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单词 day
释义 Word family  noun day midday adjective daily adverb daily  Related topics: Chronologyday /deɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  24 hours 小时 [countable]TMC a period of 24 hours 一天,一日 We spent three days in Paris. 我们在巴黎度过了三天。 ‘What day is it today?’ ‘Friday.’ “今天星期几?” “星期五。” He left two days ago. 他两天前离开的。 I’ll call you in a couple of days. 我过两天给你电话。on a ... day We’ll have to hold the party on a different day. 我们只得改天开派对了。(on) that/the following/the previous day (=during a particular day) (在)那天/第二天/前一天 What really happened on that day so long ago? 那么久以前的那一天究竟发生了什么? Over 10,000 soldiers died on that one day in January. 在一月份的那一天死了一万多名士兵。 The following day, a letter arrived. 第二天,来了一封信。 I saw Jane the day before yesterday. 前天我看到了简。 We’re leaving for New York the day after tomorrow. 我们后天启程去纽约。 I got an email from Sue the other day (=a few days ago). 前几天,我收到休发来的一封电子邮件。 Women generally use up about 2,000 calories a day (=each day). 女性一般每天消耗大约2,000卡路里。2  not night 非夜间 [countable, uncountable]TMC the period of time between when it gets light in the morning and when it gets dark 白天,日间 OPP night She only leaves her house during the day. 她只在白天出门。 It was a cold blustery day. 那是个寒风呼啸的冷天。 Kept in that dark cell, I could no longer tell whether it was day or night. 我被关在那个漆黑的牢房里,不知是白天还是黑夜。on a ... day She first met Steve on a cold but sunny day in March. 她第一次见到史蒂夫是在三月里的一天,那天天气寒冷但是阳光明媚。by day (=during the day) 在白天 Owls usually sleep by day and hunt by night. 猫头鹰通常白天睡觉,夜晚猎食。 The day dawned (=started) bright and clear. 拂晓时天朗气清。3  when you are awake 醒着时 [countable usually singular]PERIOD OF TIME the time during the day when you are awake and active 一天的活动时间 His day begins at six. 他的一天从六点开始。 Jackie starts the day with a few gentle exercises. 杰基以一些小运动量的锻炼开始一天的生活。 Sometimes I feel I just can’t face another day. 有时候我感觉无法面对又一天的生活。 It’s been a long day (=used when you have been awake and busy for a long time). 真是漫长的一天。all day (long) 一整天 I’ve been studying all day. I’m beat! 我一整天都在学习,我都筋疲力尽了!5 ► Don’t say all the day. Say all day.不要说 all the day. 而要说 all day。4  time at work 上班时间PERIOD OF TIME [countable] the time you spend doing your job during a 24-hour period 工作日 I work a ten-hour day. 我一天工作十小时。 Rail workers are campaigning for a shorter working day. 铁路工人在发起运动要求缩短工作时间。 I’ve got a day off (=a day when I do not have to go to work) tomorrow. 明天我休息。5  past 过去THEN [countable] used to talk about a time in the past 时期,时代 I knew him pretty well from his days as a DJ in the Bounty Club (=from when he was a DJ). 我从他在仁爱俱乐部当唱片播放师那时候起就和他很熟了。 I always used to do the cooking in the early days of our marriage. 我们刚结婚那时候总是我做饭。 Not much was known about the dangers of smoking in those days (=then). 那时候人们对吸烟的危害所知甚少。 They were very much opposed to the government of the day (=that existed then). 他们极力反对当时的政府。 One day (=on a day in the past), a mysterious stranger called at the house. 一天,有个神秘的陌生人登门拜访。 From day one (=from the beginning), I knew I wouldn’t get on with him. 从一开始我就知道我和他合不来。 In my day (=in the past, when I was young), kids used to have some respect for their elders. 我们那时候小孩子都尊敬长辈。in somebody’s student/army/childhood etc days (=in the past when someone was a student etc) 当某人是学生/在军队/是儿童等时 I used to run six miles a day in my army days. 我当兵的时候每天跑六英里。those were the days spoken (=used to talk about a time in the past you think was better than now) 那些日子真好 We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days! 以前我们常常整个上午不起床,还通宵开派对。 那些日子真是好啊!6  now 现在NOW [countable] used to talk about the situation that exists now 〔用于指现在〕 I don’t do much exercise these days (=now). 如今我不大锻炼了。 It’s incredible that such attitudes still exist in this day and age (=used to express disapproval that something still exists now). 现在还存在这种看法,真令人难以置信。 To this day (=until and including now), he denies any involvement in the crime. 至今他仍然否认和这宗罪案有任何瓜葛。up to/until/to the present day (=until and including now) 至今 This tradition has continued right up until the present day. 这一传统一直延续到现在。7  future 将来 [countable] used to talk about a time in the future 将来的某一天one day/some day (=some time in the future) 有朝一日 I’d like to go and visit the States one day. 有朝一日我要去美国看看。 Some day we might get him to see sense. 有朝一日我们或许会让他明白事理的。 One of these days (=some time soon) I’m going to walk right out of here and never come back. 不久我要离开这里,再也不回来了。 Kelly’s expecting the baby any day now (=very soon). 凯莉很快就要生孩子了。 The day will come (=the time will come) when he won’t be able to care for himself anymore. 总有一天他会无法照顾自己的。