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单词 impression
释义 Word family  noun impression impressionism impressionist impressiveness adjective impressionable impressive ≠ unimpressive impressionistic unimpressed verb impress adverb impressively impressionistically  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingim·pres·sion /ɪmˈpreʃən/ ●●○ S3 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]SEEM the opinion or feeling you have about someone or something because of the way they seem 印象,感想 When we looked around the school we got a very good impression. 我们参观了学校,对它的印象很好。 I got the impression that she wasn't very happy with her job. 我有这样的印象,她的工作干得并不愉快。impression of What was your impression of Roger? 你对罗杰印象如何?► see thesaurus at idea2  be under the impression (that) to believe that something is true when it is not 原以为,误以为 I’m sorry, I was under the impression that you were the manager. 对不起,我以为你是经理呢。3  [countable]IMITATE if you do an impression of a famous person, you copy their speech or behaviour in order to make people laugh 〔对名人言行的〕滑稽模仿 SYN imitation Jean does a great impression of Madonna. 琼模仿麦当娜真是惟妙惟肖。4  [countable] a picture or drawing of what someone or something might look like, or what something will look like in the future 印象画impression of an artist’s impression of the new building 一位美术家给新大楼画的印象画5  [countable] a mark left by pressing something into a soft surface 印记;压痕 Some of the fallen trees had left a clear impression in the hardened mud. 有一些倒下的树木在坚硬的泥地上留下了清晰的压痕。6. [countable]TCN all the copies of a book printed at one time 印数〔一本书一次印刷的总册数〕 → edition COLLOCATIONSverbsmake an impression 留下印象Think about what sort of impression you want to make. 想一想你想给人留下什么印象。give an impression 给人印象Her speech definitely gave the impression that she was enthusiastic about the project. 她的发言给人的印象显然是她对该项目很热心。create an impression (also convey an impression formal) 产生印象Arriving late won’t create a very good impression. 迟到不会给人留下很好的印象。get an impression 获得印象What sort of impression did you get of the city? 你对这座城市有什么印象?leave an impression on somebody (=make someone remember a person, place, or thing) 给某人留下印象〔使某人记得〕Janet certainly left an impression on him. 珍妮特肯定给他留下了印象。adjectivesa good/positive impression 好的/正面的印象He was keen to make a good impression on his boss. 他很想给老板留下好印象。a bad/negative impression 坏的/负面的印象Arriving late for an interview gives a very negative impression. 面试迟到会给人留下很坏的印象。somebody’s first/initial/immediate impression 某人的第一印象My first impression was that Terry’s version of the events was untrue. 我的第一印象是特里对事件的描述不真实。a clear/vivid impression 清晰的印象He had the clear impression that most people were in favour of the idea. 他明显感到大多数人赞成这个主意。a vague impression (=not very clear) 模糊的印象Dave only had a vague impression of the man who had attacked him. 戴夫对袭击他的那个人只有很模糊的印象。a strong/deep impression (=one that someone feels very strongly) 深刻的印象She made a strong impression on me the first time I met her. 我第一次遇到她时,她给我留下了很深的印象。a lasting impression (=one that someone remembers for a long time) 持久的印象Sam’s performance had clearly made a lasting impression on the audience. 萨姆的表演显然给观众留下了难忘的印象。nthe overwhelming/overriding impression (=an impression that is stronger than all others)The overwhelming impression after the meeting was one of optimism.nan indelible impression formal (=lasting for ever)Alan’s wartime experiences had left an indelible impression on him.a wrong/misleading impression 假象The advertisement gave a misleading impression of the product. 这则广告误导了人们对该产品的印象。a false/mistaken impression 错误的印象He had the mistaken impression that Julia was married. 他误以为朱莉娅结婚了。nMany people got the false impression she didn’t care. the overall/general impression 总体印象The general impression was of a very efficiently run company. 给人的总体印象是这家公司的运营很有效率。the distinct impression (=used when something seems very clear to you) 鲜明的印象We were left with the impression that the contract was ours if we wanted it. 给我们的明显感觉是,如果我们要的话,这份合同就是我们的。nsomebody’s personal impressionMy personal impression is that the new manager has greatly improved things.phrasesfirst impressions count (=the impression you make when you first meet someone is important) 第一印象很重要nWhen attending a job interview, remember that first impressions count.Examples from the Corpusimpression• Seattle had made an impression on at least some of those executives.• An impression of a heel was left in the mud.• In an interview don't say anything negative about your current employer - it gives a bad impression.• The glossy paint is applied in many flat layers, so you get a contradictory impression of depth.• He thought about the two girls in the shop doorway, surprised by the detailed impression they had left on his memory.• My first impression of England was of a grey and rainy place.• Therefore, instead of showing the strategy you use you are really showing the value of first impressions.• I get the impression that opposition teams have unconsciously downgraded Leeds because of the last twelve months and are caught off guard.• In her book, she gives the impression that she was a close friend of the Prince, but in fact she only met him twice.• For some reason she got the impression that you didn't like her.• We got the impression that Sally wasn't very pleased to see us.• Above all, Alida Thorne said to herself, she must not receive the impression of neglect.• Nor was the impression of physical strength deceptive.• The forest and the land left their impression on the people.• If she joked with him, he would think she was flirting, and she didn't want him to get the wrong impression.• What's your impression of Frank as a boss?does ... impression of• Of course, Dole, too, occasionally does a remarkable impression of a hummingbird.• The shape of the group really does give some impression of an arrow!impression of• My impression of Hal was that he was a solid, professional guy.left ... impression• Such seriousness, intensity, and power in a young man set him apart and left an impression on others.• The whole ceremony took under an hour but left quite an impression on me.• His family had been very poor when he was young, and it had left a lasting impression on him.• The forest and the land left their impression on the people.• Parliamentary answers intended to explain the phenomenon left a messy impression.• The implementation of the rationalisation programme left a lasting impression on Finniston which was to influence his future operating style.• The spectacle before her, half obscured by the lashing spray, left an indelible impression.• It was the latter two composers who left the biggest impression and drew the most striking responses from Kirchschlager.From Longman Business Dictionaryimpressionim‧pres‧ssion /ɪmˈpreʃən/ noun [countable]MARKETING an occasion when a particular advertisement is seen by someone on the InternetA log of ad impressions is kept by the site·pres·sion noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business or have opinion the Corpus about you feeling




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