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单词 Gulf
1. There is a gulf between the two cities.
2. He flew helicopters during the Gulf War.
3. A great gulf opened before us.
4. The Gulf states include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.
5. Within society, there is a growing gulf between rich and poor.
6. There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
7. The tremor was centred in the Gulf of Sirte.
8. He strengthened American forces in the Gulf.
9. The gulf between rich and poor is enormous.
10. The river flows southeastward to the gulf.
11. The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.
12. When did the Gulf War break out?
13. The gulf between them yawned wider than ever.
14. A gulf had opened up between the former friends.
15. The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.
16. A crisis was rapidly developing in the Gulf.
17. The local climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream.
18. He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water.
19. Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico.
20. The Mississippi disgorges its waters into the Gulf of Mexico.
21. It felt as if a gulf had opened up between his life and mine.
22. In the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, oil rigs attract shoals of fish,(/gulf.html) and fishermen too.
23. The Gulf has 65 per cent of the world's oil reserves.
24. The problems of Israel, Lebanon, and the Gulf were tightly interlocked.
25. The documentary illustrated the gulf between industrialized and developing countries.
26. For many teachers, there existed an unbridgeable gulf between home and school life.
27. Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.
28. He acts as a middleman for British companies seeking contracts in the Gulf.
29. One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf.
30. They approved a $1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War.
1. There is a gulf between the two cities.
2. He flew helicopters during the Gulf War.
3. A great gulf opened before us.
4. The Gulf states include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.
5. He acts as a middleman for British companies seeking contracts in the Gulf.
6. Within society, there is a growing gulf between rich and poor.
7. There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
8. The river flows southeastward to the gulf.
9. The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.
10. He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water.
31. The new degree course aims to bridge the gulf between education and industry.
32. The peace talks merely highlighted the great gulf in understanding between the two sides.
33. Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s.
34. Other factors widened the gulf that separated rich from poor.
35. The role of women in war has been a hot topic of debate in America since the Gulf conflict.
36. There is a widening gulf between the middle classes and the poorest sections of society.
37. This atrocity has created a huge gulf between the two groups.
38. Their bargaining position with America was weakened by their foot-dragging over the Gulf.
39. S.-led coalition forces in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
40. The Gulf war achieved its important aims.
41. S., to seek cooperation in the Persian Gulf.
42. The end of the Gulf war has prompted Rover Group to increase exports of its cars.
43. After the Gulf War he was promoted rapidly and began to mix more in political circles.
44. Friendly fire is included; that's the euphemism which aroused such anger at the Gulf War inquest in Oxford this spring.
45. I can not help feeling that any good done might have been cancelled out by oil fires in the Gulf.
45. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
46. It was used in the Persian Gulf war to target smart bombs and guide tanks across the desert.
47. An extensive survey of the Gulf in 1986 sighted only 31 animals.
48. Like all first-rate comic writers, Shaw was fascinated by the gulf between appearance and reality.
49. Spending cuts were announced in November to help the government cope with the impact of the Gulf crisis on oil prices.
50. The government's international rehabilitation was greatly assisted by the Gulf war.
51. The government is reportedly unwilling to enforce conservation laws in the case of influential royal parties from its Gulf allies.
52. While attached to Camp Pendleton, however(), the Gulf War veteran got swept up in an off-base drug scene.
53. Senior Marine Corps officers were preparing to deploy to the Gulf.
54. The country earned Western criticism for failing to participate actively in the allied campaign in the Gulf.
55. Other Gulf states have fitted booms across the inlets of desalination plants, and suction equipment will clean up slicks.
56. We had disagreements in the House about the number of Territorial Army personnel that were serving in the Gulf.
57. The Gulf War was a disaster for men and women fighting together on the same battlefield, he maintained.
58. He joined civic leaders and medical experts from Mid Glamorgan council, who are helping handicapped children from the Gulf kingdom.
