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单词 At this stage
1 We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the project.
2 People tend to work hard at this stage of life.
3 It's hard to say at this stage how the market will develop.
4 At this stage the series was getting good ratings.
5 Let's not enter into details at this stage.
6 It'seems inappropriate for us to intervene at this stage.
7 At this stage everything is going according to schedule.
8 You can freeze the soup at this stage.
9 It would be improper to comment at this stage.
10 At this stage the grapes have to be pressed.
11 It is premature to talk about success at this stage.
12 We shall at this stage keep the discussion fairly general.
13 Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.
14 The size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass.
15 It's a good move at this stage in his career.
16 At this stage we cannot entirely exclude the possibility of staff cuts.
17 I do not propose to reveal details at this stage.
18 Everything is negotiable at this stage - I'm ruling nothing out.
19 None of the hypotheses can be rejected at this stage.
20 Defeat at this stage would compromise their chances of reaching the finals of the competition.
21 It would be inexpedient to inform them at this stage.
22 At this stage these are proposals and are still subject to change.
23 The plan does not permit ofany changes at this stage.
24 I'm unable to go into detail at this stage because I still have very little information about how the accident happened.
25 At this stage,[] Smith appeared to be ahead of his rivals.
26 At this stage it's impossible to know whether our plan will succeed.
27 I think we should try and keep our arrangements fluid at this stage.
28 It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage.
29 I don't want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this stage.
30 It would be foolhardy to try and predict the outcome of the talks at this stage.
1 I think we should try and keep our arrangements fluid at this stage.
2 We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the project.
3 People tend to work hard at this stage of life.
4 It's hard to say at this stage how the market will develop.
31 Getting involved at this stage would do more harm than good.
32 I incline to the view that we should take no action at this stage.
33 At this stage, children move further away from the influence of their parents, and depend more on their friends.
34 A little gentle prodding may be necessary at this stage.
35 Briefly describe the product, but do not give any technical details at this stage.
36 Don't worry about the details at this stage. Let's concentrate on the essentials.
37 He's unlikely to make up the leeway at this stage of the race.
38 At this stage of the trial the defence lawyer often shifts the focus onto the victim.
38 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
39 At this stage a resin is used with a high level of adhesion.
40 The mixture will seem too wet at this stage, but it will firm up when chilled.
41 At this stage Provenzano had become a near-mythical figure.
42 Don't pull the thread right through at this stage.
43 Maleness is a rather rare commodity at this stage.
44 An extendable leash may be helpful at this stage.
45 At this stage the main compositional elements are established.
46 Do not disturb the adult at this stage.
47 Police are revealing few details about the fifth victim, who at this stage they are not linking definitely with the others.
48 The possibility of their involvement can not be ruled out at this stage, but neither can industrial espionage.
49 A map is essential at this stage - after all, there might be a motorway at the bottom of the garden.
50 If he meets a small kitten at this stage he may try to mount it and mate with it.
51 There are two closely connected points to make at this stage about these Marxist accounts.
52 At this stage aggression is still highly ritualised, but if one animal fails to submit then serious fighting can occur.
53 At this stage they are encouraged to compare and contrast the facilities and user interfaces provided.
54 At this stage we don't know if they are one and the same person.
55 No, it was too late to change places at this stage of his life.
56 At this stage I stopped searching to have a little think.
57 At this stage it is worth emphasising that we still deal with personal injury litigation under an adversarial system.
58 It does not at this stage include any specific new products.
59 It was also only at this stage that she appointed a more balanced team headed by Wakeham.
60 At this stage you must use your knowledge and apply it to the question and its information content.
61 Lack of formal paper qualifications to obtain good jobs is no deterrent at this stage.
62 Such a firm commitment was not sought at this stage.
63 At this stage marketing is seen as an important provider of information to support the organization's sales effort.
64 It is at this stage of the hob that the one-man band plays the best music.
65 The Problem of Body Size At this stage body mass - or size - looms ever larger in importance.
66 The clearance of the portion of the site already authorized was in hand at this stage, but progressing slowly.
67 Even at this stage, he can develop new behaviour patterns, which we may consider undesirable.
68 At this stage we are concerned with the personal touch; self-completed questionnaires will be dealt with later.
69 It is important at this stage to stress the unhealthy nature of avoidance.
70 The work naturally becomes more analytical and mathematically challenging at this stage.
71 At this stage, when the chromatids have been separated from each other,[http:///at this stage.html] they can again be regarded as complete chromosomes.
72 Some parts of the painting, such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage.
73 All we are expecting at this stage is modest growth in this half year.
74 I'd rather you didn't butt in at this stage - and nothing for the record.
75 Pressing the Y key at this stage will return you to DOS.
76 Its sheer scale means that it is important at this stage not to be distracted by companies making misleading ethical claims.