8  somebody’s/something’s day THENa successful period of time in someone’s life or in something’s existence 某人/某物的风光时候 My uncle was a famous radio personality in his day (=at the time he was most successful). 我叔叔在最风光的时候是广播电台的名人。 Don’t be too disappointed you didn’t win – your day will come (=you will be successful in the future). 不要因为没有获胜太过失望,你成功的时刻会来的。 Game shows like that have had their day (=were successful in the past, but are not anymore). 那种游戏节目曾经风光一时。9  Independence/election/Christmas etc day a day on which a particular event or celebration takes place 独立日/选举日/圣诞日等 Rioting broke out just three days before polling day. 就在投票日前三天发生了骚乱。10  five/three/nine etc years to the day PASTexactly five years etc 正好五年/三年/九年等 It’s two years to the day since he died. 他去世正好两年。11  somebody’s days LIFEsomeone’s life 某人的一生 She ended her days in poverty. 她在贫困中死去。12  somebody’s/something’s days are numbered CONTINUE1#used to say that someone or something will not exist for much longer 某人/某事物时日不多 It seems that the hospital’s days are numbered. 看来这家医院开不久了。13  day after day  (also day in day out)CONTINUOUS continuously for a long time in a way that is annoying or boring 日复一日,天天地 I couldn’t stand sitting at a desk day after day. 我忍受不了日复一日地坐在办公桌前。14  from day to day  (also from one day to the next)CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENT if a situation changes from day to day or from one day to the next, it changes often 天天,每天〔指情况经常变化〕 I never know from day to day what I’m going to be doing. 我每天都不知道第二天将会干什么。 His moods swung wildly from one day to the next. 他的情绪一天天起伏很大。 → day-to-day, → live from day to day at live1(5)15  day by day SLOWslowly and gradually 一天天,逐日,渐渐地,慢慢地 Her health was improving day by day. 她的健康状况日渐好转。16  night and day  (also day and night)CONTINUOUS all the time 日日夜夜,时时刻刻 SYN continuously Being together night and day can put a great pressure on any relationship. 日日夜夜在一起会给任何一段关系带来很大的压力。17  day out especially British EnglishDL a trip you make for pleasure on a particular day 一日游 A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family. 参观岩洞有趣又刺激,适合全家一日游。18  have an off day SUCCEED#to be less successful or happy than usual, for no particular reason 不顺利的时候,不顺心的日子 Even the greatest athletes have their off days. 哪怕是最伟大的运动员也有不顺利的时候。19  make somebody’s day HAPPYto make someone very happy 使某人非常高兴 Hearing her voice on the phone really made my day. 在电话里听到她的声音真令我高兴。20. soup/dish/fish etc of the day DFa soup, meal etc that a restaurant serves on a particular day in addition to the meals they always offer 〔餐馆〕当日特别推荐的汤/菜/鱼等21. be all in a day’s work if something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual is all in a day’s work for someone, it is a normal part of their job 是例行工作22  take each day as it comes  (also take it one day at a time) to deal with something as it happens and not worry about the future 顺其自然 Since I had the accident, I’ve learned to take each day as it comes. 自从遭遇那次事故后,我就学会了一切顺其自然。23. the day of reckoning PUNISHa time when you have to deal with the bad results of something you did in the past 报应来临的日子,秋后算账的日子 SPOKEN PHRASES 口语短语 SPOKEN PHRASES24. it’s (just) one of those days UNLUCKYused to say that everything seems to be going wrong 这是倒霉的一天25  it’s not somebody’s day UNLUCKYused when several unpleasant things have happened to someone in one day 某人的倒霉日子 It wasn’t Chris’s day – he overslept and then his car broke down. 这天克里斯很倒霉——他先是睡过了头,然后他的汽车又坏了。26  make a day of it British EnglishSPEND TIME to spend all day doing something for pleasure 好好玩一天 If the weather’s nice, we’ll make a day of it and take a picnic. 如果天气好的话,我们就去野餐,好好地玩上一天。27. make my day used when warning someone that if they try to do something, you will enjoy stopping, defeating, or punishing them etc. This phrase was made popular by Clint Eastwood in the film ‘Dirty Harry’. 让我高兴高兴〔用于警告对方,要是试图做某事,你将乐意将其阻止、打败或加以惩罚。 这一短语因克林特·伊斯特伍德在影片《辣手神探夺命枪》中说过而流行起来〕28  that’ll be the day PROBABLY#used to say that you think something is very unlikely to happen 极不可能 ‘Bill says he’s going to start going to the gym.’ ‘That’ll be the day!’ “比尔说他要开始去健身房了。” “这不可能吧!”29  I/we don’t have all day TIME4#used to say that you want someone to do something faster because you do not have enough time to wait for them to finish 我/我们没有很多时间〔用于要求某人加紧做事,因为你没有时间等他们做完〕 Hurry up! I haven’t got all day! 快点! 我没那么多时间!30  it’s not every day (that) OFTEN#used to say that something does not happen often and is therefore very special 并不是每天都… Let’s go out and celebrate. After all, it’s not every day you get a new job. 我们出去庆祝一下吧,毕竟并不是每天都能找到新工作。