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单词 misfire
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Weaponsmis·fire /ˌmɪsˈfaɪə $ -ˈfaɪr/ verb [intransitive]  1  SUCCESSFUL#if a plan or joke misfires, it goes wrong and does not have the result that you intended 〔计划或笑话〕未达到预期的效果,失败 → backfire His attempt at a joke misfired. 他的笑话没让人笑起来。 I was worried that the plan might misfire. 我担心这个计划可能要落空。2. TTCif an engine misfires, the petrol mixture does not burn at the right time 〔发动机〕不点火,不启动3. PMWSHOOTif a gun misfires, the bullet does not come out 〔枪〕射不出子弹→ See Verb tablemis·fire verbChineseSyllable  it a if misfires, goes or wrong and plan joke Corpus




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