77 It was at this stage that the intensive training in navigation paid off.
78 At this stage, they would have to discuss how they wished to employ their right to three years in further education.
79 It was quite pleasant to eat at this stage - the curds and whey of the Little Miss Muffet nursery rhyme.
80 At this stage the cells had already assumed an epithelial form,() but were not yet expressing the two marker proteins.
81 Police say they haven't launched a murder inquiry at this stage.
82 In all three states the results at this stage are too close to call.
83 Change At this stage it seems likely the Ormeau side will be banking on last year's squad.
84 At this stage, then, the general position has been stated as to how research workers should approach their task.
85 However, it should be noted at this stage that only a minority of elderly patients are heated by the geriatric services.
86 Judicious negotiators will at this stage look to the future to assess likely changes in the balance of power.
87 At this stage, the arthritis in his fingers was scarcely bearable and writing extremely painful.
88 At this stage, the Government began to retrench on its nuclear programmes.
89 Do not be surprised if you reject as many as 50 percent of the candidates at this stage.
90 At this stage, he said, it seems more likely that an attempted mugging went badly wrong.
91 However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
92 At this stage it was possible to do some preliminary calculations relating to the manufacture of each hang glider.
93 At this stage we need to get input from the person responsible for doing this chunk of the project.
94 At this stage simply consider what you normally do but also review the other options that are open to you.
95 It is at this stage Ministers must make their distinctive contribution.
96 Overfamiliarity at this stage also makes asking awkward questions more difficult.
97 It is at this stage that they begin to appreciate the fruits of their labours.
98 At this stage we have labour pains; but the child will be born.
99 There is no need to ask questions at this stage just for the sake of it.
100 At this stage[sentencedict .com], thoughts will no doubt come to mind which are in fact untrue.
101 There are two other contingent relations which should be mentioned at this stage.
102 The current real rates of seven percent amount to economic crucifixion at this stage of the cycle.
103 At this stage the C- field is also ineffective in stopping gravitational contraction.
104 It pays to have friendly neighbours or a large bucket at this stage.
105 All I shall do at this stage is to give a summary of how I see effective religious education.
106 Nineteen goals at this stage of the season, especially with a new club, is an impressive record.
107 At this stage, we can't really include it for consideration.
108 At this stage nothing remains but that each should present an opaque front to the other.
109 Again, plenty of praise at this stage will help to reinforce the desired response.
110 At this stage, the rules in use are known to all, and all agree on what the rules are.
111 Come on, you can't seriously expect me to keep my nose out of things at this stage, Ellis.
112 Don't at this stage put any effort into deciding what you learned - just concentrate on describing what actually happened.
113 At this stage its members have class consciousness and class solidarity.
114 Considering that we were completely and utterly untrained at this stage of the war, this was no mean achievement.
115 It is well established that the court will only exercise its power to dismiss a case at this stage in exceptional circumstances.
116 At this stage of the itinerary I propose to suspend the journey south and visit the eastern glens.
117 It is at this stage that suddenly the chorus of advice dies away and the armies of theoreticians depart.
118 But Kevin Curren struck some crucial blows - runs that Warwickshire could ill afford to concede at this stage of the match.
119 It is best done at this stage to avoid unnecessary disturbance later on.
120 Quite often a patient remains undecided at this stage about which goal to pursue.
121 Suffice to state at this stage that banks are essential for the smooth handling of overseas trade and investment transactions.
122 I think a rejection of their bid at this stage is unlikely.
123 Since you are not connecting up at this stage, the rising main can be installed at a leisurely pace.
124 At this stage, however, the tenant can also apply for relief from forfeiture.
125 That Saccani is capable of artistic parity with Dorati and Marriner at this stage of his career bodes well for his future.
126 This social aspect of reading, of sharing a pleasurable experience, should begin at this stage.
127 Neither development officer found any marked degree of antipathy or anxiety about the project at this stage.
128 Fighting at this stage centred around Mostar and the eastern towns of Visegrad and Foca.
128 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
129 They looked lovely on the mantelpiece in the flat but a new bouquet would not go astray at this stage.
130 It would also mean that any changes to the system at this stage could be rectified without high costs being incurred.
131 Publicly available data will be used rather than, at this stage, conducting interviews with business owners.
132 At this stage, let me introduce the other players in this epic-because it was far from a one-man show.
133 At this stage there will be a decision to do nothing or pursue the issue.
134 That energy barometer naturally comes down at this stage of life.
135 At this stage, the need to control war to prevent it becoming a tragic and self-defeating activity demanded strong action.