59. There is also a huge gulf between the small educated elite and ordinary Gypsies.
60. Texaco is also focused on exploration, and has three deepwater gas discoveries in the Gulf.
61. Estimated total forces in Gulf at end-January Total allied forces 705,000.
62. Foreign policy Foreign affairs during this period were dominated by the Gulf crisis.
63. They could not agree on the Gulf conflict and seem to have no agreed middle east policy.
64. Unenthusiastic about the entire Gulf episode, he is not thrilled at this unprecedented task but he must obey the Security Council.
65. The Hercules carried out vital wartime duties in the Falklands and the Gulf.
66. An as-yet-unproven system called J-STARS, getting its baptism of fire in the Gulf, illustrates the point.
67. And Britain's military capability-marginally useful to us during the Gulf war-has vanished with successive budget cuts.
68. Within the Conservative Party the Gulf crisis lent weight to the argument that a leadership challenge would be inappropriate.
69. Sarah Benton discusses the paralysis of political debate on the Gulf in Britain.
70. A third, smaller group will consist of veterans whose illnesses can not be tied to Gulf War service, he said.
71. It is trading ahead of this time last year, when sales were hit by the Gulf war, but exports are slowing.
72. Investigators blame the Feb. 22 crash of an F-14 into the Persian Gulf on pilot error.
73. Tensions in the gulf drove prices at the time up to the present-day rate of $ 1. 46 per gallon.
74. Thanks to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream, the climate is also mild, temperatures rarely dropping much below freezing.
75. On its Gulf side, the collection of flotsam and jetsam could still be found.
76. Wait to prune in March, when the Gulf Coast area is usually out of danger of a hard freeze.
77. The high mission capable rates in the Gulf were achieved with old as well as new generation fighters.
78. The advisory committee report did little to resolve the mystery surrounding Gulf War illness.
79. More discerning diners can sample such traditional Biltmore fare as gulf shrimp and crab claws on ice.
80. This is particularly marked on the matter of the last major international crisis faced by this country, the Gulf war.
81. During the Gulf War the company worked round the clock to maintain supplies to the forces.
82. The Gulf war, which could have spelt disaster for Airtours and many other travel companies, ended quickly.
83. The former Shah's advocacy of a collective security pact was a further black mark against the Gulf scheme.
84. In this context, do you think that the war in the Gulf might appear as a war of religion?
85. The United States reacted to the air raids by ordering an aircraft carrier to the gulf.
86. The sharpest contrast between Vietnam and the Gulf War may be in the way the soldiers were treated when they came home.
87. The People attacked him for accepting the freebie during the 1990 Gulf crisis.
88. After the Gulf War, the U.S. disengaged quickly from the Middle East.
89. Defence Minister Moshe Arens had successfully argued that defence spending could not be reduced in the light of the ongoing Gulf crisis.
90. Today the Gulf of Aden is a full-fledged ocean by tectonic standards.
91. As it was, he clenched his fist and glared at her across the gulf that divided them.
92. By this stage, most of the pupils had seen news footage of the Gulf War at home on television.
93. Even popular television war comedies were taken off the air, for fear of jarring too awkwardly with endless hours of Gulf coverage.
94. Inside the gulf of Pagasai, the disorganized Persian armament was sorting itself out and re-numbering.
95. People know that the Gulf crisis is troubling and contradictory.
96. The gulf between words and deeds would, Bertinotti feared, be more self-destructive than any other course of action.
97. He first taste of competition in the Gulf was against expat teams in Dubai.
98. On the Gulf crisis, Baker urged the deployment of a token Soviet military contingent as part of the multinational force.
99. And how does the Persian Gulf War rate as one of the great battles of all time?
100. The Pentagon ordered up cruise missile attacks from two of the six cruise-missile equipped warships on patrol in the Persian Gulf.
101. A military training exercise inside the building during the Persian Gulf War in 1990-91 resulted in all the windows' being shattered.
102. The Gulf war has severely dented business and consumer confidence.
103. During its time in Oxfordshire it's seen active duty most recently in the Gulf War.
104. As their brilliant performance in the Gulf War later demonstrated so vividly, our new management system corrected that vexing problem.