31. back in the day a long time ago, when you were much younger 很久前〔指更年轻时〕32  be on days JOB/WORKto work during the day at a job you sometimes have to do at night 上日班〔指这一工作有时要上夜班〕 I’m on days this week. 这个星期我上日班。33  40/50/60 etc if he’s/she’s a day CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYused to emphasize that someone is at least as old as you are saying 他/她至少有40/50/60岁等〔用于强调〕 She’s ninety if she’s a day. 她至少有90岁。 → at the end of the day at end1(11), → call it a day at call1(10), → carry the day at carry1(22), → the early days at early1(1), → every dog (has) its day at dog1(11), → the good old days at old(8), → half day, → have a field day at field day(1), → it’s early days at early1(3), → it’s (a little) late in the day at late1(8), → it’s somebody’s lucky day at lucky(5), → (live to) see the day at see1(22), → name the day at name2(6), → open day, → save the day at save1(12), → speech day, sports dayn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a period of 24 hoursADJECTIVES/NOUN + day every/each dayThe museum is open to visitors every day.the same daySimilar student protests took place on the same day in other towns.the next/the following day (=the day after something happened in the past)The story was in the newspaper the following day.the previous day (=the day before something happened in the past)I had been to the doctor the previous day.a big day (=a day when something important is arranged to take place)Just before the big day the team was training 6 days a week.a holy dayFriday is the Muslim holy day.a historic day (=a day when an event that is historically important happens)This was a historic day for the space program.a school day (=a day when children go to school)It’s a school day tomorrow, so you need an early night.election/market etc day (=the day when an election, market etc takes place)Wednesday is market day in Oxford.Christmas/Easter/Independence etc DayWhat day of the week is Christmas Day this year?somebody’s wedding day (=the day when someone gets married)She wanted everything to be perfect for her wedding day.phrasesthe day before yesterdayWe arrived in France the day before yesterday.the day after tomorrowHow about meeting for lunch the day after tomorrow?the other day (=a few days ago)Mark called the other day.24 hours a day (=during the whole day and night)In Cairo, the streets are busy 24 hours a day.$15/5 grams/50 etc per day (=used when saying how much someone earns or is paid each day)They get about £45 per day.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: the time during the day when you are awake and activeadjectivesa good day (=in which things have happened in the way you want)Have you had a good day at work?a bad day (=in which things have happened in a way you do not want)I’ve had a really bad day !a nice/lovely/happy day (=enjoyable)We’ve had a lovely day at the beach.a beautiful/lovely/glorious day (=with very nice weather)It was a beautiful day yesterday, wasn’t it?a hard day (=difficult and tiring)Sit down – you look as though you’ve had a hard day.a long dayI got up at 5 this morning so it’s been a long day.verbshave a good/bad/long etc daySimon looked as if he’d had a bad day at the office.spend the day doing somethingI spent the day shopping with my friends.start the day (=do something at the beginning of a day)You should start the day with a good breakfast.end the day (=do something at the end of a day)We ended the day at a little restaurant by the beach.phraseshave a nice/good day! spoken (=used when saying goodbye to someone in a friendly way)Bye Sam! Have a good day!n GRAMMAR: Patterns with dayon a day• Something happens on a particular day: We met on our first day at college. ✗Don’t say: in our first dayin the day• You use in the day when saying that something happens regularly during the time between dawn and sunset: It gets very hot in the day.She works at night and sleeps in the day. ✗Don’t say: She sleeps on the day• By day is very similar in meaning to in the day. It is used especially to make a contrast between the night and the day: He’s an office worker by day and a club DJ by night.all day• If you do something all day, you do it during all or most of the time between dawn and sunset: We’ve been driving all day.The restaurant serves food all day. ✗Don’t say: all the dayExamples from the Corpusday• It rained all day.• The white men forget us and death comes almost every day for some of my people.• Pressler spent four days in Cuba during a Caribbean tour.• Did you have a good day at the office?• I work an eight-hour day.• Next day the doctor prescribed small yellow pills for vertigo.