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单词 Participant
1. She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.
2. She is an active participant in this activity.
3. He has been an active participant in the discussion.
4. Each participant was to pay his own expenses.
5. The engineer was an eager participant in technical co - operation.
6. A youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics.
7. I had finished six months participant observation.
8. But another participant argued that it didn't really matter whether it was additional money or not.
9. Even the most fully developed participant cultures will contain surviving strata of subjects and parochials.
10. Which format a participant should choose will depend upon his or her career stage, work situation and individual learning style.
11. Particularly during successful long-term participant observation, the borderline between overt and covert recording can become blurred and quite difficult problems emerge.
12. More important, in the civic culture participant political orientations combine with and do not replace subject and parochial political orientations.
13. It is up to each participant to feel his way towards the consensus outcome.
14. Another participant pointed out that the Northern Ireland budget over the last five years had only increased in line with inflation.
15. In a few moments the other participant in the sequence they were shooting would come, the estate agent from Sudbury.
16. The participant observer in such a naturalistic framework really only observes.
17. But the Commission is also a direct participant in fostering the necessary adaptability in the labour market.
18. One participant involved in training said people here have low self-esteem and must contend with almost daily harassment.
19. One participant had conducted some research into small businesses in West Belfast for a research report.
20. There is no comparison between the knowledge and skill of such a player and the ordinary casual participant.
21. A pyramid venture was started recently at one licensed dealer, every participant contributing £100, and bringing in more people.
22. I was examining teachers and teaching in one school using such methods as participant observation, unstructured interviews and documentary evidence.
23. It also demonstrated how volatile the presidential race is, with change an ever-present participant.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. She wrote: Philip presents as a compliant and willing participant in classroom activities.
25. Interestingly neither of these two people were sociologists, though sociologists have carried out participant studies amongst homosexuals and criminal gangs.
26. Other ethnographic techniques Ethnographic research is not carried out only by means of participant observation and unstructured interviewing.
27. Because of other demands on his time, the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis.
28. A murder victim is not a stage-prop in the drama of his death but an active participant.
29. Using the methods offered by the new technical media, he must become a self-aware participant in the total apparatus of production.
30. A riot in a drab housing project outside Paris leaves one participant on his deathbed, a victim of police brutality.
1. She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.
2. She is an active participant in this activity.
3. The engineer was an eager participant in technical co - operation.
31. Two such distinct behaviours can at times be observed, either by the participant himself or by an outside observer.
32. It will become a virtual world that we inhabit as an observer or a participant.
33. Each participant also behaves as if there exists only one presupposition pool shared by all participants in the discourse.
34. The exact relationship between these objectives and reducing crime will depend on the specification of the programme and on the individual participant.
35. Nor, however, did he want to be an active participant.
36. The items used were derived from data from participant observation, and therefore constituted a re-presentation of items to the community.
37. But then to avoid confusion we need some way of marking the participant role distinction.
38. Do you consider yourself an active participant in the political world?
39. And even in the very last analysis, those participant accounts must not be entirely lost sight of.
40. Nevertheless there are initial considerations that all participant observers make to some extent prior to entering and during fieldwork.
41. Cohesion is maintained by building up a structure of consensual decision-making to make every individual feel an important participant.
42. There is a £10 entry fee and each participant should raise £50 in sponsorship in order to take part.
43. Furthermore, it is difficult for the participant observer not to exert some influence on the events that are being observed.
44. There is, then, a discrepancy between what each participant is talking about, within the topic framework.
45. As a research participant, she tested positive for mutations in BRCA1.
46. Business, government, and academia must work together and provide each participant with one-on-one contact and support.
47. These effects are not erased by using female-identified participant observation, as well as male-identified ratings scales.
48. Primary data is collected by the researcher at first hand, mainly through surveys, interviews, or participant observation.
49. What he contributes as a participant in collective life ranges from reform to radical re-structuring.
50. Third, that the memory traces of the experience may continue to affect the religious behaviour of some participant subjects.
51. Moreover, Krimsky's perspective as a participant very much colours his account as an observer.
52. The norms of citizen behavior found in these texts stress the participant aspects of political culture.
53. In addition to the main distinction based on participant roles, the person system may be organized along a variety of other dimensions.
54. The method of study finally chosen was that of participant observation of a community for an eventual period of twenty months.
55. This type of evaluation makes use of interviews and questionnaires. Participant observation is employed in many cases as a complementary method.
56. Do not be a passive observer in your life. Be an active participant in your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
57. Be an active participant in the work of the schools.
58. Although we may in this way gain in explanatory capacity, there are several important disadvantages associated with a participant observation study.
59. Each participant received a packet including information guides, maps, a Super Bowl cap and a Share the Warmth lapel pin.
60. We lost another participant, an A.L.S. patient.
61. Below Secondo Items Are For Duet Entry Participant Only.
62. The new "Law of Contract" defines the rule of the strict responsibility, which brings an important change in judging what responsibility the participant should take.
