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单词 Frozen
1. I felt frozen to the marrow.
2. The heating went off and we were frozen out!
3. Sledges run well over frozen snow.
4. The arctic shore remains frozen until the summer thaw.
5. They skated over the frozen lake.
6. You can use fresh or frozen fish.
7. The cold weather had frozen the ground.
8. It's so cold that even the river has frozen.
9. His frozen shoulder has stopped him playing tennis.
10. They took me ice-skating on a frozen lake.
11. The lake was frozen solid .
12. Sleds run well over frozen snow.
13. The lake had frozen overnight.
14. It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.
15. The stream has frozen up; you can see the fish trapped in the ice.
16. I thought I'd dress up the frozen pizza with a few extra tomatoes and olives.
17. It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow.
18. They bought all their frozen food from the same freezer centre.
19. Any unused pastry can be frozen and used at a later date.
20. The frozen snow crunched under the wheels of our car.
21. The ball rolled onto the frozen surface of the pond.
22. I felt I was being frozen out of/from the discussions.
23. Contrast fresh and frozen vegetables and you'll find the fresh ones taste better.
24. The ground is frozen for most of the year.
25. Feeling gradually began to return to my frozen feet.
26. The clothes on the washing line were frozen stiff.
27. Exhausted soldiers crawled into camp,( ) frozen and bedraggled.
28. Salaries have been frozen for the current year.
29. Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray.
30. It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
1. The arctic shore remains frozen until the summer thaw.
2. They skated over the frozen lake.
3. You can use fresh or frozen fish.
4. The cold weather had frozen the ground.
5. It's so cold that even the river has frozen.
6. His frozen shoulder has stopped him playing tennis.
7. They took me ice-skating on a frozen lake.
8. The lake was frozen solid .
9. The lake had frozen overnight.
10. It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.
11. I thought I'd dress up the frozen pizza with a few extra tomatoes and olives.
12. It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow.
13. They bought all their frozen food from the same freezer centre.
14. Any unused pastry can be frozen and used at a later date.
15. The frozen snow crunched under the wheels of our car.
16. It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
17. The ball rolled onto the frozen surface of the pond.
18. I felt I was being frozen out of/from the discussions.
19. The two pots are frozen together.
20. The frozen snow was treacherous to walk on.
21. Members who are no longer welcome can easily be frozen out.
22. He gave his name to a well - known brand of frozen food.
31. Strawberries don't taste nice if they've been frozen.
32. The water pipes have frozen.
33. The windows are frozen up.
34. We don't have any fresh vegetables, only frozen peas.
35. Thaw out the frozen meat before cooking.
36. The pipes had frozen up.
37. The two pots are frozen together.
38. He was frozen to death on a snowing night.
39. The ground had frozen hard/solid.
40. The ship was frozen in for the winter.
41. Maggie's face had frozen into a cold mask.
42. The pipes have frozen, so we've got no water.
43. Diplomatic relations were frozen until August this year.
44. Several of the men frozen to death.
45. The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow.
46. The clothes were frozen on the washing-line.
47. They sat in frozen silence.
48. The company's assets have been frozen.
49. The pond had frozen solid.
50. Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.
51. The wet clothes has frozen on the clothesline.
52. Wages were effectively frozen for six months.
53. The pipes have frozen up.
54. He was near frozen when they found him.
55. The ground was frozen solid.
56. The lake is completely frozen over.
57. The lake was frozen over until late spring.
58. Delicate herbs keep their flavour better when frozen.
59. Two men were frozen to death on the mountain.
60. The lake was frozen over.
61. The frozen snow was treacherous to walk on.
62. He's in the frozen food business.
63. We'll go skating if the lake has frozen over.
64. We keep frozen food in a freezer.
65. Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground.