• One day Mulholland was approached by a man in a carriage who demanded to know his name and what he was doing.• Yeah, but you had, like, three shots at this the other day.• They want to arrange their own lunches, decide for themselves how to spend some days.• It was cold and the days were getting shorter.• "What day is today?" "It's Friday."(on) that/the following/the previous day• Answering the indictment on Feb. 26, Zhivkov pleaded not guilty, as did Balev on the following day.• They will be on the long road home on the following day, and few could afford to fly.• Exploring the house on the following day or the day after that, she had ventured into the Deathbed Room.• I decided to clear the laboratory and to leave the island on the following day.• That second night in the porch was enough and I resolved to move on the following day, whatever happened.• However, a similar action by Army officers took place on the following day.• Fitzroy acquiesced and said that they would be placed in a Reading Room on the following day.• A sale on the following day will include topographical maps and day• Once the horse understands what is required of him, he should enjoy his work and improve day by day.• The army... became larger day by day.• Emily is an industrial engineer by day and a punk rock bass guitarist by night.• Never by night and never by day will I forget you.• It must have been most pleasant by day.• Nightly dreams and thoughts by day, Are aye with him that's far away.• For thousands of years people calculated time by days and nights and the changing seasons.• He must patrol by night and walk by day.• He slept more than any other president, whether by day or by night.a long day• When I first heard this story, I was standing with a group of geophysicists after a long day of conference talks.• A middle-aged husband comes home after a long day at the office.• Carl had got home after a long day.• It had been a long day.• With that gesture began a long day of live music by every Stax artist to raise money for the Watts Summer Festival.• And I think Claire's had a long day.working day• A massive 3,324, working days were lost because of depressive illnesses between and in Northern Ireland alone.• This downward trend was so significant during this period that the average working day fell by around 1 hour.• In many areas the Hearing is held on the first working day after the removal of the child.• They proceed not to turn up on Monday, the next working day.• Additional reports e.g. showing approved entries and responsible lexicographer, will be produced within one working day when required.• Since the scheme was introduced, only motorists with special passes are allowed to use Ipswich Street during the working day.• As if to signal that the working day was about to begin, the telephone rang.early days• He also has a collection of Rentokil news letters going back to his early days which made for fascinating reading after dinner.• It should be recognised that we are still in the early days of case-mix accounting.• That was in the early days of the specialty foods market.• In the early days we ventured further afield than we do now, working in Suffolk, Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey.• Crashes were frequent enough in these earlier days.• Picture Dexter and Birdie Yager in those early days in the I960s when they risked their financial future on a brand-new business.• In those early days, that last week of June, it was merely a matter of raising enough money.these days• These days, even permanent jobs don't pay well.• Young people often are these days, I find.• For months now, I've been droning on and on about how all cars these days are getting too heavy.• Which raises the question: what exactly does the Democratic Party want to stand for these days?• Paul wandered around the house a lot these days.• The real problem with men these days, then, is that they simply are not around.• That kind of thing hardly seems necessary these days.• The royal train seems to be used only very rarely these days.• If you listen to a Bush speech these days you will not be waiting long before the governor begins talking about day/some day• One day, I'd like to visit the Grand Canyon.• She always knew that some day he would leave her.• Perhaps one day we could all go to London together.Origin day Old English dægday noun →10-23 →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →SPOKEN PHRASES1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus a hours period 24 of




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