63. This investigation employs the qualitative method, together with in-depth interviews and participant observation, to record resident daily life and sense of place.
64. He won a tense duel over first-time participant Sidharth Chand, 12, of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, who finally stumbled on " prosopopoeia , " a word describing a type of figure of speech.
65. An Invoicer participant provides the Invoicing service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order.
66. I believe that the most powerful position is one that companies can strive to achieve even if they are neither the largest share holder nor the most dominant participant.
67. One participant said he made 12 cuts and took down a five inch sugar maple.
68. Assess the degree of trust, honesty and fairness you can expect from each participant and what bearing that will have on the tone of the conversation and achievability of your and others' objectives.
69. Service channel connectors are used to connect consumer requests to provider services in a participant assembly.
70. The basic method adopted in the paper is to combine the theoretical analyses with the demonstration proof-test , while including the model of participant index.
71. BOINC provides web - based interfaces for account creation , preference editing and participant status display.
72. As an active participant in economic globalization, China will never engage in trade or investment protectionism.
73. The indirect mode is a mode of connection whereby a participant initiates and receives business through the terminus of the common front end of the foreign currency payment system.
74. Repeated QSO with the same participant is permitted on different bands and in each round of LOW BAND-part.
75. In my opinion, China, as a national behavioral entity, reappears as a full participant in a greater international order, and no longer is merely as a regional behavioral entity.
76. The CPA participant has the professional duty to discover and report the financial fraud of the corporations and it's the key resolvent to the failure of system to take on the professional duty.
77. The act of obtaining unsubsidized employment for or by a participant.
78. An Invoicer service participant provides the invoicing service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order, and then refines this price when the shipping information is known.
79. In modern China, the chamber of commerce as both the system provider and demander played the role of a participant in the making and evolving of the system of industry and business.
80. The event was organized by the United Nations' children's agencyUNICEF which gave each participant a wristband with his or hernumber in the line and T-shirt certifying participation in theevent.
81. Issues on establishing defendant participant mode to extend the scope of application of summary procedure should be analyzed and resol...
82. CUSTOMER (Participant) Ultimate consumer, user, client, beneficiary or second party.
83. For Joint Individual Investor Participant, all joint holders must sign. For Corporate Investor Participant,(http:///participant.html) the authorised.
84. In one case a participant tasted tuna when she was trying to remember the word 'castanet'.
85. One of my colleagues, a physiologist, trekker, artist, photographer and many other things besides was an enthusiastic participant.
86. But the best benefit, according to at least one study participant, was the ability to watch the entire procedure in real time on a color monitor and receive immediate feedback from the clinician.
87. But the new administration has committed to be a full participant in nuclear contacts with Iran by the P5 Plus One, the five permanent U. N.
88. But how fool-proof is this system and will his participant, believing in him and his predictions, risk her life-savings on one more race?
89. Qualitative data was conducted for 10 months based on participant observation, in - depth interview , and documentation.
90. MAR is a participant in the national whale disentanglement network.
91. In such rising route of China, the PLA has been tools and policy-making participant more than being sharer of political power.
92. By local unitary operation and entanglement swapping, the sender can transmit the piece of secret to the participant.
93. A participant brought two seedlings of Bodhi tree; one for our land and one for my residence. They planted the Bodhi seedling near the shed.
94. Concerning the participants, the author mainly deals with the organizer, presider as well as rights and obligations of each participant in hearing.
95. Attention! Repeated QSO with the same participant is permitted on different bands and in each round of LOW BAND-part.
96. Participant attrition rate was 35% by Week 10 but did not differ significantly between groups.
97. Participant in SHE activities to develop warehouse and transportation management processes to meet company policy.
98. At the very least there needs to be one full participant that has the ability to store information and launch the synchronization process.
99. China plays the active role of a participant and propellent in the security cooperation, which has made great progress, with Southeast Asia and Central Asia.
100. A BYE (or Goodbye) packet is a type of Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) packet that is sent when a participant in a multicast event leaves the session.
101. An effective leader engages the normal pushing and tugging as a full participant in the ongoing contest.
102. Once I had the oportunity to represent in a long distance competition, but like recreative participant.
103. The researchers then measured their reaction to another participant (actually a research associate) who turned up late and thus needed help with the experimental procedure.
104. On the other hand, as an active participant in the English Revolution(), Milton was directly influenced by it. His passion for the Revolution likewise brought about the heroic Satan.
105. Those attending last year's Lennart Meri security shindig (disclosure: your columnist is a regular and appreciative participant) had two options.
106. Caucho was an active participant in the respective specification ( JSR-299 Contexts and Dependency Injection) so it is no surprise that they offer their own implementation in the form of CanDI.
107. Each participant will receive a numbered card and may be given a name plate which is to be placed visibly.
108. Like other people who lived "on the hill, " 7 600 feet above sea level, I was a nuclear scientist and a soccer dad, an outdoorsman, an active participant in this special scientific world.