66. The game was frozen out.
67. Our feet crunched on the frozen snow.
68. I'm frozen - could you close the window?
69. A horse thudded over the frozen grass.
70. The lake has frozen over.
71. The lakes are still frozen over.
72. Goodness, your hands are frozen stiff!
73. He put one hand up to his frozen face.
74. She stared at him,( ) frozen with shock.
75. He gently coaxed life back into my frozen toes.
76. The engine has frozen up.
77. She disinterred two frozen TV dinners from the freezer.
78. They were frozen out of the club.
79. The snow has frozen hard on the road.
80. I came home from the game frozen stiff .
81. The pond has frozen up.
82. The river was frozen over last night.
83. The frozen chicken thawed out half an hour later.
84. The frozen snow crunched under our feet.
85. The cold has frozen the earth solid.
86. My gloves were frozen to the handle bar.
87. Their boots crunched loudly on the frozen snow.
88. Britain has already frozen its aid programme.
89. The children skated on the frozen pond.
90. I was frozen/chilled to the bone after waiting so long for the bus.
91. The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.
92. As he walked away towards his car she wanted to run after him, but she felt frozen, riveted to the spot.
93. His extremities were frozen.
94. The courts can order a company's assets to be frozen.
95. He looks half frozen.
96. Members who are no longer welcome can easily be frozen out.
97. Under these laws, he said, Mr. Rice's assets could have been frozen.
98. He gave his name to a well - known brand of frozen food.
99. If you had stayed out all night in the snow,you might have frozen to death.
100. After walking through the snow, my feet were frozen stiff.
101. It is difficult to dig the ground when it is frozen.
102. Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car.
103. This product may be frozen. If required(http:///frozen.html), freeze on day of purchase.
104. The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid.
105. Two men froze to death/were frozen to death on the mountain.
106. You must be frozen! Come and sit by the fire.
107. No crops can grow here in the frozen North, so all the vegetables have to be flown out.
108. The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.
109. The competition became so keen that many of smaller companies were frozen out.
110. Small shops are being frozen out by the big supermarkets.
111. I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.
112. American rice farmers complained that their crops were being frozen out of the market.
113. A frozen chicken should be allowed to defrost completely before cooking.
114. He believed that organizations like theirs were being frozen out.
115. The aid was frozen in June after intense lobbying by conservative Republicans.
116. It was downright panic—the frozen expressions on the faces of the actors was proof enough of that.
117. Some troubling questions remain about the legal status of frozen embryos.
118. The Government has frozen pensions until the end of next year.
119. The girl thawed her frozen hands in front of the fire.
120. Meat from New Zealand is frozen and brought to England in special ships.
121. I was frozen stiff after sitting so long and could hardly walk.
122. Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food.
123. Every day she reconstitutes the frozen orange juice by adding water.
124. It was cold and damp; he pulled up his collar and was aware of being frozen stiff.
125. We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was frozen to the bone.
126. When it was obvious the company was going bankrupt, the government ordered all their assets to be frozen.
127. The ground was frozen hard and was impossible to dig.
128. She thawed out the frozen meat in the microwave oven.
129. Half the fruit crop was frozen out in the sudden severe autumn.
130. The wheel slipped from my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road.
131. Prices have been frozen at this level for over a year now.
132. The earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the radiant heat of the sun.
133. Student grants will be frozen at existing levels and top-up loans made available.
134. Under the agreement,(http://) most agricultural prices would be frozen or cut.
135. The north wind has frozen the water in the pool in the garden.
136. Thaw frozen meat in its packet and then cook as soon as possible.
137. The frozen water surface will have to be picked up by hand.
138. My old bicycle was so rusty that the gears had frozen.
139. The window has frozen up and I can't open it.
140. If the lock has frozen up, try lubricating it with oil.
141. I had slipped a disc and was frozen in a spasm of pain.
142. They all stood there staring, as if frozen to the spot.
143. Joe Adams will get his frozen bobcat back, again.
144. Place frozen block of spinach in greased 1-quart casserole.
145. You look frozen stiff .
146. And frozen yogurt topped with cooked Baxter apples.
147. I swear you are frozen to the bone.
148. A federal judge has frozen most of the assets.
149. Lungs pounding out torrents of frozen breath, we speed down narrow forest corridors, then burst into dazzling clearings.
150. It came to rest with corpses of slow woolly mammoths frozen deep inside, it lay on the bones of sabre-toothed tigers.
151. Stacked on the cargo deck, they still fought, frozen inside their rubber bags, arms and legs stiffly askew.
152. Of all the eidetic images that remain from my childhood, frozen with crude representational accuracy, this is the most vivid.
153. It was so cold that anything you said had frozen up before leaving your mouth.
154. Take the frozen water bottle, remove the lid, invert and rest on the compost towards the centre of the plants.
155. They are not abundantly available fresh but can be purchased canned, frozen raw, and frozen fried.
156. Eventually we used up our supply and, with caution, ordered some frozen corn nuggets from our distributor.
157. At first it came down almost lazily, in huge, silent flakes which soon blanketed the frozen ground.
158. If it is frozen at different atmospheric pressures, the ice crystals formed are different.
159. He sat on a stool with his head bowed, his feet frozen.
160. The weather became cooler under the influences of cold breezes from the frozen north, observed my master.
161. The frozen and remote feeling of the old portrait photograph which repelled artists like Redon has had an intense attraction for others.
