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单词 Professional
1, The best professional musicians start young.
2, She is a professional actress.
3, After this heartbreaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports.
4, A lawyer is a professional man.
5, They were professional killers who did in John.
6, Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people.
7, She made her professional stage debut in Swan Lake.
8, This is the work of a real professional.
9, She wants to become a professional cook.
10, The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.
11, What professional qualifications does he have?
12, The doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct.
13, He is over the hill as a professional athlete.
14, His professional career started at Liverpool University.
15, Do you belong to any professional or trade associations?
16, I recommend that you get some professional advice.
17, It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.
18, Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and Sundays.
19, You will need to seek professional advice about your claim for compensation.
20, Bill idolizes his big brother,[http:///professional.html] who is a professional footballer.
21, The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.
22, They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers.
23, We're going to need some professional backup for this project.
24, He became a professional athlete at the age of 16.
25, I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.
26, If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice.
27, You must not let your personal reactions interfere with your professional judgement.
28, He insisted that his relationship with the duchess was purely professional.
29, His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.
30, He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.
1, The best professional musicians start young.
2, A lawyer is a professional man.
3, Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people.
4, She made her professional stage debut in Swan Lake.
5, She wants to become a professional cook.
6, What professional qualifications does he have?
7, The doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct.
8, He is over the hill as a professional athlete.
9, His professional career started at Liverpool University.
10, Do you belong to any professional or trade associations?
11, I recommend that you get some professional advice.
12, It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.
13, I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.
14, If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice.
15, Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and Sundays.
16, Bill idolizes his big brother, who is a professional footballer.
17, You must not let your personal reactions interfere with your professional judgement.
18, He insisted that his relationship with the duchess was purely professional.
19, They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers.
20, His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.
21, We're going to need some professional backup for this project.
22, He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.
23, He became a professional athlete at the age of 16.
24, Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.
25, Inspector Marshall was commended for his professional and caring attitude.
26, He cast a professional economist's eye on the problem.
27, Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.
28, The footballer made a professional foul.
29, He cast a professional economist's eyes on the problem.
30, Work produced on a word processor tends to look more professional.
31, Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.
32, Inspector Marshall was commended for his professional and caring attitude.
33, It was a clear breach of professional duty.
34, He cast a professional economist's eye on the problem.
35, His work lacks that professional touch.
36, His professional judgement was coloured by his personal antipathies.
37, Many of the performers were of professional standard.
38, The golf tournament is a professional event.
39, She has a reputation for sound professional judgement.
40, There is a need for increased professional accountability.
41, After he won the amateur championship he turned professional.
42, Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately.
43, Professional athletes may now compete at the Olympics.
44, She will take her professional examinations later this year.
45, She is a real professional.
46, He maintained a professional demeanour throughout.
47, Professor Fish has been nothing if not professional.
48, Professional sport skims off all the best players.
49, Their designs look very professional.
50, I need a professional to sort out my finances.
51, Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch.
52, She always looks very professional in her smart suits.
53, The survey should be performed by an independent professional.
54, She uses her unmarried name for professional purposes.
55, His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.
56, This was clearly a job for a real professional.
57, The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.
58, The contributors are, for the most part,[http:///professional.html] professional scientists.
59, Personally, I think he should get some professional help.
60, I've always kept my private and professional life separate.
31, The burglary had all the hallmarks of a professional job.
32, The arson is professional.
61, Candidates must hold a professional degree in architecture.
62, The doctor was accused of professional misconduct.
63, He had been a professional since March 1985.
64, He is one of this country's top professional sportsmen.
65, You had better get professional advice before buying stocks.
66, After leaving school[], he became a professional footballer.
67, Do you belong to any professional associations?
68, His professional career spanned 16 years.
69, You may need to seek professional help .
70, He is a professional tennis player.
71, The solicitor was accused of professional negligence.
72, Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional.
73, A professional player often sits in with our band.
74, You need a professional to sort out your finances.
75, Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.
76, His informants were middle-class professional women.
76, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
77, He has decided to turn professional.
78, They did a very professional job.
79, Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct.
80, He still harbours ambitions of playing professional soccer.
81, The experienced specialist has professional skills and insight.
82, The footballer made a professional foul.
83, These garments are intended for professional sports people.
84, Her old professional skills shone through.
85, The meeting attracted upwardly mobile professional and political women.
86, Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict.
87, She gave the job her own special/magic/professional/personal touch.
88, You've done a very professional job stripping that floor!
89, A lot of these children need professional help.
