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单词 Leader
1. By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.
2. The leader beckoned the others to follow her.
3. The leader indicated that the plans had failed.
4. The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.
5. The new leader is a good selection.
6. He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
7. Whom did you choose for our team leader?
8. The group leader supervises a dozen workers.
9. He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.
10. His air of confidence makes him a natural leader.
11. He was not a natural leader.
12. Her appointment as leader revitalized the party.
13. Discuss any problems with your team leader.
14. The leader must be a person of authority.
15. Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.
16. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.
17. She publicly condemned the opposition leader.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. He was the virtual leader of the movement.
19. The party leader is elected by secret ballot .
20. The squad leader ordered the men to mark time.
21. I don't want to be a leader.
22. The party wants her as leader.
23. Will they unite behind the new leader?
24. A civilised leader must eschew violence.
25. He is our friend and likewise our leader.
26. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs 
27. The Russian leader wants to introduce further changes.
28. A civilized leader must eschew violence.
29. He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory.
30. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.
1. By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.
2. The leader indicated that the plans had failed.
3. The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.
4. The new leader is a good selection.
5. He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
6. He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.
7. His air of confidence makes him a natural leader.
8. He was not a natural leader.
9. Discuss any problems with your team leader.
10. Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.
11. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.
12. She publicly condemned the opposition leader.
13. He was the virtual leader of the movement.
14. The party leader is elected by secret ballot .
15. The squad leader ordered the men to mark time.
16. I don't want to be a leader.
17. The party wants her as leader.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Will they unite behind the new leader?
19. He is our friend and likewise our leader.
20. The Russian leader wants to introduce further changes.
21. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.
22. He can make a good leader.
23. The cult leader saw himself as a Messianic figure.
24. Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader.
25. I am the formal leader of the project but the everyday management is in the hands of my assistant.
26. The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
27. She's being touted as the next leader of the party.
28. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
29. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
30. An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.
31. He can make a good leader.
32. The cult leader saw himself as a Messianic figure.
33. Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader.
34. If something could disenchant voters, it would be the image of a political leader who is relying on an omnipotent image to woo votes.
35. I am the formal leader of the project but the everyday management is in the hands of my assistant.
36. The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
37. She's being touted as the next leader of the party.
38. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
39. A leader does not impose a decision, he moulds it.
40. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
41. An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.
42. The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out.
43. A good leader must be an astute judge of ability.
44. He survived as party leader until his second election defeat.
45. She's a born leader.
46. George sat at the head of the table, in his rightful place as their leader.
47. He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leader.
48. She shouldn't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader.
49. Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.
50. The country's leader has expressed a wish to atone for his actions in the past.
51. Many see Parker as the obvious leader, whose voluble style works well on TV.
52. The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.
53. The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.
54. He was a good strong leader, she said, who deserved his party's unreserved support.
55. He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.
56. As a leader, he's been criticized for his inexperience in foreign affairs.
57. As a political leader he was something of a spent force.
58. Tributes to the dead leader have been received from all around the world.
59. Margaret Thatcher was deposed as leader of the British Conservative Party in 1991.
60. The Russian leader received a ringing declaration of support yesterday.
31. A good leader must be an astute judge of ability.
32. He survived as party leader until his second election defeat.
33. She's a born leader.
34. George sat at the head of the table, in his rightful place as their leader.
35. She shouldn't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader.
36. Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.
37. The country's leader has expressed a wish to atone for his actions in the past.
38. Many see Parker as the obvious leader, whose voluble style works well on TV.
39. The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.
40. The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.
41. He was a good strong leader, she said, who deserved his party's unreserved support.
42. He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.
43. As a leader, he's been criticized for his inexperience in foreign affairs.
44. As a political leader he was something of a spent force.
45. Margaret Thatcher was deposed as leader of the British Conservative Party in 1991.
46. The Russian leader received a ringing declaration of support yesterday.
47. Four days later, the despised leader finally stood down, just 17 days after taking office.
48. She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
49. Smith outlasted his rivals in the council to become leader in 1996.
50. When Knight became leader, the council was run by a clique of officers largely unaccountable to the elected members.
51. His first act as leader was to purge the party of extremists.
52. In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.
53. The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.
54. This man is an eligible leader.
55. The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.
56. The leader was much concerned over the plight of the refugees.
57. The view of party leader coalesce to form a coherent policy.
58. The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.
61. Four days later, the despised leader finally stood down, just 17 days after taking office.
62. She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
63. Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals.
64. Smith outlasted his rivals in the council to become leader in 1996.
65. When Knight became leader(), the council was run by a clique of officers largely unaccountable to the elected members.
