and 24hour duty until April 3.
(28) Industry executives said it was the union that broke off talks, but Wells said the decision to suspend negotiations was mutual.
(29) Commenting on the incident, Nguza said that it confirmed him in his decision to suspend the conference.
(30) It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin 
(1) Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.
(2) If suggested improvements are not carried out, we have the right to suspend the insurance cover.
(31) We have decided to suspend all production at the factory until safety checks can be carried out.
(32) On 3 October 1745 Drummond was forced to suspend payments - allegedly because he supported the Jacobite rebellion.
(33) It has the power to suspend or expel them from college.
(34) The Air Force was right to suspend training and require pilots to undergo several hours of review on joint air space regulations.
(35) So astonishing are the anecdotes, so bizarre the characters, that eventually the reader has to suspend a truckload of disbelief.
(36) Nevertheless, there are reports Costa Rica will ask coffee producers to suspend exports temporarily to shore up prices.
(37) The board may suspend a licence where there is default in carrying out the order.
(38) But equally we can not, should not and will not indefinitely suspend the democratic process.
(39) The school How does one suspend one's prejudices about a place so familiar as a school?
(40) What if we could summon up the willingness and wisdom to suspend our disbelief?
(41) M systems to suspend admissions throughout the state while officials studied the ruling.
(42) He would not agree to suspend drilling but he gave an assurance that work would not re-commence until Wednesday.
(43) They also asked francophone countries to suspend all forms of aid if the government refused to comply with their demand.
(44) What Fokker dreads most is that it would have to suspend payments.
(45) We know that advertisers have a vested interest in their power to suspend our disbelief.
(46) The genre romance allows readers to temporarily suspend reality and enjoy the fantasy without jeopardizing their lives in the real world.
(47) Dauntless found it hard to maintain his belief, or indeed suspend his disbelief, in what he was doing.
(48) One of Anselm's first actions during his first year as archbishop was to suspend them both.
(49) I was asked why we can not suspend the law, and I have explained why that would not be possible.
(50) Men, on the other hand, might leap higher, suspend themselves longer, and whirl faster.
(51) At this stage of the itinerary I propose to suspend the journey south and visit the eastern glens.
(52) The share price was pared by confirmation it will suspend operations of its subsidiary Priority Wireless.
(53) As many as 20 people died in polling-related incidents, and the returning officer was forced to suspend voting in eight stations.
(54) In November 1942, for example, Roosevelt asked Congress for emergency powers to suspend immigration rules in individual cases.
(55) Dismiss, suspend, or demote all or any employees who participate in such strike or violation. 2.
(56) The latter move came in the wake of parliament's decision of Dec. 11 temporarily to suspend the privatization process.
(57) It was significant that Tsongas decided to suspend rather than terminate his campaign, as it underlined the doubts which remained concerning Clinton.
(58) The court then has wide powers to revoke or suspend the approval, or give directions as to further meetings.
(59) The system will suspend the access rights of lexicographers who do not change their passwords every month.
(60) Faculties of agriculture may be less important than faculties of planning and community development and the facility to suspend disbelief.
(61) Those at the Nasdaq who monitor trading will decide whether to suspend trading case by case, Peterson said.
(62) Now we would like to consider the possibility that some athletes literally suspend themselves in midair.
(63) For example, management might suspend all negotiations about pay and conditions until employees agree to work normally during the bargaining.
(64) The Clinton administration was right to suspend planned land-reform aid in response to the recent violence.
(65) Suspend a cage from a strong hook in the ceiling and fill it with potted plants, preferably the trailing kind.
(66) In this era of funding cutbacks and academic brain drains, one must suspend preconceptions.
(67) There is a kind of miracle about the birth of any tiny baby which makes us suspend our critical stance.
(68) The school board agreed to suspend Linda Cole for the remainder of the school year.
(69) A new power to suspend sentences of imprisonment was added by Jenkins, at the instigation of the judiciary.
(70) At this point you have to suspend disbelief and take your faith in your hands.
(71) Several legislators have urged the government to suspend the controversial value-added tax that was extended to cover service industries.
(72) He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment.
(73) Would suspend buying oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
(74) Balloons suspend easily in the air.
(75) Each had enough decorum to suspend further hostilities.
(76) We may also suspend your ads if we have trouble processing charges for your account.
(77) Press Control-Z to suspend a running job; type bg and fg to run a job in the background and foreground, respectively; and type jobs to manage the list of jobs.
