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单词 Borrowing
1, He who likes borrowing dislikes paying. 
2, He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing. 
3, Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. 
4, The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.
5, Public borrowing has to be increased.
6, The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
7, The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.
8, When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.
9, The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.
10, He ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks.
11, Borrowing money may put you in a real bind.
12, Borrowing used not to be recommended.
13, He is always borrowing money from me.
14, Your proposal necessitates borrowing money.
15, Your proposal will necessitate borrowing more money.
16, High interest rates help to keep borrowing down.
17, Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing.
18, Public borrowing has increased in recent years.
19, He felt no qualms about borrowing money from friends.
20, I scraped by borrowing from my relations until my next check arrived.
21, Roberto didn'tgive a second thought to borrowing $2,(http:///borrowing.html)000 from him.
22, We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.
23, He lives a parasitic existence, borrowing money from his friends.
24, They are borrowing just to stay afloat, not for investment.
25, The government has reduced the cost of borrowing in a bid to get the economy moving again.
26, We'd been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad.
27, I took the liberty of borrowing your dictionary while you were absent.
28, They pass on their cost of borrowing and add to it their profit margin.
29, The store fell into one of the major pitfalls of small business, borrowing from suppliers by paying bills late.
30, The company is expected to get around this problem by borrowing from the banks.
1, The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.
2, Public borrowing has to be increased.
3, The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
4, The store fell into one of the major pitfalls of small business, borrowing from suppliers by paying bills late.
5, The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.
6, When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.
7, Your proposal necessitates borrowing money.
8, I scraped by borrowing from my relations until my next check arrived.
9, She was always on the tap , borrowing sugar and milk.
10, You'll form the bad habits if you keep borrowing money.
11, Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.
12, Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.
13, He was afraid to approach his father about borrowing more money.
31, France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing.
32, She was always on the tap , borrowing sugar and milk.
33, On top of borrowing 50, he asked me to lend him my car.
34, The government is already borrowing up to the hilt, so it can't afford to spend any more.
35, Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing.
36, Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high.
37, By borrowing from dozens of banks, he managed to avoid giving any of them an overall picture of what he was up to.
38, In order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.
39, I'm afraid I'm just too busy to come and see you this Friday. In any case, my wife is borrowing the car that day.
40, The government estimates that its borrowing requirement this year could reach £150 billion, subject to a wide margin of error.
41, New controls were brought in to limit spending and borrowing.
42, I think she gets a bit browned off with him borrowing the car all the time.
43, Borrowing rates rose to over 8%, roughly level with those in America.
44, Borrowing money from friends is all right as long as it's kept within bounds.
45, You'll form the bad habits if you keep borrowing money.
46, She's always borrowing my clothes and manipulating me to give her vast sums of money.
47, He made the fatal error of borrowing more than he could pay back.
48, She presumed on her father's generosity by borrowing money from him and not repaying it.
49, Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.
50, The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.
51, Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have the loan that suits your needs .
52, The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge.
53, She lives a parasitic existence, constantly borrowing money from her friends.
54, Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.
55, He was afraid to approach his father about borrowing more money.
56, Due to the high cost of borrowing, many companies have been forced to close.
57, I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn - mower while you were away.
58, Their engineers are happier borrowing other people's ideas than developing their own.
59, Congress is likely to limit any more federal borrowing.
60, Then he got the public sector borrowing requirement wrong.
61, Property companies became hooked on borrowing in recent years.
62, Borrowing is as evident in Anaximandros as in Thales.
63, Excessive government borrowing can lead to inflation.
64, The government can also offset the £ 100 cash injection by future taxation or borrowing and thus prevent deposit creation.
65, The increase in living standards in the twenties was accompanied by a relatively much greater increase in consumer borrowing.
66, They can pay cash, out of their own reserves or by borrowing.
67, The increase in demand for borrowing will push up rates.
68, By 1988 bank borrowing accounted for only 53% of their external financing; debt equalled only 63% of their assets.
69, Lower rates mean lower borrowing costs,(http://) increased spending and growing corporate profits.
70, This extra borrowing from banks will reduce the overall fall in demand for bank loans, thus making the demand less elastic.
71, Selling short involves borrowing stock and then selling it, hoping to replace the shares at a cheaper price later.
72, I wish Steve would buy himself a bike. He's always borrowing mine.
73, This will force up private sector interest rates and reduce private-sector borrowing and investment.
74, Low interest rates make borrowing easier and keep the economy humming.
75, Before the right hon. Gentleman starts to give lectures on borrowing, he should get his facts right.