66. His first act as leader was to purge the party of extremists.
67. In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.
68. The leader was just double-talking, full of generalities and promising nothing.
69. The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
70. The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.
71. The party needs a change of leader.
72. He will be considered a weak leader.
73. I gathered that he was the real leader.
74. Mr.Black has been appointed leader vice Mr. Brown.
75. They are scheming to get her elected as leader.
76. The leader seemed the devil incarnate.
77. They drank in the words of their leader.
78. His days as leader of the party are numbered.
79. The leader rarely shows herself in public.
80. The main opposition leader was expelled from her party.
81. She's the favourite to succeed Blair as leader.
82. Douglass was the acknowdedged black leader of his time.
83. Party members united behind their leader.
84. The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign.
85. There have been grumblings about the party leader.
86. He's too indecisive to make a good leader.
87. Will she survive as party leader?
88. She addressed herself to the leader.
89. A good leader is one who can delegate.
90. They have loyally supported their party and their leader.
91. The new leader has a large backing.
92. The opposition leader addressed a rally of 50,000 supporters.
93. He's a follower, not a leader.
94. They chose Donald to be their leader.
95. The leader enjoined that the rules should be obeyed.
96. He was far from convincing as a leader.
97. The council re-elected him unopposed as party leader.
98. He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.
99. China mourned the loss of a great leader.
100. He announced the imminent arrival of a messianic leader.
101. All the runners were bunched up behind the leader.
102. The opposition leader has regularly discomfited him in parliament.
103. We are the market leader in hi-fi.
104. The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference.
105. They all took their cue from their leader.
106. They work under a kind leader.
107. He's the leader of the pack.
108. The leader drew away from the pack.
109. We need a leader with vision and strong principles.
110. A nation bleeds for its dead leader.
111. He is the unchallenged leader of the strongest republic.
112. You need to choose a team leader .
113. Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader.
114. The leader rallied his scattered men.
115. Who's the likely successor to Blair as party leader?
116. The party leader resisted demands for his resignation.
117. Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.
118. As a leader, he was distrusted and even feared.
119. The new leader has promised to respect the constitution.
120. He is three points behind the leader.
121. She was a tough, no-nonsense leader.
122. He aspired to be their next leader.
123. The political struggle threw up a strong leader.
124. He's party leader in name only.
125. The opposition leader has been taken into protective custody.
126. He harboured ambitions of becoming leader.
127. She was chosen as leader by common consent .
128. The Party knives are out for the leader.
129. The leader has also learned to play more melodically.
130. The team leader will have a less directive role.
131. The opposition melted away after their leader died.
132. He had been earmarked as a potential leader.
133. A team leader was appointed to oversee the project.
134. The biography of the great leader will dramatize well.
135. The Labour party has/have just elected a new leader.
136. He was elected as party leader in 2001.
137. She is a leader,( ) not a follower.
138. They echoed every word of their leader.
139. The Labour leader was asked to form a government.
140. The party leader was re-elected unopposed.
141. The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.
142. They raised their fists in salute to their leader.
143. Be a leader, not a follower!
144. The leader is beloved by all.
145. King was a great orator and an inspiring leader.
146. The leader becked to the others to follow him.
147. His qualities mark him out as a born leader.
148. The police had the leader in the movement dataed.
149. The party leader has been supplanted by his rival.
150. She caught the leader up and then overtook her.
151. The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government.
152. The exploration leader sent a fellow to go ahead to see if the road was clear.
153. He's had to give up his job as leader of the project?he just couldn't take the stress.
154. The new leader personified a new spirit of the time.
155. Our teacher is the leader — she will show us where to go.
156. There will undoubtedly be trouble with the unions if the union leader is dismissed.
157. The election defeat puts the party leader in a vulnerable position.
158. He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader.
159. The group leader came up to the reception desk looking anxious.
160. He was widely tipped to succeed William Hague as leader of the party.
161. They decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.
162. His arrest for lewd behaviour seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
163. They felt they were being rushed into choosing a new leader.
164. He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.
165. If a new leader emerged, it would then be for the Queen to invite him to form a government.
166. Tomorrow's vote is unlikely to settle the question of who will replace their leader.
167. The union leader needed all his diplomacy to settle the quarrel between the employer and the employees.
168. Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed.
169. Where did the leader grub up that nasty bunch of soldier?
170. The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.
171. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
172. He is somewhat to the left of the previous leader.
173. All the members of the party have lined up behind the newly elected leader(/leader.html),even those who voted against him.