(78) The general distributors have right to detain or suspend that all or part of payment to the branch distributor unless they break the law or branch distributor's right in the contract .
(79) Two seconds later, as the suspend() timeouts expire, the first request is retrieved from the pending queue and resubmitted to the ContinuationServlet.
(80) MF.N) rippled through global exchanges on Tuesday, as operators moved to suspend the U.S. futures broker or limit trades of its customers.
(81) Xiong said Internet companies should suspend the accounts of users who spread rumors or libelous statements.
(82) I'm afraid our school will have to suspend classes tomorrow, though. ".
(83) Methods Rat gastric muscle strips was suspend in tissue chambers, it ? ? s contractile activity was recorded.
(84) RCSC also decided to suspend all the work of the Red Cross Society of Commercial System until the investigation is finished.
(85) This collection option stops tracing on demand; all processes suspend tracing,[Sentence dictionary] but the contents of the trace buffer are preserved so that they can be dumped later.
(86) Android phones likewise suspend apps that aren’t visible to the user, or run a service for background processing.
(87) The new legislation empowered the ICC to suspend general rate increases and revise rates on its own initiative.
(88) The start message is output a second time, the second call to suspend() returns immediately, and the end message is sent in response.
(89) In fact, you don't need to suspend the process to place it in the background at all; just append an ampersand to the command and the shell will start the command (or command list) in the background.
(90) Let the second hand suspend, awakes from the samsara, loves thorough.
(91) The regulator has had to step in three times during the past fortnight to suspend trading on both Moscow's exchanges.
(92) Understands that CIC may suspend or cancel their enrolment for misbehaviour.
(93) If Shenzhen Enterprise's product finds the problem, must suspend production immediately, recall by a set time.
(94) The paper details that the proper loan fund start to , suspend to, and stop to capitalize, as well as the count process for capitalized cost and account operation.
(95) Without approval from the municipal government, an operation unit shall not suspend or terminate operation services.
(96) Suspend scraper can auto - balance squeegee pressure, prolong the life of scraper and steel toil, ensure to print.
(97) The Organization of American States (O.A.S.) went a step further Wednesday and said Honduras has 72 hours to reinstate Mr. Zelaya or the regional group may suspend the nation's membership.
(98) The basic pattern is to obtain the Continuation from the current request, call suspend(), and wait until your asynchronous event arrives.
(99) This results in two problems: undesirable reexecution of code as in ContinuationServlet in Listing 4, and loss of state: anything in scope when the call is made to suspend() is lost.
(100) The twist in the tale is as follows: A second controller process exists in the system that can send a suspend operation signal to your device over a dedicated channel.
(101) Certainly, even if Harrington's request cannot obtain satisfies, but team's relations also further worsen, he easily "will not suspend rottenly ", in Warrior's each day of he endeavor as always.
(102) They use a paper string to suspend a pipeful of rice, put a stick vertically into a jar of rice and sling the whole jar up.
(103) In summer crappie will suspend in deeper water chasing shad.
(104) PKG series oil filter actually can release changing oil for compressor that caused by suspend feculence during the working.
(105) The offensive has provoked an al-Qaida-linked self-proclaimed commander of the Pakistani Taliban to suspend peace talks with the government.
(106) Pipe, are to stop after cohesion 8 a 10 atmospheres of pressure or suspend the 8 a 10 gas-tight test of the atmospheric pressure, checking the welds and joint have revealed that gas attack.
(107) Resisting suspend particle interference is an important problem for laser fuze.
(108) It's a vertical-hanging painting with a first draft in the middle and silk purfle surrounded. Suspend vertically.
(109) As to fermented food additive, fermentation broth and fermentation wastewater contain impurities such as mycelia, sugar or protein that remained, suspend substance and organic salt, etc.
(110) The Bush administration says it will temporarily suspend oil deliveries to this Strategic Petroleum Reserve starting in July.
(111) We will suspend shipping service for etd 10.13, and after National day ...
(112) Thirty-two students had to suspend studies this year due to financial hardship.
(113) On top of that, the FAA wants your approval to suspend all air traffic.
(114) The government said on Friday it would activate a "safeguard clause" in European law to suspend the commercial use of MON 810, a maize developed by U.S. biotech giant Monsanto.http://
(115) Suspend therapy during and for 48 hours after the use of intravascular iodinated radiocontrast agents.
