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单词 invitation
释义 Word family  noun invitation invite adjective uninvited inviting ≠ uninviting verb invite adverb invitingly  in·vi·ta·tion /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃən/ ●●● S2 noun  1  [countable]INVITE a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something 〔书面或口头的〕邀请an invitation to do something an invitation to speak at a scientific conference 在科学大会上发言的邀请invitation to Roger never turns down an invitation to dinner. 有人请吃饭罗杰从不拒绝。2  [uncountable] the act of being invited or of inviting someone to go somewhere or do something 受邀;邀请by invitation Attendance at the seminars is by invitation only (=only those people who have been invited can attend). 研讨会凭邀请函方可参加。 They were always dropping by, usually without invitation. 他们常常来串门,通常不请自来。at somebody’s invitation/at the invitation of somebody Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the Education Minister. 凯格尔应教育部长的邀请前往尼加拉瓜。3  [countable]INVITE a card inviting someone to attend a party, wedding etc 请柬party/wedding invitation We sent out more than 300 wedding invitations. 我们发出了超过300份婚礼请柬。invitation to Did you get an invitation to Jason’s party? 你有没有收到贾森的聚会请柬?4  [singular, uncountable]WANT encouragement to do something 〔对做某事的〕鼓动[激励]take something as an invitation to do something He seemed to take my silence as an invitation to talk. 他似乎把我的沉默理解为鼓励他讲话。5  be an open invitation for/to somebody CARELESSto make it very easy for someone to rob you or harm you 让某人易于〔抢劫或伤害〕 Leaving the car unlocked is just an open invitation to thieves. 不锁汽车就离开是摆明了让窃贼来偷。 COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1,2 & 3verbsget/receive an invitation 收到邀请Did you get an invitation to Janet's party? 你收到珍妮特的聚会邀请了吗?have an invitation 获得邀请The following week, I had an invitation to give a talk in Cambridge. 第二个星期我收到了去剑桥大学演讲的邀请。accept an invitation 接受邀请She accepted his invitation to dinner. 她接受了他的晚宴邀请。take up somebody's invitation/take somebody up on their invitation (=accept someone's invitation) 接受某人的邀请I decided to take them up on their invitation to dinner. 我决定接受他们的晚宴邀请。refuse/turn down an invitation (also decline an invitation formal) 拒绝邀请She turned down an invitation to take part in a televised debate. 她拒绝了参加电视辩论的邀请。give somebody an invitation (also issue/extend an invitation formal) 发出邀请He has issued an invitation to the Chinese president to come to Washington. 他向中国国家主席发出了访问华盛顿的邀请。send (somebody) an invitation (向某人)发出邀请nWe sent out the invitations last week.thank somebody for an invitation 对某人的邀请表示感谢nI'll have to write a letter thanking Martha for the invitation to her wedding.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + invitationa party/wedding invitation 聚会/婚礼请柬He had a wedding invitation from Rob and Jen. 他接到罗布和珍的婚礼请柬。a dinner/lunch invitation 晚宴/午宴邀请Fred's wife has accepted the dinner invitation. 弗雷德的妻子接受了晚宴邀请。a formal/official invitation 正式邀请The president received a formal invitation to visit Nigeria. 总统收到了访问尼日利亚的正式邀请。a personal invitation 个人邀请Each parent was sent a personal invitation for the school's open day. 给每位家长发出了参加学校开放日的邀请。somebody's kind invitation 某人的盛情邀请It gives me great pleasure to accept your kind invitation. 能接受您的盛情邀请是我莫大的荣幸。na special invitationWe received a special invitation to attend a reception at the open/standing invitation (=an invitation to do something at any time you like) 随时可以来访的邀请Phillip kindly gave me an open invitation to stay at his villa in Tuscany. 菲利普盛情邀请我随时去他在托斯卡纳的乡间别墅。a long-standing invitation (=an invitation which someone has had for a long time) 长期有效的邀请nHe had accepted a long-standing invitation to address the conference.invitation + NOUNan invitation card (=a card with an invitation printed on it) 邀请函,请柬nEveryone entering will have to show an invitation card.phrasesa flood of invitations (=a lot of invitations) 大量的邀请He got a flood of invitations to appear on TV and radio shows. 他收到了大量请他上电视和电台节目的邀请。Examples from the Corpusinvitation• Well, can we go and ask him for an invitation?• When pressure was put on them for more radical appointments, invitations were mostly too late to make any significant impact.• As she expected, April accepted her invitation.• This embarrassed her more, for what could she tell him to explain her neglect of his invitations?• How many invitations did you send out?• This is a little more expensive than a normal invitation but it is less likely that it will get lost.• They had come aboard at Charles's invitation.• Winston gratefully accepted the invitation.• In a moment of weakness the President had accepted the invitation.• a wedding invitation• I'm afraid I have to turn down your invitation to dinner.• Thanks for your invitation. I'd love to invitation only• Membership from now on will be by invitation only as existing places become available through natural wastage.• Therefore, participation will be by invitation only.• Attendance at the seminars, which begin in April 1992, is by invitation only.• Attendance at the dinner is by invitation only.• Entering the Kingdom is by invitation only, and that invitation must be given top priority.• The $ 25-per-ticket debut tour, by invitation only, starts at noon at DeFremery Park.• Admission was by invitation only, members including princes and invitation• A sign warning trespassers printed in the copper-plate script normally reserved for wedding invitations would inhibit nobody.• Those cute little programs that make party invitations for the kids can chew up 40 or 50 megs.• BBut for a birth announcement or party invitation, it makes for a wonderfully elegant presentation.• Send the party invitations out on a card shaped in the number of the birthday child's age.• However the first indication your guests will receive as to your plans, is when their wedding invitation arrives.take something as an invitation to do something• The boy took this as an invitation to London.From Longman Business Dictionaryinvitationin‧vi‧ta‧tion /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃən/ noun [countable]1an offer of an opportunity that is made to someoneShe turned down an invitation to serve on the company’s board.2FINANCE invitation to subscribe an occasion when a company offers shares for saleThis document is not a prospectus and does not constitute or form any part of an invitation to subscribe for, underwrite or purchase securities.3invitation to tender (also invitation to bid)COMMERCE an occasion when an organization asks companies to say how much they will charge to perform particular work. The company with the lowest price usually gets the workWe can offer advice on where to find invitations to tender for contracts in·vi·ta·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business or a someone, to them written Corpus request spoken inviting




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