90, He cast a professional economist's eyes on the problem.
91, We're engaging the services of a professional administrator.
92, It is essential to get good professional advice .
93, He welcomed the chance to compete against professional athletes.
94, Our professional service promises you a wedding without compare.
95, He was accused of neglecting his professional duties.
96, Many professional boxers end their careers with brain damage.
97, This business plan looks very professional.
98, The gold medal is his passport into professional boxing.
99, Our organization sets high standards of professional conduct.
100, Hurd signed as a professional in 1998.
101, This survey is the work of a real professional.
102, She admonished us to seek professional help.
103, She uses a different name in her professional life.
104, He wants to turn fully professional.
105, The British Medical Association is the doctors' professional body.
106, I would strongly recommend that you get professional advice.
106, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
107, Many of the performers were very professional.
108, To my untutored ear, your voice sounds almost professional.
109, He was once a professional grass.
110, You sing like a real professional.
111, The work has been done to a professional standard.
112, Professional women's basketball is here to stay.
113, Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?
114, The standard of professional cricket has never been lower.
115, I did not mean to impugn her professional abilities.
116, The inspection was conducted in a thoroughly professional manner.
117, She has considerable professional experience of translation.
118, These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.
119, She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer.
120, It pays to get some professional advice before you make a decision.
121, Lloyd has carved/made a niche for himself as a professional tennis player.
122, Work produced on a word processor tends to look more professional.
123, Gil says that women can't keep secrets. That's rich, coming from him, the professional sneak.
124, Over 90% of professional actors are resting at any given time.
125, The work of interior design could be outsourced to those professional companies.
126, These boots are for the professional rather than for the average player.
127, My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.
128, Use high-quality paper to give your CV a more professional look.
129, I hope the team will project a smart, professional image .
130, The major factor in the decision to stay or to leave was usually professional.
131, At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.
132, It's important to build up a network of professional contacts.
133, I did the donkey work but I hired a professional builder for the tricky bits.
134, Professional standards often do not have the force of law .
135, He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.
136, A true professional could knock my efforts into a cocked hat.
136, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
137, There's a lot of money sloshing around in professional tennis.
138, He had never been knocked out in a professional fight.
139, It is a matter of professional honour to keep our standards as high as possible.
140, Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content.
141, Despite her professional success, she was always overshadowed by her husband.
142, I'm a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner.
143, People who used his service knew they were dealing with a first-rate professional.
144, Getting professional advice will help you avoid the most obvious pitfalls.
145, We shall have to bring in professional advisors to help us to cost out this job.
146, This is an article that takes the lid off the world of professional gambling.
147, As a professional painter, she scorns the efforts of amateurs.
148, Talented as he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.
149, It would look more professional if the letter was typed.
150, Polish up your writing skills on a one-week professional course.
151, She's a true professional!
152, This was her final professional match, and she wanted to end her career in a blaze of glory.
153, This is the most dangerous professional sport there is, and the worst paid.
154, Smith will bow out of professional football at the end of the season.
155, He's one of the highest-earning professional golfers in the world.
156, They will consider whether or not he has been guilty of serious professional misconduct.
157, All claims must be settled in a professional and timely manner.
158, These two books will be especially useful for editors, journalists and other professional users of the language.
159, He made a very professional job of replacing the windows.
160, His resignation was apparently for personal rather than professional reasons.
161, It would be a good idea to get professional advice.
162, The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.
163, This trim really does give the garment a professional finish.
164, She accused the teacher of not acting in a professional manner.
165, It is a professional service based at our offices in Oxford.
166, He has that je ne sais quoi that distinguishes a professional from an amateur.
167, He's only been playing football as a professional for two years.
168, As he was a professional,[] he was disqualified from taking part in the Olympic Games.
169, They run it with a truly professional but personal touch.
170, You will first have to pick your way through the minefield of professional advice.
171, The number of women decreases as you ascend the professional hierarchy.
172, Room for rent in shared house - would suit professional person.
173, I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.
174, Owens hit the jackpot in his first professional game with the Cowboys.
175, You owe it to yourself to get some professional help.
176, We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of teachers.
177, It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a professional athlete.
178, The solicitor was accused of a breach of professional etiquette.
179, A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons.
180, He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians.
181, He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties.
182, Despite what many people think, aversion therapy is no longer used by professional psychologists in this country.
183, My father wanted me to become a professional and have more stability.
184, The Bank would be managed by a directorate of professional bankers.
185, You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position for which you are applying in relation to your own professional experiences and interests.