109. In this kind of strict system many young artists as well as some important artistic works certainly do not have coequally participant and revealable opportunity.
110. Alternatively, compute an effect measure for each individual participant which incorporates all time points, such as total number of events, an overall mean, or a trend over time.
111. The other participant in this equation - the tiger shark - is perfectly suited for hunting large prey.
112. A participant or privileged participant shall encipher any payment instruction it makes, and a payment instruction shall have effect once it is given.
113. The researchers found the year and state in which each participant’s Social Security number was issued, which typically happened between his 15th and 25th birthdays.
113. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
114. Another participant, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, is by comparison a trailblazer.
115. Mastering a field of knowledge involves not only "learning about" the subject matter but also "learning to be" a full participant in the field.
116. Although there are several variations, the Exquisite Corpse exercise typically begins with the first participant writing a line of poetry and giving it to the second person.
117. As the participant and witness, Michael Payne narrates, in an unmatchable perspective, the hard journey of safeguarding the Olympic dignity and dream.
118. From the children's respect, children are the witness, the enjoyer, the participant, and the successor of social development.
119. Mr. Knight was, however, a full participant in the class.
120. Finally, there is the Simple Participant, which is entirely dependent on a Full Participant.
121. Limitations: No participant was taking lipid-lowering medication, and diabetes was uncommon.
122. If you are a Joint Individual Investor Participant, all joint individuals must sign. If a Corporate Investor Participant, your authorised.
123. The fluidity of perceptions of past presidents reflects contemporary concerns, according to Edna Medford, a survey leader and participant.
124. They have been a key participant in our Early Access Program, providing valuable guidance to our development team and resulting in an EM tool that meets the company's high standards.
125. Agricultural product supply and marketing chain does not cooperate in the play chess state that caused inside system reasonless behavior of participant and feedback mistake of message understand.
126. In the Multiple Interactive College English Teaching Model, students act as a self-regulated learner, a center of teaching, a participant in communication and also a sharer of information resources.
127. As a presider and participant in revolutionary base area and new China, he always pays attention to land question.
128. Apply the result enunciation, the article put forward of the participant define a method can biggest to build up the participant define of vivid, have a good applied foreground.
129. Yet another participant in SMIL development is Israeli toolmaker InterObject, which has developed a SMIL 2.0 player running over standard Windows platforms along with the PocketPC.
130. Prosecutors say he was a willing participant in al Qaeda while his lawyers argue he was a member of a motor pool who needed the $200 monthly salary.
131. This return receipt serves as the confirmation of the participant. Please fill it carefully.
132. But the new administration has committed to be a full participant in nuclear contacts with Iran by the P5 Plus One, the five permanent U.N. Security Council member countries and Germany.
133. If a transaction participant fails to prepare, then all of the other participants are issued a roll-back command.
134. The Company will not be responsible for or liable for any action, claim, damage, costs, charge or expense, howsoever suffered or incurred by a Program participant, in relation to the Program.
135. What is unusual about the sculpture is that although the woman is not an active participant of the love feast, her pose clearly signifies an expression of surrender.
136. But Surendran also takes pride in her status at Thanksgiving dinner, which has moved from curious guest to full participant in meal preparation.
137. In this picture taken on July 28, 2009 a participant tests his robot at the Campus Party, the worlds biggest on-line electronic entertainment festival in Valencia, Spain.
138. LIMITATIONS: No participant was taking lipid-lowering medication, and diabetes was uncommon.
139. The donor community contributed to initial reserves and participant countries paid one-time participation fees.
140. First is the Full Participant, which is a peer in every respect and can initiate synchronization.
141. Appaloosa was a major participant in complex debt exchange offers executed by the two banks during 2009 to strengthen their balance sheets in the wake of bail-outs by the government.
142. Brimmer promises the Obama Administration will be an active and constructive participant in Council deliberations.
143. Participants are mostly arranged along the top of page , unless drop - box participant creation notation is used.
143. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144. When you have been academically admitted to the institution or accepted as a participant in an exchange program, the academic institution will provide you with the appropriate form required by SEVIS.
145. When the participant baulked at giving the electrical shocks, the experimenter - an authority figure dressed in a white lab coat - ordered them to continue.
146. This pressurized water (8 to 10 bar of air pressure) propels the participant 26 ft through the air for a cool and refreshing splash down in a swimming pool.
147. After becoming the youngest luge participant ever as a 16-year-old at the 1998 Nagano Games in Japan, Keshavan returned home to the Himalayas and went to work waiting tables.
148. Further, each participant will produce a body of work that will be a valuable feature of their professional portfolio.
149. Participant 30 children with TV torticollis and 30 normal children.
150. The mechanism for passing the protocol information between coordinator and participant is not defined.
151. Documents need to be dragged and dropped to the outbox of the participant eBlade.




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