76, There were signs that consumers were borrowing more money for big projects.
77, The Fed last trimmed overnight bank borrowing costs a quarter of a percentage point, on Dec. 19.
78, Because bond insurance helps municipalities trim borrowing costs, it has become increasingly popular nationwide.
79, Background Borrowing or buying on credit tends to he seen in quite a different light from other consumer transactions.
80, Inflation encourages consumption, borrowing and speculation: it discourages saving, lending and investment.
81, Alongside these markets, using in some cases quite literally parallel instruments, are markets for lending and borrowing other currencies.
82, Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.
83, The center already has dipped into its reserves and anticipates borrowing heavily from the city.
84, This is a percentage of the total borrowing requirement and, if you are carrying accumulated losses, can be considerably high.
85, The balance is kept to a minimum, and any temporary surplus is used to reduce government borrowing.
86, The warning coincided with new figures showing consumer borrowing in October at a 14-year high.
87, Homeloans are one of the cheapest ways of borrowing money - find out how to use them to your advantage.
88, The increased deficit is to be financed by borrowing on the domestic market, largely from the domestic banking system.
89, Borrowing thematically from Medea, this world premier unfolds as she attempts to derail the wedding, prompting Cortez to vow revenge.
90, With a probable career change in the future, Melanee would be wise to limit her borrowing as much as possible.
91, Their traditional ways of raising cash are too expensive: big firms can save millions by borrowing in New York or London.
92, Previously, the Fed reported that consumer borrowing rose $ 10. 6 billion during October.
93, Central government may encourage local governments to raise more tax revenue by introducing new taxes, levying charges or borrowing.
94, It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
95, The community can not afford to pay the required tax in one year so the immediate finance is by borrowing.
96, When November came, and the debt ceiling had not moved, Rubin postponed catastrophe by borrowing from two government pension funds.
97, In open, borderless capital markets, it is hard for borrowing costs to diverge very far.
98, When there are limits on borrowing, a company or household in financial distress has to survive on cash flow.
99, Conceptually, leasing is similar to borrowing money to buy the asset.
99, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
100, Her life was miserable because she could only live in that cycle: borrowing from the trader and selling it to him.
101, Borrowing lecture notes is often a complete waste of time because you've missed the impact.
102, Although bank officials are seeking to limit the damage, the news will add to pressure for further cuts in borrowing costs.
103, TranSys will fund the £200m borrowing requirement and spend £150m on capital equipment over the next five years.
104, He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
105, Will the profits of the business be enough to pay back bank borrowing?
106, Taylor familiarized himself with existing designs, borrowing features from several.
107, Table 16-3 reminds us that some government expenditure is financed by borrowing.
108, Public sector borrowing requirement is forecast to rise from £37 billion this year to £44 billion next year.
109, It simply services all the other spending funds, by borrowing from external sources and lending internally.
110, Drug companies also are borrowing techniques used in marketing human drugs to sell pet medicines.
111, In addition(), uncertainty as to future interest rate movements has encouraged bank borrowing rather than debt financing. 2.
112, Definition: A Treasury Bill is an instrument of short-term borrowing by the government, normally having a life of ninety-one days.
113, Borrowing money from colleagues at work, petty cash, or from neighbours is a fast way of making yourself unpopular.
114, The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing.
115, The occurrence of oil-induced current account deficits encouraged some countries to rely on external borrowing from public and private sources.
116, It might be a sign that, with improved incomes farmers felt able to reduce their borrowing.
117, The unsophisticated and desperate ones brazened it out by maintaining a facade of affluence or normalcy by borrowing.
118, The expenditure would be financed 22 percent from borrowing and use of government assets.
119, It also affected the borrowing requirements of corporations, countries and international agencies.
120, Again, professional financial advice on the advantages and disadvantages of this form of borrowing seems a sensible precaution against financial embarrassment.
121, Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy.
122, These early Acts stemmed very largely from sanitary powers, and did not provide any financial assistance beyond powers of borrowing money.
123, Because borrowing has become easier, and because confidence has been high, personal savings have been falling around the developed world.
124, This link also influences accounting for capital expenditure that is financed other than by borrowing.
125, Lower rates for banks usually mean reduced borrowing costs for businesses.
126, All strikers had to resort to some extent to borrowing, credit, casual work and other ways and means of managing.
127, First, they provide financing of accounts receivable for borrowing firms.
128, The Library is used extensively by S6 pupils and is available to all pupils and Staff for reference and borrowing.
129, Today,(/borrowing.html) the government wishes to control local borrowing as part of the attempt to limit the total of public spending.