186, The burglary had all the hallmarks of a professional job.
187, He pocketed more money from this tournament than in his entire three years as a professional.
188, I'd love to hear it played by a professional orchestra.
189, A child prodigy, he made his first professional tour as a pianist at the age of six.
190, In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality.
191, Shortages of professional staff are very severe in some places.
192, The arson is professional.
193, Staff can lose their jobs only on grounds of professional misconduct.
194, You must capitalize on your opportunities to give full play to your professional knowledge.
195, We shall have to bring in professional advisers to help us to cost out this job.
196, If you suffer from depression, it's best to get professional help.
196, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
197, Staff are encouraged to use information resources in furtherance of their own professional interests.
198, If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job.
199, He spent most of his professional life outside his native Poland.
200, He was complimented on a very professional piece of work.
201, Doctors have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.
202, Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement.
203, The avoidance of injury is critical to a professional athlete.
204, He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.
205, You'd do well to take some professional advice on this matter.
206, The fees offered by the NHS do not recompense dental surgeons for their professional time.
207, Increasingly, both men and women in the professional middle classes are work-rich and time-poor.
208, He tries to keep his professional life completely separate from his private life.
209, He enjoys everything he does in both his professional and his private life .
210, It's not what we would have expected from a professional service.
211, This view is supported by a growing body of professional opinion.
212, This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a professional footballer.
213, We'd prefer to rent the house to a professional couple.
214, She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.
215, When you're a professional footballer, you expect people to take a pop at you now and again.
216, It sounds to me as if he needs professional help.
217, Your time could be usefully employed in attending to professional matters.
218, Getting a former professional player as coach was a major coup for the club.
219, I thought the whole meeting was going to fall apart but you rescued it like a true professional!
220, She's a professional dancer/photographer.
221, Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.
222, I'll say one thing for Sandra - she's a professional through and through.
223, The company has been successful in cultivating a very professional image.
224, He was struck off the medical register for professional misconduct.
225, I'd love to be a professional writer, but I'm not giving up my day job just yet.
226, She had been invited to the conference in her guise as a professional counsellor.
227, The drug came under strong attack from concerned professional observers.
228, Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives[/professional.html], never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.
229, She decided to keep her maiden name for professional purposes.
230, Most of the people on the course were professional women.
231, Chris, you're a nurse, so can I ask your professional opinion on bandaging ankles?
232, Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.
233, As a professional composer I owe much to Radio 3.
234, She is extremely professional in her approach to her job.
235, Mark, a professional to his fingertips, insisted that we follow the correct procedures.
236, There seems to be lots of money sloshing around in professional tennis.
237, Small investors like myself are probably none the richer after handing over their financial affairs to professional advisers.
238, He was told he had no talent and would never make it as a professional singer.
239, The only reason I didn't become a professional golfer was because of my family commitments.
240, The professional abortionist was a last resort.
241, She became a professional mezzo-soprano.
242, A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit. Richard Bach 
243, Like professional courses, academic courses come in several sub-types.
244, This degree will provide the graduate with an excellent basis for pursuing a professional qualification with one of the accountancy bodies.
245, Critics say professional athletes have been abusing the generous California system by filing claims from out of state.
246, In the field of criminal investigation there are as yet no advanced and generally accepted standards of professional competence.
247, It is notable that the large accountancy firms now refer to themselves as' professional service firms'.
248, Inadequate professional services are services which fall below an acceptable standard, but are short of negligent work.
249, I came from a real tough neighborhood. Once a guy pulled a knife on me. I knew he wasn't a professional, the knife had butter on it. Rodney Dangerfield 
250, It is better not to extend what was, after all, an accidental and purely professional relationship.
251, Maintain professional confidentiality. Ensure accuracy and legibility of clinical and legal documents.
252, Students also will be able to have direct contact with professional academics and researchers.
253, In 20 years or so, Frelich believes, restoration ecology will become far more acceptable among professional foresters.
254, The survey used standard socio-economic groups: AB which covers management, professional, technical and administrative occupations.
255, A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.
256, The City Code applies equally to company directors, professional advisors and independent reporting accountants.
257, For this sort of reason rejuvenated hidden variable theories have not found much acceptance among professional quantum mechanics.
258, The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
259, On the other hand the accountancy profession has only contributed, to a limited extent, to improving commercial and professional accountability.
260, The principles of good faith reflect professional ethics and general social morality.
261, Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and managed by rich landowners and professional politicians. Che Guevara 




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