162. He was frozen there with an appalled sense of waste, that his cohort had denied him his greatest discovery.
163. In person, however, they have matured about as much as a sperm in a deep frozen sperm bank.
163. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
164. I have met knitters with bad backs, frozen shoulders, tennis elbows and so on from doing to much knitting at a time.
165. But it is hard to resist a plant once you see it burst forth in flawless bloom from the frozen ground.
166. Once air temperatures have fallen well below freezing point, frozen spray accumulates along the shore.
167. Extreme cases on high altitude expeditions have ended up with sleeping bags frozen solid!
168. He went from frozen stillness to liquid and menacing movement in the blink of an eye.
169. Also, buying canned or frozen food rather than fresh food cuts down our vitamin intake by as much as 25-30 percent.
170. Frozen duck is perfectly acceptable, but-as with most products-fresh is preferred.
171. Cash in a joint account is not frozen when one party dies.
172. Keep a packet of pitta bread in the freezer, heat up under the grill from frozen and cut into fingers.
173. Large quantities of unused frozen meat and blubber have been found on rubbish dumps after recent drives.
174. Neta, looking for a frozen cheesecake, picked out a coffeecake instead.
175. The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer.
176. He lay there, frozen as a mullet, listening to the ceaseless roar of the wind.
177. Last November, after bribing the border guards, she crossed the frozen Tumen with her blind daughter.
178. Evans had taken Gwen's arm to help her circumnavigate a frozen puddle.
179. Dallas is the birthplace of the computer chip, the chicken fajita and the frozen margarita.
180. But the marriage broke up out there on the frozen Plains.
181. At first, when Perdita held out the bucket, she was too frozen with fear to drink.
182. One day, the men went out to look for timber and instead they found a little baby, all frozen.
183. Uncooked madeira cake mixture can be frozen in an airtight container.
184. Child benefit has been frozen for the last three or four years.
185. Legislative and judicial elites are almost completely frozen out of corporatist policy arenas.
186. An amorphous polymer in this state has been likened to a plate of frozen spaghetti.
187. For their first meal, she bought frozen fish sticks, frozen french fries, frozen peas and a frozen apple pie.
188. I skate a surface, the dark water of possible creativity well below, frozen from me.
189. Charity let Mandy chatter on and on, offering no comment, her feelings frozen somewhere deep within her.
190. Death becomes him, for ever frozen in time as a complex and charismatic 24-year-old on the cusp of greatness.
191. Retail cuts at special prices, to be frozen in the home freezer, offer opportunities for good buys.
192. Personal tax allowances are expected to be frozen and taxes on petrol, drink and tobacco raised.
193. Charles didn't respond and after a frozen pause, she collapsed into a chair and burst out crying.
194. Place the frozen truffles on a wire rack over a baking sheet.
195. Most of them were from the barbaric tribes nearer the frozen Hub, which had a sort of export trade in heroes.
196. During that time the allocation to that gallery has been reduced, and subsequently frozen.
197. That shuts out producers such as supermarket chains, where loaves are baked from batches of frozen dough made elsewhere.
198. But there was nothing in the shifting canyons of frozen carbon dioxide to tell her.
199. Hamburger is chopped fresh and / or frozen beef with or without added beef fat as such and / or seasoning.
200. He noticed that frozen fish and caribou meat tasted as good frozen as fresh.
201. As she tried to pick her way over frozen puddles, she regretted her decision to wear high heels instead of boots.
202. If you don't have fresh fruit to hand, just use an equal weight of canned or frozen fruit instead.
203. By now his feet ached, and his naked chest was frozen as senseless as an iron shield.
204. A / C, dishwashers, automatic transmissions, frozen dinners, and liberal theologians.
205. An immediately adjacent specimen was snap frozen in the endoscopy suite.
206. Two funds were frozen by the government; others declared bankruptcy or slashed their interest rates and stopped paying back principal.
207. The six young calves in a pile were all frozen solid.
208. Place wine in microwave and frozen fish in freezer, take all your clothes off and apply face pack whilst running bath.
209. Chunks of frozen brine shrimp or a pile of ground beef will be greedily attacked.
210. Beyond the monster human cyclone of a moshpit, audience member stood frozen like rabbits in the glare of juggernaut halogens.
211. She stared in horror at the whitened, frozen cadavers which lay there under a tattered, canvas sheet.
212. At both operations, biopsies from the tumour and non-tumour liver tissue were collected and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen.
213. We go chasing around this frozen, benighted countryside and discover nothing.




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