(116) Malaysia's top law enforcement official praised the decision to suspend the ruling.
(117) On Friday, state authorities in Lower Saxony said they had sealed off the farm and ordered its operators to suspend sales of any other products.
(118) In Europe, political pressures are building to reduce fuel taxes, similar to a call by John McCain to suspend the federal gas tax for the summer.
(119) You can temporarily suspend the current copy job to give another job higher priority.
(120) Once you have done some merging and resolved conflicts you can no longer suspend the change set because that would re-introduce the conflicts you previously resolved.
(121) The Chinese move to suspend southbound passenger and cargo traffic on the Mekong from Yunnan Province is mainly a political symbol, as opposed to an economic sanction.
(122) The Geiger suspend - dome and Kiewitt one were compared, and the latter is better.
(123) Breakpoints provide a powerful tool that enables you to suspend execution where and when you need to.
(124) When it is used, a job that never self- suspend is blocked at most once, and the duration of blocking is bounded from above by the maximum execution time of critical sections of lower - priority jobs.
(125) Congress has authorized the president to suspend the operation of a statute.
(126) When the system automatically detected this content, my blog was unplugged the next day. I had to suspend blogging for about 80 days, until I moved my site to a host service abroad.
(127) On ChiNext's opening day, share prices on the SZSE grew so quickly that regulators were forced to suspend trading, fearing dangerous inflation of stock.
(128) Let us suspend judgement until we know all the facts.
(129) In morning trading, CIT shares fell 44 cents, or 61 percent, to 28 cents. The New York Stock Exchange said it would suspend trading in CIT prior to Tuesday's market open.
(130) The decision to suspend or terminate the anti-dumping investigation shall be published by MOFCOM.
(131) So suspend your imagination for a moment, and look at the following fairy tales as a hard-core scientist might.
(132) Zheng Jie one year ago this time, the left leg ankle area is also entangling the thick gauze bandage, including walks normally difficultly, will suspend in front of her the future is group dense fog.
(133) We have suspend payment while we are waiting for news from our agent.
(134) And he warned Teheran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.
(135) Steep declines forced officials in Russia and Indonesia to suspend trading indefinitely.
(136) Suspend one quarter over the edge of a smooth horizontal table.
(137) Without approval from the municipal government, an operation unIt'shall not suspend or terminate operation services.
(138) Linux POSIX semaphores use sem_wait() to suspend the calling thread until the semaphore has a non-zero count.
(139) The fact that I perceive my virtual self-image as mere play thus allows me to suspend the usual hindrances which prevent me from realising my "dark half" in real life.
(140) While a database is in write suspend mode, all the tablespaces are placed into Write Suspended state (0x10000); however, all operations on the database function normally.
(141) Motorola Inc. announced Wednesday that it will suspend its 401(k) matching program and pension plan. General Motors Corp.
(142) The third is to suspend the implementation of equity - based incentives and employee stock ownership plan.
(143) One way is to catch an I/O call before it causes a blocking syscall, issue this I/O request in a non-blocking way and suspend the Fiber, giving other Fiber a chance to run.
(144) Iran has pledged to sign the additional protocol to the NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) and suspend uranium enrichment under the pressures from all directions.
(145) The world economic crisis of 1929,[http:///suspend.html] after President Hoover simply proposing to suspend the German reparations to 90%.
(146) The limitation of time on the adpromissiones which is independent will not suspend for the suspension of the limitation of time on main contract.
(147) Methods:Using the self-made external support plates to suspend the tracheomalacia area.
(148) The Mexican baseball league has been forced to suspend a game in progress because of gunfire at a stadium.
(149) To propagate or suspend transactions for references in an implementation.spring component, the required SCA transaction intents are specified in the composite file.
(150) Professional Teachers' Union chairman Cheung Man-kwong on Tuesday urged the Government to suspend classes at all Hong Kong schools to contain the spread of the atypical pneumonia virus.
(151) The walls are covered with tile, the ground with ribband materials. Have geosyncline and suspend ceiling.
(152) In January, the lawyers filed a civil suit in a Rome tribunal seeking an injunction to suspend the project.
(153) Before you run a physical consistency check of a database, you must temporarily suspend all transaction log replay for the storage group that contains the database to be verified.
(154) Once needing sinkage, the semi-spherical containers can be gradually opened for water inlet; when gravity is equal to buoyancy, the diving device can suspend in the water.