105. Distant though it is from the Gulf,() the Maghreb has been deeply affected by the war.
106. In consequence, a gulf has opened between ecclesiastics and their congregations.
107. Can they bridge the gulf between the visitors and themselves?
108. However, other high-level Navy officials acknowledged the Nimitz had been hurriedly ordered to the Persian Gulf.
109. All calls for accommodation masked the gulf that divides abortion opponents and supporters.
110. Marvin should be one minute into telling the President that war was about to break out in the Persian Gulf.
111. Hurd flew to the Gulf on Aug. 31 to pursue diplomatic contacts.
112. Now, six months after the Gulf crisis began, it is as though the world has solidified again.
113. The company said its earnings would fall short of previous expectations mainly because of lower earnings from its Gulf Printing unit.
114. The Gulf of Mexico is a continuation of the Caribbean Sea.
115. Roth gave as an example the Gulf War, which he said had spurred more reports of violence against Arabs.
116. Kletz also plans to publish a book that Patrick Eddington is writing about his Gulf War findings.
117. In Lingayen Gulf in 1944, their carrier groups had fought next to each other, and that had cemented it.
118. Instead they saw the effects of a broken down sewage works, destroyed in the Gulf War.
119. With the exit polls Tuesday showing an unprecedented gender difference of 17 points, Clinton stretched the gap into a gulf.
120. Produced by the Wiltshire Community Foundation, it warns the gulf between deprivation and affluence gives cause for concern.
121. The Gulf crisis, though not formally on the agenda, took up much debating time.
122. Wednesday he re-introduced Kevin Pollak, injured and disfigured by friendly fire in the Gulf War.
123. But the Gulf of California is closer than you think, and currently under assault by everything from pollution to poaching.
124. A disgruntled Gulf War veteran was arrested for the crime, which killed 169 people.
125. This unthinkable predicament of modernity in the Orient is what now confronts the West in the Gulf.
126. Deuterostome radiations Molecular data r6-8 suggest a profound evolutionary gulf between deuterostomes and protostomes.
127. Male speaker Going to the Gulf was more routine flying.
128. Early reports of birth defects l inked to the Gulf War syndrome have been disproved, Whitesides said.
129. Faced with public anger about the Gulf war, the royal autocrat did make some concessions.
130. The authorities are said to take the view that the Gulf war will distract attention from civilian casualties in Jaffna.
131. There have already been flights into the re-opened Baghdad airport from almost every Gulf state.
132. It can not be excluded from regional security arrangements if stability is to be achieved in oil flows from Gulf oil producers.
133. He was discharged from the army six years ago suffering ill health which he believed to be connected to Gulf War Syndrome.
134. After the Gulf war everybody wanted Tornados or the Stealth bomber.
135. In this group were veterans who had worn flea collars in the Gulf to ward off desert bugs.
136. That critical need is obvious from abundant other evidence(/gulf.html), but the Gulf War provides emphatic verification.
137. She said a comparative study of about 15, 000 randomly selected Gulf War veterans is planned for the near future.
138. This was how we perceived our situation, and the Gulf War turned our perception into certitude.
139. This price gulf mirrors the problem with organic food: most shoppers are put off buying it because it's too expensive.
140. But that debate revealed a wide gulf between the guild of academic historians and the public.
141. Such conditions are commonly associated with deltaic sedimentation which along the Gulf Coast attain thicknesses of 50, 000 feet.
142. Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a person under the age of 18 should not have joined his unit in the Gulf?
143. Yet at the last count there were six oil-rich states bordering the Gulf.
144. The seventy-one-year-old steel cantilever span narrows down to two lanes as it crosses a channel that connects the Gulf to the Mississippi.
145. The Persian Gulf is rich in petroleum.
146. A junction between Japanese and German forces would be accomplished in India through the Persian Gulf.
147. It'snot just that a gulf exists in living standards— there's a psychological ravine.
148. The extreme case of favorable physical resource endowments is, of course, the Persian Gulf oil states.
149. The Colorado River rises in the Rockies and flows southwest into the Gulf of California.
150. They resumed their journey when the rains ended and continued by land from the Persian Gulf.
151. Simon Cabaret the most exciting place to be on the Andaman Gulf.
152. Iran was key to the balance in the Persian Gulf.
153. Who do you think introduced Velcro to the Persian Gulf?




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