136 The press reporting at this stage is thus quite different from that of the hunt.
137 At this stage the precise form of the household's relation to its property is of critical importance.
138 It's at this stage that they receive some of the worst treatment.
139 At this stage it's difficult to know how the parties' proposals may differ.
140 Asking questions about the consequences or signs of failure can be of assistance at this stage.
141 I think it would be jumping the gun to sign the agreement at this stage.
142 Access to the properties and contact with the employees, and tenants will not be permitted under any circumstances at this stage.
143 At this stage you should also get a delivery date.
144 The charcoal-grey cartridge paper had not been introduced at this stage.
145 The social sciences at this stage had the opposite bias.
146 It is at this stage that the specific aspect of the Sonnets which I wish to explore begins to emerge.
147 At this stage the screen that confronts you should look reasonably familiar.
148 To adopt too critical or enquiring a position at this stage would be to run the risk of alienation.
149 Normal sleep patterns at this stage have however been reported in a group with known severe brain abnormalities.
150 The problem is largely an insuperable one, and all we can do at this stage is to bear it in mind.
151 There is at this stage no justification for the proposed increase suggested earlier this week.
152 But glue up as little as possible at this stage for ease of working; ie. the back rather than the whole chair.
153 Be brief because the answers are needed only to explore general trends at this stage.
154 At this stage in the negotiations, Green was in a relatively confident mood.
155 Monitor Appropriate Indicators At this stage mechanisms for collecting information about attainment levels need to be designed and implemented.
156 Exceptionally, if a Bill is extremely controversial, the opposition may fight it tooth and nail even at this stage.
157 No good intention, however illogical, must be lost at this stage.
158 As with brainstorming, do not reject anything at this stage.
158 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
159 In which case at this stage the interviewer can move quickly on to more detailed questions.
160 She says the adult birds can't be trusted at this stage to hatch the eggs properly.
161 At this stage you might imagine your huge number of lace samples was enough to last forever.
162 Those who are above the quota at this stage are instantly deemed elected.
163 First reaction from royal observers was amazement that she should have gone public at this stage.
164 The evidence is overwhelming that he did not at this stage contemplate a coalition government.
165 At this stage his main objective was to catch a wave all the way into the beach.
166 At this stage the typical machine operator manipulated machine controls on the basis of data presented on instruments.
167 At this stage we have no plans for further increases.
168 At this stage, almost overwhelmed by the deluge of war, there is perhaps nothing to say that is not banal.
169 At this stage you can add a glass of white wine if you have it to spare. Cover the pot.
170 One popular myth needs, perhaps, to be dispelled at this stage.
171 At this stage sift the flour, take out the adults and kill them.
172 Sebastian was not quite clear about his own job intentions at this stage, nor did he have to be so.
173 Thickness and bandsaw the back and arms, only rounding the fronts of the laths at this stage.
174 The right action at this stage is to play a small Club from both hands on the King of Clubs.
175 I am at this stage right now.
176 Project objective and description is described at this stage.
177 But also a useful modus operandi at this stage.
178 Exist at this stage to offset some of the cumulative voting system practices, such as the accumulated against such acts, has resolutely cracked down.
179 The time-lapse recording showed that at this stage the blastocoele collapsed at least once in 25 of the 26 embryos (96%).
180 At this stage, the second-stage boot loader checks the system hardware, enumerates the attached hardware devices, mounts the root device, and then loads the necessary kernel modules.
181 At this stage, the long-standing conflict between the kilesas and the citta is finally over.
182 The upper side of the same corner was also delaminated but at this stage it was difficult to determine if any electronic components were missing or damaged.
183 It is not that the pollock itself would be endangered at this stage, but Steller's sea lion, which the act covers, might be threatened if too much of its food were being eaten by people.
184 South Korean and U.S. officials also say there is no evidence, at this stage, that the dioxin came from the defoliant Agent Orange.
185 At this stage, I started to work on the nomad's wife.
186 A decision tree for substances in Articles is shown in Figure 1. No further action or obligation exists at this stage, although in the future the ECA may require a full registration.
187 However, the Tribunal would not determine at this stage that the contractor's test was the only test for ascertaining rateable value.
188 In addition to presented awards at this stage, GCR will be awarded the top 5 of the all road race 08.
188 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
189 At this stage, I am seeking an indicative costing to work with myself and the project manager to build a functional specification.
190 However, at this stage, It'should focus on improving government supervision and standarding the market order.
191 At this stage the dominant operator products carve coconut palm and activated carbon.
192 A spokesman from US military Major Lee told BBC that it's not clear at this stage whether the assailant is an infiltrator or a soldier.