(155) To propagate or suspend transactions for references in an implementation.jee component, specify the required SCA transaction intents in the composite file.
(156) The authorities have been known to suspend RFI's local relays over the station's coverage.
(157) I request them to suspend their decision until they have read my narrative.
(158) Young quickly licked the tongue Suo of shoe top back, the young girls be quick to let to suspend payment of the black eye Ren once more turn positive - mankind letter .
(159) Abreakpoint is a signal that tells the debugger to temporarily suspend execution of your program at a certain point.
(160) If the ID is not certified before deadline, social security management system will automatically suspend the pension.
(161) The OSAHS differential diagnosis main center sleep apnea syndrome refers to when the sleep the mouth, the nose air current and the chest abdominal breathing also suspend.
(162) As you can see, I have modified the code so that rather than sitting in busy loops, a and b instead call the C-runtime function sleep to suspend execution for 1 and 4 seconds, respectively.
(163) INVESCO Great Wall on selected blue - chips - type securities investment fund business application to suspend the indicative notice.
(164) Heavy selling led exchanges in Austria, Russia and Indonesia to suspend trading, and the losses on Australia's markets caused traders to call it "Black Friday."
(165) Now along comes the 35 Amendment to suspend all these freedoms and rights.
(166) We had no alternative but halt [ suspend ] the project at the time.
(167) Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, want to suspend federal taxes on gasoline summer.
(168) A virtual suspend dome investigation is presented, and the result indicated that the whole structure is highly sensitive to the outmost cables that should make a serious attention.
(169) Physicist Niels Bohr believed, that if you held opposites together, then you suspend your thought, and your mind moves to a new level.
(170) Iran has been given two weeks to answer to a demand by world powers that it suspend its uranium enrichment activities following a meeting in Geneva last weekend.
(171) However, some screen savers actually perform useful computations , so it is not desirable to suspend them.
(172) If you suspend it for a few months, morale will slacken.
(173) However the small particles ease to suspend in contrast. With changing the particles size grading, the particle number concentration can be changed in the cistern of scrubbing chamber.
(174) Yemen says it will suspend its military offensive against Shiah rebels in the north of the country if the rebels agreed to do the same.
(175) Some basic factors were analyzed such as the sediment amount coming into the dam area, the process of sediment deposition,[sentencedict .com] the transport capacity of suspend load and the concentration distribution.
(176) The Security Council has been united on the need for Iran to suspend its enrichment activities, Wolff said.
(177) Fracture fluid is characterized by a strong ability to suspend proppant and to be able to have a better fracture section plane and effectively fracture length.
(178) The body of an adult jellyfish is a bell-shaped, jellylike substance enclosing its internal structure, from which the creature's tentacles suspend.
(179) Under the trade agency's rules, countries may formally suspend exports of natural resources only for environmental conservation.
(180) In August, a shortage of the popular American Eagle bullion coins forced the U.S. Mint to temporarily suspend their sales.
(181) Russia, which was forced to suspend stock and bond trading for two days last week, is pledging $130 billion in emergency funds to help prop up local markets.
(182) He be suspend on full pay while the police investigation be proceeding.
(183) We're suspend to open based on secret reason, our SQL database need to be fix and also check the endamage condition.
(184) Many programming languages have statements or constructs that suspend execution and put program into break mode.
(185) From the seed cotton purchase point of view, due to the recent market cottonseed less resources, seed cotton purchase prices continued to decline, cotton plant is already in the basic suspend state.
(186) Another suite to suspend hand, in the long run, higher investment income.
(186) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(187) The six nations pressing Iran to suspend its nuclear program are the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France -- and Germany.
(188) It should use two steel lines and steel tube cover tope of frame to suspend if open box.
(189) During the cutting process, the computer can realize locus displaying and monitoring, and suspend operation or return to any program segment when needed through manual data input.
(190) The drawee who receives notice to stop payment of the lost instrument shall suspend its payment.
(191) Now, the university Board of Trustees has voted to suspend operations at Antioch College next July.
(192) " He proposes that the US Securities and Exchange Commission require that all markets incorporate a "circuit-breaker" which would suspend trading on signs of an algorithm-driven crash.
(193) Fu Tai ( Shanghai ) Ltd. also said that consent to suspend the implementation of targeted additional protocol.
(194) Many programming languages have statements or constructs that suspend execution and put your program into break mode.




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