174. He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader.
175. The leader has recently distanced himself from the extremists in the party.
176. The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
177. They wanted to choose a leader from among their own number .
178. His aims were twofold:to become leader of the Opposition and to unite the party around him.
179. A senior leader cancelled a trip to Britain yesterday amid growing signs of a possible political crisis.
180. The club leader was dismissed for trying to hurl his weight about, which the young people refused to accept.
181. As a civil rights leader, he was always out front.
182. The party leader is an extreme left-winger, but her deputy is more moderate in her views.
183. Diplomatic etiquette forbids calling for the death of a national leader.
184. The rebel leader claimed to have received expressions of support from all the neighbouring countries.
185. The party leader made a morale-boosting speech from the conference platform.
186. The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials.
187. The leader attempted to awaken us to the dangers we are facing.
188. As leader, he opened up exciting vistas of global co-operation.
189. Some party members found it hard to transfer their loyalty to the new leader.
190. Our quarrel is not with the people, but with their leader.
191. He has never wavered in his support for the leader.
192. Losing their leader took all the fight out of them.
193. The US has thrown its weight behind the new leader.
194. The gang leader was shopped by one of the robbers.
195. The world drivers' championship leader crossed the line ahead of the Swede.
196. The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.
197. The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.
198. Wait for the signal from the leader of your group.
199. The row between the Prime Minister and the opposition leader soon developed into a free-for-all between MPs from all parties.
200. The new leader set about imposing his vision on the party.
201. He will go down in history as the leader who pulled us back from the brink .
202. His reception there shortened the odds that he might be the next Tory leader.
203. Only the few advisers around the party leader understood his real motives.
204. This company is the most likely to catch up the market leader.
205. Keep close by the leader and then you won't lose your way.
206. The team leader will be the most important factor in this difficult enterprise.
207. Corley said she was standing down as leader because of the treachery of her own colleagues.
208. Voters see the new leader as a change for the better.
209. The leader was much concerned over the plight of the refugees.
210. The death of its leader was a body-blow to the party.
211. They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.
212. The whole party will cling to their leader very determinedly.
213. They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.
214. The steelworkers' leader rejected the 2% pay-rise saying it was an insult to the profession.
215. If he becomes the major opposition leader, he could hamstring a conservative-led coalition.
216. In a bold gesture of reconciliation, the government released the rebel leader.
217. The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government.
218. In the speech, the leader enunciated his party's proposals for tax reform.
219. Each new leader would blame his predecessor for all the evils of the past.
220. Ever since he killed the gang's leader, there has been a price on his head.
221. The opposition leader was arrested and taken to the capital under escort.
222. They've won over a lot of the electorate since she's been leader of the party.
223. The council finally elected a leader after several days of bickering.
224. He is accused of complicity with the leader of the coup, former Colonel Gregorio Honasan.
225. Although spiritual leader of millions of people, the Pope has no temporal power.
226. Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.
227. The latest opinion polls suggest that his days as leader are numbered.
227. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
228. The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together.
229. Draskovic has emerged as the strongest challenger to the leader of the Serbian government.
230. The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader.
231. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground.
232. It seems many people would vote for the government, at a general election, if there was a new leader.
233. The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward.
234. The view of party leader coalesce to form a coherent policy.
235. The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America's new leader.
236. He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan.
237. The Wednesday deadline passed without any communication from the rebel leader.
238. The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election.
239. The second horse is gaining on the leader, and may pass it and win!
240. In a very short period of time, she has become a highly visible national leader.
241. The former leader of the terrorist group has called for an end to the violence.
242. He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto .
243. The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader.
244. All the members of the party have lined up behind the newly elected leader.
245. The minister loosed an angry tirade against the leader of the opposition.
246. We asked him to stay on as youth leader for another year.
247. The putative leader of the terrorist organization was arrested by police in Birmingham yesterday.
248. The Tories believe a full-frontal attack on the opposition leader is their best hope.
249. The Georgian leader said in a radio address that he still favoured dialogue between the opposing sides.
250. The original leader in the race has now dropped back to third place.
251. Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause.
252. The mood amongst Tory MPs seems to be swinging away from their leader.
253. The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight around.
254. The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start,[] but he still has to demonstrate what manner of leader he is going to be.
255. The company has worked its way up from humble beginnings to become the market leader.
256. The leader promised to support the plan;you can't withdraw now.
257. The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages.
258. The opposition leader has just been put/placed under house arrest.
259. The leader of the religious sect and thirty of his followers killed themselves in a suicide pact last year.




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更新时间:2024/7/21 4:26:23