193 Any temporary splints can be removed and the need for permanent splinting can be assessed at this stage.
194 While there was probably some disruption caused by the bank holidays, there is little doubt that the UK economy is fairly anemic at this stage of the recovery.
195 At this stage , we enclose our latest brochure for your perusal.
196 So I think Freddie looks at Pacquiao as a natural junior welterweight at this stage of his career.
197 They're less lik & # 101 ; ly to nitpick about details that aren't relevant at this stage.
198 At this stage there is a latent image which is not yet visible.
199 "It is a brute-force approach at this stage, emphasizing the quantity of innovation assets more than the quality, " said John Kao, an innovation consultant to governments and corporations.
200 Whether for investors or owner-occupier housing, acquired the property at this stage have a certain value-added space.
201 At this stage we had to have one of the classic pasta dishes, the Spaghetti Marinara.
202 "My only comment at this stage is that I want to see both embryonic and adult stem-cell research continue in Australia under a strict ethical framework, " he said.
203 At this stage of growth, neither a pegged exchange rate nor subsidies are desirable.
204 Chapter III: Public enterprise at this stage the need for anti-monopoly and legislative deficiencies.
205 "At this stage cost is the major impediment, but with [improved financial mechanisms] I think this will change and a global vaccination programme will be in place," said zur Hausen.
206 At this stage sea-level westerlies are strong and zonal in character and they lie poleward of their normal position.
207 At this stage of the game travel insurance documents seem to be about as much use as a chocolate teapot and, as the pain is severe, I hand over my passport and credit card.
208 So, Nintendo are fibbing a little when they say it's a sequel that "feels different." The truth is, at this stage it "feels" exactly the same.
209 This "feature scope" is done prior to actual code and design, therefore, there is no risk that eliminating these features at this stage will generate errors or cost time.
210 I was very curious about that, because I could not see why Iraq should at this stage, in 2002, want to import yellowcake.
211 At this stage, there are no reports of resistance occurring to zanamivir in immunocompetent patients.
212 It is at this stage that the spacious conception and extremely vital organization of the League of Nations presents itself as a prime factor .
213 He had no intention, at this stage , of scratching inadequately for some other kind of living.
214 Reduction division --- The first meiotic division, so called because at this stage the chromosome number per cell is reduced from diploid to haploid.
215 By the wind, Wang Han at this stage low line out the number of Diufen more.
216 What it would do to African-American support, in my view, to take the nomination at this stage from Barack Obama is something that superdelegates would not even want to venture to find out.
217 The issue at this stage is not whether we have the tools to help support economic activity and guard against disinflation.
218 At this stage, the star becomes a large red giant.
219 At this stage the majority of our small and medium agricultural producers adopt manual assembly line.
220 Injecting a non-condensable gas at this stage, to utilize the existing heat energy in place, can prolong oil production.
220 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
221 At this stage, the inflation problem is not yet large enough to significantly shake confidence in emerging markets and cause a de-rating of these markets, but the risks are rising.
222 Stephen, are you prepared at this stage to make a financial evaluation?
223 Fifthly, at this stage, it is necessary to impose duty on the insurer to explain the warranty clause to the assured.
224 The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can "disassociate" into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture.
225 First, the distribution of national income should be adjusted at this stage.
226 If the beta customer identifies critical usability or missing functionality at this stage, you have a difficult decision: Release with the critical defect or delay the release in order to redesign.
227 I'm sure nobody will commit themselves at this stage. They will see which way the cat jumps.
228 So, many historians, thinkers, educationists, philosophers and other eductors focus on their reseach fields at this stage and they leave many very valuable documents.
229 The term is, however, ill-chosen (), since at this stage of society there cannot yet be any talk of "right" in the legal sense.
230 At this stage, we expect the economic impact of this disaster on the East Asian region to be fairly short-lived.
231 At this stage I will also check the histogram for clipped shadows and blown highlights and if necessary add some Fill Light and/or Recovery.
232 Database parameters will give the size of a shared memory area that is allocated at this stage and which is called the System Global Area, or SGA.
233 But literally all I can do at this stage is write what we would call a straight-line program, that is, a program in which we execute in which we execute the sequence of instructions one by one.
234 The scheme does not permit of any changes at this stage.
235 This may be confusing at this stage, and I will discuss this more in the next section because this is the most important rule for actual coding.
236 If you want to enforce mail quotas, you could compare the information output at this stage with a global or per-user quota, and provide the user with some kind of warning.
237 But given the electorate's penchant for ballot - box rebellions , all predictions at this stage look perilous.
238 At this stage the evidence linking diagnostic radiation procedures and prostate cancer is still weak.




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