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单词 respectful
释义 Word family  noun respect ≠ disrespect respectability respecter respectfulness adjective respectable respected respectful ≠ disrespectful respective verb respect ≠ disrespect adverb respectably respectfully ≠ disrespectfully respectively  re·spect·ful /rɪˈspektfəl/ ●○○ adjective  POLITEfeeling or showing respect 有礼貌的,恭敬的 OPP disrespectful They listened in respectful silence. 他们毕恭毕敬地静听。respectful of He was always respectful of my independence. 他一向尊重我的独立。► see thesaurus at polite —respectfully adverb —respectfulness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusrespectful• Somehow it doesn't seem respectful.• His words to the tree seemed to be respectful and thoughtful, and he addressed whatever he saw as Sister.• They stood a respectful distance away from the casket.• Gary simply sat with an admiring and respectful look on his face.• We are respectful of one another.• Grouped around one car in a respectful semicircle, they stared, their eyes fixed to one window.• They waited in respectful silence as the funeral procession went past.• If children were taught to be more respectful towards their elders, maybe these crimes wouldn't happen so often.• Coming on all awed and respectful would just put the wind up her.respectful of• We always try to be respectful of each other's·spect·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  or Corpus showing feeling respect




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