130, In addition, some subsidy programs help to raise interest rates and thus increase borrowing costs for traditional public activities.
131, Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
132, Whenever the government runs a budget deficit, it will have to finance that deficit by borrowing.
133, Rising incomes have led both to an increase in wealth and an increase in borrowing.
134, Discount houses have borrowing facilities at the Bank, with limits related to the capital base of each discount house.
135, However, when demand in the economy is weak, public borrowing will tend to rise.
136, Holzner however describes the cognitive processes of the individual, borrowing both from cognitive psychology and from the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty.
137, Almost all of the remaining capital required to make up the £1551 millions invested came from borrowing.
138, Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
139, As far as styling goes Lakewood are obviously borrowing heavily from the Martin heritage, since in outline these are millimetre-perfect dreadnought copies.
140, So in real terms, their attempt to buy off inflation through borrowing makes them poorer than they would otherwise have been.
141, The Chancellor revealed yesterday that public borrowing has ballooned to £37 billion, and is growing fast.
142, We shall pay for the borrowing by borrowing - that is the normal way in which one pays for it.
143, Changes in the level of interest rates charged on borrowing, therefore, depend almost wholly upon movements in the base rate.
144, All methods of borrowing open to individuals may be used by a company with the additional method of issuing a debenture.
145, We must now turn to examine the pattern of taxation upon which the success of public borrowing depended.
146, For the show, the museum is borrowing twenty paintings that complement its own collection.
147, Control of spending was crucial to the government's strategy because it wanted to cut governmental borrowing and taxes.
148, Payment will only be resumed once the group returns to greater profitability and cuts its bank borrowing significantly.
149, As a result Government borrowing is soaring - to £37 billion this year, and £44 billion next year.
150, Given that borrowed funds can always be placed on deposit the spread could be regarded as the real cost of borrowing.
151, This in turn attracted more lenders into the market, and made borrowing more attractive.
152, This creates room for new borrowing under the debt limit and allows the Treasury to sell fresh securities and raise needed cash.
153, They also show high stock levels and an increasing reliance on borrowing both long term and short term.
154, The high interest rates briefly stunted business, but inflation gradually subsided, and the cost of borrowing dropped.
155, Yet there is more which the Government could do without too great an increase in public borrowing or putting up taxes.
156, Lower bill yields would cut the amount of debt to be retired at each auction, reducing borrowing requirements and the deficit.
157, This gap must be financed by borrowing or selling assets.
158, This then puts pressure on private sector borrowing, with the rise in interest rates inhibiting private sector investment and investment-led growth.
159, So don't hesitate to call at your local branch and discuss matters if you want to increase your borrowing.sentencedict .com
160, When he is there, will he explain to the people of the north-west why he has changed his mind about borrowing?
161, It was also concerned with the effect of nationalized industry deficits on public borrowing and hence on inflation and interest rates.
162, As it was, they merely added to Government borrowing while allowing the recession to continue as before.
163, Thirty years later he had become dependent on borrowing from friends.
164, In one year under Labour, borrowing reached a crippling 9 percent. - the equivalent of £55 billion today.
165, Even the government's re-entry into the gilts market as public borrowing has risen is seen as a sign of hope.
166, A major policy aim of the government has, therefore, been to reduce public sector borrowing.
167, Borrowing is looked upon as a natural part of everyday life so long as it is kept within bounds.
168, They do not wish to provide further working capital by means of borrowing or it may be imprudent to do so.
169, Consumers, overloaded with debt, have cut back new borrowing to the slowest rate in two years.
170, As members are in fact borrowing from friends, neighbours or colleagues, the extent of default is minimal.
171, Incorporation thus brings with it a useful device to facilitate borrowing, from both the company and the lender's viewpoint.
172, We must make sure that as the economy grows, borrowing slows.
173, And higher rates also tend to crimp corporate profits, by raising the cost of borrowing.
174, To avoid simultaneous borrowing and depositing you should monitor how accurate your forecasting is, without turning this into an art form.
175, Less government borrowing reduces the demand for funds, which in turn leads to lower rates.
176, We also obtained funds for investment in the business from the sale of supermarket property, borrowing and other creditors.
177, They would certainly have had no chance of financing their programme without large increases both in taxation and in the borrowing requirement.
178, High interest rates are used to control the growth of aggregate demand in the economy by increasing the cost of borrowing.
179, In modern times, the issue of paper money or government borrowing from the banks had led to the same results.
180, Borrowing $100,000 is one thing. Owing $425,000 is another!
181, He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.




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